Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Message Date - 25 Oct 2016

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 25 Oct 2016***

(Lana Vawser)
Posted on October 23, 2016 by Lana
By Lana Vawser
There is a spirit of weariness that has come against many in the body of Christ lately. It is a heavy weariness of heart, a weariness of the physical body, an exhaustion that has come against many to attempt to ‘shut you down’. This spirit of weariness has been sent by the enemy as a strategic attack to steal the LIFE and VISION of God’s people for what He is leading them into and strategies for this season.
This weariness has been heavy and at times has left many feeling like the “life is being sucked out of them.” The enemy is scared of what God is doing and about to do through your life and he is doing all he can to shut you down. This spirit of death/witchcraft that is hitting many is attempting to shut down your SIGHT and your STRENGTH, but the Lord is BREAKING that weariness. This attack is bringing tremendous confusion, a feeling of being dazed, not being able to think straight, and a feeling of “I feel like I’m losing my mind”!!
Pay attention to the area that this heavy weariness is hitting, pay attention to what area that feeling of having the “life sucked out of you” and “why bother” has hit, because this is very area of your next breakthrough. Where the weariness has been so heavy and no signs of visible life in the natural, there are about to be overnight miraculous turnarounds.
This attack is really attempting to shut down heavenly VISION God is releasing and blindfold many, but as you stand firm in worship, the truth is, what He is speaking is about to MANIFEST INTO REALITY. You are crossing over in MANIFESTATION.
I saw encounters with Jesus and His power taking place in many lives all across the body of Christ at a level many had never experienced and was suddenly breaking the heaviness and the chains of this weariness. The weariness has been so heavy against many, the exhaustion so deep and out of the norm, it brings with it the sense of “just give up”, “don’t push through anymore, it’s too hard” but the Lord is breaking the affect of this attack as the people of God WORSHIP. Worship you way through this! As you worship the Lord is bringing a greater AWAKENING and ACTIVATING into the lives of His people.
Increase of sight, strategy and strength is flooding into the hearts, souls and lives of believers as they position themselves in worship and His power is displayed. A greater activation of giftings, operating in them and flowing in His anointing is being released.
The weariness has been heavy, but rejoice for it is breaking and as you are positioned in worship as your warfare, you are moving into encounters with seeing His Shekinah Glory, seeing the weighty manifested presence of God that is going to leave you undone in the most beautiful way. Undone by His power and His beauty. In these encounters with His Glory, you will be set on fire by His fire that will ignite your passion and hunger for Him in exponential ways. As His fire falls, creativity is going to explode. Fresh expressions of worship, expressions of the creativity of God will burst forth. Where this spirit of weariness has attempted to keep you caged, you will be infused with a supernatural strength, joy and expression of His creativity in your life that you have not experienced before.

Daily Prophetic Word
October 25, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “Relationships can seem tricky at times. You desire to have this person in your life and at the same time, you feel guarded and trapped. I am coming in this hour to strengthening what bonds should be stronger, but I am also severing what will only continue to be an unhealthy burden. Understand that you can interact with people without letting them affect your daily life. Many will want to speak into places that I am forbidding. I will shut the mouths of those that will do you harm.
People who choose a chaotic and stormy life will only bring that to your doorstep. Year after year nothing changes around them. See this as a sign to wish them well. You cannot help people who chase certain aspects even if they would deny it. Guard yourself against negative influences and time wasters. You can still love even when you are not in the foreground. Know when to move on so that your own life is peaceful.
Look for My Promises and all will manifest as I have spoken. Hold them close to your heart and be mindful of who you share them with. Not everyone will be excited and some may try to knock them out of your hands. Remember that it does not matter what anyone else has to say, for I am the One who will follow through as long as you do not give up. Whatever you have dropped to the ground, now is the time to pick back up, for you are closer than you think to the breakthrough. I have not forgotten you.
Long seasons of weariness are making way to the joyous feast and celebration that has been set aside for just you. It is time to clear out the negative people, and your own negative thoughts that things will never get better. Adopt permanently the Mind of My Saints. You are already seated in Heavenly Places. This world is not your destination. Enjoy your life! I created you to flourish and prosper. You are not a mistake, and I find great pleasure in watching over your life. You are so loved and precious to Me. What you have gone through will soon be just a memory fading in the breeze.”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
October 24, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, "Don’t let the world get you stirred up. My Kingdom has Come, and you are in the front row to be a part of what I am doing for all of mankind. Let the town crier cry. Just grab your tools because there is work to do. You can’t convince people who want to see the worst in everything. You just be busy about what I am setting your hands and feet to do. When this crisis is over, the unfaithful will be onto a new alleged crisis. Do not concern yourself with people who will never choose to see any other way.
You are in the palm of My Hands, and your days are before Me. Have I not seen all that you will encounter day after day and year after year? Nothing is left to be a mystery as to how you will get from start to finish. The Road I own. Did you catch that? If I am not in full control and authority then yes you should worry. Your life is not up to a game of chance and luck. You have the Creator of all things in your corner.
You can accomplish anything through Christ. You have the strength of 10,000 because of Who lives inside of you. Time to settle in your heart and mind that you are not washed up or finished. Far from it. I have much much more wonder and beauty to establish right before you, for My Namesake. I will finish what I have set out to do. I have not changed My mind, and I will not!
Go forward with Confidence and Determination. Nothing will take you out and nothing will stop what I have commissioned you to do. Look at what is to come and laugh loud. Do I not have command of the seas; wind and weather; and can even make a donkey speak? You are walking on land where fear is not a reality for you to entertain. The Best is Yet to Come. Repeat to yourself until you believe. I am for My Creation and not against it. I have wonderful plans to prosper and not to harm!”

