Monday, July 3, 2017

Message Date - 01 Jul 2017

***Prophetic Messages of the Lord: 01 Jul 2017***

The Father says, “When you look with envy at another you are denying the unique radiance that I created within you. I placed deep inside of YOU gifts and anointing to carry out your special call and destiny. While you are wishing you were someone else, you are forfeiting what only you can do for My Namesake. I do not make mistakes or junk.
Think of who is benefiting from you believing the lies of the enemy. Do not hold back another so that you may gain over them. If I have called you and if I have called them, then be My People with open hearts and minds. Did I not foresee what was necessary for this generation? Did I not know who would say Yes to My Calling? Then forsake the desire to be a stumbling block to your brothers and sisters in Christ.
I see neither male nor female. All were created in My Image and All have My Thumbprint upon them. I call both equally and will place My Mantles upon Both equally! You will answer to what you do against My Chosen. Those that oppress the ones I have sent will answer and be judged. Nothing escapes My Watchful Eye. Who would you have better gain listening to, My Messengers or the enemy who wants your very soul. If you cannot tell the difference, you should start sitting at My Feet until you can discern with Divine wisdom. Claiming that you do and actually doing are very different indeed.
The Page has Turned! What was acceptable for children to do is not for My Royal Sons and Daughters. You have long outgrown the milk. It is time to get priorities together. You are a blessing and highly favored in My Eyes. Choose to live as My Palace Royalty, and not in the barn with the animals. You make countless decisions each day. Be mindful of whose Child you really are. I so Love You!”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope
“Promotion is upon you in mere hours. Many are experiencing active labor which has caused confusion and exhaustion. You will give birth to what has been developing on the inside shortly. Do not allow discouragement to fill your heart and mind. You are almost there and soon you will hold in your hands the Promises that I have birthed forth through you.
It has been a long season indeed. The opposition has been great but you did not crumble. You stood for the truth and your faith has increased in My Name. The enemy warred because what you carry will break the schemes and strongholds for millions and millions. You are more valuable than you know. You possess the very New from My Kingdom being released into the Earth Realm.
Many hoped you would abort this gift growing inside, but you held firm. What people tried to knock out of you and steal for themselves will be increased to you. I see what others have done against you with ulterior motives. You are worthy before Me. You have proved just how trustworthy you will be for My Namesake.
This is a one of a kind time in your life. Not because there is not more magnificence yet to come, but because you are witness to something uniquely special for this time in history. Who I am raising up in the Kingdom right now are secret weapons against the enemy. They walk in rare and new mantles never seen before. The territories that you believe have been permanently lost will be won back again. Be wise and do not grow complacent to sin in these crucial days.”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope
“I am not counting the mistakes so you should not either. My Grace through the Cross wipes away what you see as performance. I already knew what you would do, so get back up, for you are about to witness a miracle right where you are. What you hold as your deepest regret will be born again from ashes and dust. I will make a way where there was no way.
Many believe the big events are what changes a person, but far more valuable is the moments that appear insignificant. In the small choices does your character and integrity prove itself daily. When no one is looking, what you do or do not do indicates who you are becoming. Are you quick to deal with your failings or do you wish to think that it just does not matter? In the little, will you become who you will be in the big.
Of equal measure will you be tried and proven. What good will it do you to be given the weight of the Kingdom if you will merely fall under the pressure? Storms, trials, and tribulation build you up if you choose to use these times to your advantage. This is only a test. When you look back to past trials, do you seem more able to conquer more quickly this time? Do not look away from how much you have grown.
From a piece of coal is a flawless diamond made. See your day as opportunities instead of aspects to despise. I am at work in your life in all things. Grab a hold of your day with purpose to go Higher in Me and you will rise above the chaos and into My Glory. Life can mold you into its image or You can be formed further and further into Mine! I have so many joyous moments just around the bend. Keep moving!”
“I am picking up the words you have spoken that fell to the ground. Many years of wisdom and loving care were discarded by their intended target. But I am bringing back to remembrance your words and these words now carry an increase weight that will fall straight on their shoulders. The blinders are removed and they will have no other option than to see the error of their rejection.
You spoke as honor unto Me even though you were criticized heavily by what you said. I have not looked the other way and I will redeem and restore you back to the standing you should have had. I will soften the hearts of those that have opposed you even in bitterness. Healing is your portion in this hour so bring all of your heartaches to My Throne. Even the parts that you thought to just live with will cause friction until you release that wound to Me.
I have not called you to live life on your own. I will fight your battles for you. There are times nothing you can say or do will make a difference in another’s heart and mind. Release the desire to be offended. I will settle the score and right the relationships. Be open to reconciliation. I desire to restore even health into these relationships.
You are My Blessing to the world. I will use you where you are, and I will send you to where you are not currently. Do not overlook the small and almost unimpressive moments because you are sowing great seed in these situations. Many look to the big thinking this matters more. Be mindful of what I place in your path. All works to My Glory!”
“It is just a smokescreen hoping you will quit or get disoriented. The winds are raging with whispers causing despair. You are My Beloved. Never do I have a negative thought about you. I am in your life daily cheering and supporting you in all matters. Feel My Winds come and clear out the schemes moving against you in this hour. You are still right on track. Do not be concerned or worried.
Doors that have not opened are still opening. You have not missed out or missed My timing. I have you on a platform where you are turning slowly while My angels prepare you. New garments and new weapons are placed upon you. In the waiting, you will find the rest. Rest! I have everything under control. Just Be! In moments of stillness will I speak to your spirit what is to come. Be at peace.
The enemy hopes that you will react out of this chaos and make a fatal mistake. I will not allow you to be so foolish so again be at peace. Receive the infilling of new ideas coming forth to you. I will download ways to advance in several key areas of your life. I will even bring financial abundance through the ideas that I will speak into your mind. This is a season to be active in learning for in this, new doors of opportunities will come.
