Sunday, July 30, 2017

Message Date - 30 Jul 2017

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord 30 Jul 2017***

The Father says, “I build movements over the Earth within each Generation. If you want to fully experience what I AM up to, then join with each layer of My people called to their generation and your generation alike. Can I not use the young to serve the old, just as the old have always mentored and guided those coming up in life? I am no respecter of persons; age, gender, or socioeconomic status. I Am doing a New thing in all of My people. I have never said that I was doing an Old thing!
Where you are today is where someone else has been, and where another is yet to be. Even when it is not the same song, there are aspects that others can take away from your experiences. Let My Wisdom grow in you. Do not overlook the storm that gives the lesson. Every person has something to learn and something to teach. Every season and every year brings forth what I Am up to on your behalf and in the lives of others.
Be open to how I will work and do not walk in the old traditions that have little weight for your Now. I build upon in order to take My Kingdom, in the Earth Realm, higher. You can choose to stay put but you will be left behind. I snatched you out of death sentence and eternal separation. It is not My desire that you continue on as a slightly better version than the day of your salvation. I gave you My best Robe and Ring. I placed a Crown upon your head.
You have been restored back, but you are walking in something completely unique and better than what was the original plan. Let My Spirit fill you up with all of the new possibilities available to you. A life of limitations has been opened up to a Limitless potential. So instead of thinking you have nothing to offer, get ready for the extraordinary that I will do with a yielded and willing person.”
“There is no truth in being cut off or disconnected if I Am your Lord. What you feel does not indicate truth. Unrepentant sin causes a block in your mind where you start to hear the enemy’s voice over Mine. So choose to turn away from what is causing your angst. Is that not what repenting is at the core; changing of the heart and mind?
I Am where I have remained since the day you came to this Earth. I AM Omnipresent, which means that I have no reason or need to leave your presence. Allow your spirit to become sensitive to the unseen and you will find Me right here. If you believe you are more spirit than flesh, will that not rise up inside of you? Why fear what you are designed to be?
When the sin of the world was wiped clean on the Cross, it was a finished act. I have not gone back to reexamine the deed that Christ paid in full. I see you through the Christ in you. Live life with who you are to Me, not what the flesh states, as it is condemned to death. It has no say about the ‘you’ that I Am raising up in this hour. Look instead at how far you have come and just imagine where I will take you now.
Believe, really believe, that your latter days will be glorious. Forsake the naysayers who are always looking to jump in the garbage can of life. You were made for more than the wreckage others make in their wake. Get excited and hold out your hands in anticipation. What you have faith that I will do, My Answer will remain, Yes and Amen!”