Daily Prophetic Word
October 23, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “Do not let the fast moving river catch you off guard. Doors are closing quickly and without warning, and new doors are springing up out of nowhere. See the Hand behind what is going on and get up and go. I have not set you in a time of pondering decision after decision right now. Your life is shifting and the old is breaking off of you. The new wineskins have provided the atmosphere, for what was developing to come to the right age and season.
What was held back will come forth with ease. Yes, Ease! Do not wonder any longer if you will be able to do what you are called to do. Some will be asked to pass on old keys to new people. Do not be tempted to monitor the new person’s progress. Keep your eyes forward to the prize I have for you. Change is part of growing in My Kingdom. I do not expect one person to do a task in the same manner as another. You are all unique with My Thumbprint.
Many have been relaxing fishing by the shore. It is time also to gather your things. Your season of rest has made way for you to take on higher mantles and go forth with a fuller range of My Power dwelling from within. To those who are still called to wait, Rejoice! You are still in the preparation and soon your time will come as well. Celebrate those who are now ready, for they will need your support and encouragement.
The battlefield may look overwhelming but see beyond the commotion. Jesus, King of Kings is on His horse off in the Distance. The angels have already gone before you. The battle is ripe to be won. Hear the Shofar blow. The Victory is here! Stand and be Counted. Now is the moment you have longed and dreamed of. Your hard work and patience are breaking through in the Now!”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

(Kathy Mote)
As you have lain your pride at my feet, and it has become abhorrent for to you to see, I will give to you abundant grace, and take from you the sting of the offensive thing! In your humility your feet will be shod with mercy, and I will bless each step you take. I will place My heart's desire within you, and clothe you with My glory. I will make My joy known to you, and that I am proud of you. I will open doors for you, and in each place I take you there will be deeper revelation of just what I have planned for you.
I have put you in protected place, you who are called to intercede. You are drawn to Me for a special purpose, and it is My burdens that you feel. You have given your heart to Me, and I have called you much, much deeper. There are very few who will completely yield to My purpose and My calling. You have been through many things that at the time seemed inconvenient, but each and every one of those things has been your special training. There is no limit to when and where I can call you. Always are your ears tuned to Me, and your heart broken before Me. I am your only priority. You feel the call to come into My presence, and for you, there is nothing beyond that. I have called you to partner with Me, and as you pray I will hear you. Do not let your heart be troubled, for you are called to great purpose, and in glory and strength I will repay you.
A word for one who bravely chooses Me in the midst of heartache and pain. You choose My love as your portion in the midst of heart wrenching disappointment and pain. You think your heart is broken, and you bravely lay it at My feet. But I say to you who has chosen to trust Me when you feel all at sea, you will not go away empty, or without receiving My promise to you today. I say your heart is not broken, you who stand in faith. I say I am your portion, and you will not go away in need. I say I will fill your heart to overflowing, and you are not hurt and empty. I say you are My beloved, and you are to agree with Me, and receive. You do not need to know the end of all things to believe. You only need to know that I love you, and beyond that, you will have no need.
The sound you have been hearing and the scene you have been seeing is the back of the strong man being broken as he loses grip on your lives! The strong holds are being broken, lies are being shattered, darkness is breaking, and the children of the Lord are being set free! There has been much shaking recently, and many have felt uncomfortable as the warfare for them has raged on. But the Lord has said No More! And like the strike of a hammer, the power of darkness is broken over the lives of His children! Religion has been broken that the children of the Lord may go free! The enemy has lost his strong hold, that the children of the Lord can now see! Hearts and minds will open, and the love of the Lord will flow in. This is the mighty hand of the Lord, just as He promised it would be!