Do not be fooled by the world picture being presented to you right now. I have declared ENOUGH! I will even reverse the clock on what the enemy has planned. You have time to reach your destiny for I am the one who invented time. You will be a witness to great and mighty exploits in and through the Kingdom. You are My Royal Member and you shall receive the victory!”
What you have struggled to figure out will find purpose and ease in the coming months. Stop trying to be what you were not designed to be. I have placed inside of you priceless artifacts that I bestowed which will come forth this season. I did not set you upon the Earth to wander aimlessly. I do not desire for you to be a carbon copy of someone else. I move you according to My Compass.
Let Me set you free this very day! Many are trying to manage what they were not called to deal with. Your freedom was paid for in full. Decide to be a free person everyday. Laugh at the troubles others try to bring to you. You are a citizen of Heaven with full rights and authority. There are no chains that can hold you unless you allow it.
You are moving into a time where the enemy will run in terror from you. Do you believe? You must take what is yours. You must claim your entitlement for you have the power to stop what is yours from being stolen. The first tree took away and the second tree returned beyond imaging with an endless overflow. For now you walk in the realm of nothing is impossible.
Explore is the word for this season! I want you to walk like you were made to discover a limitless world. Gifts that you didn’t even realize you possessed are about to surface. Say Yes to what I open up for you. Many believe the notion that if it is a gift then there is no personal gain allowed. Use what I have given you! Use it for this brings Me Honor and Glory. Your financial answer exists in what you are talented in. Do not overlook what is in your own hands!”
“Stop speaking curses over yourself and over others! You are doing the work of the enemy. Even when you believe you are speaking the truth out of love, you are under the wrong assumption. The truth coming from love is to Speak the Kingdom into their lives. You are a New Creation. Forsake what was and choose to only Be what You are in My Sight. Speak Love into those around you. Negative will not bring forth positive in the manner you have thought.
Never have I demanded perfection so why believe that you or another can suddenly be perfect. All fall short of My Glory. BUT I love all of My Creation completely. There is no lack in My Love and No preference for one over another. I will do amazing exploits in anyone who Follows Me. Be the Salt. Be the Light. Decide not to be a stumbling block to someone reaching for My Throne.
What you focus on about yourself is not what I am finding as a deficit. Moses felt his lack of speaking abilities was a hindrance. Did I agree? I find no barriers to your gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, or location either. I will transplant you to where the highest benefit will come forth. I will use your greatest weakness for the Most Extraordinary Victories. I have only begun to do all that I desire to do in and through you!
Catch the Wave in this hour. I am taking you deeper and further. What would have taken decades will be accomplished over mere months. What you believed would never manifest in your life will break through this year. You are in a time where each year will grow and gain upon itself. As smaller waves join other waves to grow in momentum. What has been started will multiply in My Kingdom. Your days are filling with Joy even in this month. I Am in your Midst!”
“See that Mountain off in the Distance? You have been Imparted with the Power and Authority to not only remove but simply destroy the works moving against you. As a child, I did more for you. Now you have grown much and it is time to exercise your presence before the kingdom of darkness. You are designed to conquer.
The perspective that you see yourself as is what you will walk in. If you are not liking what you see, then shift! It is that simple. I do not see you through your eyes, so shift! You are limitless for Christ lives in you. This is no small matter. You have unlimited access to Supernatural abilities. You must believe for doubt will be the undoing.
You will not be spending much time in what is currently going on around you. You will be making a quick turn and jump into the next, so do not allow this turbulent atmosphere to bog you down. The scenery will change quickly so do not settle into ‘what is’ for ‘what is to come’ will be here soon. A diamond will reflect a rainbow in the light. Look again at what I am doing before you.
See the beauty of the colors coming together. You are gaining strength and endurance to prosper in the new. What was a struggle will create a beautiful fragrance in your life. Rivers will flow within you and out into the lives near and far. You were made in My Glory. Let this radiate and vibrate as you walk out your days!”
“You are My Lily of the Valley! Your portion is not of stress and fear. Cast aside whatever removes you from My Peace. This year is rooted in fertile soil. Is does not matter how slow things begin, for My Nourishing Rains are falling even in this hour. Let your roots grow even deeper in Me. My protection guards against what comes to uproot My will in your life.
Events come and go. This too shall pass. Shadows prove that the Sun is forever shining over you. Look up for your Redeemer is Nigh. Ask Boldly before My Throne. I will deny no one who walks uprightly. Here Me in this hour! There are times that you ask for something that your motives are not pure enough to receive. To be blessed today would cause you to stumble at the enemy’s hand. Allow Me to do the New Work inside of you so that I can, at the right moment, give you the favor of your request.
I have it all written down. One by One will I check off the items on your list. Have you considered that I have replaced many of your desires with My Best? Many are still thinking their hands are empty and yet, I already sent a much better replacement. Ask Me to do for you, but release the ‘How’ in the manifestation.
Be hungry for the things of My Kingdom. Do not cease your pursuit for you will surely be rewarded greatly. You are a Treasure Chest ready to explode for My Glory and Honor. What has been hidden is about to be revealed. Your days will be filled with wonderment. Watch and See! Greater is He who is in You! Expect Abundance for this is what I have sent your way.”
“You have fought well! Better than you would even think to give yourself credit for. Walk with your Head held HIGH! I am well pleased with you. There is a passion that has been missing from My Bride that is being rekindled in this hour. Just as the Evening Sky dances like Fire so too will the Fire arise in My people. The excuses of yesterday will be abandoned for My Namesake.
You are not losing ground. The ground is moving you forward. When you lack the energy to overcome the weariness, I will just push you forward using your surroundings instead. Find that My Angels are ministering to you in this hour. You will be in overflow and favor. You are not going to be understood by those even closest to you at times. Do not allow this to create hesitation in your actions. Follow My Voice and you will find what I have along your journey.
I have called for a Changing of the Guard! New Assignments create new openings for those rising up in My Kingdom. Welcome the Shift for I Am doing amazing works in My People. Many are just learning to use their gifts while some are able to now demonstrate sure footed execution of what I have given them. I created My people to help one another in the pursuit of growth and maturity. Do not forget that you are a role model not a critic to some faulty human standard.
You are stronger together so do not divide unless I have called you to separate. Leave assumptions on the floor so that I may speak to your heart and mind. My Banner of Love is over your life. When you feel unable, just grab another infilling of My Love for all people. I know your struggles, and I am more than able to help you up in My Glory. You were born to reach the Heights and Depths of My Love!”
