Saturday, May 30, 2020

Message Date - 29 May 2020

Daily Prophetic Word
May 29, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I love My creation, even the ones who have rejected Me. See people through My Eyes. I desire that all will come into My Glory. I desire that no one be left to the perils of hell. When you were in Heaven, at the beginning foundations, you loved and walked in the Light. The enemy has stolen this Glory from many. I have restored mankind through the complete work of the Cross. Look around. All of the people you see each day were with you at the beginning of all things. You loved these people with My Love, and I desire for you to find that love for all of My people again.I died for Love. I died for Mankind because I desire to be with you and them just the same. Do not look at someone through your natural eyes and see what sin the enemy has used to shaped them into. Look at them through My Eyes and what I desire to mold them into. You were once asleep and Now you are awake. Pray that all those who are still asleep become Now awake also. You have the power within you to reach the multitudes because you are My Temple.  Rise up, My Beloved!”
Daily Prophetic Word
May 28, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says,  “Let your heart be filled with Gladness. Did you hear? The Storm is Over! Although, there are still remnants of the effects, the Storm is Indeed Over! Gather your things for I am about to take you on a whole new journey. Are you excited? I have much to show you and much for your hands to experience. Stop looking for everything to feel finished from season to season. I will guide you as to what to keep and what to let go of. Many have called this a new chapter, but I say it is a whole New Book. Let Go of prior disappointments for this is no longer your portion and get ready for the New. I release to you the peace beyond all understanding. I release to you the Father’s First Born Blessing! You are entitled to all that I have, for you were bought and paid for by My very Life. My celebration is before you. Take off the days of sorrow for I have dried your tears. Choose to walk in Faith and not by Sight.”
Daily Prophetic Word
May 27, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I am righting wrongs done against you from even decades ago. What you have given up on, thinking this is just the way it will be, I am turning around. Expect reconciliation from unexpected places. I heard your cries and pleas. I will come through on what you have needed and deserve. Those that invalidated you unjustly will find I am your Rear Guard. I will leave those full of spoken words about you, speechless. Take on the Mindset that I will deal with what you hand over to Me. I desire that you rely on Me, so release what is not working. I will strengthen you and send you back out to lands of promise.  Let your Faith rise up higher than you believed you possessed, for I Am the Author and Finisher of your Faith. Nothing is impossible! Reach up higher and leave behind those that will not support you. I have a new tribe that will walk with you upon the foundation set today. Renew your mind and allow Me to show you what is to come.”
aily Prophetic Word
May 26, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Resolve yourself to give it to Me completely. I will take it all and guide you to green pastures with still and calm waters flowing in the midst. I gave you a life to enjoy with unspeakable joy. Why would you want to put that down and pick up even the smallest of burdens? Can I not meet all of your needs? I have promised to give you the Keys to My Kingdom. You are not servants. You are My Sons and Daughters. You are My dearest friends. My Voice blesses you this very day. Forgive Yourself! I am not holding anything against you despite what many would like you to believe. My Love has not changed concerning you. My Will has not become uncertain about your potential in Me. Plan A is still available so what are you waiting for? Your future is bright so forsake the voices that scream otherwise. I Am the Alpha and the Omega! I am not caught off guard with humanity. I died to save all so receive all from Me.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 25, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Flowers bloom, wither and die. Seasons change. Things begin and things cease. What is on the horizon is greater than what has fallen with the sunset. No man can know his future, but I Am the One who holds the future in the Palm of My Hand. By the Wind of My Spirit, you will be moved into calmer waters or into rougher seas. I am building you up and taking you to places that one day you will be strong enough to carry your full weight and anointing.
There is a purpose for everything under heaven. Nothing is wasted and all can be made beautiful through My will and power. Some times walking in My Will brings moments of discomfort. Other times, the path is easy to follow. What is a trial to one person may not be to another. Do not judge another’s experiences for you too will enter into a trial that may swallow you whole. Decide to gain wisdom in all things. Do not be foolish about your ability apart from Me. Without Me as your source, what you put your hands to will wither in due season.

