Thursday, November 10, 2016

Message Date - 10 Nov 2016

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 10  Nov 2016***

Posted on November 10, 2016 by Lana

By Lana Vawser

Two months ago I had an encounter with Jesus regarding Donald Trump’s Presidential season but the Lord was specific with me in not releasing this till after Donald Trump was elected.
So today I am releasing this encounter. My heart in releasing this encounter is to encourage you to continue to pray for Trump and your nation. Whether  you see today as a day of victory or mourning, we as God’s people across the world must continue to follow the instruction given to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2:
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
For those of you who are feeling sad, discouraged, confused or fearful I want to encourage you to keep holding onto JESUS! Keep holding onto God, He is good and His heart for the USA is to see her destiny manifested and healing and restoration come to the land. HE has GOOD PLANS!!!
I want to encourage you with what I felt the Lord say this morning:
In these next few months you may see great turbulence, uprising and shaking, but continue to stand and pray as there is revival and awakening being ushered in by His Spirit in this brand new day. 
In many ways in the next few months the enemy is going to attempt to DIVIDE even more, but the Lord is calling His people to stand together and be vigilant in prayer. Don’t lay down your swords now, keep them up high, for the breakthrough and the healing of the nation to manifest in power! I had a dream a few days ago where I saw Joel 2:25 written over the nation of the USA in red letters. This is a day of restoration and recompense for the USA!
In this encounter I could see the throne with such clarity, I could feel the atmosphere of the throneroom, such peace, hope and expectation of things greater than we could imagine. A hope and peace that defies the natural and the natural mind. There was SO MUCH LOVE!!!
As I was standing before the throne Jesus was standing in front of me. We were looking at each other and I was standing on a long red carpet. Jesus was smiling at me and then He looked past me to the doors behind me that was the enterance to the throneroom and He said “it is time to come in”.
I then heard footsteps, someone walking down the red carpet behind me, they walked past me and up to Jesus. I stood there watching as this person stood before the Lord.
Jesus bent down and picked up a crown and placed it on this person’s head and then placed a royal purple robe over them and Jesus said “It is time for you to become a King on the earth.”
I started weeping so deeply feeling the strategy of heaven and God’s deep heart for this one and the nation.
Jesus kept looking at them right in the eyes and He smiled and said “During your Presidential season I will make you like King David, a man after my own heart.”
He then placed His hand on this person’s shoulder and said “I will use you to UNIFY”
The person I saw was Donald Trump!
More than ever right now I believe we need to be praying for Donald to have deeper encounters with Jesus. I believe we are to pray and agree with the plans God has for him and this nation and that the Spirit of God will make him a man after God’s own heart. That he would be crowned with wisdom and heavenly strategy in this season as he leads the nation and a great healing and awakening is ushered in. It’s time for VICTORY and TRIUMPH in the USA!
Hope is found in JESUS ALONE, not a
man. It isn’t about Trump, it’s about Jesus and His Kingdom! Has God anointed Trump? Yes I believe He has!
What God has planned is so much bigger than we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Now is a time to continue to trust Him even if there are times we don’t understand. He is GOOD! Life, breakthrough, resurrection power, restoration and recompense will come as the church unites in love, unity, honour of one another, mercy and prayer for one cause… to see JESUS GLORIFIED and His Kingdom extended in the destiny He has for the USA!
As an Australian who loves and honours you and your nation…. I’m with you!

Posted on November 7, 2016 by Lana
By Lana Vawser
This morning in the “dozing” state of sleep I saw the map of the United States of America and I saw in HUGE red letters the Scripture JOEL 2:25 written across it.
As I sat with the Lord on this Scripture I felt the Lord saying that Joel 2:25 and moving onto verses 26, 27 is a promise and decree over the United States of America right now. I believe God is wanting His people to rise up and agree! There MUST be an agreement with heaven’s decree!
25-27 “I’ll make up for the years of the locust, the great locust devastation—
Locusts savage, locusts deadly  fierce locusts, locusts of doom, That great locust invasion  I sent your way. You’ll eat your fill of good food. You’ll be full of praises to your God, The God who has set you back on your heels in wonder.
 Never again will my people be despised.

