Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Message Date - 29 Apr 2020

Daily Prophetic Word
April 29, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Let the day begin anew. The past is unchangeable, but I will rewrite the journey when you hand over control of the reins. Consider that the mere time you have been on Earth is nothing to the time that you were with Me at the Foundations. I have taken care of every detail before then, so surely I will not abandon you now! Look up, for Now is your moment. Change is all around. Some look at this with a negative mind. Am I not working all out for your Good? Do I give you rotten fruit as a demonstration of My Love? A delay was not a denial, just a delay. Many throw up their hands and walk away. Your faith is much stronger than you give it credit for. I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith, so I should know what is within your ability. See yourself through My eyes, My Beloved and Precious Child. I died to give you everything, so rejoice for you will receive in due season! I am not finished so choose to not be finished either.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 28, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Let the Unrest, rest! When you get stirred up over temporary issues, distraction will keep you from where you can be most useful. Storms do not churn without more energy being added. Place your time into what I am showing you right now. I will settle the score on what is rising up against you. Nothing will take away your hope in the future. I am already there so trust that the path will turn to gold. You will receive what you are open to. Expect the best and allow even better. I am taking your hands in this hour. They will feel empty but this is on purpose. My finest is being placed within your earthen vessel. What you could not see will become crystal clear. This season is full of amazing surprises. Forsake what failed to materialize before today. You will not receiving a lesser plan if I Am your Heavenly Father. Looking in the rearview mirror will keep wandering around in the mind of the past. Let what was, be for I am taking you to places of My Glory.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 27, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You can’t move forward if you are worried about making mistakes. You will. Am I not able to make the crooked path straight? The point is whether you can grow and learn from mistakes, to take you into areas that you would not even attempt to go, if everything was moving smoothly all of the time. Your miracle manifests when there is a need. No need means no miracle. Bring before My Altar your smallest needs and grand alike. In every crisis comes an opportunity that would not be if the former was not present. Change the way you think about trials and the purpose that brings you favor. Water that becomes stagnate is no longer good to drink from. Remain in My Flow so that you are replenished in all seasons. This is how you grow stronger and not weaker when the storms rage. Stay connected and you will be able to stand in full strength. You are My Everything so I have given you My Everything! Come a little closer. I am shaking the Earth but you will shine like Brilliant Diamonds.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 26, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Did you miss something? Are you looking back at the door of opportunity from long ago that you did not take Me up on? I see what longing you have and the even longer list of regrets. Find Me crossing off this regret today. I am swinging back around that very door you let close out of fear or complacency. Trust that this is your NOW moment and do not allow doubt to come into your mind. I am the God of second chances. I am not counting your moments of humanness as a reason to hold you back. I want to take you to the heights and depths that you are entitled to travel. Did I remind you lately that how far you go is limitless? I desired to give you this favor and blessing and so it is by My will and good pleasure to present this gift to you once more. Release the opinions of others. You are rising up out of the days of lack. It is time to Expect the days of plenty.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 25, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You are going to make it! I will not let you wither and die where you are! Look around. Is anything too challenging for Me to handle? Take the pressure off of your own shoulders. I have placed no such burden upon you. The compass is set and you will not miss the turns. You are in a time of exploration and discovery within your own heart and spirit. So explore what kind of life you are dreaming of. Does it have My Glory upon it? If I wanted a slave, I would have made you into one. If I wanted a robot, I surely could find those as well. I wanted a Child of Mine to commune with, Friend to Friend. I do care what is on your heart and mind. Come share with Me for I will not send you away. You are Limitless and Unstoppable far more than you understand in this moment. Let Me show you. Your value is immeasurable. Do you not yet see? The tables are turning in this hour.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 24, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You have boarded the plane and everything is almost ready for the departure. Not sure where you are going quite yet? No worries, as this plan will be unfolding as you go. I have placed your instructions in your bags. No need to look over the details right now. Rest in this moment. Soon you will be busy taking care of what I have given you. The story seems like it started long ago and yet nothing is familiar where you are going. I will not send you without full disclosure of the details. Be at peace as you are right where you are supposed to be. Close the door on ‘would have, should have’ mentality. I have taken care of what was less than My purposes around you. Walk with your head held high. I am not upset with you about anything; any outcome or any misstep. I was not taken off guard by what transpired, nor am I focused on it either. Victory is straight ahead.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 23, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Fear will tell you to stop and run away. Will I not be with you through anywhere your feet may go? Elijah and Jonah had fear but that did not determine the outcome in the end. If nothing is hidden from Me, then I know what travels through your mind. Do I look concerned? I know what I am getting into, and I still plan to take you to the reaches if you will allow Me. Your weakness is nothing when matched with My Strength. Many will tell you to say no. Will you let their fear be your guide as well? Are they the true voice of reason? You are walking in My Power, not your own and surely not your neighbor’s. This should be a cry of celebration that no matter where you start, I have amazing exploits for you to travel to for My Namesake. I will never leave you where you are, but it is up to you to choose where we will go next. My plans or your plans? Open your mind to more.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 22, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I have it all figured out. Do you not believe that? Have I not said even the hairs on your head have I numbered? Do I not take care of the animals all around you? Release the pain to Me this hour. I have come to give you Great Joy and Blessings! Give Me everything that keeps you out of that realm that I died for you to enjoy and live in. I want it ALL, not just parts of it. I will carry what you were never meant to even hold. Why would you carry that around one more minute? Does it serve you any good? Anything that keeps you away from all that I desire to give you, is something you must release. Do not put it off and do not think you will just cope with it. I died to Free You from everything that would keep you bound. I will do as I have spoken over your Life! Decide who will guide your journey. I have your step ordered. We are almost ready to cross over from the impossible to the possible."

