Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Message Date - 31 May 2017

***Prophetic Messages Of The Lord: 31 May 2017***
Segment 1

“Many are using the Law to determine justification. My Son fulfilled the Law. Where is your justification then? I am making you into the image of Christ and not the law. You were bought as a priceless pearl. You are justified and worthy because of who is your Heavenly Father. Stop the striving to obtain the unobtainable. Do not point your finger at one another looking for failure aside from the Christ in you.
I have restored you better than when perfection was in the Garden. I have destroyed the enemy that wars after your soul. You are seated in Heavenly Places. Do not forget your crown. Remember who you are truly and leave the foolish works of the flesh behind. You are overcomers in My Name. Let your mind be renewed to My Truth daily. Let your hands be unshackled this very day.
The religious mind is an illegitimate voice trying to keep you from a life of Ease and Joy. I am not a taskmaster. I created your life to be enjoyed. Seek out what is Good for your life and reject what will lead to destruction. Be mindful in all that you do. Complacency will take you away from My Umbrella of Protection.
Many are doing as the world does thinking this or that won’t harm them. Stop and think again. If all is permissible but not all is good for you, then you must take all before My Throne first and not after the fact. You cannot say your desire is to become like Christ and sit in the house of the enemy. Your actions and words have good or bad consequences. What is good for one may not be good for you. What causes you to stumble may not to your brother or sister. I Am your Lord and I will lead you!”
 “What are you trying to start over again? Many go down memory lane trying to relive a moment to make the end results turn out different. I have something better to show you. Open your mind to My Spirit. I am giving purpose to your regrets. I am showing you that I was with you and that I can even make gold out of tin. Do you believe?
The path is moving fast over the next 8 months. You will be reminded of times long gone, but be given My Perspective and Power in those moments. In this time, you will be healed beyond what time alone could do for you. I am putting Air to your Steps. What came with challenge will now come with ease. What would not be tamed will be cooperative.
To the chaos will come alignment under My Authority. The days of being adrift are over. My Favor is coming over you to take you above what is humanly possible. You will experience a closeness like none other. I desire an intimate relationship with you. Place down the beliefs that would rob you of this beauty. You do not need to wait until the cool of the day for I am with you always.
Doors are opening that you did not even know were there. Keys are being handed out to open opportunities that would come no other way than by My Will in your life. My Angels are at your side as you step into the unknown. Rise up My Child. Now is what you have longed for and everything has been made ready. You have fields you did not labor over and wells you did not dig! My Glory goes before you.”
“Chapters close and new chapters open. Never Forget that I Am in Charge of these moments. Let your mourning break way to My Unspeakable Joy. I will turn your darkest days to become your brightest future. Do not get hung up in the moments that you do not understand or like. I am setting you up for more than your life can contain. Let My Glory Ring throughout the Land for things are shifting mightily in this hour.
You have waited and waited even in times that no logic could you find in the hours that passed, but I have kept you always. You have not failed but walked on that water to the Lands that I have for you to take. The Trumpets are sounding making way for your arrival. What was familiar is leaving but what is coming to replace will fill your heart’s desire in ways even you cannot anticipate.
I have never left you My Child. Oh How I Love You! I Am so proud of who you have become in My Name. No matter what the enemy threw at you, nothing would keep you down. You triumphed over him and anything else vying to steal what was yours. Even though you feel you lost some priceless artifacts along the way, I am going to show you that you did not. In fact, what is coming as replacement will be beyond all that you could have dreamed of.
I know you so completely. I will surprise you over and over for it is My Will and Good pleasure to Lavish My Love upon you. I have longed for you to come to this moment. I have stored up My Best for you to move forward with. Journey to Journey and Glory to Glory. You are My Beautiful and Precious Child. Embrace all that is unfolding. My Table is set in your Honor!”
“Love is what makes the darkness lose its grip. Without Love there is only emptiness. Many are believing that they can make it with little Love coming into their lives. They have grown cold because people have failed them over and over. Walls have been built up to cope with the loss and betrayal.
Find that this aspect in your life is quickly shifting and changing. I am giving you a new perspective to see My Hand and movements in those moments. What you thought was truth is receiving My Divine Revelation and Understanding. I will heal you, and you will be able to forgive those that have trespassed against you. Do not reject this blessing for where I am taking you there will be no room for unresolved baggage.