You’ll know without question that I’m in the thick of life with Israel, That I’m your God, yes, your God,  the one and only real God. Never again will my people be despised.” (MSG Translation)

Posted on November 6, 2016 by Lana

By Lana Vawser
This week while at the Australian Prophetic Summit I had a vision where I saw a slumbering spirit that has been in the nation of Australia, increasing in intensity to “steal the vision” of God’s people. I see this spirit moving through the body of Christ with hordes of demonic figures with needles in their hands looking for those they could bring a slumber to.
I saw the “aim” of this attack was to bring the slumber so God’s people would not SEE and PERCEIVE what He is doing in their lives and the nation. I felt an urgency and warning from the Lord to BE ALERT!
 This spirit and demonic spirits were moving into the body of Christ looking for those who were not “taking the time to see and seek His heart”. Many believers had already been affected and this slumbering spirit was about to increase in intensity. This slumbering spirit was bringing a complacency and open doors to temptation and compromise.
I felt the heart of God and urgency to really press in, and cry out to SEE. Ask for eye salve and for Him to open our eyes. (Revelation 3:18) This is a time to stand your ground, be listening to His heart and pray against a slumbering spirit. This is not a time to fear, but to press in and know that there’s an UPGRADE of DIVINE SIGHT, CLARITY and WISDOM being released to the body of Christ in Australia. There is a great AWAKENING happening in this nation and the enemy is attempting to bring the church into “locked down slumber”, but he will not be victorious as we press in.


The Lord has been speaking to me a lot about the “urgency of the hour” and how we as the body of Christ in Australia need to get deeper into the Word. The Lord is going deep into our foundations to bring cleansing and healing. He is reminding His people of biblical, foundational truths, He is reshaping and uprooting any “foundations” we have built anything upon that is contrary to the Word of God. There is a strong divine highlight right now and in 2017 to dig deeper into the Word of God and build upon it with purity.
He is uprooting and dealing with areas of pride, insecurity, compromise, complacency and impurity to bring healing and freedom and establish a stronger foundation in Him and His Word.
As we get deeper into the Word of God in this season there is an accelerated cleansing and purifying that the Lord is doing. He is preparing new wineskins.

 “…Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:26b-27)
The shaking that is taking place is recalibrating and establishing.
I had a vision of Jesus and He stuck a HUGE thermometer into the nation of Australia and into the Australian Church and the “temperature” was at “warm” and I then heard the words “IT’S TIME TO BURN!!!” ~ “PURGE, PURGE, PURGE” and the sense surrounded me of the temperature is about to rise to HOT.
Such a strong sense surrounded me of a DEEP CLEANSING that is taking place and about to take place at a deeper level first in the Church and then in Australia. I then heard the words “Australia and the Church of Australia is about to go through a deeper PURGING.

There was an acceleration of His fire to bring cleansing and purge. The invitation to “embrace the fire” was still LOUD in the spirit. The fire of God was going after ANYTHING in the hearts and lives of believers that was stopping them from burning with hunger and passion for Jesus and the fire of His love. I was surrounded by the sense again of “FIRST LOVE” again, and this deep longing in the heart of God of many still haven’t “got it” and the Lord is working deeply to bring His Church in Australia deeper into the place of intimacy. Hunger and passion for Jesus is about to be IGNITED to unprecedented levels.
I feel the fear of God in the ‘weightiness’ of what God is about to do in our nation, what He is about to release there is a HIGHLIGHT upon STEWARDSHIP!
I couldn’t shake this feeling of “this is a critical moment” in our nation.
I felt an urgency on the PURE STEWARDSHIP (with integrity, character and humility) of what God has placed in the hands of His people – especially leadership. I saw a deeper soul cleansing, refining and shaping coming to the leadership in Australia and then into the Church. In the natural I also saw the Lord doing a “reshaping” of Church leadership in the nation, but it’s not a “demotion”, it’s Him setting the stage for greater promotion (I saw pieces being moved around on a chessboard) because we are about to take more ground, BUT the SOIL and FOUNDATION MUST be right.
In this PURGING I saw an ACTIVATION of a TURNING which was then establishing an even greater POSITIONING of His people in the nation and I heard the words “The shaking that is coming in this nation will require My people to AWAKE and TAKE THEIR PLACE!”
I remembered flying into Australia after an 8 week trip to the USA and seeing the “kidneys of Australia failing” in the spirit, and a huge boil filled with ‘infection’ in many parts of the Australian Church/leadership and in the nation. The sense was this “boil”, the Lord is about to “pop it” to clean it out, but that ‘shaking’ to get the ‘infection’ out is a GOOD THING because He’s bringing healing and restoration.

