Thursday, November 24, 2016

Message Date - 24 Nov 2016

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 24 Nov 2016***

(Lana Vawser)

Posted on November 24, 2016 by Lana

By Lana Vawser

There is another MAJOR transition happening right now, a shift is taking place in the spirit to bring greater breakthrough and freedom to God’s people. The transition is causing a very turbulent feeling in the atmosphere, great unrest and a foreboding fear. Just hold on, worship your way through; it’s not you! We are about to BREAK THROUGH again!
Posted on November 24, 2016 by Lana
There is a major increase being released over many prophets in this season and prophetic gifting, sensitivities and secrets of the Lord’s heart are being released with greater increase.
Right now in the body of Christ, the Lord has been shaping and moulding many prophets in the fire who have continued to give the Lord their “YES” and surrendered heart. He has been doing deep, accelerated healing of hearts and souls and really working in the prophets to bring them to a greater level of intimacy with Him and wholeness. Many have been feeling the hand of the Lord so strong over them and the Lord raising the standard in many areas. The call to constantly be living in integrity, purity and humility before Him and others.
Many prophets have been on the brink of giving up and running and hiding in the caves because of the two types of fire hitting them. The fire of God to cleanse and the fire of the enemy to attempt to kill them. Right now more than ever, you need to keep standing. Don’t give into the enemy trying to get you to give up. You are about to move into your greatest days, but you must continue to stand and KNOW that God is using EVERYTHING and turning EVERYTHING for your good. (Romans 8:28)
This season of radical acceleration and celebration that is upon the prophets right now, this major increase will be like nothing that has ever been seen before. It will be a greater unity and joining of the prophets who have gone before, with the new breed rising up now. It does not discount those who have gone before, but honours them, gleans from their wisdom, and walks with them, hand in hand to allow the Spirit of God to birth this new move of the prophetic across the earth that has never been seen. The richness of what has gone before and prepared the way for the Spirit of God to now move in greater measure, increase and demonstration of His heart and love.
I saw the Lord pouring greater increase of sensitivity, accuracy, revelation and favour upon many prophets. The signs and wonders and manifestations of His power that will confirm His Word through them will astound and restore the fear and awe of God to the body of Christ.
I saw Jesus standing before them and He spoke “I COMMISSION YOU AS PROPHETS OF HONOUR”. I saw such a deep yieldedness in these ones, such a deep surrender and their eyes were ONLY for Jesus. Not what they could “receive” or the “next biggest impartation, power-packed revelation filled word to release or mantle to be received”, but just totally in love with Him! Hearts totally ablaze and devoted to their first love. A conviction and resolve to the TRUE NORTH at whatever cost – JESUS!!! They reminded me so much of some of our most amazing prophets of the previous generation/s, such a deep love for Jesus, for His Word and the purity of the prophetic flow. No mixture!
These prophets moving into this new level of increase were moving out with this COMMISSION TO HONOUR and RESTORE honour in the prophetic and the body of Christ. They were not moving out seeking greater promotion, to compete, but to SERVE and HONOUR. They were moving through the body of Christ and teaching the body of Christ how to honour in greater ways and serve one another in this unprecedented season of acceleration and manifestation like we have never seen before.

I felt a warning from the heart of the Father in this season of major increase upon the prophets.
Again, there was this beautiful, glorious, weighty (fear of God weighty) invitation to DEEPER INTIMACY. To NOT become distracted by the increase, or the favour, or the double portion manifestation, or the signs and wonders that will follow them; but now MORE THAN EVER, we must press into knowing Jesus and keeping our eyes on Him.
As Heidi Baker so beautifully says “Go lower still”.
I felt this warning to go deeper still, to guard the prophets from deception, mixture and compromise that the enemy is really going to use to target the prophets to taken them out in this season of increase. Your safe place and guard against this is stay close to Jesus.
Offer your crowns to Jesus again, lay it all down at His feet again. Is this a season where many prophets will be exalted to places of influence like they have never experienced to release the Word of the Lord, ABSOLUTELY! Will their be significant increase in revelation, definitely – so stay low and in the Word to release the pure flow, His Word without mixture. Will there be signs and wonders, demonstrations of His power and prophetic dreams that will stun the body of Christ and the world, even world leaders turning their head, YES… but keep your eyes upon Jesus, not the gift or the person.
Prophets, in this season shift, this incredible manifestation of increase that is being released, we MUST go deeper still. This increase is an invitation to GO LOW!!!
The Lord is decreeing JOHN 15 for this increase!!!! Stay connected..
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
That’s when I heard the Lord say “In this increase it will be very apparent who has been with Me and living deep in Me.”

Let’s continue the divine dance with our first love! Let not our affections or focus be drawn to the manifestation of increase, favour or mantles, let’s just fall more in love with Jesus, delight in His presence, worship Him… seek Him, simply to know His heart and without agenda…lets go LOWER…and watch and see from that place the fruitfulness that will explode to you and through you.
After all, it is all ABOUT JESUS and it is all FOR HIM and His Glory!!!

