Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Message Date - 14 Nov 2016

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 14 Nov 2016***

(Lana Vawser)
Posted on November 14, 2016 by Lana

By Lana Vawser

I am releasing this vision I had as an encouragement for those who have been praying for President Elect- Donald Trump. There is such a shaking happening in the USA right now, and the division, the riots, the broken relationships, the mourning, grief, trauma, the fear many are feeling has been weighing heavy on my heart. I feel such a deep cry of the heart of the Father for unity, love, and valuing relationship with and honour of one another above opinions.
Amidst this incredible shaking and division, many prophetic voices and seers have been releasing words on the urgency in the Spirit to cover Donald Trump in prayer and to remain steadfast in intercession for the nation, as the “battle is not over yet.” The invitation from the heart of the Father to come deeper in intercession to see the nation healed. Many have felt an urgency to pray for the protection of Donald Trump and the plans of the enemy to be cancelled in Jesus name and many “calls to prayer” have been released to call the people of God to join together in prayer for him.
That is where this encouragement comes in. I had a vision a few days ago where I saw Donald Trump and the atmosphere around him was so turbulent. It felt like WAR all around in the atmosphere. I watched as the people of God came around him, one after another, after another, after another, until there were THOUSANDS of people surrounding him. They all had their arms outstretched like and there were SO MANY covering him that I couldn’t see him anymore. All I could see was a sea of people covering him and it looked like a HUGE DOME.
Instantly I was given eyes to see and I could see through the sea of people and I saw Donald Trump under all these hands. The more the people of God prayed, the more as the storm raged around, the lower and lower he got to the ground. He began crouching, and then crouching lower and lower, then kneeling and then lying down. The sense surrounded me that through this opposition around him and the prayers of God’s people for him, the Lord was doing a deep work of humility and awakening him more and more to his dependence upon the Lord and that there was a pliability about him. Everything going on was pushing him further and further into the heart of God and his need for Jesus and the wisdom of God.
As the prayers of the saints continued and this deep work of the Holy Spirit was taking place, I saw the wind of the Spirit pick up in greater power and momentum and I saw FOUR words appear over him. The words were VELOCITY, UNSTOPPABLE, UNTOUCHABLE, and VICTORY!! The more the saints prayed and remained in intercession, the more I saw these words being LIT ON FIRE.
I was then surrounded with this incredible sense of the plans and purposes of God to in using Trump and in the USA were going to increase in VELOCITY, they would be UNSTOPPABLE, UNTOUCHABLE and there would be a continual MOMENTUM of victory that would be established in the nation. I was also surrounded with the sense of as God’s people pray, the enemy was being blinded and couldn’t ‘see’ Trump, but just a wall of God’s people standing before him saying “BACK OFF in Jesus name!!!!”
I saw specific wisdom being released to Trump by the Spirit of God and advisors around him, it was heavenly wisdom and prophetic insight that was like Elisha in 2 Kings 6:12, that the very plans of the enemy that are being “whispered” in secret, would be revealed and passed onto him, that would see the enemy’s plans continually shut down before they could even ‘take ground’.
I then heard the words “Encourage My people, encourage the intercessors that their prayers are having GREAT EFFECT. Keep your eyes UP!!!”
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
I believe that the Lord is decreeing VICTORY over the United States of America. This IS your day of victory! As I have said MANY times before, it is not about Trump, it’s about Jesus! It’s about seeing His Kingdom extended, it’s about seeing His goodness and love revealed in the nation, and MANY coming to know Him. Is God using Trump as part of his victory plan? I believe so! Will God use the Church and many others to bring victory to the USA? Definitely! The enemy is fighting HARD right now to bring about division. There needs to be more prayer than ever now for unity and healing. The Lord highlighted James 5:16 and I want to encourage you, no matter who you voted for, if any thing in this traumatising season for many in the USA has caused offense and broken relationships, I want to encourage you, repent of your offense. Value your relationships higher than your opinions. If there has been the sin of offense or relationships have been hurt and damaged over this, I want to encourage you to repent to one another and pray for each other. Don’t allow the enemy a foothold of division in your life over this. This is NOT the heart and intention of God. God moves in ways we don’t expect, and His ways are higher than ours, and the way He moves may offend our minds at times, but we must value, honour and LOVE each other despite difference in beliefs. It’s time to FIGHT for UNITY!
Your prayers for President Elect Donald J Trump are having effect, no matter what you see in the natural. This vision was an ENCOURAGEMENT that your prayers are POWERFUL. I felt like the Lord was releasing a “sneak peek” into what’s going on in the Spirit. I want to encourage you, KEEP PRAYING! Don’t give up! It’s NOT over, the battle still rages. Continue to pray and decree. Use this word as a weapon!
I decree the VICTORY of Jesus and His plans going forth UNSTOPPABLE and UNTOUCHABLE with great VELOCITY in the United States of America, in Jesus name.
I’m with you!!!!