 “Consider the Water. The water, at times, is too murky to see the bottom or the depth is just too great. Will I ask you to trust Me? At other times, the water is crystal clear for miles, but it may lack depth. Will I ask you to trust Me just the same? My Beloved, the circumstances do not change the truth. I Am with you, and I will take you from Glory to Glory regardless of the conditions.
Recognize the purpose in both situations, and you will forsake what the natural tells you. Your portion is to walk in the Spirit in every year, season, and hour just the same. What comes to rattle you will cause the enemy to shake and run by My Voice. I Am your Rear Guard. It does not matter what has caused your back against the wall. I will come through for you.
When new seasons begin, many stay in old mindsets believing that what was will continue on and on. Take a look again. Even in this hour, I am shifting and turning the compass dial to your new heading. Be listening for new instructions and not assume that all of the plans are still the same. I may have prepared you for one path, but now we are moving to an unexpected detour. Do not be alarmed. What you consider a delay from the original path, I do not.
This detour is filled with great Joy and Favor. You will walk in no lack or dry land. Push any disappointments to the ground because you are going to love your time in this direction. I will make up for anything you feel was lost in this shift. I will cause your heart to skip a beat in supernatural exploits that I will do in and through you. What you have longed for and petitioned Me for, is here.”
“You were citizens of Heaven before the Fall, and you were restored back into your Seat In High Places when you came to the Cross. Why are you striving when you were born to Thrive? You know how this Earth Realm will end for it is in My Word. Decide that I created this Life to Enjoy and you will surely find moments not to be overlooked.
I am bringing back dreams that you dropped on the ground long ago. Like a boomerang will your mind fill with sudden ideas to take this forward. What did not work in the past will soar High and prosper, for My Winds are behind you. Notice that your motives have changed this time around. Your success is centered in this new outlook.
Now is your time for the mountains to become flattened to you. When you thought that some strategy was needed to either go over or around, I will just make the path as smooth as glass. Did you expect the roller coaster to just keep going? Change is upon you and not just in a little or few. I have cleared your to-do list for the next few weeks. Be okay with putting assignments down in order to finish up parts that are coming to an end.
You are walking on the water and you will not sink. You were made for this next part in the journey. Fear will not overtake you! You are fully equipped and ready to go. Rejoice for all of Heaven is Celebrating around you. What tried to stop you will be your launching pad. Greater still is yet to be. Walk with confidence. I Am with you always!”
 “Carry the Lamp! Did you place it down for a time in pursuit of other things? Find that I have replenished the oil enough to burn until your end of days. Many have chased dead ends based on rumors and fears about what may come tomorrow. They believe they are holding My Lamps but when they were not looking, the enemy gave them a counterfeit.
Listen closely My Child. I have given Peace that Surpasses all Understanding. You are looking for signs that I have not called you to consider during your daily tasks. Be ready in season and out of season, but do not abandon your call and destiny on some notion that there will not be enough time to finish what I have given you. I created Time and I Am the ONLY ONE who knows when Time will cease.
Since I have not shared this with mankind, then why run to and fro looking for the sky to fall? What man thinks is the pattern and signs sets a foundation upon flawed logic. My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways. Rest in knowing that I have Authority over Heaven and Earth. Run the Race with complete focus on what I have placed in your Hands. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.
If something is taking you out of My Peace, then come and sit with Me until you gain clarity once more. I have not asked you to live a life of fear. I desire that you do not live a life of regret because you walked in fear instead. Keep your eyes looking forward and not down or over there. Be what I molded you to BE! Not what someone else would enjoy you more as. I will take care of everything beyond your responsibilities. Enjoy where you are, and get excited for where I am taking you!”
 “Find your provisions when you arrive. Do not search and gather now. I know what you need before the reason is realized. Before Elijah could be fed by the brook, I created the water and the birds. Worry will not help your situation nor solve what you do not know is to come. Trust that I have already done so in advance, and enjoy this time of life.
You cannot get back time that is gone, so make the most of right now. Do not allow a complacent routine take foot in your ways. You were born to dream not just as a child, but always. Ask Me and Dream Big for nothing is off of the table in what I will do in your life. Not everything has to be about a mission or task. I placed inside of you deep passions and interests just for your enjoyment and fulfillment. Like a Treasure Box will I open you up.
Take a chance into something off the beaten path. When you do, you will discover even aspects you did not know were inside. Consider yourself a pioneer within your own walk. Take up the side of great adventure. You just never know where this will lead, but I assure you that you are going to love this new side of who I have made you into. Shed the idea of the mundane and predictable. Let Me take you to grounds where no one has been before.
Many things have a simple process and yet many tend to complicate with rituals that do nothing in reality. Set yourself free by asking if this is truly part of the ‘how to’ in this and that. A world of misunderstandings will lead the non-thinker into places that are merely a merry-go-round. Going around in circles cannot be the plan, right? When methods take you in this process, just stop and ask Me for directions once more. I am not hard to get along with.”
"Wrestle not against flesh and blood. Come to Me for the Battle is Mine. When you allow yourself to get caught up with accusations consumed in character assassination, you are only playing into the wrong hands. What sets out to steal, kill, and destroy possess no Light and therefore, no good as well. You are spinning your wheels in conflicts that are unwinnable right now.
Let Me take over. Some battles are won in the moment, and others require longer endurance. Will you wait on Me? I Am patient for the heart of the people. I have no steamroller in My hands. How you desire things to finalize, may not be the correct way to go about it. Remember the unseen is seen by Me. Let Me show you the perspectives that you are missing.
If you allow yourself to become separated from your desires and (move towards) what is Good and Right in this situation, you will find that you can Feel My Heart, and Become One with My Heart. When I say pray for your enemies, I would not tell you to do this, if I was not able to help you in this completely. You are One with Christ, so therefore you can do All things through this strength.
I want to take you higher and today, I will use your more annoying of enemies. I know every word spoken against you that is not truth. Do you think that I can settle the score appropriately? You can choose to smell like fresh roses or dead roses, the choice is yours. Be My Rose with the sweetest fragrances that has ever come forth. Your critics do not deserve a response when you are walking in My ways. Let your mind settle on Me, and let’s begin anew.”
Kathy Mote
Do not allow yourself to fear arrogant men, for they do not rule over you, they sentence themselves. Although they bluster like a strong wind, I will have the final say over them. I will give beauty to the humble man, but the arrogant will find themselves cast down and ensnared.
I have given into you My promise, and the hoardes reserved for hell will not prevail against it. The battle that rages is not for your soul, but for what is in it!
You will stand and hear My heart beat, and this is what you will speak. You will state what is to come, and stand in delight as you watch come to pass what is spoken. The time frame for seeing has come so far from thousands of years to what you see happening now. Faster and faster will My plan unfold, and more immediate proofs will be seen as signs and wonders multiply. I am calling many to stand and be heard, not only by Me, but by the nations. These ones will not seek acceptance or approval from anyone but Me, and nothing will sway their steadfast hearts from seeking Me. These are still leaning on their Beloved, who have been brought out of the wilderness, who have left the desert. These are all pure hearts before Me, and the deeper you look into them, the more of Me you will see. I am about to shine through them, and the whole world will be taken aback. Power and beauty will be their sign as they stand before Me and proclaim My Word.
There will be no more delays, for as I complete My work in you, you will be ready and you will fly into the Heavenlies! I will make haste to complete your training, and when I do you will rise, and the whole world will be amazed! You see your situation as your limitation, but it is your set up and spiritual training! You do not yet know how powerful I am, for if you did you would not be fearful in anything! You will not scrabble on the ground, you will not just barely make it through your situation. You will rise, My powerful people, and in great power you will fly.
To My Oh so serious one. You will be entrusted with the keys of the Kingdom. You have been tried and tested. You have been found (of yourself) completely lacking, and so you have turned to me, completely trusting. While others laugh and play, you come apart, and come away, seeking only My face. While your brothers seek Me to get their way, you seek Me to find My way. You come to Me because I called you. You hear My voice because I anointed you. You yearn to enter in because I have placed a great hunger in you. You find yourself in My presence because I called you. And just as I have given into you all the things you now possess, you will be of great, great service in My Kingdom. Do not toil, do not stress. For I will lead and guide you in all the ways of Godliness. And as I have called you, you will be equipped. There is no part of the road ahead that you will traverse without My help.
I have sent the winds of change, I have called for you to be stretched. I will build in you great strength, and I will bless My children with deep faith. I will cause My will to come to pass. I will do all that I have promised and bring My children through great deliverance! Great blessing will come as you put your trust in My hands. Great peace will dwell in My beloved as My plan unfolds for them!
In the days ahead there will be retribution, because the days of Justice are at hand. For every foul deed, and dastardly strike reviled against My children there will be swift and absolute retribution! For as I move My mighty hand, the devil dares to strike back in retribution. This is merely his fear tactic of distraction! I say My children WILL take the land, and nothing will succeed in stopping them! As I move in the hearts of My children, they take steps forward in My ways and the ways of My Kingdom. Yet every step they take towards Me, the enemy attempts to knock them backwards! But My retribution is a double edged sword! For as My beloved ones stand and take a step forward, they grow in strength and faith, and walk in precision formation! They activate My ways and My thinking, they tune out the enemy and his distractions. They march as one, and give their attention to Me, for I am their Captain! So let the enemy of your soul take note and pay attention! The very thing he sought to rob you of will be repaid to you! You will rise up in unimaginable strength and I will use that against him as My retribution!