Many have convinced themselves that the past no longer bothers them, but in their quiet moments the truth will surface. My Son died for your complete healing. Embrace the meaning of Complete. You are free in My Name, so choose to be free always. Come to Me with what troubles your soul. Being vexed of soul is not a way of life.
I will wash you clean and remove the spots and wrinkles. You are not called to do life without Me. Have you been trying lately? When you are feeling off balance, just turn around into My Arms. I already know what you have been up to. Leave your pride at the door so that I may restore you back into righteousness. Trust and Believe that I have Great and Jaw Dropping Plans for your life. You are the right person for what I created and destined you to become. Receive the Infilling of My Spirit today!”
“As a Child, you practiced Dreaming with Me. You believed the world was full of possibilities and your name was written brightly. As you grew, others tried to dampen your excitement with their dose of reality. Many gave up along the way thinking the road was just too difficult filled with unsuccessful attempts and negative feedback.
Today, find that I Am bringing those long lost desires back into your heart. I Am giving you a fresh makeover and showing you just what diamonds I placed within you to accomplish the unimaginable in this hour. Do not worry about what did not go your way in the past. Things are coming into My Will and you will hit the target with power.
Many hear the word Anointed and believe I am just talking about ministry assignments. I will give you My purpose in the marketplace with just as much authority. Where I place you is vital for the Kingdom. Do not think you are less for where you are stationed. With Me as your guide, you will come into My calling for your life even in the unusual and overlooked guard posts. You interact with people more so in your everyday dealings, so I will use you where you are.
Let the darkness run and hide as you walk out your day. Be Mine no matter where your feet may trod. Stand with anticipation for I am up to something gigantic in your life. It is no coincidence in what you will encounter so keep on the lookout for My Hand at work. You are what the lost and dying world needs just in where you are and what you are up to. I have made no mistakes in who you are becoming. Let go and Let Me have My way in your life. You will never regret what I do in and through you.”
“Rest is your gift. This is one of the most powerful aspects that you can use. You have My permission to place down what you need and walk away for a time to regroup and replenish. Others may try to guilt you but do not allow them to. Even My Son knew when to move away and cease giving unto others for a moment. If your tank is empty, how will you be effective in reality?
Some of you have forgotten that you have an individual life beyond what others require of your time and energy. You are so much more. Clear your mind so that I can open up what is buried. Are you feeling unfulfilled in what you are doing day in and day out? That void is there to remind you that I am not finished with you yet. Many hold off doing things for My Kingdom until others no longer seek their time. This is not My desire for you.
I will teach you balance. I will teach you to let others help. Life is meant to be explored in multiple areas spreading out from your surroundings. When you are only one or two dimensional, you will have less to fill you back up. I am giving you the gift of time. What you can accomplish in a week will happen in mere days. You will find an ease in your stride. What would not fall into place will come into order.
I Am blowing My Winds over your sails. Things are about to speed up when all appeared stagnate for awhile. I am bringing clarity and understanding even to questions you did not ask Me. Everything is going to be all right. Place down the worry and stress. I have this under control and you will walk in all that I have laid up for your days.”
 “Seasons come and seasons go. I Am watching over My Word to see that it performs! Do you think you have missed the boat? Will I not make you another boat or give you even better? June is a month of great surprises. What you are expecting to birth will come forth in June, July, and August. There will no overdue days for you.
The almond tree is blooming. You have been ready in season and out of season. Your faith has positioned you. The hard labor is producing realities that have not been known before now. Many will say to and fro that this just can’t be from God, but YES THIS IS! Some think I must be boring with no new miracles for My People. Always looking for what was will never let your eyes see what is or will be.
I am not in your past doing the new. I am right here, right now. Whatever you think you missed out on, look again for I am about to show up and out on your behalf. I have not lost the records of what is owed to you nor the blueprints to your life. When I created you at the foundations, I knew where we would be at this moment in time.