Daily Prophetic Word
April 21, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, "Today find yourself not on sinking sand but rather on solid ground. Can you feel it? You are no longer servants. Shake that off. You are My Royal Sons and Daughters. I know your needs and your heart. Allow me to take you to a place that you could never dream of. Will you Let Me? I have so much to show you. Time is running out on paths that are being called to end. Do not look with disappointment for so much is before you. Release the thoughts of the religious minds and fools who know not what I have actually said in My Word. I am not in a box. Can you see My answers over your prayers? I AM the God of the Impossible. Open your imagination this hour, and See My unlimited supply and resources for your life. What I have ordained before you is in direct response to what you will require going forward. Release the notion of creating terms and conditions. Now is your moment. Run!”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 20, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “The gloominess you have been living in is about to change radically, for ‘Suddenly” is about to visit your house in full measure. Your day of deliverance is surely near on the calendar. Trust My timing for I will not waste your days leaving you where you should not be. Rest in knowing that I have not forgotten a single tear you have shed. I will come through with all that I spoke over you. There are seasons of heavy growth and spiritual understanding that must take place. This is a good thing and will launch you into the next with greater certainty. When the path looks marred and complicated know that much beauty will breakthrough from these transformations. To move from a caterpillar to butterfly requires developing spiritual muscles that were not needed before today. I will not leave you without answers. Go ahead and ask Me the deep questions of your heart and mind. It is your moment to grow from the understanding of a child to the wisdom of My Royal Beloved.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 19, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You are important to Me not for what you can do, but what I will do for you. Even if you had nothing special about you, I would still woo your heart to Mine. Many think that I have not created them with anything unique or remarkable. This is surely what the enemy of your soul desires that you believe. Did I not take a mere shepherd boy and turn him into a King? Is there anything too hard for Me? Do not cancel yourself out, instead grab My hand. I will make you into who I designed you to be. I have just begun to unearth what I have placed inside your earthen vessel. When you fight against the plans I have, you will stop My Hand revealing what has been hidden. You are not a slave nor I, a Taskmaster. I am looking for a willing heart, and I will not force to become what you do not desire. Many decide before they have even asked Me what is inside waiting to be discovered. Do not live in regret when it is in your power to act.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 18, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “If you stumble, I will catch you. Do not be afraid to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone because when you do, you will find a greater measure of My Glory around you. Your life was not meant to be lived in the comfort zone. Go beyond the limits that you have set in your mind. I will blow your mind with how truly limitless you really are. Reach up higher for you must allow desire for more be your guide in this hour. I will not force what you are not open to. You will make waves but know that the water was not created to just be still. People will not always understand you and you will not always understand others. I did not create everyone alike. How fun would that really have been? Enjoy the differences in others instead of trying to make them more like you. At the very core, all hearts have the same desires. I will create a new thing within you. The Alignment with My Spirit is before you. Take a leap!”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 17, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Even Diamonds need work to become all that it can be. Do not discount all that you have been through as a necessary process, even at times you cannot see the reasoning. What is done unjustly will be answered for, so give Me that matter and continue on without looking back. Many get stuck in the wronged moments. I want you to avoid this snare. More harm will come to you if you allow this way of life. Do not refuse to receive My Healing touch on Every issue. Many expect to just accept the pain as a way of life. Christ died for your total healing today and not one day, some day. There is nothing to be gained through carrying around unproductive aspects of life. I have come to free the captives, so what is holding you back in this hour? What you carry will either hold you down or lift you up. When you hold the bitterness, you will stumble. When you carry My forgiveness and mercy, My Goodness becomes such a focal point that you will see nothing else. The enemy desires to rob you of a hope and future. Turn away from the father of lies.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 16, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Be at ease with yourself. I have not called you to pace back and forth about every detail or matter. Let Me take the reins and enjoy the scenery. When life becomes more than you can handle, remember I didn’t ask you to take care of it by yourself. I co-create life with you, so come out of the shadows and give Me what is troubling you. I will not send you away empty handed. Cast aside your greatest fears and worries. They do not serve you in truth.
I have written down the plan for your life. What you face today has been taken into fullness and this too shall pass. I will not let anything stop My Design for your days. I have woven in beauty for ashes, so rise up and command My Goodness over your situation. What you will not ask for, may not come, so Ask Boldly. Nothing is too difficult that I cannot take you high above! Feel the Fresh Winds blowing stronger and stronger. The time for real change is here.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 15, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What you give out in My Name, I will return to you with interest. Many are stingy with their own self, time, money, and resources. Do you find time to judge a person’s worthiness first before moving under My Spirit? I am setting you free of feeling you will be in lack if you do for another. I set My Kingdom up in the giving and receiving. What you pour out will be given back in greater measure. Do things unto My Glory and Honor and you shall reap a beautiful harvest. The Heart and Intent matter greater than you have assumed. Do because you desire to be a blessing and show My Glory. You are My Ambassador and My Beloved. I will use even what once brought you shame, to lift someone out of their situation. Nothing is wasted from your life unless you choose to let it. I am the Author and Finisher. Let Me do in and through you what seems impossible. You will never regret allowing Me to show you a better life.