As we Sojourn
My daughter, write My words for those who have ears to hear. My children, take your eyes off of this world and focus on Me, My loves. Do not allow the troubles of this world to weigh you down, but be determined no matter what your circumstances to walk in My joy. Allow My peace to enter in all of your situations and relationships. I want all of My children to realize this world is temporary, and no matter what they face, their eternity with Me is worth waiting and fighting for. When the enemy comes against you, My children, fight back with the power of My name, for in My name is power against the enemy, My loves. Problems in the lives of My children arise when they attempt to battle the enemy on their own or when they simply give up and receive what the enemy is serving up like they deserve it, almost welcoming it. No, My children. Fight back with the power of My name. Learn of Me, My children. Learn who I am. I will never leave you or forsake you and will forever be by your side. I am your Father who created you to love you. Do not believe the lies of the enemy, My children. He will lie to you and make you feel unworthy. He will curse you with illnesses and poverty. Don’t allow these lies to fool you, My children. You are children of the King, and you must walk as such. There is no mistake that you were chosen to be here on your earth at this very time. The enemy will shoot arrows of doubt and attempt to distract you from My plan for you, My loves. swat him away, and keep moving forward with Me. My love conquers all. I mend broken hearts, and I calm every storm. I push you forward on My victorious path. You are righteous through Me, My loves. Do not let the enemy shed doubt on your righteousness, for when you walk in My righteous robes, you will not be stopped. You will walk in My plan for your life, and you will see My supernatural miracles firsthand. Desire this life instead of being a prisoner to this world. Seek to leave your world behind and pursue the glorious life I set before you. Shake off the chains of the enemy and walk forward completely armed for battle. You are children of a King, My loves. Let nothing stand in the way of My work within your heart. I will finish what I started and will not leave you where I found you. Your transformation is for My glory, My loves. Never look back, but only look forward. Hold My hand as We sojourn until the day I bring you home to the place that I have prepared for you. I love you, My children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach

**Transcript**- I thought this was too important not to write it down!
My daughter write My words for those who have ears to hear. To My children who have received  me into their hearts and in doing so have received eternal life in salvation.
contrary to popular belief and rampant teaching put forth by the enemy, you ARE secure!
There is nothing you can do or have done that will remove you from My hand. Please, My loves, do not let the lies of the enemy fool you. You cannot be thrown from My hand.
So many of My children live in constant doubt. They think they cannot live according to My way. They give up trying! They hear message after message of condemnation, and their hope is removed from them.
Walk in this condemnation no more, My children!  It is the self-righteous, spurred on by the enemy, that propagates these fear inducing lies! These lies remove the will of the Holy Spirit within My children and shame them into defeat. You know who you are My children. You are in a constant battle with the enemy. And you are  not secure in Me. You are simply believing his lies. You believe that even though I chose you, that I will toss you away. You believe that you have no security in Me, and by the actions of your flesh, I will severe our relationship sending you to an eternal life with Satan himself.
STOP! Stop believing Satan's lies. Be secure in your salvation. For if you are insecure in Me, you cannot fight in My army! You cannot walk in My righteous robes. If you see yourself in filthy rags.
You are focused on yourself, your self actions, your sin. This is what happens when you believe in Satan's lies. And you are of no use to Me or My Kingdom!
For those who want to continually want to push you into the darkness, I say to you My children, "Seek My Face, My truth, and believe NOT their lies!" Only the power of My Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh, can set you free from sin. My power, not your self will. Lay your sin at My feet, My children, and you will be given victory over it, through Me.
 True repentance, My children, can only be accomplished by becoming subject to My Holy Spirit, and through Him, becoming holy. For only with His wisdom, will recognize your need for Me. Your Perfect Savior! For it is impossible and futile to repent from each and every individual sin, My children. You repent from the sin of this world! For remember, you are sin, because you were born of fallen man. But upon receiving Me as your Savior, you are set free from this world! And by the power of My mercy, and perfect sacrifice, the curse upon you has been broken and with this entire miracle of salvation, your self will have no part. You were chosen and CANNOT unchoose yourselves. For My covenant cannot be broken, and no one truly will desire to return My gift.
 Beware of those sent by the enemy, they wish to remove you from your blessed hope. They want to take away your security in Me. For without this you are powerless. They want to impute to you the cause of your own failure, being the removal of you from My plan of salvation.
 The enemy's biggest lie is this, he bogs you down, so focused on your sin that you become a naked warrior. And what good is that to My Kingdom?
If you are unaware of who you are in Me, I cannot use you!
The time is coming when I will want all of My children prepared for battle. That if you are still stuck believing the lies of the enemy you will be of no use to me. If you are still trying to remember and recite every sin you've committed, you ARE NO USE to Me! You must quit believing the enemy's lies, pick up your weapons and prepare for battle! My perfect and finished work on the cross allows you to be My perfect warriors. It is your self will and Satan's lies that strip you naked.
You are precious to Me, My love's. I have given you My Kingdom, yet many of you live as pauper's. You are deceived and do not walk in the power I freely offer to you. Your doubt and unbelief have sown into you seeds of weakness, and you are far from battle-worthy. The enemy has you focused on sin, has you walking in fear. You are living as prisoner's of war, in his chains!  You've waved the flag of surrender to him and you're willingly giving up! You limit Me, you limit My power, because you base these limitations on yourself, on your flesh, and not on Me, and not on the power of My Holy Spirit within you!

(Glynda Linkous)

Tragedy is Coming
    A tragedy is coming that is so immense, so widespread in its effect that all the world will mourn with America. This tragedy will bring about a financial crisis like nothing before it. The shock will cause all to take an inventory of their lives. Many lost will run to Me then, to know more of Me, and you must be ready for this time. You must be ready to answer their inquiries about Me. You must be walking in My ways to model Me before them.
   I will begin soon to call more of my aging saints home to Me. I do not desire they see this tragedy. These are the ones who have served Me long and well, and their rewards are great in heaven.
   The scope of this tragedy will be shocking. Many souls will be lost in what is going to happen. This is My last judgment call to the world to turn away from their sins, to turn to Me, to give Me their hearts.
   At the same time, many who know Me shall turn away, blaming Me for this tragedy, and laying down their faith. Satan will enter their hearts then and their end shall be far worse than their beginning.
   Hold tight to your faith, My precious children, do not let the enemy have your souls. Remain steadfast, for I have not forsaken you, and the end of all things is near.

NOTE: I had been praying for days about why I keep feeling there will be no Christmas celebrations this year when I got this word. I know it would take something huge to stop Christmas in America.  Suddenly, I heard rumbling, and what came to my mind was an earthquake. I cannot say it is one, because He did not say that.
I cannot say for sure this will happen before Christmas, because the Lord did not say that.
I was concerned about the term “judgment call” as it generally means a summary judgment based on known facts, but then I realized call could mean calling the lost to Himself.
I feel this tragedy is a major earthquake, like nothing we have ever witnessed before, that will take many lives.

Above All Else

   In times coming, you shall see much death and destruction. People you know will be killed in your streets. You will pray to Me to stop the chaos and the killing, but I cannot answer your prayers, for scripture must be fulfilled, that I may return and bring you home to Me.
   In this time, many of My own will become offended at Me and will fall away. They will think because I did not answer that I have forsaken them, that I do not care, and this is not so.
   My children, if only you will set yourself to know My Word, you will know truth in your hearts in these times and you will not become offended.
   Set yourself to know My Will, to understand truth. I am doing a work in your heart that you will learn to love Me above all else.
Matthew 24:12
·         12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Deuteronomy 31:8
·         8 And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.
2 Thessalonians 2:3
·         3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Jeremiah 29:11
·         11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Romans 15:4
·         4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Psalm 119:105
·         105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Hebrews 10:23
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
2 Peter 2:20-21
20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
2 Thessalonians 2:2-3
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Message received Oct. 22, 2016

Do you remember that day? Were you there when they crucified My Son on the Cross? When the earth shook and the Heaven's thundered? All creation cried out as they crucified the Son of God. Creation is crying out once again, but I will not allow the wicked to crucify Him again!