Posted on November 11, 2016 by Lana
By Lana Vawser
This morning I felt the Lord really highlighting HONOUR! As I asked the Lord what He wanted to say about HONOUR I instantly saw a MAJOR tidal wave of His Spirit flooding into the body of Christ. This wave of His Spirit came with great power and intensity. It brought about an INCREDIBLE shaking in the body of Christ but I saw it BREAK SOMETHING OPEN!

When I looked closer I saw this tidal wave CRASHED UPON hatred and dishonour. I was surrounded by the sense that the Lord is really dealing and about to deal with dishonour and hatred in the body of Christ in a way we have not seen before.
This powerful move of His Spirit that is about to manifest in a greater way against hatred and dishonour does not relinquish people of their responsibility to choose to love, honour and forgive. This great tidal wave of His Spirit is increasing the momentum of this great awakening that is taking place now, of the revelation of the Father’s LOVE and delight of His children. (Zephaniah 3:17) The Spirit of God is starting to really deal with even deeper rooted soul issues in His people. 
As this great tidal wave continues to crash in and bring this great shaking, it is going to bring more and more dross and things to the surface. Darkness will be exposed. Infections of the heart and soul will come to the surface to meet with the glorious, comforting, healing power of His love and Spirit.
Many have laid amazing foundations for the body of Christ in their teaching of honour and cultures of honour (such as Danny Silk and others) and that has brought tremendous life, shift and healing to the body of Christ. We are now about to see a significant increase in the velocity of the revelation manifesting of the absolute importance of loving and honouring one another and any we come in contact with.
This shaking in the body of Christ will intensify but as it does, keep your eyes on Jesus and know He is cleaning things out. He is bringing healing, righteousness and the greater manifestation of honour. He is working deeply to bring unity and purity and the body of Christ to a deeper place of revelation of John 13:35
“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”
God is doing heart surgery! He is bringing you and I to a place of greater strength of foundation in Him. He is maturing His Bride through the shaking. He is awakening us to our absolute desperate need of Him and to hear His voice. This tidal wave of His Spirit crashing in is bringing the greatest manifestation of healing, deliverance and freedom that many have ever seen.

John 15:12-13:

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
In this deep, deep work of His Spirit, He is bringing us deeper into an era of living in a greater revelation and manifestation of knowing the love of Jesus and how He laid down His life for us. Deeper encounters with His love and awakening to the beautiful Gospel message in its purity is being set on fire in the lives of believers like they have never known before.
To know what it is to love one another and lay down our lives for each other. To walk in such honour and blessing of one another. Considering others greater than ourselves. (Philippians 2:3)
He is cleaning out the toxins and cleaning out the infection. The toxicity of division, hatred, bitterness, impurity… He is cleaning it out.
Our responsibility is to maintain our intimacy with Jesus. To stay deep and even deeper in the Word and ACT on what it says. To let His Spirit and Word bring cleansing, convicting and healing.
“That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:26-27)
What I have seen happen in the body of Christ, the hatred, lack of honour, offense and backbiting in the last 12 months has been so grieving, but it is all coming to the surface because God wants to deal with it and bring UNITY! We are about to KNOW UNITY AND HONOUR like we never have before.
In this vision as I watched the tidal wave of His Spirit crashing in and dealing with all the hatred, disunity and lack of honour, once He had completed His work, once He had established that which He decreed, I saw an huge SURGE of believers being sent out and positioned in the world. In corporate settings, in government, in schools, in mission fields, all over the globe, in the seven mountains… in all these places positioned like never before by the hand of God to not only release the Kingdom and Gospel, but to TEACH and lead by example the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES of honour.
He is preparing us and cleaning house now so we can move into greater influence and arenas in the world displaying the love
of Jesus, the honour of heaven and the holiness and integrity of Christ.
God is going to surprise His people and the world with who He places honour and favour upon in this season. It will really display what KINGDOM is! What LOVE is! Honour and love not based upon success or achievements as such, but honour based upon the truth that every person on this planet from the least to the greatest, no matter who they are or what they have done are LOVED BY JESUS! There is a place of honouring and loving someone because He created them, whilst not condoning evil or sinful actions.
He is taking us higher Church! He is refining us and shaping us! He is cleaning house! Give Him your YES to do whatever He has to do as this tidal wave of His Spirit comes crashing in, in greater intensity and power. His fire increasing to bring us out as gold. That we would be known by or LOVE and LOVE for one another as we are awakened to His love.
For out of this fire will come a pure, united Bride! He is preparing us to walk deeper into Isaiah 22:22, He opens doors no man can shut and closes doors no man can open.
The world is waiting for the manifested sons and daughters of Glory to arise and it’s happening! We will move out into the world in greater ways and teach and display what it means to love and honour one another through the grace and love of Jesus!
I’m in! Are you?