Posted on November 23, 2016 by Lana

By Lana Vawser
This morning I kept hearing the Lord say “UMBRELLA UPGRADE” over and over. The sense surrounded me that where there has been a “torrential rain” of “one thing after another”, feeling like “it hasn’t just rained, it has poured”, the Lord is bringing a great turning. He is releasing an UMBRELLA UPGRADE that is going to not only touch one area of many lives, but cover ALL AREAS.
This UMBRELLA UPGRADE is going to bring a great REST from the downpour of trouble that has come against many. It is an UPGRADE of vision, it is an upgrade in sensitivity, it is an upgrade of discernment, wisdom and prophetic insight. It is an upgrade of material provision, resources, an upgrade of favour and an upgrade of revelation bringing significant breakthrough!!!
As I pondered this word the Lord reminded me of a dream I had a few nights ago where I saw a hand that was painted gold and everything it touched turned to gold and prospered because the Lord was with them and great favour upon them. I felt the Lord saying that this UMBRELLA UPGRADE is being released where there has been one intention of heart, one agenda… to Glorify Jesus!!! Where there has been integrity, humility and purity in stewardship and excellence.
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel” – Amos 9:13-15 – MSG TRANSLATION

Posted on November 22, 2016 by Lana
By Lana Vawser
 Over the past few weeks the Lord has really been highlighting “camels” to me. I first came across the “divine highlight” in Isaiah 60:6 “Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah and all from Sheba will come bearing incense and gold and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.” Since then I have been seeing them everywhere and recently a hotel we stayed in our room was 606!! The Lord is speaking!
 I have been pondering this word for a few weeks and really wanting to hear the heart of the Lord. I was told Chuck Pierce had a word a number of years ago about “The CAMELS coming”.
 So I wondered why I was hearing it now and seeing them everywhere. As I sat with the Lord on this I felt the Lord saying that “THE CAMELS ARE COMING WITH INCREASE” and I saw them coming carrying a DOUBLE PORTION. They were coming to bring provision, help and blessing. What these CAMELS are bringing are the finest, most excellent provisions of heaven that we have ever seen as the body of Christ. The manifestation of this abundant provision will manifest in MANY ways, not just materially throughout the body of Christ.
 The Lord also highlighted Isaiah 60:5 to me “Then you will be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because of the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you”
 There is a turning of provision, abundance and wealth of the nations that will be handed to the Church, to extend the Kingdom of God upon the earth. To help the poor, the care for the widows and orphans, to see greater extension and generosity/provision flow FROM the Church. I felt this tremendous shift in the area of finances and provision in the body of Christ. The Lord is highlighting stewardship in this season and teaching us in greater ways how to steward what He has given to us in every area of life. He’s looking for excellence, purity and integrity in our stewardship. As we continue to remain teachable, moving in integrity, humility, character and surrendered, He is about to add more, bring greater increase not just financially, but in many areas. Where there has been “lack upon lack”, these CAMELS COMING are declaring “ABUNDANT PROVISION for EVERY GOD BREATHED VISION”.
 The Lord showed me that in the CAMELS coming, the increase and abundance of provision, wealth and help, that there will be MAJOR impact on the nations.
 God’s heart is always for the nations, but in the last few years and especially this season, I have felt His yearning for the nations more than ever. Right now, there is greater fear and upheaval in many nations, but the Lord spoke to me recently that He is doing a great rearranging and reshuffling in the nations. He is moving things in a way that we do not expect but it releasing a DOMINO EFFECT amongst the nations. Breakthrough, upon breakthrough upon breakthrough and the CAMELS coming in are bringing the provision so the Church can take her place to serve, influence and lead in nations in ways we have never seen. God is bringing the help, the tools, the provision so when the “call comes” we step in with THE GREATEST ANSWER – JESUS!!!!! and physical provision to to bless, extend and assist.
 Not only is God about to add the provision and resources needed to extend His vision that He has placed in the hearts of His people that they have been carrying in their hearts through the fire and desert, and it has been tested and tried over and over, the provision will be greater than has ever been imagined. (Ephesians 3:20)
 The abundance that is coming in is going to require a greater level of dependence upon Jesus, surrender to Him and sensitivity to what He is saying. There will be a need for wisdom and discernment like never before, but DO NOT FEAR! He is releasing grace and He will give wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5) to know how to steward this greater increase, provision and abundance.
 Many of you will be catapulted into a new realm of influence in the physical area of finances and abundance, others doors are about to open that will place you in positions of influence, others of you – your voice is about to get louder, others of you will be given ABUNDANT provision to start organisations and centres to help the homeless, to feed the poor and care for orphans. In the midst of the influence of the Church increasing, I felt such a strong message from the Lord that the enemy will come in and attempt to disqualify and say to many “You don’t have the abundance they have” or “You don’t have the position they have”, or “You are not as gifted as that person” – amongst those lies and that noise, I heard the Lord speak louder above it all “ALL ARE QUALIFIED AND INFLUENCERS BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN ME”. God is awakening His people to the truth that we are POWERFUL in Him! All of our influence looks different, but YOU are called to GO and change the atmospheres and bring the love, truth and hope of Jesus EVERYWHERE you go. You are having impact and influence for Jesus EVERYWHERE. Trust Him that where He positions you and the sphere of influence He has given you and increases to you in this season is A PERFECT FIT for you! Do not try and be someone else or move in what someone else has. The world needs YOU and Jesus IN YOU!!! His plans for you are beyond your wildest dreams (Ephesians 3:20, 1 Corinthians 2:9)
 The Lord began to speak to me about many being in a season of wilderness, and many have felt like they have been in the desert and they have been living upon their “stored up revelation and history” with the Lord. Many feeling like they have almost been in a season of WANDERING and WONDERING what’s going on. I felt the Lord wanting to encourage you that He has been building endurance, strength and character in you in the desert, in that wilderness place and you are coming out with a greater CAPACITY to carry greater revelation of Him and His Word, greater mantles that have been birthed in that deep difficult place where you are constantly pushed and pressed and find that deeper place in Him in the midst of pain.
 In the desert and wilderness where you have learnt to store and carry what the Lord has given you and press in for MORE amongst adverse conditions, the Lord is bringing you out of the desert and you will be WATER POURERS for others. What you have gleaned and carried in the desert places is about to be ignited and flow out of you. His living water is about to flood out of you. There is a great birthing upon the Church right now. I saw this pure, BIBLICALLY based revelation that has been found in Jesus in the desert flooding out in conversations, in books, in teaching, in songs, in cds, in writings, in sermon series, in prayer gatherings bringing incredible healing, salvation and deliverance. Freedom is about to explode in proportions across the world like we have never seen. Get ready to hear more and more crazy, amazing, wild testimonies of the power, healing and love of Jesus and how He saves, delivers and sets free.
 Where the enemy has attempted in many ways to “stop His flow” through you, He is declaring over you that you will be a PURE FLOW AS YOU CONTINUE TO LIVE LOW.
 The CAMELS ARE COMING!!! There is ANOTHER game hanger moment upon us!!! What these “CAMELS” are carrying to you from the Lord WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!!! A shift in gears, a whole new realm of provision, a new level of manifestation of His goodness and kindness, the help of God that you cannot even envision.
 I know many have been seeing CAMELS everywhere, but just because God is fun and He wants to confirm His Word to you in fun, creative ways, the testimony out of many of your mouths will be “Look, there again! CAMELS continue to appear EVERYWHERE” and when you see them, know He is smiling at you and the provision is upon you!