“I am re-establishing, I am removing, I am rearranging, and going deep to foundations and roots but through the PURGING a POSITIONING is taking place.” People of God will be positioned in the SEVEN MOUNTAINS of CULTURE in Australia in SIGNIFICANT WAYS in 2017.
I saw the Lord “SETTING THE STAGE”for a great move of His Spirit as this accelerated cleansing of the foundations of the Church and the nation took place. I kept hearing the words over and over “I am going to the roots! I am going to the heart! I am doing heart surgery to cause the HEART to RESTART!!!”
Instantly I saw a picture of the heart of the nation and the heart of the Australian Church being worked on deeply by the hand of God and then SUDDENLY shocked to greater life with His resurrection power.
Five Fold Ministry is going to be SIGNIFICANTLY extended in influence and responsibility to EQUIP the saints for the work of service at a level and way we have never seen before in this nation. He is awakening and activating the FIVE FOLD to really ‘take their place’ in this nation.
ISAIAH 43:19: See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
I had a dream recently that I was on a bus and I turned around to all around me and I was saying “You MUST have eyes to see and ears to hear right now, you MUST be hearing what the Spirit is saying to RECOGNISE how He is going to show up, because He’s going to SHOW UP DIFFERENT to how you expect. You must REALLY know Him, so you don’t miss Him when He shows up and chooses to present Himself.” I felt such a strong sense of God’s call for deeper intimacy, surrender and discernment in Australia. God is highlighting purity. (Matthew 5:8) He is “cleaning house” to prepare the people of God for what He is about to pour out.

 The enemy has been hitting MANY very hard in this season because of the “crossover” that’s taking place, and the new season we are moving in.
The Lord is going to give the leadership of Australia and God’s people eyes to see the “NEW DIVINE STRATEGIES and BLUEPRINTS” to navigate the new thing that He is preparing to release in this nation. We haven’t even seen a GLIMPSE yet (Ephesians 3:20). We are about to take NEW GROUND!

I felt such a fear of God as I saw His eyes roaming across the Church of Australia looking for those with hearts fully committed and surrendered to Him. Those with “clean hands” and “pure hearts”(Psalm 24:3-4) that He is going to release specific keys of “strategy, increase and favour to” in this next season that will see them positioned in places they never imagined to bring a great UNLOCKING of the nation of Australia and to see her move further into her destiny CLOTHED in purity!
Yesterday the 5th November, everywhere we drove and outside our house there were butterflies everywhere, anywhere from 20-50 at a time. Everywhere we went there were butterflies! The Lord began to speak to me about this season here in Australia and the SUDDEN TRANSFORMATION that is upon us. God is raising His people up and awakening them to their identity. There is the MANIFESTATION of the sons and daughters of Glory that are being to arise and awaken in Australia. Butterflies have incredible SIGHT and it’s a prophetic sign of the Lord extending vision.
There has been incredible pressure in this season, but the Lord is bringing deep healing, breakthrough and freedom to His people in Australia. Where they will fly with great peace, sight and joy as the ‘confines’, ‘limitations’, issues of the soul and mind are healed. Freedom is manifesting! SUDDEN manifestation and transformation of the NEW LIFE (John 10:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:10, Romans 6:4) that is and always has been ours in Jesus!!!! God’s people in Australia are being transformed at a deeper level as we “embrace His process”. It’s time to SEE and walk in greater victory!!! It’s time to FLY!!!!!!!!

Posted on November 6, 2016 by Lana
By Lana Vawser
I felt a real urgency on my heart today as the US election approaches in a few days.
I saw a wind being blown into the body of Christ but it was not a wind sent by the Lord, it was a wind sent by the enemy. As I saw this wind blowing I heard the words:
“CONFUSION and DELUSION are about to rear their ugly heads in a greater way in the next few days leading up to the US election, but My people NO MATTER WHAT YOU SEE, keep your eyes ABOVE and ON ME. Keep your eyes on My heart and crying out for a “DIVINE RESTART” and My RESURRECTION power to manifest. I am going to release greater CLARITY and INSIGHT and a powerful demonstration of My resurrection power as you continue to cry out My people. You will see greater increase of angelic activity as you pray in the next few days. Angels of Heaven are being positioned in your intercession. I have been calling you My people to agree with Me for a new day dawning over the USA and in the midst of that the enemy is attempting to bring a ‘sandstorm’ to hinder your vision My people, but in the midst of this “sandstorm” as you press in, I am going to bring down all of his attempts to steal your vision. I am going to give you KEYS to pray into to see My victory unlocked and manifested in the nation FAR SURPASSING what manifests in the next few days. The enemy is attempting to hinder the manifestation of heaven’s vision.. it is CRUCIAL right now that you STAY POSITIONED!!! STAY POSITIONED… STAY POSITIONED…STAY POSITIONED…Can you hear the sound of victory?”
The heart of this word I feel is a strong encouragement to NOT stop praying!!!!! Keep decreeing the victory of God into the nation leading up to and AFTER the elections. God is looking for hearts in agreement for HIS VICTORY to manifest in the USA. His people to partner with Him to continue to pray and birth VICTORY in the United States of America. The enemy is sending the sandstorm to discourage and to cause a “hindrance of vision”, but it’s CRUCIAL to keep your eyes UP and DECREE what HE SEES, there is going to be a great tumbling of victory!!!