Daily Prophetic Word
November 14, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “My Power runs through you. Never think or believe you are far from all that I have for you. See beyond and understand that I will come when you ask, but I may not answer in the same manner that you thought. Can you believe that I have better than what your mind can comprehend? I would be doing you a disservice if I did as you desired when there is much more than I can actually do. You may not always see it at the moment, but many more gifts will arrive down the road of life.
Let everything be loose in your hands unless I tell you otherwise. Let me rearrange and move what needs to be adjusted. When you struggle against this process you will prolong the time, but also find despair hit your soul. It is all about how you perceive what is happening. You can either rejoice for I am doing a new work inside of you, or you can see it as a punishment and a loss. How you respond in attitude shapes your experiences. The enemy will tell you that this is not for good but evil. Who will you trust?
Going from Glory to Glory is your portion. Too many are going from pit to pit because their mindset is not tuned into the Frequency of Heaven. Change the station in your heart and mind. Decide that you do not know it all or have all of the answers. Can you be your own god? Many try this exact thing day in and day out. Following your Lord sometimes and not other times will never get you to any destination in reality. You will continue to leave the path for your own fleshly desires leaving chaos in the wake. How can you be upset at the outcome when these were your own choices?
Ask Me to remove the religious law that you have veiled yourself with. If you truly want the freedom that My Son died to give you, understand the religious works must die as well. The law will never get you into Heaven or even provide you with the richness that My Way will. This will feel uncomfortable, foreign, and naked at first, but soon your eyes will see what I have been teaching you. A broken system is still broken even when we try to pretend we are happy in it. Real Joy is allowing me to remove what is not of Me. Others will not always celebrate your liberty, but just keep moving with My winds and you will never go wrong.”

Daily Prophetic Word
November 13, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “Just when you counted yourself out of the equation, you found that I have taken you into a purpose and plan. David worshipped and shared his heart with Me long before he heard My reply. I will create a need within your void that only I can fill. Many will try to place other people and things into that emptiness only to find out that nothing truly works. When you let Me in, I will heal the brokenness and erase the years of lack.

Just because the world goes through turmoil does not mean My people must go through it as well. Can you be prosperous in all seasons if I am your Lord? I will give you the strategy despite the wind howling in your ears. When have I let My people down in the past? What are you being led around by? Let your spirit rise up in this Hour. We are charging the gates of denial and finding the land of promises. What I have said is yours is indeed yours.

You control may aspects in your life and what you allow will begin to shape you. Evaluate what should be pulled out and give it to Me for removal. I am not a harsh taskmaster. I will be gentle with your shortcomings and perceived faults. I can use it all for I find no waste in who you are. Come a little closer. Tomorrow, find a miracle in your midst. Find the answer to a long awaited prayer that you even grew tired of hoping for. I did not forget.

You are walking right into the Kairos time, for many long battles have broken and made way for your answer to manifest. What you have little faith in will find you just as what you had great faith in, just the same. I will be reminding you of long overdue answers so that your excitement will build. What seemed like a denial was just a lesson in growing up in Me. I will keep My word unto you. Never give up on what I speak over you!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 12, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “While you slumber I am not asleep! I do not need to take a break or wander off to enjoy some leisure time at your expense. I Am Omnipresent. You will find Me the same over behind the bush as you will in a church building. I have not made it hard for you to reach Me. In fact, nothing could be simpler. I am not waiting for you to grovel or get into the right position before I will hear your pleas and cries. This is not a test as many have claimed it to be.

What is your weapon at the ready is your Praise and Worship. This weapon is not for Me, it is for you for when you do, your heart and mind will come into alignment with Heaven and the atmosphere will shift. Victory will come and kingdoms will fall. I will give you the rulers of all into your hands to fulfill My purposes. You Rule and Reign in My Kingdom so there is not another outcome you will experience. Forget those that speak against you over this and that. Hold your head high for you are walking in My Truth and Love.

Abandon yourself unto Me and see the landscape change before your eyes. You cannot serve two masters. Will you give My honor to another? Decide not to be your own worst enemy. Think today, who is benefiting from your mindset and attitude. Is Heaven or Hell rejoicing over your responses in life? Be careful who you are giving power to in reality. Many leave Me to put their faith and trust into areas that are only doomed to crumble. Put your faith and trust into eternity and the One who holds it all.

Life sometimes offers shorter roads, longer roads, or roads that appear to be going in the wrong direction for part of the journey. At times, all of these ways are needed and used to bring you to the right place in Me. You do not walk by sight, do you? I have purpose in all that I do so, therefore, I am calling you to do the same. Walking around as if you have not planned out the next moment will keep you from reaching goals and dreams. Sketch out your days, weeks, and months, and keep watch as I take the little and turn it into a story worth celebrating. We are going somewhere spectacular and staying the course that I have laid out will ensure arrival.”

Daily Prophetic Word
November 11, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “There is a New Sound Coming. One that will be unfamiliar and missed by many, but My True Ones will hear it and right away know it is from My Throne room. As this sound vibrates over land and over sea, nations will be shaken, lives will be altered, and demonic strongholds will topple. Did you see Saul become Paul within a mere moment? Do you think I cannot still bring that kind of radical conversion even with your enemies? I have called the lost home, and what is coming will sound a new era that even the biggest skeptic will not be able to avoid noticing.

In times of bleak reports, I Am the God that will give an answer. I Am the One who will come through in every need that you have. When you look to other sources for relief, you will miss what I am doing on your behalf and give credit to illegitimate people and things. Be mindful of the grumbling and complaining that you do for this will be a curse unto your own soul. Free yourself of having to figure out every situation for My Child, I have the way already mapped out. Take time each day to stay connected to Me, even on days you feel the most unworthy.