Daily Prophetic Word
November 24, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “There are times when you have to seek out My Answer and there are times when My answer comes to find you like a knock on the door. I am setting you up for greatness so be diligent to watch how I am moving around you. I will not always send you a neon sign. You will know My ways when you take the time out each day to spend in My presence. Relationships grow into a sweetness only by spending time together.
I will not always speak to you in the same manner as in previous years. I am changing things up so that you do not grow complacent and comfortable. People tend to take for granted that which comes too easy. I want your attention always, and I will move to another frequency so that you seek Me out fully once more. I have spoken to your heart and spirit aspects that I am doing in your life and when you do not sense the urgency to respond right away, I will use other ways to wake you up to what I am doing in this hour.
A life of non-Kingdom distractions will leave you empty at the end of the day. Come back to Me for a new perspective and strategy. I have the keys that you seek. I will release them along your path and carry you when needed to your destination. Do not be down. I am lifting you up in this hour above the disappointments and failures that were thrown at you. I am taking you to a place of security high above clouds onto a mountain to commune with just Me. Let the noise of life fade into the background.
Better is coming. Shout your praises of worship. What was keeping you back is making way for a new stage for you to walk upon. You have outgrown where you are. Sing Hallelujah! The Butterfly has to outgrow the chrysalis to know the moment to emerge beyond the time of being hidden in Me. You were only at a stage of deep rest in Me, and NOW is your time to come out into this new place and a new level in Me. Time seemed to go slowly but soon life will speed up where only your wings will be able to keep you on track."
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 23, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “I am establishing a heavenly perspective in your heart this day. I am taking you from a babe into a maturity which will endure the storms of life. There are moments where I will give you an escape or rescue or take you above. But there are times that My purpose in your life is to take you through that very storm you feel just cannot be My Will. What has power against you will build within you the very characteristics and attributes that are necessary for future parts of your destiny. Without these aspects, your foundation will crumble, and you will fail where I send you.