An event of such great magnitude is here, a judgment that will shake even the strongest to their core.

I will cause great thunder, fire, hail and smoke as I make My presence known. The skies will roll back like a scroll and the seas will roar.

What began at Pentecost I will complete in My church all over the world. There will not be another opportunity like what has been offered now, after the ark door is closed.

Evil will reign for a time and a season, then the wicked will reap what they have sown. Only those rooted in righteousness, holiness and purity will stand, as no one and nothing can stand in his own power or strength before the Great I Am. You have nothing to offer Me but obedience and trust, as I have already given the most precious gift to you, My Son Yahushua.

My fire is here to judge the wicked, but also brings great cleansing and purification to My church. Those who profess Me with their lips but whose hearts are far from Me will be stripped of everything, and see their sins before a holy God. Pray for their repentance.

My Son led by example. He made a way for you back to Me, your Father, when the way was hindered in the Garden. My Son showed you how to walk the crucified life, fully surrendered and in complete obedience. He showed you how to walk a surrendered life so you could then display a glorified one.

Is this where you abide??

You see, you must be emptied in order to be filled, just as My Son was. What is it to you, to be stripped of everything, alone, naked and afraid, shamed, mocked, and rejected as He was, if it means you gain it all? My Kingdom for all eternity. Was ever a choice so clear? Make this choice now, for I am shaking all things.

Give to Me your obedience and I will give you My Kingdom.

As My fire falls in judgment, it will also overflow and ignite a passion on the earth, as it is the fire of My love in My people which is even now igniting the earth, and simultaneously ushering in My glory and My presence.

Keep your oil lamps filled to overflowing, as you are My pillars, My ambassadors, the salt and the light, the tabernacles where I not only find My rest, but you are the foundations through which all that is written for the end ushers forth. You will show them My fountains of living water, to be deeply drunk from, as My Spirit floods this earth. Truly there has never been a day like this before, nor will there ever be again.

Trust Me for all your tomorrows and I will make sure your steps.

Give Me your hopes, dreams and plans, and I, the Artisan will mold and fashion your life with My design specifically for you, made after My very own image.

Stop chasing after the things of this world to satisfy the longing in your soul. I alone will satisfy and fulfill you.

Do not continue seeking another to truly know you, only the way I, your Creator could possibly know you, for I am a jealous God.

When you realize you can do nothing in your own strength, it is here you will find true freedom and the peace only I give.

Run with desperation into My Heart, your only safety now for the signs of My Word fulfilled are everywhere! EVERYWHERE! I will show mercy, but I must also be just.

Never forget that the most ultimate sacrifice was made by My Son to purchase you back to Me, and He is coming again to claim what is rightfully His.

The only fear you must possess is the fear of the Lord, for the Great and Almighty One has spoken thus to you this day.







Matthew 27:50-51King James Version (KJV)

50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

Joel 2:30

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

Psalm 148:8

8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:

Revelation 6:14

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Acts 2:1-4

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Psalm 73:26

26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

Isaiah 48:10-12

10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
11 For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.
12 Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

Isaiah 29:13

13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

Galatians 2:20

20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Job 11:13-15

13 If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him;
14 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles.
15 For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear:

Matthew 9:17

17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.

Psalm 86:11

11 Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.

Matthew 25:3-4

3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Revelation 3:12

12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

Matthew 5:13-16

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Isaiah 61:10-11

10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.
11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

Psalm 37:23-24

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

Deuteronomy 6:24

24 And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.

Ryan Lestrange
MONDAY WORD : Defeating Supernatural Hindrance

Lost in the Woods, Seeds of Bitterness, The Power of Complaining

***End Time News
(John Baptist)
Trib-Now, 23rd Oct 2016: Council of God, Hillary a Reptilian, & Imminent Warnings w Dr Bill Deagle

(Angel of the Apocalypse

(Jason A)
We are Living in Very Strange Times! (2016-2017 EVENTS)

***Salvation Study
Watch Baptism Corner: 8 Pillars to Salvation -It isn't too late to board the ark

Intercessory Prayer Strategies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9PIhMId04U list=PLmmkdABnDXIhS9oQaYbdYZbfM0ccsEjKB

Spiritual Warfare 101

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