In My Eyes, there will never be an hour that you are not deserving of all that I have. You are fully worthy because I have made you so. Not of your own power or might lest anyone have the right to boast. You are Mine and there is no changing how I will care for you through My full attention with Love and Detail. Cast away the notion that you are just a servant for I have called you friend. I will never forsake, and I will never leave you. I am not mad at you! Even on the days that you feel upset about how things have transpired, I will speak to you about My blessings and favor ready for the taking.

Take upon yourself the Fresh Garments laid out for you. What you needed in the last season has been done away with. Notice how much has quickly changed for you and how much is still shifting loose. Your identity in Me has also come into a maturity that has not been known to you before now. People will notice that you walk differently and soon even your speech will take on a new transformation that will even be foreign to you. I Am the One who makes a person, and you are finding out more and more right now, just how much work I have been doing behind the scenes. You are coming out and going up!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

(Kathy Mote)
The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, and there will be no warning. It will shock all who thought that they knew the day. It will terrify all who thought all there was is what was in their own heart. It will dismay those that were convinced that their own thoughts of Me were reality, for they are really only convinced of themselves. How does a man welcome Me if they don't know Me? How does a man receive a King that he cannot see? How difficult is it to ask for ears that hear, and eyes that see? Do I not answer all who ask me? Do I not give freely? Let us reason together. Let them come as they are.
The Lord says to you, I did not send this to you. I am to tell you that if you will turn your face away from the terror of this attack against you and turn towards the Lord, you will not only be comforted, but you will receive strength to stand up and receive your freedom from it. I am to say this is a challenge, that the devil is challenging you. The stand you make today according to your faith will be pivotal for your future beliefs, and upon this decision to believe rests your freedom. I encourage you in the Lord today, make a stand. Stand and walk away from the challenge of a bully who has no power over you. Stand and receive the freedom bought for you. Stand in the power of the Lord and his love poured out for you. Stand as one redeemed, and fear no darkness that comes against you! Stand, and according to your faith, be it unto you. "I've got you." In the coming days you will not worry about how you should act, what you should say, or how you should feel. I have come alongside, and taken your hand. I have raised up a standard in your heart of intimate contact with Me. You will know what to say, and how to feel, for it will be as easy as snuggling into a warm blanket to follow My leading. And like a fire to be near when it's cold, and an umbrella over your head in the rain, you will stay in fellowship with Me for protection, comfort and leading.
I have given you all the treasures that exist, for all that there were are wrapped up in Him. He is the First and the Last, and in Him are all the stars of heaven. I made of Him a gift for you, for He is your Ransom from Heaven. It was for you that the Morning Star was given. Slain like a lamb to save you from your fallen condition. All the love, poured out from Heaven. To bring you back to Me, My child, My beloved.
There is a place where you belong, yet in this world you never felt you were wanted. You never thought that you fit in. You were always cast out and made to feel rejected. But I tell you, my beautiful one, you were always called to Me. To be a powerful tool in My hand. To bring My children to Me in the last days. To bring your brethren to know My Son. You have a place deep in My heart where you are loved, and very important. You were called for such a time as this and also in such a time as this! You have been called to see the greatest day man has ever seen. All the pain you suffered from rejection has been turned to great strength, and has been given to you as a powerful gift. You have a special election, with special training. And in all that I ask you to do, you will be safe, and remain in good standing. I saw every tear you cried, and each was precious to Me as I stood by your side. All of your pain will be redeemed. All of your suffering will be erased. Your place has always been with Me, and in Me you will know the joy of family.
The only voice that has the power to move mountains and cast them into the sea is the one who stands in faith before Me. Many voices will speak as they choose to speak! With My own voice did I speak! You are My garden and I have planted you like a mighty tree, you will stand tall and strong, not cower and be weak! behold, it is I who shake the tree! All of My children should dance with glee, for they are safe as I shake the monkeys from the tree! The earth is My own, to do with as I please. The ground will shake at My coming, but I call My children to be in peace.
. This is My throne, My Kingdom, My Bride. You will not fear him, you will stand in the light. Stand in my Glory, stand in my Might! I am well able to hold you through the night. For greater is He who is in you, than any evil that rises!
There are many voices you will hear in the days to come, and many tongues speaking this and then that. When you hear them, let not your heart be troubled, and do not tremble in great fear. Many different voices in gossip will now rise. They will begin to ring like bells in the steeples of the church houses. There will be rumors of war as gossip abounds. I do not call you to listen to them, but to fix your eyes on Me, and listen to what I have said. For no matter what circumstance, My word can be trusted. Know that in all things My care of you has no end. To the end of the age and though the earth crumble, you are My beloved and you are safe in My hand. For did I not say thousands will fall on your left and on your right, that no evil would touch you, that you would live in safety, fear no darkness, and live in the light! My care of you will never end, and in all things, on that you can depend. The devil does not chase Me, and I do not run from him. In your heart, My beloved, let the matter be settled. I am your Lord and above Me there is no other.
The hurt and disappointment you are struggling with colors your thinking, and how you see what you see. That is not Lord over you, and not reality. The power and strength that I call you to is your inheritance, and what should flow and course through you. Abundant life is your portion, and it will cause great joy as you walk in its freedom. If your inheritance is in Me, then so must you be in Me. To walk in your freedom, you must walk not in your flesh and emotion, but with Me. I call My children to hear and see. I call you to live in My presence, and enjoy peace. Let everything you see be colored by Me, and not the feelings you have as you struggle with things. Come walk in your inheritance and enjoy peace. Let everything you say and do be between you and Me. I have come that you might live abundantly. How do you think you will do this without Me?
I am to ask, in what you face right now, do you have enough love for it? In your heart is shed the love of God... enough to save the world. That is enough to save the moment you are in. I am sent to encourage you today to walk in it.
Through all the storms that raged, and all the hurt, disappointment and pain, you sat at My feet, and waited on Me. And as you did, I gave you grace, and peace. I have turned your suffering into strength, your waiting into maturity. In your patience you have been given humility, and because of your trust you now have great faith. You are emptied of self, and are the work of My hands, a sharp tool that I will use to accomplish great things. You have lost the perspective of this world, and I have given you eyes to see, and ears to hear. You will walk the mountaintops, and take the land. You will sing My praise for all to hear. The coming days will reveal My work in you. You will glorify My name, My beautiful one, as I glorify you.
be fearless today! I want you to jump! There are things you cannot control, and things you cannot see, but that won't matter, because I've got you and I've got your landing! The things that I have given you are the things that you need! The place where you are is not where you are to stay! You have a tendency to settle down and make the best of where you are, but I am giving you courage for your upcoming adventure! Where you are is not where you will stay. You now have the courage to go where you are going and face the new day!
As you learn to see your life from the Lord's perspective, and accept the Lord's will, you learn to be truly grateful for what is in store for you in Him. His life is His gift to you, and it is a far greater life. Compared to the old and worn shoes you wore, He now places gold slippers on your feet. The things of your natural life were, at best, worn, and dull. Even if you don't know it, there was no real life in your life at all. The life He now gives you will fill you with joy, strength and hope. The things of your past had no life at all. So think about your blessings, and receive them by faith. Don't focus on the hurts or disappointments in a life with no life that you no longer have to face. This is what the Lord says. To the broken hearted I now speak, your heart is not at all broken once you give it to Me, it is mended, filled, rewoven by My love, and made whole, alive and complete. And as you face not only tomorrow, but all eternity, I will always be with you. And you will always be with Me.

