Thursday, April 6, 2017

Message Date - 06 APRIL 2017

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 06 Apr 2017***

The Father says, “Many of you have been hurt deeply over the last few years from trusted people in your life. You saw little hope in these situations and even wandered about aimlessly at times from your wounds. I have seen what has taken place and even though you have heard My Voice speak that I will address this matter, you have wondered if that really means what you have hoped for.
I Am breaking through in this hour in ways that will surely surprise you. Areas that you even found the fault lying with you will also come into My Light. I will give you the whole picture and restore all to fullness. Your wounds will be healed in an instant. Do not doubt for I Am your healer and your Heavenly Father who spends unending care over you. I saved your tears, and I will bring beauty back into your life once more.
Watch in this hour all of the changes that are taking place. You are walking on Holy Ground. I Am showing you My Goodness over the years in seen and unseen ways. I will speak to your future and how some past events are about to catapult you into higher realms. Do not discount hard beginnings just as you should not small beginnings. I have a plan and purpose to it all.
I so love you My Child. Hear Me! I love you beyond everything else and anything else. I Am so proud of you. I Am not counting your mistakes. I Am for you and looking at the successes of yesterday and right now towards the future. I will take you from Glory to Glory carried on My Wings. I have an amazing future filled with Hope and Blessings. I will do what I have spoken over your life!”
“Even in your silence I can clearly hear your heart. You have been afraid to ask for More than what you believed was your portion thinking that this was enough. You have been told that your prize will be in Heaven alone. Child Hear Me! I Am all about every day of your life, not just one day someday. I Am doing a new work in your today’s first and foremost.
At the foundations did I create you as spirit. Think bigger about your life and not in context of perceived human limitations. You are spirit first with no limitations. You are created in My image. Did I give you even a sense of humor? Well then I must have a mighty one as well, so go ahead and use it. I prefer a smile over a frown.
Did I declare any other creature of the ground, air, or sea to be created in My image? You are special and unique then, so get that settled in your heart and mind. Stop thinking that you can’t when I have clearly spoken that you can and you WILL. The road does not become rocky in order to cause you to stumble. In fact, the rockiness indicates you are ready for the next level in Me. If every day was simple, you would never have the opportunity to grow and stretch beyond where you started at birth.
Even Christ began as a babe to become a Savior you could identify and relate to. I Am all about relationships. You are receiving My Glory even when you believe all you are getting is the worst possible options. My Gifts and Surprises will restore back your Joy as long as you maintain your focus that I Am in your storm and I will deliver in due season. I will waste nothing in your life. This is your season for Unbelievable Breakthroughs and long-awaited answers to prayers laid before My Feet. I didn’t forget that you are waiting in Me!”
“You are crossing over the River Jordan. Stop for a moment and take this time into your active thoughts. There are many lessons and nuggets of revelation coming to you in this hour. See the Hard times in the wilderness years, but also recognize the Wonderful seasons as well. You have grown wiser and stronger far more than you give yourself credit for.
Even when you saw others giving up or going in the wrong direction, you stayed determined to see the Promises and Blessings. You allowed Me to establish deeper roots deep within you so that no matter what kind of storm comes, you will stay secure in Me. My Living Waters are supplying all of your needs as you become even mightier than you imagined.
Understand that many did not grab a hold of what I offered them and did not experience the same level of growth as you did. Some I will ask you to help along for a season so that they will come up another level, while others I will have you part ways so that you are not held behind remaining in their fellowship. There is a season of new faces coming and the familiar leaving. Do not see this as a bad aspect as there is nothing more you will have in common with the people of yesterday.
I have you on a grand platform where you are the center of a Kingdom Celebration in your Honor. You are about to embark on a journey that you didn’t even know you were being prepared for. You are packed and ready to go with only what you will need. Even if you try to carry more, I will not allow you to! These are some of the most exciting days to come for you. I have spared no expense in the crafting of this design over your life. We are going to do amazing exploits from here on out!”
“The Refiner’s Fire removes the impurities to bring out only the best within a person. Many have resisted this process thus delaying their journey to the destiny awaiting them. Be of Good Cheer! I Am doing a new thing in this hour. Those who have dug their heels in, I say repent and come back into alignment this day. I will wipe away your transgressions to accelerate you back along the road to fullness in Me.
When the mind of man fails to understand the Heavenly Purpose, the vision is lost and My people will perish. Stand up once more for I Am not finished with you yet. Are you finished with Me? I will give you the full revelation that you seek when you decide to place down the opinions and traditions of men. I know what it takes to make a vessel, and each step is necessary or you will be crushed under the weight of what you will carry one day for My Namesake.
Don’t let the narrow minds from others cloud your judgment. Just look around and see just who is going to the heights and depths in My Kingdom. People will judge by what they see, but I know what was placed by My hand deep within each person. I know how to pull out the true potential that even you will struggle to see at times. I Am all about doing the miraculous so just believe and throw the doubt out the window. There is no room for anything other than faith in what I can and will do on your behalf.
Let your praises shout loud and wide. I Am tearing down the strongholds that kept you bound and near lifeless. I Am removing the years of foolish immaturity. Let My Best Ring be placed upon your finger once more. What you placed down out of frustration will now be back in your Hands to accomplish what you were created to do in My Kingdom. Your days are paved with gold streets once more. Just follow where I will lead!”
“I want you to look at what you perceive as obstacles to your goals this day. Open your eyes and ears for I Am going to show you what is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. You have allowed certain aspects to inhibit your walk. Many have been waiting for a green light when there was never a stop sign to begin with. Gather your thoughts for we are moving forward from this momentary illegitimate train stop.
You are to keep moving until I tell you to stop. Too many are double-minding themselves because they feel that every decision requires laboring for days that turn into months or years. If I want you to do something different I will close the road. I placed desires in your heart that I called Good! If I did not want you to go in that direction, I will surely tell you in subtle and unmistakable ways.
Even when others speak against your vision that is not necessarily from My Voice or stance about your plans. Go through with confidence for I will bring My Mighty Winds up from behind to push you on rapidly. Be wise about who you seek counsel from. Just because someone carries a title whether family or friend, does not mean they are hearing from My Spirit. These same people would have told even My most trusted vessels to not go forward as well.
I Am your Lord and I will even turn your missteps into Gold if you will just believe in such a thing. Sometimes the greatest gifts of life come from something you were never trying to do, but your heart was chasing My Will in truth regardless. Everything is going to be ok! You are going to come out better than when you started. I will deliver you from all that keeps you bound. I will set the captives free in all things!”
“I Am the Lion of Judah in your life today. I will come up and out from on the inside of you to defend what is Mine and who is Mine. I have not sent you into fight My battles. I will deal with the matters that are pressing you in this hour. Your enemies do not stand a chance so get ready with your sounds of praise, for even the walls of Jericho will fall for you this very day.