I can deal with anything that is your storyline. Would you like the story that I have authored? For I Am the Author and Finisher of your Faith. I am putting an end to the reasons you have thought were good enough to complain before Me. I hear your pleas and cries. I have not turned away from you, but rather I am running to you. Suddenlies are upon you! Set your praises early in the morning and late in the evening. You are not who you were, and Upgrades have caught up to you!”
“Trouble does not come to usurp you. It comes to give you growth and show you just how powerful you are. Tap into your inner being to what I have already placed on the inside. Many look for outside help, but what they think is missing is really within. You are on the winning side. The impossible is surely possible in My Kingdom. I have given you Heaven’s vantage point. See what I will do with what comes to benefit you beyond comprehension.
Find that the ground has changed. What used to cause you to get stuck, will be solid rock now. What would not release you, will set you free by My Voice. The tide has turned. What used to cause you to run in fear will now run in fear of you. Do not miss all that is changing around you lest you continue responding to your life in the same old manner.
You are positioned correctly to witness the explosion happening in My Glory over you. Do not let your eyes glaze over because you have heard this great news but feel it will not come to be for you. Long seasons of drought and waiting have broken off of you. Never will you be the same and never will you return to where you came. You have the Victory and you have Triumphed.
Remove the gloom and doom from your mind and never let it cross your lips. This is against My Kingdom. From the Cross and the Grave that was empty does the Hope for Humanity Rise. You are moving into better not worse. Do not be fooled by the committee screaming day and night. I have everything under My Watchful Eye. I Am not a man that I shall lie. You are My Joy! Rest in knowing that I have you in the Palm of My Hand!”
“Tragedy does not define you or label, but in the divine purpose will set you free if you allow it. You have a choice to see what Good I will place in your hands as a result or go down the path of bitterness and an unsettled heart. Just as Job struggled to understand, he did receive freedom from aspects he never considered were holding him back. Many only look at the subject matter and not what this uncovers all around them.
Keep your focus on Me and look for the positioning this will open up to you. Destiny is born in these moments. Do not lose your way. You are growing strength and endurance required to walk the streets of the future Kingdom Glory. As a stepping stone takes you closer and closer, you are moments away from full knowledge of just where this stone will take you in the present and beyond. If it was not necessary, I would not let it hit your shores.
What appears senseless is far from it. Place down the human logic for the answers are not there. Those who did not or could not believe in you as My Called and Chosen are about to have a wake up call. I am picking up every word you spoke in My Name that was thrown to the ground. I will send like a straight and precise arrow right to the heart of those who doubted you. Alive will those words be again.
I will answer those that have disrespected you. I will answer those that thought you were less than. You have been faithful and true. You are so precious with a sweet fragrance before My Throne. You are larger than life and the world is about to see how Serious I Am about Promoting you beyond those that looked to speak limitations over your life. We are leaving many behind in the dusk. Embrace what is your portion.“
Segment 2
In your life you have unimaginably wonderful blessings coming to you. It is not a matter of whether I desire to give them to you, but whether you will allow Me to give them to you.
I will pour out My Spirit upon all the Earth. Every man and woman will see it, every child will hear it. Like a great wave will it come, and there will be a great refreshing within it that will fall on all. This will be an outpouring of the revelation of My love. It will be like the great light that shone in the darkness when I came before. This outpouring will shake the very planet. Everyone will be affected, for it will cause the greatest harvest ever. I will water the whole Earth, and it will be as My fruitful garden. I am raising up My faithful ones to plant, but I will water. The time that is coming upon the Earth is Mine. I will come and gather, for I am the Lord of the harvest.
You will see the results of your faith in Me, and like one who hits a home run, you will obliterate all that stands in your way and disagrees. This has not just been practice for you, but deep core training, and you have developed the discipline of an athlete! You will overcome your unbelief, and as you learn to walk in your inheritance you will help others to be set free.
Your discomfort and your need will draw you closer to Me, and you will commune and connect on a deeper level with Me. You will dig deeper into that quiet place and find comfort in My presence. There I will reconfigure your idea of who you are, and change how you see yourself. You will be far safer, more calm, and anchored in your heart will be My heart not just for you, but for all. There you will see your identity and calling. You are being realigned with Me, and what feels like segregation is merely you and I being more connected. You will see the purpose in all that you do, and in my presence your heart will be renewed. An emissary is what I call you, and that is how you will live, for now is the time that I will send you. You are not an orphan in the land, you are My messenger and you will walk with Me and stay in My presence as you carry My love and My message.