“You Stand On the Precipice of Monumental Change, Much, Much is About to Befall You”
The stage is set, the curtain falls..

From My Kingdom perspective, I see a nation divided, and a kingdom divided will not stand. Events transpiring are shaking foundations, as I have previously warned foundations would shake. I have seen the end from the beginning however, and the events transpire like clockwork.

Deep and dark is the deception upon you, but I warn you it will grow darker. Many have placed their faith and trust on sinking sand. Many look to men and not Me for their refuge. Have I not told you that in the end there would be great deception? That even the elect would be deceived?

For many, they now have their new king. Beware when you hear peace and safety, for sudden destruction still comes! He who still remains in office deals treacherously, and your very lives are at stake. He wishes to see his evil schemes through to the end. All is not as it seems, hence My admonition to you – to stay sober, be watchful, wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Your discernment in these times is crucial. Unless you know your Shepherd’s voice, how will you know and heed My instructions? People do desperate things in desperate times and will trust in a man, in a system that is tangible, because they have not learned to hear their Master’s voice.

Operating from your spirit, you will see that everything that is tangible is temporal, temporary. All is simply a manifestation of a thought, My thought from before creation and you came into existence. My first thought for creation and for you was born out of pure and endless love directly from My Heart. You were breathed into being by My very breath, made in Our image, pure and untainted. Your DNA, your genetic code was made in Our image to be a representation of pure light and love here in this realm.

After the fall, this became tainted and corrupt. Sin entered and death was introduced. Man’s purpose and destiny in and with Me became veiled and redemption was then required. I came as your Redeemer, shedding My innocent life’s blood so the veil could be torn, and you could once again freely access My Kingdom, your true home. My shed blood offers so much more than you have previously understood, but here is wisdom, I am releasing more wisdom and understanding in these last days. I am revealing that your DNA is being changed, corruptible to incorruptible. If you would release all the limitations of your minds and your previous perceptions of Me, I will reveal who you truly are when you are in Me and this truth will alter everything and set you free. As I reveal hidden truths and mysteries, I unlock your very cells memories and strip the corruption from you that was instilled by the fall and has been overshadowing you for 6000 years. This is how I purify you. This is how I move you from glory to glory.

I am asking you yet again to have My perspective on all that is occurring around you. When you see all of it as complete, as My first thought, as My perfect design from before the foundation of time, perfect from beginning to end, this opens your spiritual eyes and ears to receive the impartations I am so eager to give you.