“Waterfalls come Rushing. Will anything stop what I have ordained over your life? You are faithful and true. All will be in front of you just as I spoke. Do not look at the years but the reward. Let all else fade into the background for it is just noise trying to steal your focus. I will redeem even what you felt too hopeless to revive.
You have felt some true friends have betrayed and abandoned you, but I am giving you new people who will show you those of the past were not truly in your corner. I will heal your wounds and give you a people who will see you grow and climb the heights of what I have for you. A people who will cheer you on without looking to trip you along the way. I know what has happened, and I will establish days of joy in these new interactions that will fill your heart once more.
What was fractured is being made whole once more. What I did not speak into your life will be washed away through My Mercy and Love. Your vision will become sharper, and you will see the schemes of the enemy long before it hits your shores. I will give the strategy to undo what has bound you. You are indeed crossing over and moving through this temporary time.
Upon your life’s book, I have torn out pages that are no longer relevant. And instead I have written UPGRADE and FAVOR. The enemy overplayed his hand and for this, you will be compensated beyond the normal expectation. You are in a season of abundance in Miracles and you will walk out this in ways yet to be imagined. Be in full anticipation for I am in your Midst. The Impossible is surely Possible!”
“Break out of traditions! I have not called you to the routines of men. The notion that ‘we do it this way because it has always been’ is not a viable excuse. Stop and think what is really taking place here. Are you a prisoner of what another believes? Is this fact or fiction? Come sit at My feet so that I may reveal to you the hidden snares around your thoughts and actions.
The Pharisees did not want to hear what was incorrect in their ways. Have you become as hard-hearted thinking you cannot possibly have it wrong? The Pride of Men keeps them where they are. Understand that it is in the Relationship with Me that allows the Truth to fill your spirit. Logic will not explain the unexplainable.
I fashioned you and brought you from what was not into a Living Creation. You are not in some ill-fated experiment. I Loved you from My imagination and breathed you out of My Love. I have pursued you since the beginning. Nothing has changed My Mind about you! Daily do I walk with you in great care. I will not forsake you even on your worst day. I choose you!
Isn’t it time to stop running and hiding? Many have lived in shame and condemnation out of a misguided effort to carry what was already nailed to a tree. My desire is that you never take bondage with you for one moment. Come out and Stand Confident that you are forgiven, and you are restored to an even better place than where you began. I Am a God of New Beginnings each and every day!”
“Many see the Shaking going on in the World and believe this is out of My Anger. They take up their gloom and doom signs and walk with hopelessness leading their lives. Wake up oh My People. My wrath was satisfied against all of humanity on the Cross. The Shaking is pushing back the kingdom of darkness and making a way for My people to advance.
Instead of folding up shop, take up your sword and armor and get ready to be used. You are on the Earth for Such a Time as This because you possess inside of your earthen vessel what is necessary for right now. There are no cosmic accidents. You have a divine purpose in My divine plans. You are far from ordinary. I made you Extraordinary!
Since the fall, mankind has looked for the end. You had a beginning at the foundations, but I have no end in mind for you. Yes, you will be transformed from Glory to Glory, but this life is not all about your Earth years only. See the wholeness of your existence. Are any of these problems truly insurmountable? I have always kept you and never will I let you go.
You stand on top of the mountain with My angels on either side of you at the ready. All of My resources are at your disposal. Speak and will the Rock not give you water? You lack the power and authority when you walk in unbelief. Change and Shift into My Alignment and nothing will be impossible for you. Decide that even a lion will not devour you, and so you shall live walking out of any weapon formed against you. You are under My Protection! Trust and Believe!”
“The Altar is before you. As you walk this time of transition, it is time to lay down what will hinder your future. Have you made an idol out of person, place, or thing? Think further and be honest with yourself. What holds a strong gravitational pull is what grabs the center of your heart and mind. What are you willing to live without?
Many believe I am a God who takes away with the desire to strip you of everything and anything. Does that seem to go against My very Nature in reality? Does not all favor and blessing come out of My Will? Are you limiting My hand by your own beliefs and attitudes? Who is gaining credit for the good and who is taking blame for the bad?
If you are Mine then you understand that ALL is being worked out for your Good! While some of My people are arguing against the favor that I have given another, they are cancelling what I have sent to them in return. If you are against the wealth that I give then why should I give you that blessing? You have bought into the lie of the enemy and breathed that out into every aspect of your life. You are speaking against the answer to the very problem in your life.
If you lacked ten thousand cattle would I not place them on your hills? Solomon was My servant and I gave him the desire’s of his heart and in abundance beyond because I wanted to. Stop cursing what I have done on this Earth. I own it all. I know the heart so do not assume that you do as well. If I choose to do, then celebrate over the land for the multiplication is your portion! I will not ask for permission in how I show My Love in tangible needs and desires. I will take care of Mine today and forever! Hold out your hands and allow the floodgates to open.”
“When life brings you a roller coaster, you have two options. You can look to a negative mindset thinking that there is a lack of stability and predictability leaving whatever is going well to turn sour at some point. Or you can see with your spiritual mind to understand you are in a season of heavy growth that will take you to doors of opportunity that you would never be prepared to enjoy any other way.
It is through the challenge and stretching that a person is made into a vessel who can carry the weight of their call and destiny. Your very identity is changing in a mere moment of time, and the Christ in you is shining bright upon that Hill and Surely in that Valley just the same. Your faith and confidence in Me overcomes all other attempts to bring paralyzing fear that will block the path.
You are becoming the very weapon that the enemy camp scatters when encountered. When you walk upon the territories of darkness, you will subdue the Land for My Glory and Honor. From the beginning in the Garden, mankind was called to subdue turning the whole Earth into the Garden of Eden. Do you believe you have the Power and Authority to carry out this command? The Truth is you have more today to accomplish this task then before the Fall.
The Same Power that Raised the SON of MAN from the Grave is not a force to lightly consider. Is there a stronger power needed? You have every aspect Inside of You that will ever be required! You have no lack. Choose to walk uprightly and just watch this Power surge inside of your Earthen Vessel like you have never encountered before. Try Me and See if I will not do this in and through you!”