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 14, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, "Write it Down! Many forget the miracles in their midst because they are short sighted, only looking at the current problems and not what I have resolved for them. Take a survey of what has been eliminated, and you will see even clearer all that I am doing in your NOW. When your prayers are more grumbling and complaining, you will walk in the wrong mentality. Allow My Power to increase around you instead of quenching it. The next mountain is rarely any bigger in reality. Come up Higher! You will see the territory through the noise and chaos. I am fighting your battles and you WILL hold the victory. If I cannot lose then you will walk through the valley better off than before. Mourning is only for a time and not a way of life. Choose to get up and press on! I have given you Faith so stand up and press on! What you will not use from My Kingdom will wither in your life. You must push the illegitimate voices out of your heart and mind. They have no real authority over you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 13, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Mighty Rushing Winds surround you. I am using your past to push you forward. Lessons learned will prove useful in the coming months. Forsake the notion that the past is repeating itself for this is not the case. What you went through is going to allow you to conquer the next with ease. Trust the process in the Becoming into the image of Christ. I will not leave you where you began or even where you felt like giving up. You are prepared and ready to go. I have not missed any part in equipping you, even if you feel ill-prepared. Trust the Process. As the Sun rises, you will move into greater. What you have seen thus far by My Hand is just a tiny percentage of the Joy that is to come. Expect the Unexpected with Thankfulness. What is taking place is surely a wonderful addition in your days. Let your spirit soar for soon your feet will meet Me in the place that I have ordained you to be.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 13, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Mighty Rushing Winds surround you. I am using your past to push you forward. Lessons learned will prove useful in the coming months. Forsake the notion that the past is repeating itself for this is not the case. What you went through is going to allow you to conquer the next with ease. Trust the process in the Becoming into the image of Christ. I will not leave you where you began or even where you felt like giving up. You are prepared and ready to go. I have not missed any part in equipping you, even if you feel ill-prepared. Trust the Process. As the Sun rises, you will move into greater. What you have seen thus far by My Hand is just a tiny percentage of the Joy that is to come. Expect the Unexpected with Thankfulness. What is taking place is surely a wonderful addition in your days. Let your spirit soar for soon your feet will meet Me in the place that I have ordained you to be.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 12, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, "Refresh your mind and shake off the disappointments from the past. I will make all things new so get ready for the explosion coming. I have your calendar in front of Me. I will mark your days with Joy that will even surprise you. Scenery changing can bring apprehension. I want you to just continue to look forward and soon you will gladly embrace what is before you. I have spared you from the things you were chasing that only would lead to harm. Pay attention to road that closes. I will not allow you to open up what I have protected you from. Take your eyes off of what does not bear fruit and walk where you will be plentiful among the land. I have More Glory still to pour out over your life! I am just getting started. I am stoking the fire within your inner being. Let the flame grow even when others do not understand. You carry what no one else carries. I made you invaluable and priceless. It does not matter who sees the gold inside for soon everyone will be unable to deny My Fingerprint upon your life.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 11, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Cross it off of your list. You have asked Me to take care of it, and I will. Stretch your Faith and Believe that My Answer has already been sent. No matter what fiery arrows come, I will deal with it all. Sit back and enjoy the show! You were not created insignificant, and I desire you to see past today. How many mountains have you already conquered even when at times it seemed hopeless? How many valleys kept you preoccupied while My hand moved over the land? Fretting to and fro will do nothing in reality. Do I look worried? I am in your past, present, and future all at the same time. I know how this all works out. Will you trust Me? When you are walking through the fires, look at Me and not the circumstances. You will come through this and arrive right on time. No delay will take you over. I am the creator of time. I will make up the time you felt you lost during seasons of dryness.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 10, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Just as you cannot teach a baby all that they will ever have to know, you are as well still learning more and more with each passing year with Me. I have much more to speak to My people. Do not close your ears. I am fully invested into every moment of your life. You don’t want to miss a thing. The seasons change, but I change not. I say, Behold I do a New Thing because I am also not a boring or predictable Father. As the year begins to pick up the pace,  I will be working miracles within your family and other close relationships. People who have been estranged will find Home again. Those that felt lost and alone, will find comfort. I designed you for relationships. New faces will emerge who will be a blessing in areas that you didn’t even know were dried up. Watch as I check off every item on your hidden desires list with those I send to you. By My Will and Good Pleasure will you see CHANGE in what was barren year after year!”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 9, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “My Throne Room is open. The Veil was Torn over 2000 years ago. Many hold onto religious beliefs that there must be a complicated process to speak with Me. Find that today, I will override your mindset. I have much to discuss and nothing will stay in the way of our communion. Be one who looks for our interactions. Do not allow the routine of life to overshadow our relationship. I am lifting you up out of the situations you find yourself repeating over and over. There are patterns you have allowed to take over in life. I want you to see a new perspective as I show you a better way. The path is becoming straight with deep revelation. Take the time to be present in your own coming and goings. You cannot continue on in a sleepy slumber. Be on purpose and deliberate for the Kingdom. What was not seen will soon be seen with clarity. Wash off the dust.You are coming into divine increase.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 8, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “If some can hear and see what I send from Heaven, then consider My Throne Room fully accessible to you as well. What you will not invest time in will not open up to you. Be diligent in the things of My Kingdom. You were created as a spirit. This did not cease when you became flesh as well. In fact, you will find the two aspects of who you are can work together in brilliant fashion. I am not concerned with where you start. I plan to take you to an Amazing Finish to this race. Stick with Me and you will find all that I wrote in the Books about you manifest before your eyes. I cannot fail, and I will pick you up from any situation and carry you onward for My Glory. There is nothing that I would not do for you! It is time to rise up in this hour. The enemy is looking to rob, kill, and destroy your future. You must be willing to stand your ground without waiver. Remain Unstoppable.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 7, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You were found by the Riverbanks. You say Lord, what does this mean? It means you found the source of everything you were in need of. My Living Waters. Many walk away searching for something more complex to their angst. I say, RETURN and I will give you rest. You are meant to walk each day in My overflow and not depleted of what the human experience can muster up. I have an endless flow. Is there anything too hard for Me? What idols do you carry that continues to get in the way of our Relationship? Even your own hands will fail you without My Strength. You were not designed to be apart from Me. I have not asked you to figure out life on your own. I am speaking so command your ears to hear and your eyes to see. Forsake the mindset bound for ignorance. Wisdom only does you any good if you wash yourself in it. Many were wise but allowed pride and arrogance to guide them instead. Shake off the dead works. I have more for you.”