You are as My remnant, strategically placed around the world, shining as My jewels and burning with the fire of My love within you. When these fires collectively burn and My revelation is imparted, the results are the fires of My love spreading throughout the world, as you draw the lost unto Me.

You stand on the precipice of monumental change. You will shine as the purest reflection of Me and the love I have for all in My Heart. You must see both sides of what is happening now in the current state of affairs. In the judgments that are here, and I will not delay, the greatest mercy is shown, as it will afford many an opportunity to cry out to Me in their distress. Unlike in the days of Noah when the floodwaters covered the earth, these judgments will be met with an opposing, yet victorious force – My glory manifested through My remnant church, the mysteries revealed and unlocking the truth of who I am and who you are.

I am the Door, the Gate, and the Way as I dwell within you. This enables Creator to walk with His created ones once again as We did in the Garden. I am come again to walk with you face to face once again on this earth, once the purification is complete.

I am causing you to remember, your very cell memories to respond and reflect Me in the design that was originally My first thought for you. Such power is in this rememberance, this awakening, and this activating!

Ask Me to reveal the greater mysteries of My Kingdom to you and it shall be done. Seek Me with all your hearts and I shall be found. I always reveal what I am about to do to My servants, the prophets so you will have no fear. You will see great and terrible things. I am making Myself known by the signs in the Heaven’s, in the seas, above the earth and from below it.

Remember as all these things manifest, your Kingdom home is not of this place and all must come to pass as My Word must be fulfilled. Let your focus not be on events which will cause you to rely on your responses to what is seen and felt in the natural, all based in experiences. This would be a limited perspective based in soul-nature. I am calling you higher and deeper now.

I desire that your focus be on Me, on My Heart, in our fellowship and communion together, so your relationship with Me will become more intimate, and your purpose here fulfilled because you have allowed Me complete access to your hearts by your full surrender.

I will be very direct with you now. Much, much is about to befall you. You must have your spiritual houses in order with the natural to follow as you are led by My Spirit. I will counsel you in every step if you would only be sensitive to the move of My Spirit. Release all things that hinder this process. These instructions are crucial and may mean life or death for many of you.

The evil one also is very aware of the times you are in and knows My scripture. He understands I am unlocking and revealing mysteries in these last days. He is well aware of the power and authority My Bride carries and he is reacting to the fulfillment of all My prophecies with an increasing urgency, intensity and fervor. His days are numbered and he fears his end. He knows he is only a created being but you are created in My image, and so he hates you as he hates Me. He will attempt to create doubt, fear, distraction and confusion in My people as the terrible judgments fall. Know this though My precious ones, your steps are sure, and I will never leave you or forsake you. I give you the power to tread on all manner of evil things, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

As I have said in many previous messages to you, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, the sudden-lies will be upon you.

Have you made My Heart your abode? If not, your hesitation will be costly.

Heed My voice and My words through this, My messenger. Truly you are hearing truth and being given the wisdom required for this moment. Consume all that has been presented and respond accordingly.

It is begun..


Scripture References – King James Version (KJV)

Mark 3:25

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Matthew 7:24-27

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 24:24

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Matthew 10:16

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

John 10:27

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Hebrews 10:19-22

19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
21 And having an high priest over the house of God;
22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

1 Corinthians 15:53-55

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Colossians 1:26

Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

Job 12:22

He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death.

2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

John 14:26

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

2 Peter 2:4-10

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;
7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

Ephesians 1:17-23

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Luke 21:25-26

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Isaiah 38:1

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.

Psalm 37:23-24

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

Amos 3:6

Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?

Deuteronomy 31:6

6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

John 8:31-32

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

(Glynda Linkous)
Saturday, November 12, 2016
   I speak to you now to use your words for good.
   Use your voice and prophesy to your life, prophesy to your body, prophesy to your relationships!
   Prophesy those things you desire, and watch as I bring many of them to pass, according to My will. Prophesy to the heavens, prophesy to the earth.
   Use your voice to bring change for the good. I have created you in My image.
Genesis 1:27
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Proverbs 18:21
    21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Luke 6:45
    45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Friday, November 11, 2016
Anticipate My Return
   You never expected you would live to see such a time as this, and yet I tell you truly, many others have desired to see this time, to see the end of all things approaching.
   It is a joyous time, but a time that will be filled with grievous events.
   If you will keep your mind stayed on Me, it will pass easily. It is seeing these events through My Eyes that will make them bearable.
   You must remember, My children, that I cannot return for you until scripture is fulfilled. You are seeing the fulfillment in anticipation of My return. Look up, your redemption truly draws nigh.
Matthew 13:17

    17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

Isaiah 26:3

    3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Matthew 26:54

    54 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?