I will give you, as an adornment, great physical healing. But you will walk in greater healing than that. You will have a revelation of My love for you and a realization of oneness with Me. What you give Me I will bless. What you empty at My feet I will fill. The desires you have will leap to life as you give them to Me. The goals set before you will rise to meet your feet as you step up and trust in Me. It is the culmination of all knowledge for you to know that all life is in Me. It will mean the completion of all your dreams to give them to Me, for I will give them life as I return them to you.
I have given you a foretaste of where you are going and how deeply you will be wrapped up in Me. In you now rises the knowledge of how and what you will be. A song of praise rises in your heart as you realize that in all I do in you, and all you will do in Me, the one thing you can count on is the love you feel in My presence, and the life that it brings. Beyond that love all is secondary as it is yielded to Me. I have called you into My presence, and you are safely hidden in Me. To you there is no distance between Me and what I say. I am about to open the windows of Heaven directly above you, and pour out upon you wonderful blessing. It has always been My desire to bless My children, and now you have been made ready. I have brought you to the place where it will not harm you, but bless you to be blessed!
I call all warriors to gather their strength, to know they are with Me, and that I am with them. That in all that they face, they will possess wisdom and abide in great peace, that nothing is in vain, and all their steps are ordered in Me. In what that they perceive as hardship is merely a jumping off place to walking in the Spirit, and rising in strength. In the face of every challenge they will posses their own vessel, and have abundant life as they choose Me. In all they overcome they will marvel at the ease of walking with Me.
What you were promised you will have. What you had in your youth was a faint glimmer of what was promised to you. You will be far more than you were in your youth, and you will delight as I return to you the promise of your youth. You have grown up as I called you to, walking before Me in obedience in everything you do. Everything has gone exactly as planned, and you now stand on the ready line to be sent. No more hurt and disappointment for you, for hidden in Me are the desires of your heart, and I delight as I give them to you. You ask Me for peace and patience as you wait, but it is not you who will wait, it is glorious victory that awaits!
Those of you who wait in their place in Me have a far reaching view, for you see only Me. In Me you have not only empowerment, but also complete peace. Not just now but for all eternity. No matter what you are called to do or called to be, you will still enjoy this beautiful, joyful peace, for you will never be taken from Me. You will know the comfort and ease of walking in My presence, and seeing My will and intentions. Goliaths will be slain, dry ground will be seen as safe passage through the seas, mighty miracles will be done as you remain in Me. This is what I say to you, in losing all your earthly ambition, My purpose will be seen in you. In losing your earthly perspective, you will be free to embrace My vision in you.
Now comes the time that you will quickly move, and things will flow around you as they yield to My desires in this next season. The more quiet you become, the faster you will move. The more you allow Me free reign, the faster things will move in unison with Me. I am about to bring you beyond what you expected, past the bounds of socially accepted, of seeing into the Spirit realm, where you will see the point of all things, and My heart and its intentions. You will not see the expectations of man, or the small and limited aspirations of the untried and unlearned, but My delight in all things done My way. Hearts already stripped bare and given to Me will not be barren as you might think, but beautifully transparent as they reflect My love and all that delights Me. The spiritual climate will rapidly change as religion and presumption are cast down and I have My way. How man sees Me will be the first thing to change as My true nature will be revealed. Next to be revealed is how I see them, and they will burst forth in glorious freedom.
I will make good on My promise to you, and it will drop out of Heaven right on top of you. There is complete deliverance coming to you, and it will come to you in an instant. You have waited for what feels like forever for My promise, and it will be given to you as recompense. I have delighted in teaching you to walk by faith, delighted in your faithful and trusting heart. You are now a great warrior, and like shooting an arrow, your faith has hit the mark.
You will have clear discernment in everything you see. Truth will be simplified in your thinking, and there will be a peaceable surety in your understanding. There will be little left for you to say, and what you say will leave little left for the enemy to argue against. You will be the standard that I raise. You will be the expression of the light that I shed. You will speak the last word, for you will speak My living word. You will be My authority in this Earth. You will be living proof that the enemy's time is very short. You will be in Me as I flow through you.
Though a thousand fall beside you, 10,000 will rise to take their place. Though you will see them go, keep your eyes on Me. I am removing those I will remove, that they might come to Me. I will cause a great army to rise, and they will come to Me in great strength. Some already see, and some will soon understand, that nothing happens without My knowledge and nothing goes on that I don't see. The strength you have is given to you through your devotion to Me and your abandon of all else. It will come to light in the days ahead that there is no place to be but in Me. You will rise in unison and in great strength. There is no other business at hand but your relationship with Me, and nothing else takes precedence. In total devotion I have total Lordship and as I do things will be made clear. Things of this Earth will fade from your heart and mind in your understanding of why you are here.
Little lamb, little lamb, you are most precious as you take My hand. Your simple trust in Me will be your greatest strength, and give you your greatest victory. Like a warrior you make your stand, and as I am with you all of Heaven is at your command. You will soon delight in what you see, for I will move mountains to please you as you have pleased Me.
You are continually blessed in My care, and in your life I am Lord of all things. I provide for your every need, and you can turn your thankful heart toward Me."
I will pour out and drench dry riverbeds. I am pouring out anointing like rushing waters on all lands. Listen, can you hear the rushing waters ahead? Wait and see that I will do exactly as I've said! I will loose the waters from heaven, and I will drench and flood dry and thirsty lands! No one will say they didn't see the move of My hand! No one will sleep and not know My name! Though I do a mighty thing, there is no fear in it, for all will see Me.
I have poured and poured and poured into you. Even as you slept did I speak to you. I have sent My word and it leaped alive in you. I have opened your heart and looked inside and healed you. I have drawn you, and wooed you and strengthened you. Now all your heart's desire is for Me to speak to you. You have lain down all that I have asked of you, even to the very utter end of all things in you. Now that I have healed and filled and strengthened you, I will unleash you! I have taught you what I want of you, and that's exactly what you will do! No more fear or indecision will bother you. You were made for such a time as this, and I am sending you!
your life blood will be replaced, your blood curse will be erased, and like Adam and Eve in the garden were given the breath in their lungs to live, so will I give you My blood to course through your veins. You will be given My life, and in Me you will LIVE. I asked Him once, what greater works are we to do, Lord? What is greater than raising the dead? I see now this is only the beginning.
You will be relieved of the curse of your flesh, and it's tendency toward willfulness. You will be relieved of your brokenhearted-ness, and brokenness. You will be refreshed, and the blood that flows through your veins will bring life, and not death. The very force of life in you will be of Me, and not your own death. It will bring joy, strength, and divine health. I will cure you of your brokenness and bring you into My presence. This is why My blood was shed. To take yours away, and give you Mine, instead.