 Daily Prophetic Word
April 6, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You are so very precious to Me. I am wrapping you up in My Love. Slow down to feel and partake of My Glory in your life. I want you to remember that the Church is to Rule and Reign. People have this all wrong. You are coming into a time, where clarity will hit the True Bride. Some will walk away to pursue their own agenda. What comes out of the fire will break way for those willing to carry their full rights and authority. You will know how to Command My Power and Authority. The land will be subdued under your Voice. Heaven will invade Earth like never seen before. The two will merge around My People. Those that doubt and attack will not be included in this Majesty. After all, how can one choose to tear down as a way of life and then want to stand in the front line of what I am doing for mankind. I will give credit to those of Righteousness, not those that cast stones for a living with pleasure.”

Daily Prophetic Word
April 5, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Are you still trying to walk on water? What if I said you were capable of walking on Air instead. Is there anything impossible in reality, if you are Mine? You limit what you think a natural world will allow. Since I created it all, I can surely go against the laws that you feel subject to. Consider yourself free of what has been holding you back. Walk with your hands ready. I will be dealing with those that rose up to mock you. The Scales are Balancing in this hour. Justice is in My Hands. I want you to look onward not to what I am doing in these matters. Forgive and keep your head held high. This is what will honor Me most. Be part of the Greater that I am doing all around the world. Walking in the negative will rob you of My Glory that inhabits everything near and far. You are not defeated even on your worst day. Know who you are in Me and you will dance no matter which way the wind blows.”