It is never My intention for harm to befall you. Stay close for I will not allow even your hair to become damaged. See yourself as the warrior that I am creating in you. Even when you feel you have not arrived yet, you are closer than you realize. By the fire will you be made, strengthened, and overcome into full victory. Rise up to the challenge and do not let the voices of despair hit your soul. Fight back to those that speak negative words over your situation. Many will tell you to curse God and die, but I say you will live and walk into more abundance of joy than you can contain.
I am making you into a vessel of overflow. What I place on the inside will be more than you can hold onto and will spill out as great blessings to those you encounter. Let Me have My way with you. I have promised not to disappoint. What I have written out in the blueprints of your life will be your reality if you choose. I will not force you, but you can only reach all that I have set aside for you through aligning with Me. Many run to and fro believing that I have left them to drown when the truth is they left as the prodigal son. Am I your Lord every day or just whenever?
Search your own heart and mind. Are you a fair-weathered friend? Do you think that I am only working in your life during good times and that I am against you during hard times? My Child, See that My Goodness is yours each and every day. This age will soon pass and you will be left with every promise I have spoken still in your hands. I can give rebirth to what you felt was gone forever. I will continue to replace the broken for new! Release the doubt and fear. Choose not to go back into the bondage of yesterday. Nothing good will come of a double-mind.”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 22, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “Doing what is right before Me will make you at odds with those near and far. Even other brothers and sisters will come against you with a full belief that you are in the wrong. I will come to strengthen and give My assurance that I am with you. Even your best of friends will not always see what I have spoken over your life. There will be days that you will seem as alone as Noah did. You will be asked to do the unimaginable, and those, whom you walk life with, may return hurtful blows from their ignorance.
Down the road lessons do not seem to always come as fast as you would like. I am saying to you in this hour that those who have accused you of doing wrong will see Me lift you on a pedestal of honor before Me. The weapons they have used will be turned against them. What was meant to destroy you is about to launch you into My Favor. I will dry those tears and give you double for your trouble. No one can out do what I am going to do for you!
Those that rested everything in their human wisdom will discover their knowledge betrays them. I have mysteries to reveal in this season that will bring a conclusion to several storylines in your life. What was riddled in confusion will be smooth as glass before you. The answers that you felt were never yours to know will be understood in My Completion. The Final bill has been paid and you are picking up in a whole new chapter. You have outgrown where you are.
As sand shifts under your feet, the ground is making way to a fresh beginning that you have longed for. The changing of scenery is just around the very next corner. You have done well in the long months and years of testing trials. You have trusted Me to see you through. Let the unpleasant memories slip through your fingers. I have new things to place in those precious hands. Those who counted you out and left you for dead will see you rise again and triumph over all that came against you. I am not finished with you yet!”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 21, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “Consider who you are allowing to have access into your personal life. Not everyone will be loyal or respect the depths of who you are. Not everyone will remain people of good character and integrity in your life. Guard your heart. Watch how they treat others, and you will have a better idea what may come your way as well. Look beyond how someone interacts with you to see the full reality. Evaluate if there is honestly something you must change within yourself or is there more to all of this. Do not let defensive reactions or offense to their words fill your mind and heart. You are much more than how others perceive you.

I called you Good when I created you. Never forget this simple truth. Day by Day, I am molding you back into perfection. Do not let today’s failures and missteps derail you permanently. Come to Me and I will help you in whatever comes your way today. You will rise above and overcome any and all things, just believe and trust in Me. It does not matter what others say or think, Look up and Hear My Voice about who you are to Me. I am establishing a new way of life in you where you will see yourself as the One I designed you to be.
Remember that those that come against you also do not know who they are in Me. If they did their response would be from heaven and not be through flesh. Be at ease with yourself. I will get you from Glory to Glory as you walk this life with Me. The journey is not made in a day. Let the aspects that are less than My Best fall to the ground for Me to change into beauty. I know how to do this even when things appear hopeless as you survey the ground. You are My Chosen and Elect. Never forget the worth that I place upon you always.
Your day will encounter robbers and thieves. Will you allow their voice to crowd out Mine? What you believe is what shapes your next moments. Be careful what you accept as truth. I will come and reorder what you have heard to be in alignment with what I have spoken. Allow Me to order your steps and give you the words to speak. When you do, even conflicts will be silenced to your favor. I am taking you higher and to go higher many aspects will feel foreign and uncomfortable. You will be tempted to revert back to old ways and patterns. Listen, you are not who you were. Come closer for I am doing a new thing in you!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

