Monday, May 30, 2016

Message Date - 30 May 2016

***Prophetic Messages From the Lord: 30 May 2016***

May 30, 2016UncategorizedLana

The Lord has really been highlighting to me those that are on the frontline. Those that have answered the call from the Lord to be on the frontline and are moving forward.
As I have said in the past week in the words I have released there is a real intensity and battle going on in the spirit but the Lord is releasing strategies for breakthrough and how to move through and overcome. The battle is so intense because of the enormity of the shift that will begin in June and affect the rest of the year.
I had a vision of the frontliners and they had their shields of faith up and there were arrows coming from all directions. The frontrunners were MAINTAINING THEIR GROUND. I then heard this booming voice of love and authority, and the Lord spoke "YOU HAVE CONTINUE TO STAND, WELL DONE, WELL DONE, I AM NOW BRINGING A SHIFT TO YOU FROM MAINTAINING GROUND TO TAKING GROUND."
Instantly I saw a FIRE OF FERVENCY being released over the frontliners. Where there has been a FIRING on the frontliners to take them out, this FIRE OF FERVENCY from heaven is now being released that is IGNITING His people with PASSION and FIRE again. There will be SO MUCH ZEAL that He will release in these encounters that is going to release excessive fervour to accomplish all the Lord is calling them to.
The fervour is FIRE!!!!!! HIS FIRE!!!! The FIRE of His love!!!! The FIRE of the Holy Spirit!!!! This season has been marked for many frontliners with a fire of intensity of opposition and trial that has attempted to kill them and knock them out, but from June and into the rest of the year, there will be a SIGNIFICANT SHIFT to DEMONSTRATE the MARKING OF THE FIRE OF GOD! The FIRE of His LOVE, PASSION and ZEAL that is going to BREAKTHROUGH in significant ways and be displayed across the world.
Frontliners are going to be MARKED with the fire of God, His BURNING LOVE in SIGNIFICANT, more DEFINED ways. This fire is going to ignite passion for Jesus that the frontrunners haven't experienced before, and ignite strength and COURAGE to move into the appointments of God in this season.
As I saw the frontliners transitioning from being under FIRE to the FIRE of FERVENCY, I watched these encounters taking place with the heart of God and I saw Him releasing NEW SHOES of COURAGE for those who needed them. For the frontliners to go where no one has gone before, to have the courage to go into unfamiliar areas, new territories and greater areas of responsibility and influence. Not only were these new shoes, the shoes had springs under them and on the springs it said:
1 John 4:4  "He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world".
In the encounters with the heart of God that are going to be significantly increasing in this season especially in the last few days leading into June, the Lord is awakening His people in the release of fervency to His authority and their authority in Him.
The frontliners are moving to a new level of OVERCOMING!!!!!
Instantly I heard the words:
As I heard those words "From FRONTLINERS to FRONTRUNNERS" I saw the winds of favour and acceleration fall upon their lives and as the wind blew I could hear the words "FAVOUR IS BLOWING WITH FERVENCY" and the atmosphere around me was surrounded with the sense of favour blowing with such intensity, that I saw the winds of the Spirit releasing favour pick up the frontliners and they were transforming into "FRONTRUNNERS."
"As they have REMAINED and WAITED on ME, they will nowl RUN and NOT BE WEARY!!!"
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)
This release of fervency and winds of acceleration/favour released was instantly breaking off weariness and restoring strength. There was a new level of grace and momentum the Lord was leading them into that would see them move from living "JUST MAINTAINING GROUND" to RUNNING with the winds of His Spirit, running with the wind of the Spirit of acceleration and favour behind them with GREATER EASE than they have EVER KNOWN.

In this radical increase of acceleration there would be greater REST than they have ever known and MORE levels of overcoming, ground taken and fruit released than they have EVER experienced.
Frontliners, you have been under major fire, but that is shifting. The Lord is releasing fervency upon you and you are transitioning into being FRONTRUNNERS!!!! Get ready to feel the wind of the Spirit accelerate you with greater favour in the rest of 2016 that you have ever known before. Relax in Him, trust Him, for in the acceleration as you LEAN on Him, you will RUN and find REST IN the acceleration like you have not experienced before and an explosion breakthrough and blossoming of fruit.