Daily Prophetic Word
May 24, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Do not be jealous for what I am doing with your brothers and sisters. Support, encourage, and stand with them always! You do not know the process they have had to go through to be at this level in Me. Instead look to Me for your destiny and purpose. I will take you to My highest plan I spoke over your life at the very beginning. I have not written you off, and I can bring dead things back to life. Decided today what you will do.I Am a Loving and Patient God, but your time is finite on this planet. Do not waste one more second in wishy washy indecisiveness. How high you go is up to you. I have already made My desire known. I have called all to more than they could ever hope for or dream of. You must decide to walk in My Light Daily and eat of My fruit. I have to be your source and passionate pursuit. The more time you spend with Me, the more you will get out! I promise that you will reap a bountiful harvest that will far outweigh any earthly sacrifice. Peace I bring, and Peace I freely give to you! Come and sit with Me by the brook. I will teach you from My living waters.”

aily Prophetic Word
May 23, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Heaven is My Throne and Earth is My footstool. I have built My temple inside of you! Do you know what this means? Wherever you go, so goes My temple. Where My temple resides, is also where I Am. Open your eyes and ears to fully understand what is inside the earthen vessel. You have looked over here and over there, but what you are seeking is already inside of you. I have not gone anywhere or even left you for a moment. I left the ninety-nine for you. I am righting the wrongs and displaying My Glory all around you. Did you take for granted the demonstrations of My power to the point that you gave credit for your victories or blessings to another? You are not subject to luck. Luck is a fool’s game to explain away My Majesty over the Earth. You are not wandering around with mere chance working for you. I Am your Lord and Father. I am working on every aspect of your life from start to finish. Nothing is overlooked.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 22, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Even when the storm turns violent, I will protect and keep you. Do not Fear what I am in Control of. Nothing escapes My attention. Speak your Rights and Authority for the Christ in You will change the very ground you are standing on. You have access to your inheritance now. Come up higher so that you can learn to use what I have given you. You must take action to seize what is yours. See the water Calm just like clear glass. I am setting your feet upon the Mountain Top to gain My View and Perspective. Do not allow distractions to take your focus in this hour. You are moving on through this briar patch. What was sent to hurt you will fall to the ground. Walk with your head held high for I am well pleased with you! Time is speeding up and the hurdle before you will be no more. Keep your focus on where I am taking you and not what is vying to distract you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 21, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I chose YOU! I chose you at the very foundation of Creation coming into being. I fashioned every detail and uniqueness within you. I did not make one mistake. You are My Masterpiece and Highly prized. I did not redeem the angels. I did redeem you. I restored you to stand at My Right Hand side. Rise up to your true identity. Let the human labels upon you fall off. You are not who others believe. Allow Me to bring clarity to your mind. You are becoming in My Image so remove all other images. Man will tell you that we can be permanently separated. I am not looking at your mistakes, so come back into fullness. You do not have to wear the title of Prodigal. I am involved in everything you do each day. I am not off somewhere far away. You are always on My Heart and Mind. Let Me dance with you. Let Me share in your sorrows. Give it all to Me for I promised to Bring Joy to you and Heal you!”

aily Prophetic Word
May 20, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “There is nothing you face that I will not move on and deal with. Just ask Me for what you need. Ask Me for your heart’s desires. I write the path for you in sand. I add in what you ask Me for and take out things when I have something better in store. Follow My Voice and I will catch you when you stumble. Release the shame and condemnation of religious voices. My Spirit will convict but also comfort at the same time. Our relationship is between us. Be free to walk in full authenticity. You are called to nothing less. You are My Co-Creator in the journey set before you. You are a vital key in My Kingdom. I did not design you to be small or insignificant. You and I will go into the Promise Land together. Don’t give up and Don’t let Go of the Promises I spoke over your life. I will bring them to pass. Stand! My angels will strengthen you at your request. Keep walking forward. I have great things in reserved just for you!”

May 19, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “By My Grace and Mercy will man endure and survive the fires all around him. It is not of your own ability. I will sustain you always. I desire for My Royal Sons and Daughters to support and encourage all people. Be kind and understanding in all you do and say. Did I not say the Meek will inherit the earth? Stay humble and honorable in your intentions with people and activities. Many won’t receive you. Go to where you are welcome. Find that I am molding you through the very day before you. Watch and See how I turn even the biggest problem around for your benefit. You are not called to do it alone so invite Me into your circumstances with full faith and trust that I will do the Impossible before your eyes. Let Me breathe over your needs for My Angels were already dispatched. Your day of deliverance has arrived! What was stuck and immovable will be set free. Run into the New for doors are opening before you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 18, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I will not cast you out of My House. The lies of the enemy circle around you. Take your sword and make him sorry he ever came near you. You know My Voice and you know the voice of the enemy. Stand for what is true and honorable. Do not make the mistakes of your ancestors. What you allow to consume you will overtake you as well. You must choose who you will follow each day. Do not be lulled into a slumber that you believe you are doing right before Me when you are not. Stand Now for the victory is upon you! In due season, My Promises will come to pass. Let your feet walk where I will lead them. You have nothing to fear. Did I not promise to go before you to prepare the way? I know what lies ahead, and what is hidden will be revealed. Everything will turn out ok. Continue to place your faith and trust in My arms. I have never failed you! Greater is before you, not behind you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 17, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Dance among the Roses. I Am the Rose of Sharon and the Beautiful fragrance is invading your circumstances today. Taste and See for My Goodness is chasing after you. I take delight in who I have designed you to be and through you, will the schemes of the enemy fall apart. Even if you find yourself in a lion’s den, no harm will come your way. If I say I am your protector then what have you to doubt?The world will tell you to fear and when that is enough, fear some more. I have not called you to such a belief system. I am over your days and your nights. What more do you need proof of? I will not lose track of where you are or where you should be. Listen carefully, for lies are far and wide vying for your attention and trust. What you entertain maybe your undoing. Be wise for I did not create you to be led around by this person or that person. Be diligent and rise up in this hour!”