(Kathy Mote)
From the beginning I have had a plan. I will send My beloved into the enemy's camp. I will shoot them, like a gun. And like a secret weapon, they are set for stun! The enemy has thought he ruined them, but I have raised and lifted them. The secret is, they are done. Done with their lives, and over their emotion. The life they now live is not their own. As they laid down the love of their own lives, I have given them promotion. Their lives are not ruined, and this is not over! They are filled with My Spirit and My power. They now stand in covenant with the mighty God who saved them. His life for theirs, and they will walk in the same death-defying power that healed and raised them! There will be nothing impossible to them. They will walk through the enemy's camp, tear down his defenses, and level his trenches. They will more than raise the dead. They will shine great light into the deep, impenetrable darkness and free the captives as the enemy is thwarted. This is My plan, and I will see it ended. It was in Me from the beginning, and in Me it is finished.
To you who feel you have fallen behind, I would like to remind you of two things. I am the Lord, and in Me it is finished. You measure your growth and the place where you are by your own emotions and feelings, and your own estimation. You don't know the finished work of My hands, or what I intend, so you don't know if you are behind, or on time! You look down on yourself and not up at Me, so your perception is altered and very limited. You don't accomplish the good work of My hands, or finish yourself in your own power to be righteous. This is what only I can do. It is a gift, it is finished in Me, and I will give it to you! So you who feel undone and like you are behind I would like to remind I am in control, and your trust is what I desire.
I will bring to you your appointed blessings in great strength and in all speed. You will be amazed at the ferocity with which I deliver to you these things. They have been your promised release. They have had an appointed time, and I have been working in you to make you ready to carry the glory you are about to receive. And when I turn to you I will not say, where are the other nine, for you will all be standing before Me in deep, quiet humility, and great strength. Did I not say I would deliver you whole in your appointed day? Look for My promise, for it comes to you quickly.
Don't do it! Don't even bother being sad! Soon your biggest blessing yet will come upon you, and you will be completely overtaken! Joyous laughter will bubble up from deep deep wells within, and you will not be able to contain it!
This is only the beginning of knowing who you are in this world. In your life you have been humbled beyond bearing, and it has changed you into a totally different person. You now possess as your own a deeply rich and precious gift that will be one of your best assets. It is great beauty and humility. This is only the beginning of what you are becoming, and soon you will perceive the absolute glory of who you are to Me! There is great purpose in your suffering. I promise you that what has been taken will be given again. In mere moments you will see that it has cost you nothing! You are My beloved, and I have long waited to bring you to Me. I will embrace you, and fill your heart with joyous comfort, and draw you close to Me. You will know the joy of My presence, and how much you are loved.
You are what you are, no matter where you are. I will make a garden come through you. I will plant, nurture and water you, and in My care you will blossom, and bloom. Do not despair over your situation or surroundings, My dear, for it takes nothing away from you. You do not become what you are called to be by what is framing you. You will be who you are called to be, and I will make it sure for you. In your weakness does My strength shine through, for it also has nothing to do with you!
If you want God to bless what you say, let everything you say be His blessed word. If you want the Lord to agree with what you say, agree with what He has said to you. If you want what you say to have the power to bring life and heal, then dedicate it to the Lord, and speak it in faith before Him. If you want Him to 'turn up the volume' on what you speak, then only speak His truth! God has not called us to speak out against Him by giving our opinion of what He is doing in the lives of others. He calls us His beloved, and desires us to stand, facing Him, and in faith agree with Him and speak His word.
I send you out to boldly speak, to shake things up, to stand with Me. I send you to measure the truth, to speak of the righteousness of a righteous Judge. I send you out to speak and you answer to Me, not to the ones I send you to, not to ones who would disagree with you, (for they really disagree with Me.) Now is not the time to smooth things over to make peace, but to speak the truth so that there may be real peace. It doesn't matter how they may answer you. You are sent by Me, and you must speak boldly. So to one who would speak timidly I speak. I am the Prince of Peace, and what I send you to speak will bring great peace. For what love is there in denying the truth, in ticking the ear, when every ear must hear, and all must bear the truth to be saved?
A word of the Lord. A word of great comfort for those who trust in Him. Through all the dark days that are coming, there is no darkness in Me. No terror by night, no uncertain thing. In the night watches of the world you will walk in great faith. You will have comfort, grace, and be crowned with great peace. There is a good portion for My children and safety all of their days. They will not flee into the night for they are secure in Me. I have set a watch upon them, and none will fall. They will, each one, be provided for, and safe. In the days to come My children will stand on solid ground. Though some will fall on your left and stagger on your right, your feet will not stumble, your heart will be calm and secure. The inheritance and portion of My children will be blessing and peace. For as they look to Me I will deal with them generously for all the world to see.
I am going to roll right through the enemy's camp, and like rolling thunder, it will startle and dismay. It will be what he least expects. All the captives held there will see a great light, and all at once, they will be enlightened. Everyone will see him as he really is, as small and ugly as he was once beautiful. It will throttle him, and his own arrogance and error will cause him great shame. He will have a heaping dose and portion of what he foisted on mankind. He will reek of his own twisted shame. My children will look on with great delight as the adversary of their peace is brought to naught, and humiliated. He will be dispatched with great haste and startling speed, and will flee not only from My children, but his own captives as they are set free. There will be a time of great jubilee as many will be brought out of deep slumbering darkness and unto Me.
The sweet and precious ones who have given Me their hearts are Mine, and I will set My seal upon them. They will be protected in everything they do and everywhere they are, for I will send My angels to see to them! They rest in My care and are treasured there as they lay trusting hearts and lives at My feet. I am moved with compassion at their faith in Me and no mountain will stand before Me as I see to their security. I have vowed to bless and keep each one, for with My life I promise their safety.
I am burning up everything in My way, and removing all that weighs down and hinders My children. I am releasing them from all that held them back, from old hurts and old scars to old thinking! Into each heart I will give the key to success, and I will see them unleashed and on fire as they soar to Me. In all that they think, all that they feel, and all that they do, they will all be in Me!
From the ashes of the last attack you will rise with unprecedented strength. You have come to the end of your road, and run out of tolerance for your own failure. In this place you have come to see that your faith rests solely on Me. You know that on your own you don't have the strength, and in your most desperate moment, you trusted Me. I will now fill you with courage, and strength. The peace you now have is from knowing you are in My hands. You will now know freedom from the responsibility of your life, and your success. It will fill you with joy to trust Me with it! You will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of your defeat full of strength, for your strength, your freedom, your success, is in Me!
What has come against you and caused you great pain and strife has been taken from you by Me. You gave it to Me, and laid it at My feet, and now it belongs to Me. I will make it leap to life and dance before you, child. It will be turned around for your good and cause you great delight. In all your ways you trust in Me, and the enemy will now take flight. He has come to know that it doesn't pay to cause you pain and try to take you from Me!