I will provide. Every trust that I is given to Me, I will protect. Every heart that honors Me I will raise. Now comes the time where My children will know My Name. El Roi, the Living One who sees you. I see everything. I see your need. I know your heart. There is nothing that I won't provide for you. No comfort that I will withhold.
You have thought that I called no joy in your life. Husband, children, family, friends and job have all been given into My hands, your desire and will for them relinquished. You have given Me the ownership of them and more, laying them down, accepting My will in all things. This is what I say to you. I did not call no joy in these things for you. I called you to Me and you came. I have taught you to choose. I have corrected your heart and now I have you tucked away in Mine, safe from all harm. You will have abundance in all things that flow from My heart. You will enjoy great peace, and overflow with joy, for this is My will. You will see that it is I who control the tides, and I now cause them to flow into you! Nothing will harm you as you live under My shadow, seeking My will. You are My well watered garden, My city on a high hill.
Do not grieve for the things of the past, and do not regret the things removed from your life. You have asked for My will, and I have given it! This great shaking and the coming change is not a punishment! Change opens the door for advancement and provision. What was removed opens the way for what is coming! How to rejoice in the freedom of what you do not yet see? You may rejoice in My faithfulness and in Me. I have poured out upon you in great abundance a life of great blessing!
You are sitting on top of the world, and although you don't see it yet, there is no end in sight of the wonderful things you are being given. Let the knowledge of My goodness fill your belly. Let joyous faith give you the confidence to walk into your bright future. Let joy rumble up from the deep within. Let this be all in your thinking you focus on. All that has happened was by My hand, and it is for you a great gift and a rare blessing. You have grown in a deep strength that equips you for your calling, and now you are about to realize a grand promotion. You have carried burdens that taught you patience and strength and now you have learned to lay those burdens aside and receive My will in your life. You have lost your need for importance in this world. As you are content to remain in My presence, you are ready to be given your place of importance in My plan!
You think you have given up all your dreams, with no hope of reprieve. But I tell you, My darling girl, you have lost nothing that was given to Me. I will see to it that you are repaid for all that was lost, and for all that your tender heart grieves. You have lost nothing at all in this life that I will not repay. I will pour out upon you with all that is within My heart to give. I will take your heart's desires and multiply them as I give them all to you.
You feel you have been ravaged, and ruined, and you have lost so much, that by your own standards all is lost. You see yourself as less because you don't see yourself in Me. As you wait, you lay down your desires, you lay down your pride, and you will abandon your shame. Your shame will be replaced with great dignity and grace. You will be lifted to heights that are as yet un-named. You are beautiful to Me, and I will give you more beauty. You will dance a lovers' dance not with the world, but with Me. You will soon see just how much beauty I see in lain down desires, abandoned pride, and dignity found in Me.
Nothing has changed, I am still Lord, your faith is still in Me. All that comes against you is already cast down in powerless defeat, for there is nothing I did not overcome. There is nothing you do not overcome, either, as you are in Me. It is the 'in Me' that you battle to see, so set your eyes on Me. I am sending sweet refreshing to you today, for in My peace you will see you are made free.
There are things of great import happening when you pray. You don't see yet, because it happens before My throne. Wait for it. For it surely comes.
I will open the wells of deep desire, where you will be deeply satisfied by My heart's desire. As you laid down your own will and desire, you have been quickened, made alive with My life that is filled with My desires.
I will bring you deeper and deeper into submission, where you will be blameless before Me, and hidden. In simple obedience to Me in all things you will flourish as you walk out My wisdom. You will see My power flow as it makes a way for you that has been heretofore unimagined. You will have in abundance what has from the wise of this world been hidden. You who have laid down the need for power will flow in the power of the quickened. The deeper you trust Me, the freer of all care your heart will be. The more you are aware of My love for you, the more whole you will become! The more you give that love back to Me, the stronger you will become!
I will show you who you are, and what you are called to be. I will show you the meaning behind all the loss you endured, and with delight you will be completely filled!
You are called to speak for Me, and your life will do the talking! You are to be highlighted for everyone to see, and you will cause a ripple effect in your environment. You will not enjoy the limelight, because your focus and heart will remain on Me. This is how you will affect so many, for they will see you with Me. They will see one who is in love, and in seeing, their heart will yearn for Me. I have ignited a fire in you, and it has burned away all but a deep hunger for Me. I have given you a deep desire that is only quenched in My presence. This has become your entire existence, My love, which is the point of My desire. As you burn in My presence, you will ignite others!
I have called you closer and nearer, so that I may speak to you! I have been establishing in you the ability to hear My voice, and to receive what I say. You have learned as you waited, and now you will wait as you learn. You will become quiet before Me, and you will learn to hear and discern My voice. No more broken promises because you misunderstood or misdiscerned. You are brought into My presence with your heart and mind cleared of your flesh and of the world. Now comes the day when I will commune with you and speak directly to you, and you will learn to hear. As I am Lord of all to you, all will be revealed! No more misconceptions of who I am, or how I think and behave! You must know Me intimately if you are to truly walk with Me.
I have everything in My hand. Everything that concerns you has been for your benefit, and to give you back the land! Your authority was taken, and I am giving it back. You were meant to walk with Me in it, and I will show you how. Your authority, like your life, is of Me, and only works in My presence. You and I will walk together, and you will know My heart for you as you understand My intentions. You think that the things in this life are the point of My plans, but I tell you, they are a means to an end. I am drawing you into My life, and We are just getting started! I will show you, as you look back, that everything in your life has led you to Me and given you strength to look ahead. Now I tell you don't look back, that is not what is ahead! You grow before Me like a mighty tree, filled with beautiful strength! Would it surprise you to know that your closeness with Me is the sum of all My plans?
You are blessed! You are blessed! You are mightily, wonderfully blessed! What started as a flicker of a flame will soon be a zenith that eclipses the sun! You are brought to knowledge and understanding of the love you are in! The long dark road you traveled that brought you to Me has become a mere wisp in the breeze! Now comes the day of healing, and of recompense in Me. Everything in your heart and soul are leaping to life as you are being aligned in Me. You will know My thinking, and feel My heart for you. You will agree that laying down your life before Me is not so hard when you take up the Life I have given you!
You know what you are called to do, yet you see the exact opposite in your circumstance. You know what you are called to be, but again, you don't see it, and you are frustrated. You are beginning to think that in yourself you fail. I do not call you to fail, I call you to succeed, and to succeed, your calling and identity must be surrendered to Me. Hidden in your surrender is your strength, for in it you are in My presence. My Lordship is your freedom. Who you are belongs to Me, and what you are called to do is accomplished in Me.
For some time you have felt that you are in that awful moment Noah must have felt... the ark is complete, you are inside, the door is shut..... and you wait.....and you wait......for the rains. You dared to believe, you know you heard Me. My promises are SURE, for they are in Me. I come quickly. I tell you, as My work is complete, I WILL BRING THE RAINS!