aily Prophetic Word
May 16, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What others look to take away from you, I will bring back with great multiplication. Place down what is not working and take a hold of fresh revelation I am giving you in this hour. I will remind you of past moments, where you formed a flawed opinion, to expose the truth. Many are stuck in what they perceived, but I will set you free when you are open to the facts as they are. Opinions are made and broken just the same. My Light is revealing what is hidden. Acknowledge where you were wrong and learn so you can move into territories I will send you to. When you are unwilling to see that you still have growth in your day, you will remain unusable in My Hands. I am not bothered by your mistakes. It is rebellion and stubbornness that will cause you to miss your call and destiny. Remain yielded and you will reach My Highest Desire for your life. Stay Close so that you do not wander off.”

aily Prophetic Word
May 16, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What others look to take away from you, I will bring back with great multiplication. Place down what is not working and take a hold of fresh revelation I am giving you in this hour. I will remind you of past moments, where you formed a flawed opinion, to expose the truth. Many are stuck in what they perceived, but I will set you free when you are open to the facts as they are. Opinions are made and broken just the same. My Light is revealing what is hidden. Acknowledge where you were wrong and learn so you can move into territories I will send you to. When you are unwilling to see that you still have growth in your day, you will remain unusable in My Hands. I am not bothered by your mistakes. It is rebellion and stubbornness that will cause you to miss your call and destiny. Remain yielded and you will reach My Highest Desire for your life. Stay Close so that you do not wander off.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 15, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Forever is My Will and Good Pleasure to lavish My Love upon you. I created you to have a relationship with Me not as a servant, but as Sons and Daughters. Fix your gaze upon Me for I have what you are seeking. All other streams and fountains will run dry, but I have living water to refresh your soul and spirit. I am imparting New Revelation in this Hour. Keys and Strategies to move you out of areas that are stubborn to change. Find yourself today rebuking the negative thoughts in your mind that tear your soul down to nothing. I desire for you to live in the fullness of favor and blessings not as a dog looking for scraps. You were created for more and more is where I will take you. Come up here! Do not stay where you are. See in the spirit beyond your circumstances and situations to know that I have a beautiful plan for your life. I have not forgotten nor forsaken you. Cast those beliefs out of your life for good. The tombs of yesterday are fading and Behold I do a New Thing in the Glory before you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 14, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What won’t work for you, won’t work in you. Stretch your understanding. Many adopt habits and patterns that take them backwards and block spiritual growth. You can’t walk in My light and crave the way of the world. They do not sync up no matter how many lukewarm Christians try to make it One. You must decide every day to be sold out and on fire for My Kingdom. Living in a double minded existence leaves you open to the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy. He will offer you everything that you desire and hand you death in return. Rise up in this Hour. Shake off the shackles of lies. You are not a people without choices and decisions before you. Which kingdom will you serve? Your words and actions display the truth even to the unbeliever. Come back to My Living waters to be renewed daily. The world will try to dirty you up in the filth, but I have come to give you New Life and restore you back to an even better place than before the fall. Trust that I will take you from Glory to Glory. The road is changing. Do not miss the turn.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 13, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Do not rewrite the crime back upon your life board. I know exactly who you are. You are My Chosen and My Beloved. I am pruning what does not belong and bringing to the surface My Glory hidden beneath. You will walk different, and you will respond in fresh new ways. When you find yourself reverting to old ways, stop to remember that the old man has died and the new in Christ has arisen. You must choose daily to walk in your freedom. The enemy takes it for granted that you can be beaten through your past. Who do you believe? The One who died for your life has the Authority and Power, not the illegitimate voices crying for your attention. Each day surrendered to My Will, is a day that dances in My Goodness. What troubles your heart and mind is leaving. Do not look that way, for the Dawn brings the new light! You are indeed Becoming the image of My Son! Rest in the knowing that I am for you!”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 12, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Grant yourself mercy! Your future is held up to the measure by which you hold yourself to the past. What you are angst about, have I not cast it as far as the East is from the West? If it is not worthy for Me to even remember, why should you bother to carry it around for one more second? Just as you have repented of your wrong doing’s against another, others have repented for what they have done unto you. Was not the Cross enough payment for a death sentence all deserved?No one goes through life without reaping what they sow; for good or evil. The Harvest is about to take place so come before Me and Wash your Sins of Wrong Sowing before Me. Do not look to your brother or sister to see what they are doing. This is between you and Me as this is your harvest to reap rewards or sorrows from. What you may accuse another of, be blameless before Me in your own works and deeds. I am not grading you on poor performance. I compare you to no one else. My scales of Justice are becoming balanced in this Hour.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 11, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “My Mighty answer, to all that afflicts you, is there where I will meet you. I am coming towards you this very day! I will not abandon you when you call. Together, we will walk out your destiny, and you will be amazed beyond your wildest dreams. Decide to ask for the High call and not the low call. I have created and designed you for greatness not marginally above average.Look at the Calendar and ask Me what I have left to open before the end of this year? Many are waiting for their Promised Land and Doors to Suddenly Open. Find the doors that are still linking you to the past and shut them for good this time. You don't live there anymore. I am coming in and through you to shift you out of the hands that were too strong for you and into the realms that All Things are Possible. Believe and what you hold onto will become a reality. The road less traveled has Gold within it. Tomorrow is changing rapidly.”