Glynda Lomax
The Least of These
By Just Praise Him on Apr 29, 2020 12:30 am
   It is time for My children to grow into My love. I desire you would learn to love others as I have loved you. Learn to look at them through My eyes and My heart. Each one is precious in My sight, as you are. Each one has great potential in My Kingdom, as you do. Each one is a soul I desire to save, as I saved you. Extend My love to even the least of those you meet, and I will touch them through you. Everything you do for them, you did to Me.

UESDAY, APRIL 28, 2020
    Many of My children still require refining.  You are entering into a time of much refining as I prepare you for your life here with Me. Life on earth as you know it will not continue much longer. Make yourselves ready to come Home. Search deep within your soul for what is still displeasing to Me. Set your heart to understand what I desire from you and make the needed changes now.  Ask if you need help, but do not delay any longer, My children - you do not have the luxury of time as before. If you make the changes, you can forego the refining.

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2020
It is Late
   Many of My children understand the lateness of the hour, but many more still slumber.
   Many do not know the lateness and the end shall come upon them unawares. Awaken, children, and put your hand to the plough! Work while it is day for the night quickly approaches. You are not guaranteed tomorrow. Do not tarry. Do not put off what must be done today.

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2020
I Will Guide You
   I see you are distracted with many things. My children, the enemy desires to keep you distracted from the things of Me until it is too late. You must set yourself not to fear as the days pass. I will guide you step by step, hour by hour, day by day. You cannot see what is far ahead and you should not desire to see what is far ahead. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.