Beloved, I called you. I knew you before you were. I formed you in your mother’s belly. My eyes were upon you while you were yet an infant. My hand was upon you as you grew and matured. I heard your every prayer. I saw ever tear you shed even before you knew my name. It was I that drew you to myself. It was I that gave you the desire to know me. It was I that gave you a desire to serve me. If I called you and anointed you; will I ever leave you? You are the delight of my heart, my love continually surrounds you. My power is at work within you. I have called you to walk in my authority. I have taught you myself. Your glory I have hidden from your eyes that you would remain humble. Your enemy sees me when he sees you and he shudders at your rising. Let your faith arise my sons and daughter. It is my desire that you see yourselves through my eyes. You and I are one. If you believe, nothing is impossible to you. My time is perfect. My plan is perfect.
My beloved not one little thing goes by without my knowledge. I see every good deed and I see every foul work. Do not think that evil will go unpunished. I see every drop of innocent blood shed. I see every tear that falls from the eyes of the innocent. Vengeance is mine, I will surly repay every unrepentant evil deed. I will avenge. They will pay for the innocent blood they shed. They think no one sees their evil deeds. They think no one cares. I see, I know and I care. I hear the cries of the oppressed. The deeds of the evil will come back upon their own heads. I am exposing their wicked hearts and deeds. I am laying all bare for all to see. But vengeance is mine. I will repay.
A time of great justice is coming. Freedom, freedom, freedom is coming to those in captivity. Great joy is coming to the oppress. Up will be down and down will be up. In will be out and out will be in. Who can do such a thing? Only I can make all things right. Only I can punish evil. Only I can bring justice. Rejoice my little ones, your deliverance is near. I come to bring justice. I come to bring deliverance. Declare it my little ones. If you only knew the power in your mouth. Speak it, declare it. Let freedom come to the captives, let the oppress be made free, let the sad be filled with joy, let those that are weak be strong, let the lame walk, let the dead live again. Speak my children declare my kingdom come, my will be done on the earth!