You have experienced times of discouragement from your lack of spiritual progress. You desire to move ahead more quickly, and to be useful to My Kingdom.   You must realize that I and My Word are one. When you want more progression, get more of Me. Go deeper, read longer, study harder. Make My Word the meditation of your heart and get revelation, get understanding.   I can do all things, and you can do all things through Me if you know My Word. Do not be discouraged, but let your lack of progression be a guidepost that leads you into more of My Word.
You have asked Me for revival, but revival begins in the hearts of My people. You have asked Me for miracles, but are you seeking out those I desire to do the miracles for? I desire to do them for the poor, the needy, those who are destitute of hope, that I may become their hope, their provider, their Jehovah-Jireh. I desire to pour out repentance in the hearts of those whom Satan has bound these past years. I desire to loose the captives whom he has held in darkness.   If you want revival, My children, go and find those I desire to help and you shall have it.   You will not find it on the polished pews of the prideful, nor in the hearts of those who refuse to give to those in need. You will not find revival in the congregations of those who refuse to lay down sin, nor those who tolerate abominations I have condemned. You will find no repentance there, and you will find no revival from Me.   Where the needy are, there you will find Me.
Daughter, prophesy "to the Pharisees of your day.  I see your works; you stand tall, proud, arrogant.  You question my children.  You point your finger at them. You claim you are the worthy one; yet you preach twisted doctrine adding your own incorrect explanation. This is not my gospel you preach. Children, test the spirit. The correction they bring is not from Me. Flee from anyone not teaching what was written. Remember, by their very own words, their judgement will come... saying I am here, saying I am there, saying I said this. Believe them not.  A wise man will discern. If your spirit is troubled, do not listen. Let your eyes not fall upon them anymore. I tell you this because I love you. The enemy works diligently to confuse those needing wisdom. Pray you do not fall into the snare. Ask for understanding; it will be granted. Soon you will see Me in the clouds.  Repent today and confess your sins one to another.