If You Can Trust Me with Forever
   Set your heart to walk nearer to Me each day. You must be willing to put everything into My hands – your provision, your health and your loved ones’ safety and well-being, as well as your salvation.
   If you can trust Me with forever, can you not also trust Me with your needs in this present hour?

The Time of My Favor
   This is the time of My Favor. If you will walk in obedience to My Word and My Ways, I will bless you beyond anything you can imagine. I will answer prayers from long ago and bring people into your life who will bless you. You will experience increase like never before. I desire you would walk in My ways in obedience to My holy Word, that unbelievers may see and believe. I desire they would know how I bless those who walk in obedience to Me. You have asked Me for many things. Walk forth in belief now and receive all I have for you. The world around you grows darker by the hour, but I still desire to bless My children. Many around you live in lack, but I desire you would live in plenty. Only believe, and obey Me in all things. I am the God who blesses you.

Know Me as Provider
   Set your heart to seek Me, and know Me as Father and Provider. Ask and I will reveal to you the way to go. Allow Me to provide all you need and more in this time. I have told you, you have not because you ask not, or you ask amiss. Ask Me for what you need, and believe Me to do it. Walk in My ways and do what you know to be right and I will bless you.

MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2020
Walk Closely
   If you will draw near to Me in your heart, and acknowledge Me in all your ways, I will guide you in all you do. When you cannot hear me guiding you, your heart is too far from Me. When you walk closely you will hear.

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020
I Am for You
   As we walk along together, know that I am always looking ahead to see what you will need on the next leg of your journey. I am always for you, I am always preparing what and who you need. You can cast your cares on Me in full confidence.

Nearer To Me
   At times, you will feel Me drawing you nearer to Me.  It is important you recognize these times and accordingly begin spending more time with Me. Whenever I draw you close to Me, it is because I see a bump in the road coming in your future – an event, a loss, a time of testing – something coming that may cause you pain or concern, and I am drawing you close that I may protect you and comfort you.  Whatever you walk through, I am with you.

Nations Who have Defied Me
   My children, I have told you - you must prepare your hearts to see much death and now it begins.
   In what is coming, I will judge all nations and death will abound in nations that have defied Me, who have turned from My Ways and My Word. Those who have defied Me will see great judgment. I desire you would pray for those who do not yet know Me, that I may save their souls, that they would not enter eternity without Me. 

I Am Teaching You
     I am opening doors for you to know Me better, to walk with Me more closely, to allow Me into more areas of your life. I am teaching you through what is around you, and I desire you would study it in detail, that I may speak into your spirit what I desire for you to learn. Seek Me while I may be found for knowing Me is the key to all you need.

MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020
The Most Evil Leader
   Soon the most evil leader of all time will step onto the world stage. He will bring much persecution to My people, for he hates all that is of Me and will seek to remove even My Word from the earth. He seeks to set up his throne and replace Me in the hearts of My people. When persecution abounds, will you still call Me Lord? Will you worship Me, or will fear and doubt fill your mind? Will you abandon your faith in Me for other gods when all hope seems lost in the world? When I cannot answer your prayers (because all must be fulfilled), will I remain your God or will you turn to another? Elijah walked in My mighty power in the time of an evil leader and continued to do My will and proclaim My Name.  What will you do? When you can no longer feed yourselves? When you can no longer feed those you love? What will you choose?

FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020
As Elijah Walked
   I desire a closer walk with you. I desire you would spend time with Me that I may reveal Myself in your circumstances. You have not walked at the level I am offering you before. I have saved the best for last, My children, and I desire all My children would walk as Elijah walked in the earth. If you seek Me continually, if you sacrifice the things in your life that do not please Me and you truly repent of your wrongdoings, I will reveal Myself to you in new ways and you will walk in My mighty power.    I will give you beauty for ashes.

Ineffective Remedies
   Nations who have continually defied Me will see very trying times now. Leaders who have walked contrary to me will exhaust themselves with ineffective remedies (for various situations their domains face). I will in this time begin to exalt leaders who walk in My ways. Another leader appears on the world stage soon, appearing to hold all the answers, but his intent is only evil and destruction.