Word from the Lord November 23, 2016
Personal note: In prayer this morning while driving into work, I had a strong sense there was something the Lord wanted to say this morning to all. However, right in the middle of the message, I had a very interesting encounter.
I have felt led in my personal studies to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life: two trees in the Garden. I will try to share my study notes for any who wish to see them. It appears to tie into a video and a recent message [water glass] given.
Father, help to me hear the words that you wish to convey this morning. We thank you Father God for spending time with us this morning. We thank you Father for the words that you will provide for us this day. Tell me what you want me to do with these words Lord, I will do them as you have instructed. The message started immediately.
Daughter, multitudes will be given the opportunity to choose between right and wrong. Life and death. Darkness and light. These days are forthcoming to your world and they are coming quickly My love. Watch for them. Know and be sure that My hand is upon them, that My mercy and grace will go before all on that day. And I shall say to them, to their hearts…
‘I AM your King. I AM your God. The One and Only Living True God.’
My child, they shall hear My voice. They shall feel My whirlwind and among the masses I shall spread fervently My spirit… reaching out to all.
My child, listen to what I say to you this day. Share it among the masses… that My time has come. My day. My heart abounding. My love forever within you. My children, listen and heed the words that I am saying to you this day. Stand tall, straight, erect and ready for My hand to come upon you… for My call of your name. You shall know it is I that is calling you My love. You shall know for I have told you these things. My child, listen for My call. Wait upon Me in the wings of your way for I shall make all crooked places straight and enable you to walk forth with great boldness and courage as you have so requested and desired.
[I drove to a stop light downtown and a man stared at me and started walking toward my car. I saw him coming and wondered what he wanted. I put my window down and asked, ‘Can I help you sir?’ He did not say a word but stopped just before my driver door and stared off away from me just a bit. He was looking at something, but it was not me. It was like he was frozen in time or something. I rolled my window up and said, ‘Father God I am just looking at this person. He is just standing right here and I don’t know what he wants. He did not answer me Father.’ Father said ‘pray for him My love.’ I started to and he turned away from me and I was able to drive forward. Ohh goodness, I am hearing the word deranged. Father said, ‘My power stopped him, blocked him.’ Oh my goodness!]
My child, know that many will not know what is going on, what is happening or occurring and many will be frightened. There is no fear in Me, My children. Trust and know that I have your good benefit in mind. Hold fast to the truths that I have given unto you in the days leading up to this. For I say many will come to pass right before your eyes. My loves, it is time. The bell tolls ring NOW with the warning, ‘IT IS TIME.’ Time for My people to arise in this world. Time for My loves to show themselves. Time for My hand and My ways to be upon the earth. IT IS TIME My loves. It is MY time.
End of message.

Guys, several of you know that I have been secluded from the news, FB posts and most videos for some time now. Only what the Lord leads me to view is what I have been seeing. I do not know if any others are hearing that IT IS TIME… but folks IT IS TIME. This message was firm and a warning. He wants none to fear and will be giving all a choice. Isaiah 60-61.
Please ensure your hearts are ready for His return and call upon your life. Repent and lay down all things… He is ready and waiting for you. Things are getting ready to get exciting everyone. I love you all and will be seeing you so very soon!
God bless you!