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

Daily Prophetic Word
November 11, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “There is a New Sound Coming. One that will be unfamiliar and missed by many, but My True Ones will hear it and right away know it is from My Throne room. As this sound vibrates over land and over sea, nations will be shaken, lives will be altered, and demonic strongholds will topple. Did you see Saul become Paul within a mere moment? Do you think I cannot still bring that kind of radical conversion even with your enemies? I have called the lost home, and what is coming will sound a new era that even the biggest skeptic will not be able to avoid noticing.
In times of bleak reports, I Am the God that will give an answer. I Am the One who will come through in every need that you have. When you look to other sources for relief, you will miss what I am doing on your behalf and give credit to illegitimate people and things. Be mindful of the grumbling and complaining that you do for this will be a curse unto your own soul. Free yourself of having to figure out every situation for My Child, I have the way already mapped out. Take time each day to stay connected to Me, even on days you feel the most unworthy.

In My Eyes, there will never be an hour that you are not deserving of all that I have. You are fully worthy because I have made you so. Not of your own power or might lest anyone have the right to boast. You are Mine and there is no changing how I will care for you through My full attention with Love and Detail. Cast away the notion that you are just a servant for I have called you friend. I will never forsake, and I will never leave you. I am not mad at you! Even on the days that you feel upset about how things have transpired, I will speak to you about My blessings and favor ready for the taking.
Take upon yourself the Fresh Garments laid out for you. What you needed in the last season has been done away with. Notice how much has quickly changed for you and how much is still shifting loose. Your identity in Me has also come into a maturity that has not been known to you before now. People will notice that you walk differently and soon even your speech will take on a new transformation that will even be foreign to you. I Am the One who makes a person, and you are finding out more and more right now, just how much work I have been doing behind the scenes. You are coming out and going up!”

Daily Prophetic Word
November 10, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “What has been separated will come back into the fold in full united fashion. What was in turmoil will find the calm seas again. Let the dust settle and brush it off of your feet. What was keeping you back has been removed completely from the picture. Do not even bother to look for where it all went to. I am changing the playing field and giving you the advantage of favor in all areas.

What people have thought would never return to the former Glory will come back in turn to an even more spectacular Glory, for what I have laid in waiting has been increasing with interest. The multiplication and deliverance time is in your now moments. What was thought to be hopeless, let your praises be heard for all of Heaven is rejoicing over what is about to manifest. The Dry land is receiving the long overdue rains. Rains that will restore and rebuild even the most desolate of places.

Forget the former and get ready for My Spirit is falling heavily among My people. Blindfolds and Bondage are coming off, and My Healing Power is renewing hearts and minds. I have not forgotten all that has been petitioned unto Me. I will come through with Mighty Power and Justice. I will flip the script and give you the victory even in areas that you did not know you were owed. What could not be seen will come into focus. For My Hand is moving quickly and precisely this hour.
What was believed to be a tragedy will be known throughout history as one of the Greatest Blessing that man has ever seen. Can I not do what I have said? I am not limited to what man can conceive. I desire to end the notion that I am not for you so that from this moment on, you will never let the enemy place that lie in your heart. Remember this day, and just watch what I do from this moment forward. I have the winds ready to blow, and the change in the atmosphere has arrived!”
~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 9, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “What was bound has been loosed. Let My Record stand clear for all to see. Voices that were silenced have been set free once more. Let My Perfect Peace Surround you and remain a way of life. Do not forsake what you have learned and how much you have grown from season to season. Be careful to not let yourself fall into old traps and mindsets. A New Wave of My Grace and Mercy is falling, and you will rise up from the tombs of despair and lack.

I am breathing My Breath of Life into areas that have been left on the back burner while you addressed the areas that seemed to be on fire. I am establishing My balance over your life so that you can enjoy what I have done for you. The crisis and chaos I will quiet. I will bring order to what would not submit to you. I will give you back the reins. When you get distracted and off course from what I say is important, just stop to hear My Voice once more. I will not leave you without My help.