Luke 21:28

    28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

TRANSCRIPT: My daughter, Write My words for those with ears to hear. My children, you must always use your discernment. I have provided to you My Holy Spirit for this purpose. You must quell your fleshy reasoning and allow the Holy Spirit to show you My truth and wisdom in all things. The election of just one world leader has impact, yes; but, My children, has anything really changed with the hearts of the people in your nation? They are looking for a Savior in a man instead of looking at the true Savior, Me. They long for a paradise, a utopia, a supernatural peace that only I can provide. But they are misguided into thinking a man or a woman can create this for them. Have no doubt, My children, that I AM a King-maker. I have chosen who would be in places of power on your earth throughout time and history and, now, is no different. But, My children, do not dream that because your choice was elected into office that things are going to suddenly morph into your idea of perfection. He is simply just a man, a man I have placed into this position of power, but simply just a man. Remove your focus off of this world and its leaders and seek the only real King, Me. I AM your (?) creator. I love you, My children, and I, too, want for My children peace and paradise; this is true. But this will never be the case when Satan himself is still the ruler of your air. The events of your time have been known throughout all of time, My children. They are set and unchangeable. Do not doubt Me, My loves, for I AM in complete and ultimate control. Walk in this knowledge. Walk in an unshakeable faith that the final outcome is My victory, for My victory has been in place since before time began. So many of my children wonder, what does this mean for your nation and the world? My loves, this changes nothing when it comes to my children as it has been always. Seek Me constantly. Seek My face. Long for Me as I long for you, for there is coming a time soon when we will be together, and your burdensome flesh will no longer stand between us. I created you to love you. Look past all of the things that are occurring in your world and see Me. See My Glory. See My power and realize My love for you. When you remain focused on this world, you open yourself up to the enemy. You open yourself up to human understanding and do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. You must remember My promises, My loves. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will be coming back for you to bring you to the place that I have prepared for you. I AM always right by your side. No human imaginations can conceive our eternal future together. There are so many more promises found in My Word. Abide in Me now, My children, and watch with open hearts and open minds what I will be bringing upon your earth. The enemy is loaded with tricks and plans, My loves. But you are secure in My love, and nothing can snatch you from My hand. You must live in this security. Allow nothing to shake you; nothing. I AM not the author of fear. Would a loving Father want his children living in fear? No, no, no. Fear will flee from you when you abide in Me, My children. Simply call upon My name. Recognize the schemes of the enemy before they affect you for, if you give him no inroads into your life, he can't affect you. Exist in My peace. Do not waiver. You are in Me, and I AM your rock. Things will unfold as things will unfold. No matter what comes to pass, remain comforted by the knowledge of our future together. I love you, My children and, soon, you will experience the depth of My love firsthand. Yahshuah Hamashiak.

TRANSCRIPT: Nov. 13, 2016 My daughter, write my words for those with ears to hear. My children, I know the heart of each man intimately. Therefore, I say to you: Do not judge your brothers & sisters, for you do not know their hearts. I see my own children being fooled by the enemy instead of bringing their questions to Me. They believe what the world if feeding them. They are being programmed by what the world thinks & believing what the world wants them to believe. Some of my children are even reacting as the world would want them to react. Stop, my loves! Come full circle back to Me. Operate in My Power & in My Love. Do not fall for the tricks of the enemy. He is so subtle that, before you know it, you are thinking like the rest of your world. They do not know Me, & they do not know My plans, & they have NO idea of My Power. There is coming a time when they will meet Me, My loves. They will recognize the fact that they DO have a Creator, & at that point, many will seek for a relationship with Me. Do not be dismayed, My loves. You will begin to see people turning from the ways of this world & begin to see My Truth. As I have said in messages before, more darkness & evil has been released, but there is also more of My Light being released through My children. Do not doubt the fact that My Holy Spirit has ultimate dominion, My loves, & until He is removed, My children need to realize His Power & use it. Too many have let the worries of this world dictate their relationship with Me. The hearts of my Creation are so important to Me, My loves. I long for more hearts to receive Me, yes, but to My children who are already a part of My Flock, you are My Pride & Joy! I want nothing more than for you to be in constant communion with Me & relying on Me, filled with My Peace & My Joy, & not affected by what you see or hear in your world. A complete carefree attitude, knowing that I love you beyond measure, & that I only want supernatural blessing & love on your lives. This is the biggest issue with My children. They do no conceive My Love for them & they do not conceive the power of My Love. They live half in this world & in its worries, & they do not receive the power that I offer. My Power cannot exist without Faith. My Power cannot exist without the realization of the victory that I have already won. Leave all of the things that have bogged you down in this world behind & begin a new adventure with Me, My children. Allow Me to use you in every circumstance to expand upon My Joy in your nation & in your world. This is not just a case of occupying until My return; this is a matter of you operating in complete confidence in My Love for you. Do not allow the enemy to cast a shadow on this Love. Do not ignore the promises that are SO amazing & SO true that are found in My Word. Do not let the enemy dictate your circumstances. He will take every opportunity to attack you if you allow him to. My Holy Spirit wants to bring My children to a new level of understanding now. He longs to show the enemy who is Boss! In some cases, these will be baby steps for you, My loves, but be patient & know that your patience is growing you more than you could ever imagine. Some of you will achieve GREAT works for My Kingdom now going forward. But if your duties seem less important than another's, do not be ashamed or worried for I have each of My children exactly where they belong. And for some of you, it's your small circle of family & friends that I want you sharing My Joy with. Never feel bad if others seem to have more important roles than you do. Again, I have you where I want you. Take your focus off of My Timing, My loves, & refocus simply on ME! Going forward, if you put Me first, I can promise you that all things will work together perfectly. To My watchman, you know who you are: I am not asking you to stop watching, by any means, but make certain, My loves, that our relationship comes first & foremost so that you can continue on in My Strength & not give up watching. Your jobs are SO important, My loves, & many of you are seeming less hopeful. Don't be fooled by your fleshy weaknesses. I assure you I have appointed you for this time, & though things may seem like they will take forever, I have complete control & now is NOT the time to leave your posts! Refocus on how important your jobs are & receive a new-found supernatural purpose. My Holy Spirit will bring to you new levels of energy to keep you going if you'll simply ask. My messengers will soon be overwhelmed with new revelation, dreams, visions & messages. If the Holy Spirit is prompting you, you MUST share these revelations with your brethren. I do not want My children to be downhearted that things have not occurred the way that they expected. Remember: I am the ultimate Decider on how things will progress in the future. Know that NO man knows how My Plan will unfold, & be sure that no matter what the enemy unleashes, he will be countered & he will not progress beyond my allowance. My children, you are protected & must not be worried about his plans. You are Mine & I will never leave or forsake you. Go forth now, expecting My Love & Wisdom. I could not love you any more than I do, My children, & I long for complete Peace to engulf the hearts of My entire creation. I love you, My children.