Word from the Lord November 21, 2016
Personal note: Father God I just praise you this morning and worship you. I thank you for this day Lord. I thank you for this day Father. It is a beautiful sunny day. I just want to notate a few things first, I want to be sure to share this. I tossed and turned quite a bit last night… I felt like I was waking up about every 20 minutes. I was in a lot of pain, a lot of issues going on with my body last night. I think I am realizing that the enemy knows we are being instructed at night and this is being interrupted. But I do remember something: I was looking at something and realized that something was going to happen. I noticed that the day it would happen was Friday. Then I looked at something again and realized that something was going to happen. When I looked closer, I noticed [and was surprised to see] that the day this would happen was a Monday. Whatever I was looking at…showed two events happening. One on Friday and one on Monday. I had a sense it was the following Monday, but I did not see anything or recall anything otherwise. [I know the Lord has told us in the past that things would happen one right after the other]. I am not sure what this means… it does show a 3-day lapse in time. Will something be happening this Friday? I don’t know. Monday? A week from today? I don’t know.
So when I got into prayer time with the Lord I heard first off: My child, your days are numbered.
So I know we are coming down to the wire and I thank you Lord. I thank you Father. I don’t know exactly how everything will play out but I know Lord your plan is perfect. And you have provided for every single facet and aspect of that plan. I know that it will be carried out in the exact form and fashion and way that you desire it to occur. So Father I thank you and I praise you. I worship you Lord. I trust you Father and rely upon you to guide and direct me. I thank you Father for the opportunity to encourage others and I thank you for the gift you have given me for encouragement.
I say good morning and hello to my family in the heavens. My family I so desire to be around. Pray for me family in the heavens. Pray for me. I thank you angels that have been protecting me and surrounding me and helping me. I thank you Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for all that you do for me. I know that we are here and I know there is some type of training and learning that we have to do here. I understand that suffering is part of it. I understand that experiencing no love in our lives is also part of it. I pray Lord… I pray, that I have learned everything that I needed to learn. That I have excelled past the point of obtaining what it is Lord that you desired for me to learn. I thank you Father. I praise you.

You say my days are limited Lord. I think this is a high alert week for a lot of people. I think the 27th is the day that most people are looking at. Some are looking at the 26th, that is at the end of this week. You just mentioned a Friday and a Monday… Father it could quite be. And if my days are truly numbered Lord, I believe that they are. I believe the words that you tell me. Give me the boldness and the courage to walk forth in these last days of my life Father. Help keep me cleanse through these last days Father God. I pray in the most high name of Jesus.

My child, forthright times are coming to call and gather the elect unto My home, My arms, My abode… for I say that this day shall soon come. Stand at the ready My dove… at the ready I say… for times are quickly approaching and you shall be gathered unto Me in the blink of an eye. What seems like longer, will not be as long as presumed. But My dove, there shall be times of darkness and gloom. Focus not upon those things My child but upon the heavens that await you there.

My love, know that I shall not let anything harm you in anyway… so prepare your walk and know that time is short. Finish things you have ‘open’ and complete them for the morrow comes quickly.

Hold fast now My little dove for I shall show you great and mighty things. Things that have not been seen before by the eyes of man.

Watch for Me, for I shall be calling you soon.


End of message.

(Jeff Byerly)
“You Will be Given Greater Weapons to Use Against the Enemy”
November 23, 2016
My bride, I love you and I long for you more than I can express to you in your earthly language.

I make myself known to you through My manifest and abiding presence. The world cannot understand this for they have been deafened and blinded and have no desire to know Me; but you know Me and I know you and I desire that you all would be one just as you are one with Me and as the Father and I are one.

You are the ones who have My love in your heart always because I have put it there. The ones who do not love, do not know me. They may know about me, but they do not know Me in the intimate way that is required to be My bride. You keep My commandments and they are not grievous to you because you walk in the power of My Spirit and you have put away all of the lusts of the flesh.

You are the ones who long for Me constantly and you never forget Me. You cannot imagine even one day where you did not speak to Me or worship Me. My bride would gladly give her life for Me, if it was required of her, because she knows that if this life is taken away from her, she will immediately gain the next, that is far greater than this earth can give her and she will stand in the presence of her true love.

My loves, the things that you will have to see will try your faith. There is so much coming, but I do not want you to fear, for if you do I will not be able to protect you, for you will open the door for the enemy to come in and attack you.

Once the event happens, I will give you more clarity and though the calamities will be all around, so will an ever increasing measure of My Spirit. You will have a knowing of what to do because I will give you specific instructions. You will need to find a secret place alone with Me so that I can give these instructions. Yes, your families and friends will need you, but you will have nothing to give them if you don’t seek Me first and foremost.

I AM your strength, your shield, and your helper and I will dispatch more angels to aid you than ever before too. If you are having problems with fear call upon Me for help, I will not condemn you, for the things that will be happening on this earth will be more horrific than you can imagine. You must just lay everything down before Me and let Me work through you, by the increased faith that I will put in your heart. You will need to stay in a constant state of worship, singing and praying in the Spirit always. This is how you will gain strength and faith My beloved bride. As you do this your power in the Spirit will increase and I instruct you even now to increase your alone time with Me.

Yes, you are the ones who have been chosen for this time on earth since before the foundations of the earth. You also had a part in this choice. You will be tested and tried more than any other generation before or after you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a deceiver. The world you live in will never go back to the way it was. This is the time of the great harvest and the workers are so few, but you, My pure, holy, spotless, beloved laborers will have great rewards because of this. The rewards that you will gain will last for all of eternity and they are so much greater than anything that I can give you here on earth. You can’t even imagine what I have in store for you, even if I have taken you to heaven, because I have not shown them to anyone who has visited here. They are secrets known only to Me and the Father and you will be astonished by them!