Glynda Lomax
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2020
   My children, do not leave undone what you can do today for My Kingdom. I have accelerated time again that I may bring you home more quickly. I do not desire you would suffer the things that are coming as My great wrath is poured out. My wrath is reserved for the wicked and unbelieving. It is reserved for those who worship the beast and take his mark. If you continue to procrastinate and leave these things undone, they will go undone for all eternity. How will you stand before Me thus? How will you give account for what you did not do? How will you answer when you ignored My Will?

According to Your Faith
I was walking my dogs – the Lord speaks to me often on those walks because my mind is very quiet, I am usually in prayer, and I’m very calm, so its easier to hear Him. So I was walking along asking Him what the radio show was for this week as the one I thought I was going to do didn’t work out. I didn’t have enough revelation on what I had wanted to teach about. (the Mark)  And He began to speak this word to me about restoration: My children, I have not forgotten those things the enemy has taken from you. Would a mighty King just stand and watch as his children are robbed? Nay, I have a plan to repay every evildoer who does not repent, and to restore to you better than you had before!   Ask Me now for those things you desire and believe Me to do them. According to your faith, it shall it be done unto you.

TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020
Wickedness in High Places
   My children, you have seen during this dress rehearsal how all you take for granted each day can quickly be taken away. Everything can change in a moment’s time and in this season, you will see at times it does. Evil powers and wickedness in high places have made plans to exterminate My people – all who believe on My Name. You will soon become aware of their plan. Though you will pray to Me to make this stop, I cannot, for it has been foretold in My holy Word and must be fulfilled that I may return and bring you home to Me. You know what you must do. Do not wait until the time has passed for you to do it. It will all change in one day.

FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2020
Look Back
   My children, I desire you would look back over the life you have lived – really look back. Have you lived your life according to My holy Word? Have you been kind? Have you loved well? Have you given generously to others? I desire you would make every effort now, while you still can, to fulfill all I have asked of you.

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020
Our Response
   I was reading the Word one day last week in 1 Samuel about David and Goliath when the Lord showed me that how David responded to Goliath was exactly how He desires we would respond in the coming war. That the answer David gave is the same one He wants us to give.

Your Faith in the Economy
   Many of My children have placed their faith in their economy, not in Me. Now, as you see your economy struggling, you are afraid.  I am the same yesterday, today and forever – place your faith in Me and I will carry you through all that is coming. I am well able to provide for you – did I not provide for My people Israel as they traveled through the wilderness where no provision was? Have I not given you many stories of My provision in My holy Word?  Why then do you fear?

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020
I Provide for My Own
   You will hear sounds and see sights in what is coming that will bring great fear if you allow them to.  Put your trust in Me, in My love for you, in My ability to protect you and provide for you, and it will seem less fearful. The times coming will bring great lack to some but it need not be so for you, for you are not of the world around you. You are Mine. And I provide for My own.