I can and will make a way where there is no way. Nothing is too hard for Me. I want you to understand that just as King David saw Praise and Worship as the key to the miraculous being opened up, that this too is your key to seeing all come into My alignment and even judgment. When you worship, it aligns your heart and mind to My Will and opens up the Heavens to respond to your need. Do not overlook this powerful truth.

Even when you do not have the desire or energy, worship anyway for as you do, I will fill you up and strengthen all that has been depleted. You will gain revelation and perspective while Joy returns to your heart. It won’t take long and soon you will pass hours of time lost in the moment with Me. There is nothing that pleases Me more than spending time like this with you.

There are no shortcuts to getting from one side of the canyon to the other. Sometimes you will walk the whole way and experience all that comes while other times, I will simply take you over to the other side through your faith in Me. Which seems harder in reality? Many will choose to walk it out because they fail to believe I would just transport them over. You have that level of faith already deep within you. Allow Me to show you!”
“I Am giving you a new heart in this hour. One capable of truly being One with Mine. My desire is that My Heart will flow freely through yours. I will come forth through you to show you just how I see others and situations that currently are not accessible to you. Forget what you think you know and let Me breathe over your heart and mind.
There are times I will allow for an escape while other times, I will need you to look straight at that issue. There is more than one way to see things and more than one side to the dilemma. When you want the simple answer, you will more than likely find a complex one instead. I know all of the facts and it is now that I will show you, as your heart is finally open to receive what you could not before.
I will tell you if action is required or not. I have teaching moments, as well as, doing moments. Sometimes they go together and other times they will be separate applications. Do not resist either for both will allow you to go higher and deeper in ways seen and unseen. Many choose to stay in comfortable situations and resist the times of taking risks which will stretch beyond what they think they are capable of.
You must remain willing, open, and flexible to follow the path that I have drawn out for you. Saying that you will, but doing nothing is pure rebellion and wicked upon your days. Many say, “Lord, Lord why do I not receive blessings and favor? Have you gone where I have sent you? Have you done what I have asked of you, no matter how uncomfortable you would become? The answers are within you. It is not up to you to judge the situation first. Just do as I set into motion. You will gain the wisdom along the way.”
I am the tie that binds. There will be no other tie to bind you. I am now removing every thing that has ensnared and bound you in your life. Every tie that binds you to the unclean stands between you and Me and will now be removed. Every chain will now be broken and fall behind you. You will be relieved of every thing that pulls, drags, pushes, binds, burdens, grieves or hobbles you. You will walk free with a jaunty step, with the wind of My Spirit there to lift and refresh, and the song of My Spirit on your every breath. I call you to freedom and you will be well met! You will find that as you turn to Me, I am there. This marks the year of your freedom, and the return of all that was stolen. You will be delivered from all that was sent against you from the prideful enemy of your soul. You will see My glorious will for you. Heaven stands and shouts. The angels stand and cheer. The time for glorious restoration is finally here!
I am the Giver of all life, but pride steals it from you. All that rises against Me is pride, and is cast away from My presence. Satan turned his eyes away from Me and began to admire himself. “You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.” (Ezekiel 28:17) In his pride he exalted himself and fed his desire to rule. He wished to put himself in My place, and thus became My enemy. He became your enemy, too, for he put himself between Me and you. Let all pride be taken from you and do not wish to rule. Pride is the one thing that has stopped you from being in My presence, and receiving everything being given to you.
To those who tread water in the Deep, thinking just one more thing will submerge you, and you won't be able to breathe. The point of being in the Deep is having complete trust, and gliding along with Me. You have given control of everything to Me, so treading water and making it through is not the point of being out here with Me. I have brought you to this place to show you My love and grace and My strong arm to provide. You will be submerged in love and provision, and as you trust Me, great revelation will be given. The things you worry about are simple to Me and taken care of easily. They are not the point of being in the Deep, the point is the Life I will show you, the Life that is in Me. I desire you to delight in Me, so I will teach you to receive. You will glory in the things I will reveal, but first things first, I will cast fear far from you.
