Sunday, June 4, 2017

Message Date - 04 Jun 2017

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 04 Jun 2017***
Segment 1
The Father says, “The Courts of Heaven have heard your case and cleared the records against you. The charges presented have been struck down for good. I have shut the mouths of those that believed you were in the wrong. The chants of ‘guilty’ have been silenced and all of Heaven is celebrating in your honor.
As you walk out this season, many areas will fall into the past. Leave them where they fall. The chains of public opinion will only influence you if you allow it. Decide that the only opinion that matters is Mine. Distractions will come but you will be as a horse with blinders. Keep moving and do not allow the flies around you to cause you to twitch. Their life cycle is short. I have more for you.
Find that in your hands, weapons of old come into your arsenal. The mantles long gone are coming back to My People with upgraded Power and Authority. The foe that you will engage has no plan of attack for he is finite. He has nothing new, but I do My Beloved. The Earth itself is shifting. She is groaning and responding to what I have released over the world.
I created mankind to subdue the land. In this season, you will learn and understand what this truly means. As My Royal Sons and Daughters, the Earth will indeed obey your authority. Walk uprightly in all of your steps so no snare will trip you up. Do not let anything below Heaven take authority over you. You are not limited beyond what your mind will accept. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives within you. Any questions?”
“Forever you are walking in the Becoming. Many resist this process and put a halt to the Good Work that I am doing. They desire to stay who they are and not what the potential could be through the Potter’s Hands. You must be willing to look in the mirror if you are to reach for the person I have designed you to be.
When you need to rest, I will give you the time. Wells and Rivers are your source. Ask yourself everyday, ‘What is God up to in this situation?’ When you reframe your day into the knowledge of being in My Arena in all things, you will See My Hand and Hear My Voice quicker. I am in your Midst and All about your circumstances. I have not lost track of where you are or where you are to go.
The Sands of Time are not to be despised. Time marks where you are walking towards and shows you just how far you have come. Let this bring you Hope and not despair. Even when things looked oh so far away, you are reaching moments right now that used to be a long way away, but are no more. What is for your now was placed into motion even at the foundations.
All comes to you at the right moment. Believe and you will receive the very thing you felt would never reach your heart. Trust that My Timing is perfect even when logic is nowhere to be found. I so Love you My Precious Child. Just over the horizon is more Overflow than all of the jars in the land could contain. You are My Blessed and Highly Favored!”
“Find that the door opening is one of Rebirth. I am giving you a new name which will Stand for who you are before Me. The years of shame and condemnation are gone. I am wiping the slate clean and restoring you back to a status of honor before those near and far. I am in the business of redeeming reputations. Can you feel the shift in the air around you?
You are not done until I say so. I will raise up whom I choose and today know that I have chosen you! What you could not wash white as snow was already dealt with. You are safe in My Arms. Your Testimony will free those deep in bondage as far as the East is from the West. You are clothed in My Best and there is no need to hide any part of what makes up your journey. Those that do not understand are not who your message is for regardless.
You cannot please the masses so no longer spend your energy there. If everyone is agreeing with you, you may just find that this is the wrong direction. Against the grain and with mighty friction will you pave the way for those lost to find the Light. Do not discount your importance. There are assignments that only you were created to complete. You have what is necessary and will find a Crown awaiting you.
There is a humbling of the proud around you in this hour. Those that were smug in your presence will find a new vantage point from the ground as they look up to see what I am doing in your life. Those that belong to the father of pride will be cast out until they repent before My Throne. I will allow the darkness to keep their eyes shut and the ears numb. My Verdict has fallen. Two seasons will pass before I reveal Myself to them again. I Am the Lord your God!”
“Today, I Am challenging your hearts and minds that believe aspects that are against My very Nature. I will bring to your mind topic after topic so that you will questioned what you have been taught at the core. I Am revealing Myself so that you will know Me on a whole new level. Many have believed the lies of the enemy and it is time to clear the field of what is holding you back.
My people are grinding against each other over the notion if I Am truly Good and desire only the Best for your life. Would a Great Father want anything less for His Children? I designed mankind to be in a deep relationship with Me. Have I not even done so since the beginning. It is man that walked away, not I, for I have not changed My Mind. Out of My Love were you born. I do not consider you worthy of destruction but Redemption.
I breathed Promises over you since the first day of your existence and today I highlight those Promises before you. My Word will stand over your life. It is up to you to decide that you are what I say about you and not what your surroundings claim. I have not consulted anyone else concerning you. Find that the Precious and Priceless is being pulled out of you in the next few seasons. I have much to show you, and you will dance with excitement.
Sorrow will be replaced with Joy. What was Stolen will be replaced with Increase. I will not allow you to go without. People argue against My Desire for prosperity in your life. Sin is what is against My Prosperity. Remember who contends for your soul and why. For as your soul prospers so does all other things from Heaven directly to you. Watch out for deceptions against My Goodness before you!”