   Fear not. Only believe. 

MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020
Gird Up
   My children, I know you grieve for what is coming in your world. I do not desire you would allow your grief to distract you from finishing the work I have called you to. Do not, like Esau, throw away your birthright for a bowl of food when that time comes. Gird up your loins and run the race that has been set before you, as your time on earth is nearly done. I will soon return to get you and bring you home.

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2020
Cleanse the Idols
   Cleanse the idols from your hearts, My children. Cleanse your hearts now, that I am the only God you serve. In the times coming, many will forfeit their eternal souls and receive the mark of the beast as foretold in My holy Word. Many will receive the mark that they may feed their idols. Idols of husbands, of wives, of children and grandchildren. Do you yet love them more than Me? When that time comes and they cry to you for food, how will you choose? Cleanse your heart of all idols, My children, while there is yet time, for their will be no time then to consider your decision as there is now. I will be first in your heart. If I am not first, who is really your God?

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020
When Everything Descends into Chaos
    My children, the world around you is about to change forever. Many souls will be lost for all eternity in the battle that is coming to the earth. Chaos will rule. Terror will be everywhere, but you do not need to fear, only believe that I have a plan for you. I have a plan for how to protect you and provide for you until it is time for you to come home to Me. Your redemption is very near now. Finish the work I have called you to. Be ready.  Remember when everything around you descends into chaos, I am with you always.

My judgments will come to every country to every nation to the entire earth to all those who take the Mark, to all those who remain proud and unrepentant. I said love your neighbor as yourself. Love is not murdering your babies and the sick and elderly. Only the righteous few will escape the wrath to come Only the worthy, only the righteous, only a few. I made man, I will destroy all I created to humble him and see him bow to My majesty and confessed with his mouth I am the only One true God. Prepare. I am will cause the thunder and lightning to wake you up.”

May 23, 2020
They won't see it coming, They are too busy with worldly distractions. The adversary is sly. Have you separated yourselves. Right now the enemy the enemies plan your destruction, right now your enemies plan your destruction. Evil never sleeps. You are to keep your eyes and your focus on Me, I am. I am your Redeemer. Perilous times are upon you. The sheep and the goats are separated. The blind guides continue to lead many to fall in the ditch. They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far away. Do not go as the way of the heathen, repent now.

May 22, 2020
You did not seek after me but you  continued  with your lasvivious behavior . After all my calls and warnings  your heart remains closed and cold without natural affection . You laugh at my servants , Messengers  and Prophets following your own lust which leads to the path  of your own destruction.  A wicked people who will not hear or see the TRUTH before you.I will  leave  you you to your   own desires that is what you have asked of me . I AM your Father who loves you but you will not hear.  You give me no choice but to continue my JUDGEMENTS that have been spoken over the Earth

May 19, 2020
Your body is the temple of the Lord.  I am Cleansing My temple. Confess your sins one to another. Prepare my BRIDE!  A Glorious appointment awaits you! I am making ready all things I a am ready to appear in the clouds  What a GLORIOUS DAY!  It has been written !   You have been told and now it is SUDDENLY UPON YOU. Time is short.  THE EVIL ONES WORK LATE INTO THE NIGHT. No more tears no more weeping.  THE BEAST SYSTEM IS PREPARED.A time  is coming to the earth that has never been seen in the history of man. After the shout and the exodus those left behind will cry on their knees and beg for MERCY. When their eyes  Behold THE BEAST ,weeping and bashing of teeth. Wait a little while soon you will be with me in my Father's house!

May 16, 2020
I am the chalice of life. Holy is my name. I am the truth. I wear the robe of justice. Do you know me? This is the season of testing. What have you learned? Is your eyes now open  ? Do you know my ways? Where is your treasure stored? Have you drawn yourself closer to me ? These answers to these questions are found inside of the. Go forth today and examine thyself.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Message Date - 13 May 2020