I will provide in great abundance for you, and fully fund what I called you to do. Do not think this responsibility falls upon you, for you have already seen this is not something you have the power to do. I called you, and I will see this through. I will see that you have everything needed to fulfill My will. I have shown you your calling, and built your trust in Me, and that is among the first things that you need.
Long have the females among you been cast down and down trodden. Long have they suffered, and have endured with long-suffering. How to treat a woman was to be a type of My heart. It was an example of love, strength, protection, respect, of being treasured and shown preference and great courtesy from the heart. But in his fall it has become in a man's heart twisted. Ever has he sought in his own life his own power. I have heard every cry, saved every tear. Precious they are to Me, and in My heart they are ever near. In these last days I will raise up my daughters. And great will be the honor that I will lay across their humble shoulders. Watch what I do, says the Lord, and watch who is raised among you. Listen to the strong voices crying out as they exit the wilderness. They sound as clear as bells, and I love the sound of their humble voices! Listen to the call of the mighty prophets....for they are my prophetesses!
You are being catapulted, and will find yourself in a higher realm. You will have a more stable strength, more patience, and a deeper sense of calm. You will enjoy the freedom of spiritual healing on a deeper level, which will greatly affect your emotional health. Deeper revelation will be given of what was done for you on the cross, igniting your freedom, and giving you an understanding of your calling. I call you to higher ground, where you and I will walk, and you will live in an awareness of our relationship. You already know this is the life of one who is called to responsibility and obedience, yet the freedom of this life will make you giddy with relief. After your life experiences and frustrations, you are more than ready to receive, and I will take great delight in teaching you to walk in great freedom.
The garment you have worn during what you thought of as your defeat will remain upon your shoulders as your garment of humility during victory. You will see no further defeat, but with great speed you will be hurtled into utter and complete victory. This is the reward of those who trust in Me. They shall see the sweet reward of receiving My plan for their destiny.
Your time is at hand. The time is here for promises made to be fulfilled. It is time for you to have things you faithfully awaited. Time for you to see My strong arm revealed. The time is at hand.
The things of your life and past have not set your path, they have been removed, and broken away from you like iron bands that have snapped. I am Who you are called to, and I call you to freedom from the things that have bound you. Do not turn again to the wilderness in your thinking, or be downtrodden with plodding steps that drag. I am calling you to walk with Me, to freedom and power, and glorious blessing! Nothing is impossible for Me, and now is the time for you to receive! You will have what is promised to you, for I am faithful and I will see all My promises bear fruit. You will rejoice as you dare to believe, and this is how you will enter in and receive.
I am calling My people to intercession.
My children, you have no idea the value of your prayers for others. You have no real understanding of how lives are changed, eternities affected and disasters averted when you pray.
I am asking you now to lift others up to Me in your prayers, that their lives may truly be changed, as I am releasing an unprecedented anointing on your prayers of intercession in this time. An unprecedented anointing to allow you to touch heaven with your prayers like never before, to be heard like never before, to see changes in the world around you, and in your world, like never before.
Pray, My children, pray! Spend your extra hours and minutes on things that have eternal value like this, not on useless entertainments. Fill your hearts with worship for Me and lift up those who do not yet know Me in prayer that I may open their hearts and move their circumstances to become Mine.
The rewards for this are very great!    
Oh My children, if you could only see the spiritual effects of even the smallest of the prayers you pray! The angels dispatched on your behalf, the healings manifested, the souls saved from ruin. You would never cease to pray if you knew.