I have said, do not set your hand to the plow and look back. Likewise those who set out into the harvest and stop their work because of fear, are not worthy of My kingdom. Do not long for the times that are past, as Lot’s wife, for you will be consumed as she was. You are not dogs who return to their vomit and you are not pigs that return to wallow in the mud after they have been made clean.

You are My overcomers and you have been given the power to trample over serpents, scorpions, demons, fallen angels and even Satan himself, by My blood sacrifice and the words of your testimony. You will not fear the death of this life because you do not love this world or the things that are in this world, for they are a deception and a distraction away from Me.
My beloved bride, you will be given greater weapons to use against the enemy than those that you have now but this will happen as the conditions on your earth become ever darker and cataclysmic. When the enemy comes in like a flood, I raise up a standard against him and you are the ones! You will just have to walk through a short span of complete darkness before I completely empower you. I know many of you do not understand this, but because of the rules that I have made for intervention on this earth, I cannot give you My full power until the enemy has been granted to use his full power.
The darkness will flee before the great glory that I will give to you!
I tell you that the enemy is no match for you!
You will help Me defeat him!
I AM your groom.
The Victorious King of kings and Lord of lords,
Eph 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Rev 18:23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore.
Rev 22:16-17 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.

(Glynda Linkous)
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Paths You have Not Known
   The world around you groans for My soon return. Sin is a weighty matter and the weight of it will become too much for the world to bear.
   I am taking you now by a path you have not known before. I am teaching you about My glorious self, about My ways, and about My love for you. Rest in Me as we travel this path, for the result will be good.
Hebrews 12:1
 12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Romans 8:22
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Psalm 25:4-5
  4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. 5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Psalm 32:8-9
8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. 9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Enjoy the Peace

    Enjoy the peace around you today, for peace shall soon be taken from the world.
    I have given you peace at this time that you may refresh yourselves in it.
    My Presence is the ultimate peace, yet so few of My children seek it, seeking instead the peace of the world. The peace of the world cannot sustain you in times to come, My precious ones.
Colossians 3:15
·         15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Matthew 10:34-36
·         34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
·         35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
·         36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household
Isaiah 26:3
·         3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Revelation 6:4
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Removing You from Situations
   I am taking you out of situations that are not My will for you. For some, they were My will in the past but are no longer. Others never were.
   I have planted a seed of greatness inside you, and I desire this greatness to grow. The enemy has placed wrong people around you to set a snare for you and prevent you from reaching your great calling in Me.
Proverbs 16:9
  9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
Acts 13:2
2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

Monday, November 21, 2016
Time of Reckoning
   Deception abounds. Those who have sown evil for many years will now face new circumstances that will strip them of many of My blessings. Because they have not honored Me or served Me, I will remove My blessings from them.
   They have neither thanked Me, nor given Me the credit due Me for these great blessings, but have credited their own wisdom, and their own hands.
   I will now show them I am the Lord, and beside Me there is no other. This is My time of reckoning for them.
Isaiah 3:9-11
9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. 10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. 11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.

Proverbs 11:1-6
 1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. 2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. 3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.  4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death. 5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. 6 The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.

There will be no peace or safety, you have been warned by My messengers and prophets. Only destruction, a web of lies, and a mouth speaking pompous, blasphemous words trying to deceive the elect. Suffering and blood shed will arise as the destroyer gathers his own to himself to carry out his evil deeds. Guard your children, take refuge in the mountains for when you see fire raining down from the sky you will understand the sudden destruction that comes upon man kind. Man's own weapons will be loosed against him.

Prophetic Word: The Greater Works
My children, you have desired to see the greater works and you shall. I will pour out from heaven my glorious power so that this world will know that you are mine and that I love you. I saw jewels falling from heaven.The world will see me when they see you. They will see my love and my power. Freedom, Freedom, freedom; many shall be redeemed, yes many shall be set free, free from the heavy chains of the evil one. Who can stop my plan? I laugh at the plans of the wicked. Their plans will come to nothing, because I have a greater plan. My plan has been established from the beginning and it is sure so do not be afraid my little ones. You are sons and daughters of a loving God. Shall you not prevail? You shall! Your best time is ahead! Your day to shine is at hand. Many will hate you because they hate me. Many will love you because they love me. The powers of darkness will be shaken. Who can stop it? Rise my mighty ones. Righteousness shall prevail. My plan is sure. Trust me in all things. Have I not prepared you for the battles at hand? All that I have belongs to you. Indeed, you will do the things that I did and even greater if you believe.

***Non-Transcript/ End Time News
How to Walk by Faith, not by Sight - Part 2

MONDAY WORD : Where are the Samuels? (Prophetic Gen.)


(Bob Barber)

(John Baptist)
Trib-Now 20th Nov 2016, Visions of Judgments, Miami Bombing & Apostasy of the Church w/ Andy Na

(Angel of the Apocalypse)

***Salvation Study
Watch Baptism Corner: 8 Pillars to Salvation -It isn't too late to board the ark

Intercessory Prayer Strategies list=PLmmkdABnDXIhS9oQaYbdYZbfM0ccsEjKB

Spiritual Warfare 101

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