I am inviting My intercessors to grieve with Me for the souls that will soon be lost. I am inviting you to lift up faith-filled prayers for them to be saved before it is too late. Much death is coming into your world and it is not My will that any should perish. In this way, you can join Me in ushering souls into My Kingdom.

   I am moving many of My warriors, My prophets, My preachers and My Apostles into position. I am moving My Bride into position. I have placed you in these positions for this time, for your final battles for My Kingdom. Those who obey Me will be protected until it is time for them to come home to Me.
   My children, you cannot comprehend the gravity of what is coming, of all that is planned against you. You cannot comprehend the depth of the evil that is coming into the earth, that will pursue you, that pursues all My people. You cannot know the horrors you will see in this time. Your part in this is to remain peaceful and obey Me in all things, that I may protect you. Only I know how to protect you. You are not able to protect yourselves from all that is at hand.

   Life as you know it will change forever in an instant, but do not be afraid, for your real life is in eternity with Me. The life you have now is but a vapor. 
The nation of America has long walked in rebellion towards Me. Long ago, it served Me, yet now it turns its back on Me, having no need for a holy God. It will soon reap the consequences of this grave error.

   America, I have stirred your enemies up against you. As an eagle, you have long been strong and free, but the bear has awakened, and your feathers have grown moldy under weak leadership, from lack of Me.

   You say you do not need Me, and you will soon be given the chance to show your lack of need of One greater than all. Your power will fall in one day, America, and your enemy will put you on your knees.

   Who will you cry to for help? For all will flee in the face of your destruction. The mighty nation fallen, and all will see.

   There was only one who could save you, and that One was Me.

America, you are no match for the bear who has made his claws ready for you. In your folly have you played the harlot and neglected what was needful. As you played, the enemy has readied his spears. As you rejoiced in rebellion and folly, your enemy was quietly gaining strength. Now you shall be unable to defend yourself as you stand in your own power, and find you are weak.

   Now you shall be in great need, as no one runs to defend those who declare themselves mighty. No one will be willing to risk themselves for the Harlot of the World.

   Prepare, America, for defeat.
The time has come for all of my children to move into their calling. I am now moving many of you who have been tied to unbelieving spouses, into your callings. You are feeling this change already.

   Do not be afraid when I do this, or when I harden their hearts against you, but rejoice for your time has come. I have told you that unions not of Me cannot withstand what is coming.

   Unbelieving spouses will become your enemies in what is coming, My children, and will quickly turn you over to authorities for your beliefs, in a time when the price for declaring My Name will be death by torture.

   Do not fear, only believe, for I am well able to provide all you need. Step into your calling, and keep your eyes on Me.
I the Lord have decreed the gifts I have placed in men on the earth shall not be wasted. Many of you, My people, have refused to answer the call I have placed on your life. Ignoring all I have blessed you with, you pridefully assert you will not, and others of you go about in your folly instead.

   At this time, I am performing a transfer of mantles that are unused. I will take the mantles of those who have refused their callings and give them to those who are using the gifts they already have.