Sister Ellen

Segment 2
I am the Sabbath. I am your rest. I am the Sabbath, and in Me you cease from all your labor, for in Me it is finished. All that is required for you, all that is necessary for your good, all that you will ever have need of, is in Me and it is finished. Your complete peace is in Me. In Me are your battles relinquished, for in Me they are already won. The work is finished. I am the Sabbath. I am your rest. Enter in.
You have walked in darkness long enough. I have placed within you My Word, and in it is the truth, and as it bursts within you, all freedom will break loose!
You have seen nothing of My glory yet. But you will. My children are called to it.

Kathy Mote

Segment 3
“My peace will I give to My children in this hour, and comfort. Healing to all who have been broken and restoration to all that have been lost. For I will visit them, I will remove from them every mountain of despair and discouragement. I will undergird them and be their rearguard.”

Syreeta Thomas

Segment 4
Daughter, PROPHESY TO THESE EVILDOERS; SOWERS OF STRIFE AND DISCORD among the brethern. I have heard the words from your mouth, I have seen you in your bedchamber writing hurtful words. You act as an authority over others, offering them your own interpretation of what was written. You err! You are no authority. You will receive just punishment at the appointed time because you continue on, not afraid of the consequences. You have not humbled yourself, so I will humble you. You do not consider yourself an evildoer. You will receive an evildoer's punishment. Behold, I come quickly, with all My power and might for you to see.
The sky is cloudy the enemy knocks on your door. You have already heard that they were coming on the news. They have shown pictures. They take you and your children to the towns square, you see a large machine set up. You have never seen it before, you think to yourself: What is happening? In an instant an old Sunday school lesson comes to mind, remembrance. They take you to the machine and the crowd has gathered. You see your friends, you see your family, you cry: Please, Help me! You cry to your friends by name then you see them leave. Others start to throw things at you, then you feel a rope beating at your skin. Please my friends help me, no one returns. You realize what the machine is. Every one left. Now you are alone. The enemy mocks you they scourge you. You have understanding the time is short and these things written must be fulfilled. One man remains, he says if they did it to me, they will do it to you. Look about and hear these words, if you live in the world this is what you will receive, just punishment. Your friends will run and hide because they will know, it is death, to be associated with you. Listen to what the Spirit says!
I can hear your cries for Peace. When I was with you, you did not accept Me. When I went away, I gave you My Peace.  Look at your history, great peacemakers and great men making weapons. One comes that you will accept, he is not from Above. The leaders of the nations will bow to him and make him charge over many. You can have no Peace, unless it comes from Above, not from an imposter.  For those with closed eyes and ears will be making decisions. Look about, I have poured out My Spirit. I COME QUICKLY!

Segment 5
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. My children, this serves as a banner warning to those who would call My servant, Paul, a false apostle. As My servant and apostle to the gentiles, Paul served in honor and in My truth. His writings and work are of My heart and divine in nature. The enemy does his best to deceive My children, making false statements and accusations against My most faithful servant, Paul. When you receive, perpetuate and facilitate these false statements against a servant of the one and true living God, there will be a price to pay. Receive this warning and turn away from the enemy, returning full-heartedly to My truth alone.


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