May 29, 2016UncategorizedLana
This is an intense moment in the spirit right now. The past few days there has been an intense rumbling in the atmosphere. There has been a lot of rumbling opposition, but we do not focus upon what God is not doing, we focus upon what God IS doing.
I felt the Lord wanted to encourage those of you who have been feeling hit by this incredible "rumbling" that is taking place in the atmosphere's right now, the second heaven realm is making a lot of noise, but that's because you are moving towards the month of  INCREASE OF ACCELERATION – June.
The second heaven realm may be making a lot of noise and attempting to knock you out, but it will not succeed. Keep resting in Him! Keep worshipping! The Lord gave me a vision today which I believe is what He is wanting us to do, and that is to LOOK PAST the rumbling and look at what HE is doing in the spirit.
In this vision I saw a rocket, and it was POISED for take off. The engine had been started, and the power and momentum was building. The power was building and I saw FOUR shoots of fire coming out from the bottom of the rocket that was about to take off. FOUR representing a DOOR. The DOOR of increase is acceleration, divine breakthrough, opportunities and positioning is about to be swung WIDER open in the increase in velocity in June.
Stay in the place of worship, don't focus on the rumbling noise of the second heaven. Look to Jesus and see the true reality. Firing on all four cylinders of acceleration and manifestation. You are about to take off to a whole new level of breakthrough, opportunity and increase.
The Lord has been speaking to me a lot lately about the opposition many of the prophets are facing right now. Jezebel attacks have been rampant, but I felt the encouragement of the Lord to the prophets to continue to hold on. Do not give up! Stay close to His heart, keep persevering and do what He has asked you to do, because He is with you, He is empowering you and there is great grace in His authority that you have to overcome and get through.
The attacks many of you are facing are making many of you feel like you want to run and hide, do NOT do that! Do the EXACT opposite. Keep moving forward and TAKING GROUND. The temptation to stop speaking, the Jezebellic spirit is attempting to silence you. KEEP SPEAKING! KEEP PROPHESYING!!! The Lord is with you, He has His hand upon you, He is sending the ravens to strengthen and minister to you.
I felt the Lord say this morning that "Many prophets are about to have another Mount Carmel experience." Where the enemy and other demonic spirits have come against the prophets in accusation about who God is, His power, provision and breakthrough, what He has promised to do, attempting to bring deep discouragement, doubt and fear upon the prophets, the Lord is about to SHOW UP POWERFULLY.
Prophets, right now, it is CRUCIAL to be listening to the strategy of heaven. He is releasing heavenly wisdom and strategy to KNOW how to breakthrough. As you implement His strategy and wisdom, not only is He going to lead you into triumphant breakthrough, He is going to SHOW UP POWERFULLY!
The greatest vindications and demonstrations of His power are right now upon the prophets who are listening to His voice and putting into action the divine strategy of heaven.
Where the enemy has attempted to cause you to STAND DOWN and it feels like you are about a point of SHOW DOWN, just know that the Lord is about to SHOW OFF!!!
There is a mark of promotion happening in the spirit RIGHT NOW over many prophets, so the enemy is trying to take them out before they step further in. It won't happen as you listen to the Lord and don't give up! He has you covered.
Where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal in Scripture, but afterwards found Himself in the depth of depression and discouragement, I felt the Lord say "WAVES OF JOY!!!!" and I felt the Lord wanted to encourage the prophets to not EXPECT another cycle of depression after a great victory but to get ready for another TIDAL WAVE of IMPARTATION of JOY upon JOY and HIS JOY will release greater strength to you that was lost in this battle.
 As the encounter I had with the Lord was ending I heard the Lord say:
"My pure hearted prophets carrying purity keep persevering for you are meeting a point of greater PROMOTION!!"
May 28, 2016UncategorizedLana