In every place that you yield, you are safe and in My presence, deeply hidden in Me. You know I have a plan, and I know the enemy's plan. he seeks to supplant, but in My power he cannot stand. It is for My children to stand in My power, to walk in My presence, and as they trust, to be safe in their strong tower.
Release is coming. There has been a shift in the spirit realm, and although you don't see it, it is the herald of great change to come. Ministering angels have been dispatched and sent forth. And with them is the currency and the settlement of My word. There are those who wait for miracles only I can perform, and they will see I am true to My word.
I will take you there and show you how to move in My presence. You will learn to step up and step in, closer and closer will we be within every moment. You will be aware of Me, always seeking to stay before Me. You will see that in Me there is no limit, for in Me, time and space are limitless. You have taken baby steps, learning to trust, waiting on Me in the now, and in every moment. Now you will learn to flow in My presence. In seamless transition you will move in and out of time, for time has no relevance. As you learn to stay submerged in Me, hidden in My presence, seeking and seeing only Me, you will learn how I am, and as I am, you will be.
You are on a stepping stone to a greater realm. What you now see is a birthing ground. You are being exposed to a higher perspective, where My desires are being manifested in exchange for your surrendered expectations. As you lay down the ownership of your life and existence, My life and the desires of My heart fill you and become prominent in your understanding and thinking. You are beginning to walk on higher ground, where you will see how things are done in My elected.
There is a lot going on that you don't see. In your heart, your response should be nothing short of gratitude, for nothing else is appropriate! Wait until you see all I have done! Wait until the day is done! You just wait and see, you have been blessed immeasurably! Gratitude will fill your heart and overflow! Your life will be a showcase of My mercy, and a glorious testimony of My goodness to you!
Whether in your situation or in your health, by a presentation of arms in a demonic presence or a perceived threat, nothing has taken you from My hand and no one has taken My place over you! What enemy comes against My Word does not matter. How he comes doesn't make him stronger or better. You wield a sword seven times sharper than any other! Place your eyes on your King, and rest in peace as you put your trust totally in Me. What was meant to rend your heart will be your greatest victory. You will sing praise for a battle that was no battle! What was meant to take you away will bring you home with the joy of a sunny day of sailing! Let your heart trust safely in Me, for I have spoken My Word, and nothing regarding My children will be taken from Me.
You will not grovel or steal back the land, you will take it boldly by force. Healing is the children's bread, and salvation their inheritance. You will step up with joy and great confidence and receive them from My hand!
I have given you the strength of the eagle, and the eyes of a hawk. You who stood before Me without understanding will be given a great wealth of knowledge. You who waited without any strength will rise up like a hawk on the hunt. You will see with sharp discernment all that goes on in your world and perceive the deep meaning of what is to come. I will not leave you without strength or allow you to be powerless, and as you placed your trust in Me, I have hidden you from all harm. You will stay hidden in Me in all that is to come, for as you rise with the strength of an eagle and the stealth of a hawk, you will walk in wisdom according to My will and stay before My throne.
I bring to life all that is given to Me, and as I am risen so shall My children be. As I have life, so shall My children have life as they come to Me. Anything that worries, taunts or tempts you, bring under My authority as you surrender it to Me. You will surrender the deepest desire in your heart and be filled with delight as you receive it, filled with life, from Me.
You can't see how your situation will ever change, but I will bring your struggles to a mighty end in one day. Do not give in to your weariness. Choose gratitude instead. This alone will lift your spirit, for it is faith's happy expression and a step into freedom. What you see will come to such an end, it will be done and finished before you can see how I have done it! All that was promised is about to break through. It will flow like a waterfall over you. Choose to feel gratitude, and let your mind be at ease as your heart is lifted. You are about be overtaken by your promised blessing!
You are not as you were, and you are not as you will be. As deeply as you have been changed, we are only just beginning.