The Lord says, “Grant yourself mercy! Your future is held up to the measure by which you hold yourself to the past. What you are angst about, have I not cast it as far as the East is from the West? If it is not worthy for Me to even remember, why should you bother to carry it around for one more second? Just as you have repented of your wrong doing’s against another, others have repented for what they have done unto you. Was not the Cross enough payment for a death sentence all deserved?No one goes through life without reaping what they sow; for good or evil. The Harvest is about to take place so come before Me and Wash your Sins of Wrong Sowing before Me. Do not look to your brother or sister to see what they are doing. This is between you and Me as this is your harvest to reap rewards or sorrows from. What you may accuse another of, be blameless before Me in your own works and deeds. I am not grading you on poor performance. I compare you to no one else. My scales of Justice are becoming balanced in this Hour.” “During polishing, the Brilliance can come forth. Many resist this part as it removes aspects that they were comfortable in keeping around. My Light will shine through the new clarity with Glory not known to you before. You must decide to not stay stagnate and desire the Magnificent plan that I have promised. Only you can succeed or walk away by what you choose. Life is more than your natural eyes can behold or understand. See your life in its entirety. Your spirit carried your essence before I placed you in the womb. Your journey did not begin as a human nor will it end as one. Discover who you truly are apart from you can see with the natural eye. I have taken care of you since the foundations and I will not stop. I am not grading your performance. I love you so! Receive and Believe! Choosing a path that seems more suitable to your flesh will lead to death. The enemy is lying in wait in places I have not sent you to. See past the smokescreen.” “The road less traveled often times looks as the place with no joy and hardships at every turn. Think Again! On this path lies My Hidden Treasures that are reserved for My True followers. When you ask for little, I will give you much in the overflow of My Glory. When you walk without complaining, I will reward you in even the most secret of desires. You cannot follow Me when you are distracted by your flesh. You have the power to control your flesh. The control is in your hands. I long to pour out beauty in all that you encounter. Plan A is still before you no matter how much you believe has been lost. I Am the Way Maker! If nothing is Impossible for Me, then you are in Great Hands. Let the fear of what might go wrong leave you completely. Too many rob their futures worrying about aspects that never happen in reality. Do I look worried about your future? You are advancing the field. Do not turn back.” “I want you to consider that you are far more mature in your walk than you give yourself credit for. How you handled matters decades ago is surely not your potential in these moments today. It does not even matter how another person would go about something. I am your personal guide not your personal critic. Does building you up also involve tearing you down? Did you misunderstand My Hand and Voice behind the purpose? Many consider the cost without taking into account that I will make you a fully equipped and ready to go vessel. You are not going out with toy weapons or childish knowledge. I will not make a fool of you nor ask you to accomplish what is beyond your ability with Me at your side. So will you consider the cost once more to a call and destiny beyond your wildest dreams? Will you say yes this time and run the race with My Ruach winds fully behind your every move? Regrets only come when ‘no’ is the decision. The choice for yes has an expiration point.” “I have called you up higher so pay attention to your altitude. Your attitude impacts what altitude you are at. When you live in the negative it will impossible for you to climb to the heights that I have given full freedom too. You wound your own soul by how you let your day progress. Speak life over every area. Forget the naysayers chants all around. I have not defined you by the opinions of those who have no legitimate voice.
Be of Kingdom Mind. Be sold out to what I have placed in your hands. Many throw down the good to chase after the bad before they even stopped to think about what they were allowing into their life. When you allow My Joy to be stolen, you release your authority to illegitimate forces. The Kingdom comes with violence. Do not mistake this power for something that it is not. Will you take what is yours by force? Have I not reserved the Kingdom blessings in your hands? Stop running in fear and Stand where I place you. This is your authority to take up!” “You are My Anointed and Highly Favored Ones. The gems inside your earthen vessel are rare indeed. There is nothing ordinary about you so choose not a life of boredom. Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you. So what are you waiting for? Do you consider Me able to lie or give you a bait and switch scheme? I have sacrificed all that I have with no regrets in what I have placed before you. Before the foundations, I knew what you would need and what you would desire. I have not scolded you and nor shall I begin. My Love is eternal for you. It is by Good Pleasure to meet you each day in whatever you encounter. I will supply so be on the lookout for how I will breakthrough the walls that strive to encase you in doubt and fear. Heaven knows no lack so take My Promises and write them on the walls of your heart. Renew your mind so that My Word lives inside of you.” “The enemy will bring people to fight against you. Just focus on My Voice. They will call you names and bring accusations to stop your call. I will clear the field of any who desire to do combat in My name against you. I did not send them, but I will answer their words and shut the mouths of the liars. I will not be Mocked by those who claim to speak for Me. Feel the Ground Tremble at My Voice. I prepared you and I alone commissioned