There has been SO much noise going on in the spirit the past 2 weeks. There has been MUCH turbulence in the atmosphere and I have seen SO many whirlwinds of "CONFUSION" sent against the people of God to steal clarity, and attempt to see God's people take on the lie "Something is wrong with me".. "I have done something wrong" that is causing such intensity of confusion and fogginess.
I had a vision where I saw many of God's people STOPPING at the STATIC and they were left stuck, discouraged, winded and bewildered. I then saw Jesus and He stood in the midst of the whirlwinds of confusion, noise and turbulence and He spoke "Don't stop at the static. PRESS THROUGH! PRESS THROUGH! I AM HERE, PRESS THROUGH!"
It was like a really bad sand storm was going on in the spirit around many of God's people, and many felt like they had 'sand thrown in their eyes' and not only was their vision 'blurred', the attack was causing so much uncomfortableness and irritation, many were 'stopping' and focusing on trying to get the 'sand out of their eyes', when Jesus was simply saying, "LOOK PAST THE SAND, LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK PAST THE IRRITATION, I AM HERE!!!" The Lord was highlighting again "Where is your focus?"
"Is your focus upon the irritation and the noise around you? Or are you listening PAST the noise and irritation and listening to My voice which is revealing to you the sound of the enemy SHRIEKING as he is losing ground in your life of past and present."
"It is come back, take back, pay back time!!! You are crossing over. You are gaining ground. You are crossing a greater threshold of breakthrough and furtherance."
The enemy is going to be sorry that he messed with you. As there is a divine catapult taking place right now from the place of intimacy, where the Lord is suddenly springing His people back. Where the enemy thought he had 'got them' and was 'holding them down', the people of God are now arising with greater strength in Him, greater empowerment of the Spirit and sensitivity to His leading that they have acquired in the trials and turbulence they have been facing.
"In the natural you will hear INTIMIDATION, OPPOSITION, HARDSHIP, FAILURE, FEAR, DEATH, but if you listen with the ears of your Spirit as your focus is upon Me, you will hear the sound of BIRDS SINGING. You will hear the sound of MORNING BREAKING FORTH. You will hear the sound of CONQUERING! You will hear the TRIUMPHANT SOUND OF VICTORY as you ENTER NEW TERRITORY!!! Yes there will be other giants to face in the new land, the new territory, but you literally entering a new realm, a new day and an INFLUX of DIVINE OPPORTUNITIES."
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you." (James 1:5)
"As many of you are moving into this new territory, there will be incredible whirlwinds of acceleration and increase. There will be an INFLUX of DIVINE opportunities and there will also be an INFLUX of GOOD opportunities. It is CRUCIAL that you are asking Me for wisdom in this season, that it would guard you and lead you to know which opportunities to step into that is designed by Me and My hand and are My BEST for you. Asking, receiving and implementing My wisdom in this new territory will not only see you move in this new place with great grace and peace, but it will see you strengthened to REMAIN in the new territory and THRIVE in it, instead of being overwhelmed and fearful. "
Many of God's people who have stewarded with purity, integrity and lived in the place of intimacy with Him are about to be entrusted with more responsibility, acceleration and increase than they have EVER known before, but MUCH wisdom and dependence/sensitivity up Him and His leading is needed to navigate in and through this new territory. Many are going to be surprised by the areas God opens up and what He entrusts them with, but He has worked deeply and carefully upon their hearts and character in the fire as they have allowed Him to, and they have come out as pure gold and are READY!
Listen PAST the turbulence, listen PAST the static, listen PAST the lies and confusion, look to JESUS!!!! Listen to His heart and hear Him revealing to you the SOUND of the enemy losing his ground, the SOUND of the new territory, the new morning, the new level of BREAKTHROUGH BREAKING FORTH.
The enemy is screaming loudest right now, because your greatest come back and take back is upon you. You are receiving the greatest divine PAYBACK of your life (things past and present restored to you with increase) in this unprecedented acceleration into the new territories!