Segment 3
Come my children. You are the very delight of my heart. You who are burdened, come to me to find rest for your weary soul. Come and find strength in your weakness. Do you not know that a river of my presence flows within you. Come into my shadow my beloved. Drink from the river of my presence. Here you will find rest. Here you will find the answers that you seek. This is the secret place reserved only for those who love me. Come my little ones, gather to me. Come and drink of my water. I am waiting for you. The cares of this world melt in my presence. There is healing in my presence. There is wholeness in my presence. Come, I am waiting for you. Come and find rest in the secret place.
Segment 4
My Light surrounds thee. Those with Humility shall soar on eagle's wings. What is gained through cunning and deceit shall be revealed in the light of day. The battle rages and time is short. My Word is a TWO-EDGE Sword and shall fight your battle today. For I am the Resurrection and the Life. Hearts broken shall be Mended. Where there is sickness, there shall be Health. Where there is despair, there shall be Joy. CALL ON ME NOW and you shall see the POWER OF MY NAME. Shall Obedience not be Rewarded? Speak now, son of man, speak of the Tree of Life. Reveal its Season, for its Fruit is ready to be Harvested. You shall sup with Me and eat from the Fruit of Life. For a place has been prepared for thee in My Father's House.
Hear, o Israel! The Lord, our God, the Lord is one! The remnant, called and chosen, is numbered - 144,000. Awaken, there is little time! You have been counted worthy. Your time comes. All the world's eyes will be upon you. You have been given heavenly instruction. You are in the world, yet, you are not of the world. You have been set apart. A great change is coming. It is at the door. Many will be removed. Chaos and destruction will follow. The clock is silent, for it is written: With judgment so close, the evildoers have no fear of what awaits them. They just go on committing abominations and living in their unrepented sin. My eyes can see it.
Segment 5
I have told you the work of My Kingdom is to bring in this final harvest of souls.  You may find these souls on the pews at your local church, or singing in the choir. They are in your men’s clubs and women’s clubs, performing good works. Some may speak My Name, but have no belief in Me.
   Lost souls are all around you, My children, not just where you think they are. They themselves may believe they are not lost, but read My Word and the distinction will become clear to you.
    All is not as it appears to be, and time is very short now, for wicked men plot in ways that will bring destruction like nothing ever seen before on the earth, and many thousands of souls will be lost in one day as their plot unfolds.
   Do the work now, My children, for though the world around you appears normal, it is anything but, and behind the scenes, destruction has been unleashed. Soon, fire will rage through your cities, bombs will fall, and your world will never be the same again.
As My people walk through the dark times that are coming, they shall marvel at all I will do for them, for they will walk in My mighty power. They will walk in signs and wonders. Healing shall flow and manna shall fall. All they need will be provided them as they walk through the destruction, leading others to Me. Their time on earth in these conditions will be very short, and many will seek their lives, but their rewards will be magnificent for the work they do then.
   In that time of destruction, the last souls to come into My Kingdom will be saved. Then the wicked will be punished and all will come to the end foretold in My holy Word.
   My children, be prepared for what is coming. Know My Word, for it (My Word stored up in your hearts) is all you will have to sustain you then, but it is all you will need if you truly know Me.
   I am taking more of you into a wilderness season now, that you may learn what it is to be sustained on My holy Word. Though you may feel fear, I will teach you faith. I will teach you about Myself. I will teach you that My Word is true, and I am faithful with all that you entrust Me with.
My children, as the destruction falls, you will see terrible things in your atmosphere. I desire to warn you of this so you will understand.
   Destruction unleashed is something you have only glimpsed in make-believe. You have never truly seen destruction unleashed in your world and it shall be a terrifying sight. With destruction come many demonic entities that have heretofore been in another realm where you could not see them. These were not meant to dwell on the earth, but will be loosed for a season upon the wicked. You cannot kill these with weapons, and this, too, shall make you afraid, but you, My children, have the true weapons to keep them away from you – My Word, My Blood, and My Name.
   This is part of why it is imperative you learn about Me now. You need these weapons and the knowledge of how to use each one stored up on your heart for that time, for it is not far into the future for you.
   I forewarn you in My Mercy.
My children, though destruction will soon reign all around you, be ye not part of the destruction yourselves. Though everything around you will soon change in terrible ways, I am calling you to build up those around you, and not destroy.