you. If I take issue with your steps, I will let you know. You are in one of the best times of your life. Take a moment to rejoice for your time is Now. The fog is clearing. New Assignments are handed out. Your stride is of a warrior’s as you go from apprentice to mastery. All is coming into focus over the next few months! Do not stumble over obstacles that are easily avoided. I created you for higher than you have reached today. Your potential is yet to be fully known.” “Let the troubled waters leave your soul. You wear victory. The battle is won on your behalf. Even now as the trumpets sound, the enemy has lost his hold over your situation. The darkness has surrendered to the light. What was pushing you back will now spring you forward. What worked against My purposes in your life will be the grease to move the train forward at lightening speed. What was your ceiling is now your foundation as you go on into the next stage. What was covered in water is now dry land. You will do the impossible for there is no limit over your life. Trust in Me for I cannot fail you. Do not consider what your eyes see in the natural for I am causing blessing and favor from unlikely places and people. I will not let you go without. Take your Rod and Staff. Use what is in your hands. You have the power within you to calm the storm before you. This is your season to walk in full dominion.” “There is beauty even in the darkest of storms. I created you to be conquerors and thrive in all environments. You are not limited by your human body, for your imagination and spirit are limitless in Me. I created everything from My Imagination. The same imagination I bestowed upon you with. Did you forget you were created in My Image? In the spirit realm, imagination is key to unlocking your gifts. You have wondered how many are able to flow in their spiritual gifts and this is the missing piece. Ask Me to open up the fountains and rivers inside your belly. It is from there, that all things flow out of you. Everything I have placed inside of you will come from this source. I have said it will take child like faith and I will restore this aspect within you. Place aside your cynical and serious adult persona. I desire for you to be a carefree child running in the meadow without a concern in the world. I will restore and increase your joy in all circumstances. I can give you reasons to laugh and smile at every storm. Your blessings are on the other side of
that storm, but also inside the storm.” “Storms come and go. Remember that they go. You have been made ready in the secret as well as in the open. In this season, I will do unprecedented shifts for you personally and on the territory that surrounds far and wide. Watch and See just how much this year turns around to your favor. I will have the final say, not the adversary. I will send My Mighty Winds to scattered the enemy. The shaking is not always a negative. Change the perspective for I am busy about the future of My people. You can undo a perfectly great day just in how you decide to see things. I have come to give you a Hope and a Future! I didn’t choose to change My Mind based on what others had to say that differed. Get Up and Come with Me! You will do no good sitting on the sidelines of despair. The Sun indeed still rises. You are coming out but first you must take My hand and not look back. Your time in the past must end if you want to see the New. I am not in your past, but I am standing right before you Now!” “Today, find My Glory raining on you. I am bringing an answer to your life that you are in great need of and have been petitioning for. I am bringing you to a point where you realize that nothing is missing and nothing is broken in you. I am bringing much needed healing in many areas of your life. Bring your desires to My Throne this very day. Radical Change is My Speciality. Decide to let the old yield to the New. I desire many things for you, but what do you desire? Did you lose hope in the valley or decide you no longer required My guidance on the mountain top? My Voice speaks to every situation; every joy and every pain. The enemy will lie to you, but when you tune your frequency to My Heart, you will overcome the schemes of the enemy. Look up, for your answer is on the way. Breakthrough is before you. Shift is your portion. Let the gloom and doomers leave your presence. I am a God of Hope for that is your portion.” “Your Latter days are indeed coming with Brilliance from the Kingdom. I will not leave you in the gutter of hope deferred. What looked like a dead end is moving into the most spectacular turnaround that you could ever imagine. What you are about to give up on, I am reviving for My Glory and Honor. My Breath is the Breath of Life. I am renewing the promises that appeared dead to you. Decades of dreams unrealized are getting My upgrade and the NOW manifestation. Renounce your adult mindset and walk in the Imagination that I created you to flourish in. Your faith and belief in Me lies in your ability to step out of the logical mind and be as children, where all things are known to be possible. Trust Me to take care of your life in the Best Plan and not the mediocre. I created you out of My Love and Favor! I am busy working out your miracle even right now! Just because there is a process does not mean denial or delay. Become Expectant in every hour.” “My Mighty answer, to all that afflicts you, is there where I will meet you. I am coming towards you this very day! I will not abandon you when you call. Together, we will walk out your destiny, and you will be amazed beyond your wildest dreams. Decide to ask for the High call and not the low call. I have created and designed you for greatness not marginally above average. Look at the Calendar and ask Me what I have left to open before the end of this year? Many are waiting for their Promised Land and Doors to Suddenly Open. Find the doors that are still linking you to the past and shut them for good this time. You don't live there anymore. I am coming in and through you to shift you out of the hands that were too strong for you and into the realms that All Things are Possible. Believe and what you hold onto will become a reality. The road less traveled has Gold within it. Tomorrow is changing rapidly.”Though you are not where you thought to be at this time, you are where I have ordained you to be. Do not struggle against this positioning, but relax into Me. Believe Me to take care of you. Look into My Word and set your heart to seek Me for all you desire.My children, stop looking at the waves. If you will keep your eyes on Me, your circumstances will not overwhelm you. If you will set your heart to know Me – to really know Me, you will understand I will provide for you. Look away from the world. Set your mind not