Daily Prophetic Word
The Father says, “If you want spiritual freedom, you have to own what you do against others during your day. You cannot have a mind living in evil thoughts and expect to climb higher in Me. The two are incompatible. Make repentance and forgiveness your daily desire, and you will remain able to flow in the things of the Kingdom. Just one moment, and just one wound, and just one negative thought against someone can throw you off balance and out of alignment. My concern is for your own soul, and the condition you have allowed it to come into.
Even in your weakest moments you can choose how you will react or respond. Would you rather have My Love pouring out of you or your judgmental mind against one and all? I have not asked what your opinion was on any matter before you. I have asked no other man either. People speak claiming to know what I Am up to, but in truth, they spend so little time before Me without their own opinions. A crowded mind will not hear My Heart or Voice. The enemy will attempt to rule your thoughts if you continue to have opinions to the left and to the right of My will.
My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. Your setbacks are merely setting you up for not only a comeback, but to be launched into the position I have desired for you. Stop looking at who you think is to blame, and start looking at My answer to that issue. If I have allowed it to happen, I must have a reason in My Purposes and Plans. You are not defeated, so get up off of the ground this very day. A correction to your steps is not about punishment, but rather to get you to think about what you have left on autopilot. These actions are sabotaging your life in ways you have not taken into consideration.
You cannot live of life of anger and expect My blessings to reach through your barriers set up in your own heart and mind. Decide today to let Me in to heal all that is wounded, scarred, and torn up from years of living life your own way. Let Me show you the cracks in your walls that are allowing the enemy to rule over you. Come to Me daily with all of your mistakes and failures. I will restore and remake you on the Potter’s Wheel so that the cracks are made whole again. Even the most egregious of crimes can turn into a blessing for your soul. I will show you the way to total freedom. I will show you the schemes of the enemy before he can grip you once more. Decide to walk in the spirit and not the flesh!”
~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
The Father says, “Come to the Cross. The Cross offers you so much more than you realize. There is nothing about you that is the same because of the Cross. All is wiped clean and all is able to be restored, not to its original state but to perfection beyond what once was. You are a Bride and you are infused with the DNA of The Bridegroom Jesus Christ. From the minute you leave this world, sin will never enter your life again. Do you not understand? Without the works of the Cross, sin could always threaten your security. Covered in the Blood means never again will sin enter your life in eternity.
No more tears, no more struggles, no more pain and regret. A freedom that you have not known, but one day it will be all you know. So many believe heaven is a boring place. Why ever would I spend all of this time on something that was not grander than anything you could imagine? I have given you a life to live fully on Earth, and you will have a much more spectacular life to live in Heaven. Did you expect not to actually have a life to live there too? You are so precious to Me. I will not waste your time or give you a lackluster existence.
You are not living for today, but for eternity as well. Look at all that is around you and make a decision about whether this should be in your life or not. You cannot hang onto things because of complacency or not wanting to rock the boat. Be on purpose with all, for you cannot get this moment back. Wasting time on the wrong people will steer you off track. You have a beautiful heart that I put there. Not everyone will care for your heart the way I do. Guard it and fill your life with those that will walk with you in the fire and on the beach. Life is about the extremes.
Testing and trials help the tree truck grow stronger to stand against the mighty winds that are sure to come again. You are a tree of life not death. Speak life and life will spring up wherever your travels take you. Even when others spit death upon you, life will still take root because you are an atmosphere changer. The darkness will always flee when Light arrives. Let Me take care of the battles of Life. You just focus on enjoying all that I have given you. You are blessed and My Favor surrounds you.”
~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
The Father says, “A busy life does not mean you are having a quality life. Many think that the more they fit into their day, hours, and minutes will fulfill them. However, this lifestyle will just leave you drained and empty. You cannot be everything to everyone at the same time. You must know what to place down and what to pick up. If I bring back what you placed down, then it is something that I still have for you.
Do not allow others to use you up. It does not matter the good you think you are doing to benefit one and all. Listen! This is not the life I have called you to. Not every good deed has been set aside for you to accomplish. Sometimes, I Am leaving that for someone else to bless and reap from. Do not become the center of your own world. Keep Me as the center, and the rest will fall into its rightful place. It is time to reassess what is bringing you divine joy and what is merely just a burden.
What I have called you to should not be a burden. If it is, come to Me for a tune-up. You are going about the assignment incorrectly. I have said My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light. These are the core principles you need to embrace and incorporate. You can always do more, but is more the right answer? Check with Me before you accept that next opportunity before you. People will be disappointed and many will even be upset, but that is not a reason to take on more.
Know your times and seasons, for I will pull you away and move you over, so be watchful. As you reach higher levels in Me, I will have new adventures, but if you are yoked to the wrong things, you will be of no use to where I send you to. I desire for you to experience all that I have set aside for you. I will guide you in all things when you seek Me in all things. Can you hear the clinking in the atmosphere? That is all that I Am asking you to place down right now. Heed the stirring that is in your spirit. I Am setting your feet on a new path. Do not get confused and walk back to the old. You are made for more! I Am giving you more this hour.”
~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope

05 28 16 Justice Cries for Judgment
Speak, son of man. Speak of the evil that surrounds thee. Woe to those who ridicule me. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Woe to those who lift up themselves and put down their neighbor. Woe to those who speak lies and call it the truth. Woe to those who accumulate wealth while withholding from their neighbor. Woe to those who call darkness light and light darkness. They have kindled hatred and discord. They have perverted the truth to serve their purpose. I have seen their abomination with my own eyes for all is visible to Me. Justice cries for judgment. They shall stand in front of Me and be held accountable. The oppressor shall be oppressed. The accuser shall be accused. They shall seek mercy and none will be granted. They have chosen their own punishment, and My will shall be done. The shofar blows in earnest as the time of darkness has begun. Are you listening? Amen.

05 28 16 Shall My Words not Kindle the Hearts of the Chosen Few?

"In the beginning, i was.
I removed darkness and what remained was light.
I spoke and all things were created in my image.
I created time and there was an order and a purpose.
I looked around and was well pleased with what i had done.
And with the breath of my spirit i created man in my likeness.
I have chosen the few to speak to the many.
For the sweet melody of eternal life rests on their lips.
Stand up now and break loose the shackles of fear,
For they serve no purpose.
Shall my words not kindle the hearts of the chosen few?
I have annointed my messengers to reveal the truth.
You bear witness to this truth.
Speak now son of man, speak of my glory,
Speak of my will
I who am the everlasting life
Call on the chosen to step forward for the battle has begun.
The closer you get to me, the stronger you become.
What is given in the spirit shall strengthen thee.
Your enemies have tried to kill you, but they shall fail.
For my spirit shines brightly in thee.
Today's trials, shall become tomorrow's victories.
Evil shall succumb to my sword of justice.
For i shall slay the serpent and cast him to eternal damnation.
Press forward for the darkness fears the light.
And i am the light of the world.
Call on my name and you shall see the power of the lord."