Behold, I come quickly. For the time of My Jubilee draws near. I am the Truth. This Truth is eternal. It has no beginning nor end. I am Justice. I have seen the injustices in this world and heard the cries of My children. I am judgement. All will stand in front of Me and be held accountable for all their actions. Those that walk in the light fear not the darkness. Speak now son of man, speak of the hour of twilight. Speak of what shall come to pass. Many shall be deceived by the vagabond of truth. He shall provided hope for the hopeless and peace for the weary. His name shall cause fear in the hearts of My children. You shall speak His name and many will become martyrs for their disobedience. Be steadfast, be resolute. For events shall move quickly. Remember I am with thee in all that you do. For soon you shall be with Me in My Father's House.”

"Speak daughter of Zion, speak the words I have put upon your heart with boldness and with courage, "for with great mercy, I continue to warn, and out of My great love. You have entered a season unlike any other. You have been marked. Those of you who walk with Me are marked by Me, sealed, protected and ensured your home with Me for eternity, but your adversary also has marked you. He watches and he plots. He too has marked those who have given their obedience to Me and surrendered all. Although your destiny will always be in Me, he has marked you for your destruction and will stop at nothing to see this come to fruition. You have entered a time when you will be publicly interrogated, questioned, dragged from your homes, affronted in every way. There is a day rapidly approaching and is already here, when you will be publicly humiliated for My name's sake. Everything will be stripped from you. Many of you will watch your loved ones killed before you, all in an effort to attempt to make you deny My name. I do not tell you this to stir you to fear, for I am not a God of fear. I have given you a sound mind and everything I do and say is done in love. You will be hated and persecuted; many are already experiencing this now, because of your belief in Me. There are many evil powers that watch all that you say and do, everything is measured and monitored and recorded and all of it will be used against you. But you must know, this is the hour of trial that I have been preparing all of you for. You knew these days were coming. I have poured out My Spirit upon My people so you would have My wisdom and My counsel and your steps would be orderly. You must not fear what is coming, what is here. You must stand. The standard has been raised, My Banner is over you. You are surrounded on all sides, hedged in above and below. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess when I show them who I AM.    But first, the great hour of trial. Some know already where your place is to be, your positions, and how you will be serving Me in the days to come. And to some, it is yet to be revealed, and I will do so very shortly, so listen very closely for My instructions and My counsel, for you shall have it. Many of you will be asked to leave your homes in an instant, so you must not hesitate. My angels guide you and My Spirit goes before you always. My light illuminates your path. Your spirits will know that your Shepherd speaks. Obey at all costs. Leave behind what you are told to leave behind. Do not look back. It comes quickly children. You will soon be banned from publicly expressing your beliefs in Me or ever mentioning My name. You will be mocked and you will be forced to accept the beast system in order to continue to buy, sell or work. This you must not do! Urge your family members to pay attention to these words, so that they do not believe the lie. The ultimate betrayal has been planned against you, and many, many will be deceived because they have not heeded My warnings. There is only one truth. You either desire truth, or you do not. There is only One Way. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one will come to My Father except that they have known Me. The distractions are ever increasing around you. The enemy is very subtle and seductive in the ways that he keeps you from listening to Me and being intimate with Me. As I said, he watches you. He knows your weaknesses and he waits. I have given you the tools and I have given you My power and authority to tread on all manner of evil things. Do it! Do this children! In this you will overcome. Whether I require your life in the physical or whether I carry you through from glory to glory into My Kingdom is irrelevant to you. Your heart condition in every moment is what is most important, your heart motives, the love you show others, living the crucified life that is My way, but showing the glorified life that is the truth for all mankind. Be prepared to be called out. Be prepared to testify of who I am, for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Me and what I have done, and the way that has been made for all men that believe. Be prepared to take a stand whether you are called out publicly or whether I have you positioned elsewhere. My instructions remain the same. Be bold, remain steadfast and be of good courage, never wavering, for you are not forsaken and I will not leave you. For many, it will cost you everything.. for many, it already has. It matters not if this life is lost, if your soul gains Me for eternity.
 It is here..

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