Prophetic Word: The Days of Great Out Pouring
Prophetic word Received while writing a message on the gifts of the
Word from the Lord received on 10-24-16:

This is the time for greater revelations that ever before. I am removing blinders from the eyes of all who want to see and know truth. This is the day of a great outpouring of my gifts upon my children like never before. All who will call upon my name and seek my face shall hear from heaven all that I have to say and all that you need to know. Take time my beloved to hear me. Trust me to speak and trust yourselves to hear my voice like never before. You will not be deceived by the lies of your enemy. I will pour out from heaven upon all those who love me. You will prophesy, you will know my very mind and heart and you will declare it to all whom will listen and even to those who are in very high places who will sudden have a desire to hear what I have to say. They will recognize my presence upon you. You will surely shine with the glory of my brightness so draw near to me my beloved to hear all that I have to say. And behold I say that you will hear what I say even as you are hearing the lies of your enemies pouring fourth. You will not be deceived for I am for you and I am in you. The heavens are now opened upon my beloved. Great wisdom, knowledge and understanding do you now have and shall you have in great abundance.The lies of the wicked are being exposed. But look again my little ones, much greater revealing is coming, greater than you expect, so watch closely to what I do. Prepare your hearts to see the wickedness and to trust that I am in control. The great uncovering will surprise even my enlightened ones but the wicked will love the wickedness and embrace it to their own destruction. Justice will prevail and the wicked will receive their due reward.
n messages from the Lord earlier this year, He spoke of signs that would be forthcoming to alert His people that He would be coming soon. There were two separate messages on 3.8.16 that alerted us to this information regarding the signs:

1. Daughter My words to you this day are true. There shall be a sign in the heavens. One full of glory, My glory for all to see. It shall shine from within above the masses and those that shall peer upon it, shall know it is by My hand.

2.Wonders in the sky, big, bright and beautiful will be seen. All a glow for ease of view. Lit from within. You shall know it is from Me. That I have provided it. It shall be for a sign unto the peoples that I am coming soon. That they should make haste in returning to Me.

On 3.9.16, I again went into prayer and asked about the signs. He extended more information to us regarding them. In His message on 3.9.16, He shared:

1. The sign from above will be one that many will adorn in the coming days.

2. My child, many will wonder what it is but I say to you this day, you shall not falter when you see it. It will frighten many but not you My love for you are readied, prepared for what shall be. My hand upon your life for all to see. You shall understand it in the coming days.

3. The event is not one for the record books but hidden in plain sight for all to see. Signs in the sun, moon and stars are reaching out to those who care to take notice.

4. My child, it shall be noteworthy. It shall be grand. If shall be once in a lifetime. It shall be momentous.
Fervently displayed for all. My hands above the earth.

This Super moon that is occurring has been reported that the last Super moon occurred 70 years ago. 70 Years is identified in the bible as a generation. Is this the sign that the Lord was pointing to? I submit this for your discernment.

(Ryan Lestrange)
MONDAY WORD : Don't dip in contaminated waters

Your Heart is Far From Me & Satan’s Plan To Stop Trump 1 2

What I Have Said That Will I Do/Don't Let Holidays Take You Off Prayer!!!

A Taste of World Peace

***End Time News
Angel of the Apocalypse
Synchrotron Radiation Facility Accelerating electrons to nearly speed of light



(John Baptist)
Tribulation-Now, 13th Nov 2016: An Amazing Visit to Heaven with sister Sherry Welch

Trib-Now, 9th Nov 2016: World Will Rock & Reel Like a Drunkard with sister Lindy Pierce

(Jason A)
You Won't Believe What's Happening in America! (2016-2017)

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