Please take this Message directly to FATHER YAHWEH, by the Power of His HOLY SPIRIT, and in KING YESHUA’s Holy and Mighty Name, and ask FATHER if I received this Message straight from HIM.
Received before prayer:
Sayeth the I AM:
I AM is going to protect all of MY SON’s Saints. FATHER’s Protection knows no bounds. For I will defend MY Beautiful Children who have given their lives to YESHUA. FATHER cherishes each one of you. Be not dismayed, MY Little Ones. Certain events must happen, but you shall not go to destruction, for you are a Child of GOD JEHOVAH! Once you go to sleep on this side, you wake up with MY SON. FATHER the I AM, has spoken!
Psalm 97:10, Hate evil, you who love the LORD, Who preserves the souls of His GODly ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 121:7, The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
Psalm 18:2, The LORD is MY rock, and MY fortress, and MY deliverer; MY GOD, MY strength, in whom I will trust; MY buckler, and the horn of MY salvation, and MY high tower.
Jeremiah 31:3, The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
Psalm 40:2, He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set MY feet upon a rock, making MY steps secure.
2 Corinthians 5:8, We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Please take this Message directly to FATHER YAHWEH, by the Power of His HOLY SPIRIT, and in King YESHUA’s Holy and Mighty Name, and ask FATHER if I received this Message straight from HIM.
Psalm 4:3-4, But know that the LORD hath set apart HIM that is GODly for HIMself: the LORD will hear when I call unto HIM. 4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.
I received this Message from FATHER GOD YAHWEH at 7:59 pm on 29 May 2016:
Daughter who has captured FATHER YAHWEH’s Heart, write MY Enduring Words that you received directly from MY SON, in MY Eternal Throne Room: write them, MY Child Wendi:
FATHER sees that many of you are searching the scriptures about MY SON’s Bride; I AM pleased. MY Word contains all the answers to MY Saint’s questions, guided by MY RUACH HA KODESH. You will never find answers in man’s books. MY Saints should only be feeding upon MY SON, He is the Holy Word. Man’s works, opinions, ideas, will only cause derision in the Body of Christ. Take what the catholics do, as they worship their many idols and saints; run far from them, MY Children. This is directly from man; and I did not send that devious one who sits as he is MY SON; for the pope is the false prophet that will make an image of obama. I have given MY Daughter visions of this and she has shared them on this ministry. All roads and religions will send MY People straight to hell. MY SON is MY Only Way to reach Me, FATHER YAHWEH! Notice how the pope, who is vile in MY Eyes, says this, how he embraces all false religions, how he has a telescope called lucifer, how he knows the fallen angels are coming, and how he will joyfully receive them. He is, and the false religions around the world, are a complete abomination to Me, GOD JEHOVAH! All those who don’t believe in MY SON are liars! MY Perfect son shed His Most Perfect Blood on the cross for anyone who believes in HIM. He is the Mediator between GOD and man; not a mere priest. These are needles in MY Eye, and MY Wrath will rectify all of man’s thinking. For all of you who put Mary above MY SON or even equal to MY SON, you are an abomination to Me, FATHER YAHWEH! Repent! All you who are in man’s religion, and follow only MY SON YESHUA! This is GOD’s Commandment to have no other gods before ME! THE GREAT I AM!
FATHER YAHWEH, the I AM! I AM going to put judgment upon the false religions and overturn all of their false gods and idols, sayeth the I AM!
2 Timothy 3:16, All Scripture is GOD-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
John 14:26, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the FATHER will send in MY name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Colossians 2:8, Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
John 6:35, And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
John 1:14, And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER,) full of grace and truth.
Revelation 13:15, And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
John 14:6, Jesus saith unto HIM, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by me.
John 10:9-11, I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
John 5:29, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Proverbs 6:16-19, These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto HIM:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
1 John 2:22, Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the Son.
Hebrews 9:14, How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered HIMself without spot to GOD, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living GOD?
Romans 5:9, Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through HIM.
1 Timothy 2:5, For there is one GOD, and one mediator between GOD and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Proverbs 15:3, The eyes of the LORD [are] in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Matthew 3:17, And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is MY beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Luke 9:23, And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let HIM deny HIMself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Exodus 20:3-5, Thou shalt have no other GODs before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy GOD am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the FATHERs upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

The Rapture Event Will Be Visible & The End of Works Righteousness (Still small voice)

How The Enemy Blocks Your Creativity With Demonic Intervention

MONDAY WORD: False Discernment - separating the real from the false. (Ryan Lestrange)

MONDAY WORD: The Backwards Journey (Prophetic Insight) (Ryan Lestrange)

This is Something You Need To See! (2016-2017) (Jason A)


Trib-Now, 22nd May 2016: Fearless Love in the Midst of Terror with Pastor Mujahid El Masih (John Baptist)

Trib-Now, 24th May 2016 - Deliverance and Divine Healing Live Call In Show w Aaron Wagner

Watch Baptism Corner: 8 Pillars to Salvation -It isn't too late to board the ark

Intercessory Prayer Strategies list=PLmmkdABnDXIhS9oQaYbdYZbfM0ccsEjKB

Spiritual Warfare 101


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