on what you cannot do, but on what I can do. Nothing is impossible with Me. I have placed you where you are for such a time as this, but many of My children are slipping out of place. Do not allow fear to fill your spirits, My children, for I desire you would fear only Me. If you walk closely with Me and spend time daily in My Word, you have nothing to fear. Give your cares to Me. Submit yourself and your life’s path to Me. Allow Me to guide you and I will lead you out of where you are and you will be better for it. Allow Me to lead you, for I have called you for such a time as this. My children, many events will begin happening around you in this time that set into motion My plan to bring forth the end of all things in the earth. Do not fear as you see these things happening. Set your hearts to release your affections for what is in the earth for soon it shall pass away. Set your affections on things above, where you will soon be with Me. Reflect upon your heart and your true motives as you go about your day and repent if you find sin there, that I may forgive you. The world around you grows darker by the minute and soon it will become a misery for all who dwell there. I do not desire you would be found among them. My children, you must set your hearts to understand that what once was will never be again. The time that is left in the earth is moving quickly towards the end of all things. You are coming home sooner than you believe you are and I desire you would make yourselves ready. Ready your hearts – do not cling to the things of your world, but set your sights on what is above. Rejoice in your salvation as you once did, for it is nearer now than ever before. Soon the earth will become a terrible place where evil rules. My children will be despised and killed. Though you knew happy and carefree days in your past, they are behind you now. The birth pangs increase as the woman travails to be delivered. Very soon My Son comes back to get you and you must be ready. My children, time will begin rushing past you very quickly now, as I have accelerated time as you move towards the end of all things. I desire to bring sin in the earth to an end. Your time is very limited now and you have little time left to complete what I have called you to do. I am the greatest of all Kings. Will you stand before Me with empty hands? If I have called you to souls, I will hold you to account for those souls. I will require an answer from you when you stand before Me in that time. Think on this as you plan what remains of your days.A dark night of the soul approaches for My people in America. A night will fall that feels like all the others, but morning dawns a new day – a day of destruction. For the Horse of War rides soon. This war will spread and involve the world. Large nations will join in the fight. I am calling all nations to get ready for what is coming. There will be much death and much destruction in one night. Many souls will go into eternal darkness on this night. This is not My will – I desire you would repent and that all souls would be saved. My children, do not be lax to repent when you have sinned against Me, for I will always forgive you if you repent. Children, why do you continue to provoke my anger? I have removed your idols to make time for you to seek my face. Have you done this? I have put you in solitude for this reason. While I see many on their knees. I hear others grumble against me . Their idols of gold and silver will be worthless. Their GOD money is failing them. Go into our prayer closet and call on me now. I will hear you, I will forgive your sins. I send plagues to move you to action. I send plagues to get your attention. I send plagues to soften men's hearts to the TRUTH of who I AM. Humble yourself and read my WORDS. Search your heart, where is your trust placed.? The BEAST has many worldly friends. He works with them in the shadows to plan for his REIGN of power. While men sleep , he works. The earth will shake and sink beneath you. Towers and monuments will crumble and fall. Darkness will be upon the nations. The hand of the Destroyer will pass over the children my Father has given to me.Just as it was in Egypt so it shall be again in these LAST DAYS. Seek after me while time remains. The plagues will continue until you know I AM
Children, right now many of you can see and have been given understanding of the coming danger. You WILL have to choose to stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS or follow the blind sheep to the slaughter. Many will be hated and even put to death for standing WITH ME. I AM. While the authorities have stopped your freedom and movement . They have been busy putting their own evil agendas into place. I too, have been busy refining my own for this time. A time of TRIBULATION. I have prepared and taught my SAINTS all things. My SPIRIT resides in them. I have called thee and you have listened. I have spoken and you have obeyed. Today's trials shall strengthen thee for your tears have reached the heavens. I am the breath of life. I am the light of the world. My light shines brightly upon thee. I am the beacon of truth. You have spoken this truth. I am the lion of Judah. My words have been on your lips. Speak now son of man, proclaim my glory to the multitudes. These are the days of sorrows. The mighty shall be humbled with the sound of My name. My judgement comes to the wicked. Their hands are soaked in the blood of the innocence. Go forth Daniel and speak boldly for now is the appointed time.