   Many of your loved ones shall perish in that time, and many you know. It is imperative that you show them now how I desire they would live, that they may repent and be saved. I am pouring out My Mercy now. I am pouring out repentance on those willing to repent, for I desire none would perish. As more and more of My churches are empty of My Spirit, they will look to you for guidance on how to live when they find Me.
   My children are being thrust into the forefront of all that is happening – at first to proclaim the miracles, signs and wonders, and then as objects of ridicule and persecution. Be ye ready for this, for it is coming.
   Walk in my love and mercy now towards those you love and those you don’t. Walk in my love and mercy towards those you know, and those you do not. The end comes swiftly for you all. Be ready to stand before Me and give an account.
The Great Falling Away has begun. Those who are called by My Great Name are not all Mine. Only those who know Me intimately are Mine, but there are many who proclaim My Name for other purposes – to be accepted, to receive favor with people. I shall not hold guiltless those who take My Name for these purposes.
The Great Falling Away has begun. Long ago, many people served Me, knew My Word and were careful to live righteously. Now the number dwindles, and it shall dwindle far more in the future as serving Me becomes something you are ridiculed and persecuted for more and more openly.
   The time is coming when men will hate you for My Name’s sake. Only those who truly believe, who truly walk with Me will be able to continue under such pressure. These are My true disciples, who love not their lives unto death. Such were the first disciples, and such shall be the very last. I have called you all for such a time as this, such a time as the world has never seen. Such a time as has never been before.
   Never before have wicked men been turned over to Satan alive. You shall see many terrible things, My children, but I walk there with you as you see them, and I will Myself comfort you through them. I will provide for you and protect you until it is time for you to come home to Me. Be strong and be very courageous for My Great Name. Bring Me much glory, for your rewards will be very great in heaven for you to enjoy for all eternity, if you do.
   I am with you always. 
My children, I am ushering in a season where I will teach men’s hearts to fear My mighty power. There is little fear of Me in the earth at this time, but this is not how I desire it would be. If men do not fear My power, they are vulnerable to the Beast that is coming. Those who do not walk with Me will be destroyed. They will be easily deceived and their vulnerability to deception will lead to their destruction.
   The enemy of your souls is working hard to convince those who have no understanding that there is nothing to fear. These are those who still love their lives, and they are easily led astray, having not hearts full of My Word. This will increase those who do not fear Me, and who will eventually persecute you.
   My judgments begin in My house, among My people, but you will see them spread out also, into the lives of those who refuse to repent and serve Me as I am calling them to. You will see them spread to those who refuse to love others, who refuse to give their hearts to Me.
   My people, prepare your hearts for what is coming, for you will see many terrifying sights; you will hear of much wickedness, and you will witness deeds that make you fear unless you have understanding. For those who know My Word, you will know it is the fulfillment of the end and all that has been foretold. Even so, it will be very difficult for you. I am leading many of My own to places of secret refuge to keep you safe for longer, that you may lead others to Me. Obey at once when I begin to lead you, for time is very short and delaying even days can cost you everything.
   Stay close to Me. Pray without ceasing. Know My Word. Obey at once.
You live in a time of great urgency now, My people. Even seconds will count in this time when I speak to you to do something. I have woven events together in perfect timing and your absolute, immediate obedience any time I speak to you is of the utmost importance now.
   I am moving My remnant to areas of strategic importance. I am moving the wicked into place as well. I know where safety is. I know where destruction will reign. It is all about to begin.
   You live in a time of excitement, My people, of the fulfillment of My holy Word. A time when angels will labor side by side with you to bring about My will. A time when the greatest battles of all time will be won. You are soldiers called for such a time as this. Laborers sent forth into the harvest. A harvest that is white and at perfect readiness for reaping.
   Those who are lukewarm in their belief in Me will be cast into the darkness and destruction that is coming. Those who have great love for Me will be guided and protected.
   You choose which group you are in. Ready yourselves, for this will be a bumpy ride, but an exciting one. You are seeing history made and your responses now to all that transpires, will be talked about in heaven for all eternity.    

Segment 1 - Ellen
Segment 2 – Kathy Mote 
Segment 3 – Evelyn
Segment 4 – Barbara & Dan
Segment 5 – Glynda

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