Birth Pangs
I was out walking Tuesday morning and talking to the Lord about the food shortages now and the famine and other stuff that’s coming. Suddenly the Lord started speaking this word to me:The food pantries will close because they will have no more food to give to them.Why Lord? Why will the food pantries close?Because the sin in this land is so extreme, what I must do to get their attention is also extreme. Because their abundance has lulled them to sleep, I will use lack to awaken them to My Love, to My Grace, to their need of Me.The America you knew before is no more. Now as a woman in travail, you America will suffer – birth pang after birth pang as these events come forth that I may call the people to Me who have heretofore rejected or ignored Me.

I will be Your Provider
   My children, you are entering a time of great lack in the world around you. Rejoice! You are not of the world.    I am your Provider and there is no lack in Me. In Me is an abundance of anything you can ever need. Those who walk closely with Me will not be in need. Ask for what you need, and receive. I will be your Provider if you believe.

If You Will Seek Me
   My children, the time you live in now is like no other before it. You will require My wisdom as you walk through it. I desire you would seek My face on a daily basis. I desire you would seek Me continually, that I may lead and guide you through what you now face. If you will seek Me and My will in this (your situation), all will be well.

Barbara & Dan
Apr 29, 2020
Daughter SPEAK!, How many? How many ? How many Messengers, Prophets and Watchmen must I send to YOU PEOPLE before you will HEED the WARNINGS? A stiff necked people   , who will not REPENT or RETURN  to me.Still standing proud and arrogant in the midst of the PLAGUE! I AM THE GOD OF ALL CREATION. I AM JUSTICE , I AM JUDGEMENT! There will be no great nation or people without me. Even as people die from the PANDEMIC this daughter warned you was coming , you still MOCK and RIDICULE. Your brazen arrogance causes me to send another PLAGUE to the earth and UNREPENTANT nations. I will strike your waters. Your WATERS will be death. Your waters will be bitter ,  your waters will be blood. I will with hold the rain.. I will continue to send one PLAGUE after another until you acknowledge who I AM AND REPENT for your your murders, fornication,  idolatry and abominations. When you see these things come to pass you will know I AM THE LORD.

Apr 21, 2020
Prepare. Tyranny is coming. You will see persecution that is unmatched throughout history. I am speaking to the unrepentant and backsliders. The goal is to control every aspect of men’s life on earth while eliminating the undesirables. Many will be put to death for refusing to conform to the new world order. As My judgements fall on an unrepentant earth one after another, the tyrant beast will take his position as it was written. Every person alive will receive his mark, even under protest. Many will die. Those trying to escape will be hunted down like animals, dissidents imprisoned for 10 days and tortured and experimented on. The new world order and the mark of the beast go hand in hand. Many will be martyred because they loved their lives not to their death. Repent, Repent, Repent. A great change is coming upon you. Return to Me, children. Humble yourselves and pray. I am listening.

Apr 14, 2020

I have called you to REPENT, humble yourselves and return to me. You have seen the destruction plague ,death,and food shortages. Yet you cry about your money and possessions that will be NO MORE. .Man worships money. My anger and fury is kindled against you wicked people for the innocents your nation has murdered in the womb.Who cries for them. Daughter SPEAK. A nation that murders its babies will be destroyed .You have murdered an entire generation. I have seen your young people boast that they are proud of their despicable acts and proud they are going to Hell. Children of the devil. Your wickedness knows no bounds. The destruction will continue, my correction will continue. I will not stop until the land is made desolate by the hand of the destroyer. This is just punishment. This is justice. JUDGEMENT'S will continue to fall until every knee bows and confesses, I AM THE LORD, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL.THE GREAT I AM .

Apr 9, 2020

I AM ready to open the graves. Be patient and wait a while, until the number that will be killed for My namesake is completed. Every hair on your head has been counted. You have been made for My specific purpose. There will be thunder, lightning, and earthquakes as I open the seal. Many will die from this pestilence and war. While your leaders are distracted, your enemies plan late into the night. Be of good courage, I have overcome the world!

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