Every prayer lifted to Me in faith receives an answer, some even decades later. I keep them all here with Me in heaven. Your prayers are never wasted.
You say you want to see change in the world around you – pray! You say you want to see improvements in your spouses and children – pray! You want a better job – pray!
I have left you weapons no devil in hell can defeat, if you will only use them to your advantage. If you will only realize the authority that has been given you, your entire world could be changed by the power of your prayers.
I am not a God who cannot be touched by the infirmities of My children. I am a God great in mercy. I am not a God who ignores My children’s needs, I am a rich and generous Father who looks for opportunities to bless you. I am not a God who does not care about your sufferings, for I too have suffered loss.
Think about who I am, My children, and do not cease to pray, for I will answer you.
My people, I have told you that miracles happen when you pray. Why do you think the enemy fights you so in your prayer time? Why do you think he brings so many distractions right at that moment?
It is because he fears your prayers of faith. He fears every faith-filled prayer lifted up by My people because he knows I answer them.
Your greatest battles will be won on your knees.
Remember this, and do not fail to pray every hour. 
My people are entering a time of great change now. Not just any changes will occur in this season, but major changes. You feel the shift taking place now in your spirit, and you will begin to see the shift in the physical as well.
A time of great persecution of My people approaches. You will see it begin with My people Israel, and then migrate to My people elsewhere until it covers all the world over. My people will be persecuted for My Name’s sake, and those who refuse to deny Me will be killed. Fear not to declare My Name, My people, for I shall be with you in that moment and I will declare you before My Father if you refuse to deny Me.
Prepare your hearts for this great change, for it will seem most difficult in many aspects, but it is necessary to usher in the end.
War will continue until desolations are determined.  To the Commander and chief of the continental army. look about Your Nation is divided. again. Your house is divided. You must now decide if you will try to bring about unity .Your founding fathers left you written instruction. With it they were able to rebuild a great nation standing with me and praising my name Your republic is no more . With every bad choice I have removed something . you have appointed leaders working for themselves not the people They have Abandoned their faith in God and put their faith in themselves without understanding that everything they had came from me I will remove it. I will continue to remove it until it is naught so now once again brother fights brother father fights son. Those who remain just join together and. Make a plan of survival unless the scattered people work together there will be no more nation or people to continue.
The clock has Stopped. I have poured out my Spirit on your young men,old men sons and daughters Dreams Visions Prophecy .I have sent you my Messengers and Prophets Many great Civilizations have followed this same path of desolation and utter destruction . Now they remain buried under the seas and waters in the mountains and under the sand hidden from all . In an instant all things will pass away . from a melting fire and heat A new beginning awaits those having the Spirit of the Living God dwelling within . The clock has stopped time comes to its END
An ill wind blows from the east it carries the plagues of nations. Look east for the drums are beating. You will have no warning except from me. The spirit will guide you please do not be in dispair. These things must come to pass. For it is wriiten and has been revealed to my prophets of the past. All things must be fullfilled. Pray without ceasing. Pray you are worthy to escape yhe wrath of the lamb. Prepare a plan to contact your brothers and sisters for all mans inventions shall be shut down for a time.
I have told you the heavens will be shaken in this time as well as the earth. Have you contemplated the meaning of My statement, My people? When I shake the heavens, the earth will no longer enjoy the same benefits as before, many changes will occur. When I shake the earth, you know what to expect. Do you know what to expect when I shake the heavens? The heavens have not been shaken before.
I speak this to warn you that unexpected changes will occur in these times, changes no one is prepared for, nor can you be. Those who understand what is happening, that what is happening is from Me, that I have foretold you in My Word this will happen, can remain calm, knowing I will protect them and provide for them, but others cannot.
When I shake the heavens, the world around you will panic, they will not know where to hide. The peace you have in Me will be a witness to them that there is something more.
Do not be afraid, but be strong and very courageous when these changes happen, and I will reward you.   

Glynda Lomax
Kath Mote

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