   There are those in the earth who are abusing the gifts I have placed in them. You desire wealth and so you prostitute the gifts I have placed in you for profit. Do you think you will go unpunished for this? Do you think I do not see your greed? Do you think I do not know what is in your heart? I will now remove your gifts, and you shall have them no more. Then I will destroy any wealth you have gotten through this abuse of my gift in you.

   My gifts are for ministering to My people, for feeding My sheep, for glorifying My Name, not your own. I will ignore these offenses no longer. Look and see, My people, for the end is fast approaching and these things will be dealt with now, that these gifts may be used by My obedient ones while there is still time.
I have told you I am calling many of My aged saints home. There will now be a transfer of mantles from those who have long walked with Me and those who will carry them henceforth.

   For some of you, you will be training those who shall replace you in My Kingdom work. I have deemed some have labored long enough and shall now go on to their rewards. Do not fear this. I have prepared all things ahead of time. These have served Me well and are being promoted to eternal glory.
   For those of you who remain still, stand strong in your callings, witness of Me often, for time is very short. My judgments in the earth begin and many lives shall be lost suddenly in every instance.
The resulting chaos will start wars and battles on many fronts. Allies will choose sides, men will be called to war, and all of My Word shall be fulfilled. Then the end shall come.
Ring the bell, sound the trumpet, for the Lord of Hosts has spoken. You have entered the Time of Judgments and now shall all lands be judged. All lands shall receive the fruit of their doings. Every people shall I now judge, saith the Lord of Hosts.

   Prepare for war in your lands for a great war is coming and no man shall be exempt from the effects thereof. All lands shall suffer in this great war. Through wars I judge nations, and through wars some are lifted up, and some are put down. Prepare for war.

   The time has come, I will wait no longer to judge your wicked ways.

   Watch and pray, My people. Pray that you will be counted worthy to escape those things that are to come.

Why do you seek the living among the dead?  False gods, perverted doctrine, idol worship? My word is the life and written in man's heart. There is one God and one Mediator; all others are false.  I see many bowing to the dead and idols made of stone and wood.  A war rages on in the darkness. Many looking for the truth with closed eyes. I see abomination after abomination with My own eyes...murdered in my name yet I have not called for this. You men of earth, you will reap what you sow.  You believe the lies after being shown the truth. Soon the truth will stand before you and you will bow down. All those who worship and follow the beast will be thrown into the lake of fire.  Just as all My children are numbered, the beast has a number.  It is the number of a man; 666. Many continue to believe the deception. Open your eyes and ears men of earth.
Woe to the inhabitants of Babylon. You see the judgment coming. and yet as you look around you don't believe it is for you. You can't see your own sin. You look at others, point and judge. I am the righteous judge. I find you wanting; hiding your eyes from Me. Many are wearing sackcloth and ashes, and have humbled themselves before Me. You need to look at your own sin and awaken to the truth. You act righteous, but when you stand before Me, I will say I never knew you. My commandments you have not followed. Fire and brimstone will rain from the sky. Repent now, and humble yourselves.
The devil has been roaming the earth, devouring souls. Men's hearts have grown cold and dark. The SEPARATION between Darkness and Light is VISIBLE. Families are being destroyed. This strategy is divide and conquer. This strategy will leave women and children vulnerable. The Darkness is here. The evil deeds are hidden in the night. PREPARE for the Light of the world to RETURN. The Season of Seven's has begun. You will see weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is written. YOU WILL SEE A SIGN IN THE STARS. He who has an ear, listen to what the Spirit says.
Why do you continue to search for the living among the dead? I AM the Light of the World. I am the beacon of hope for the hopeless. Evil hides from me. It fears my name. Its time is short. Take heed for the signs are all around you. Open your eyes, and you shall see. I have anointed My chosen. I have put My words in their mouth. They wear the banner of humility. Look around you, My children. You wear the scars of this battle. For in truth, there is no surrender. I have inclined My ear and heard their cries. Promises made shall be kept. Stand tall for you are the warriors of truth. I shall fortify you for what lies ahead. For soon you shall be with Me in My Father's House.
Abara prophecy to the parents of the last generation where are your children what have you done did you even notice that while you were busy with other so you call "important things" your children were being indoctrinated by the beast and the beast system
Now- is the last generation: unholy proud disrespectful to parents covetous ( girig) boasters ( folk som skryter) without natural affection ( utan naturliga känslor) lovers of money seekers after alcohol and drugs instead of seeking after god without any understanding or correction now- correction will come from me!
Hear these words of the LORD, these words of the LORD, these words of the LORD. Has the truth not opened your eyes to My judgment? What was spoken in a whisper shall soon be shouted from the rooftops. You are in the final hour. It is your destiny to speak these words today. My warnings have been met with indifference and ridicule. What you see around you shall not be. In the twinkling of an eye, it will be a memory. Even now, your friends betray you and plot your destruction. What they speak is not what rests in their heart. Your disobedience has sealed your fate. Justice cries for vengeance. The storm clouds gather. Shall you be found worthy to be with Me in My Father's house?
To the inhabitans of your land living in the city of sin: your wickedness knows no bounds prayers have come before my alter perversion so great: men with beasts! It is written: this is forbidden! I will cause your city to be destroyed only dust will remian i will wipe clean every abomination it will be buried with no trace remaininng i have seen this wickedness before you will see the destroyer coming and even then you will not repent from your sin your nation will be destroyed one city after another.

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