The maze that you have felt trapped in is coming down. I am not even going to show you the way out, but rather remove the whole maze. Is there anything beyond My abilities? Some walls go up from your own actions and others from the enemy, to draw you in the wrong direction. You cannot go about your day in the same old flawed manner that you have in the past. You are not ignorant children with blindfolds on unless you choose to be that. I have said to ask for My Divine Wisdom in all matters. You have no excuse for anything less.

Sometimes you have to take a step back to find your footing which will launch you forward. Do not feel a need to rush into something before you have had a chance to really look into the matter. People will pressure you, but that does not mean that you should cave to it. Victory is in your hands. When you fail to see it, then look again. I will not mislead you. I have more for you to experience and do before you pass on from your days here. I will remove the glum expressions and bring back the Smile that only I can do for you.”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 8, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “There is a Crack in the atmosphere. Walk up to it and command it to open fully. In this season, I am requiring you to be present and counted. Active participates in what I am doing for mankind. You must put forth your faith to see the miraculous in this hour. I have set clues and diamonds for you to uncover. I am chasing and wooing those that deeply desire more from Me. What you do not crave will not be your portion to receive.

I have so much more to show and teach you. While many have closed up shop calling the end to My work on Earth, I have not! I do not live in the minds and logic of men. I also did not consult anyone else about what I should do or will do. Do not place yourself higher than Your Lord. Man has pieces, but not the whole manuscript. When you choose to be My student and relinquish trying to be the Master, you will be in a place that I can do something with.

We are moving forward from this place. You can come or stay. I urge you to choose wisely. You have to decide and not be wishy washy about whom you will follow. You can’t be in two places at once. I am raising up a new generation of those who are completely abandoned and will not forsake this path. To those willing, I will explode the supernatural realm over them to the point that they will walk in this daily.

I did not create man to be limited in the ways many have believed. I created you lower than the angels but not helpless or useless, merely different for you have different assignments and influence in My plans. Release the mindset that you are just spinning around in the universe prisoners to the forces around you. No, You have power that comes from Your Unique Voice. I have brought you to this point because this is where I can use you the most. Forget those not joining us, and just be ready for I am showing up and out. All has been made ready. You are going to love all that is to come.”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 8, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “There is a Crack in the atmosphere. Walk up to it and command it to open fully. In this season, I am requiring you to be present and counted. Active participates in what I am doing for mankind. You must put forth your faith to see the miraculous in this hour. I have set clues and diamonds for you to uncover. I am chasing and wooing those that deeply desire more from Me. What you do not crave will not be your portion to receive.

I have so much more to show and teach you. While many have closed up shop calling the end to My work on Earth, I have not! I do not live in the minds and logic of men. I also did not consult anyone else about what I should do or will do. Do not place yourself higher than Your Lord. Man has pieces, but not the whole manuscript. When you choose to be My student and relinquish trying to be the Master, you will be in a place that I can do something with.

We are moving forward from this place. You can come or stay. I urge you to choose wisely. You have to decide and not be wishy washy about whom you will follow. You can’t be in two places at once. I am raising up a new generation of those who are completely abandoned and will not forsake this path. To those willing, I will explode the supernatural realm over them to the point that they will walk in this daily.

I did not create man to be limited in the ways many have believed. I created you lower than the angels but not helpless or useless, merely different for you have different assignments and influence in My plans. Release the mindset that you are just spinning around in the universe prisoners to the forces around you. No, You have power that comes from Your Unique Voice. I have brought you to this point because this is where I can use you the most. Forget those not joining us, and just be ready for I am showing up and out. All has been made ready. You are going to love all that is to come.”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 6, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done. Have you applied this to your day yet? Many write their road map from an early age. Others may push or demand you to have answers ready for every stage of your life. They will assume if you cannot answer then you are wandering to destruction. I know the plan that I drew up, and I will only tell you what will not trip you up in this moment. Knowing too much can create unnecessary fear causing you to abandon the path before you have seen how it will all naturally come to be.

You will not always have the answers to the interrogations of life. That is not a deficient on your behalf. You did not miss our board meeting where the details were laid out. Keep an eye on the prize and trust Me to work out all of the details. I will let you know what is yours to take care of. Do not strive, for it is in the calm that you will hear and see clearly. Let yourself be grounded and centered with My Spirit. Let Me make sense of the crooked paths.

There are times you will travel on a side path to accomplish only one assignment. Many decide that this is a permanent path and derail themselves from the places I am leading them over to. Be light on your feet and move like a chess piece being arranged by the Master. Keep open to your next assignment and ready for the shift. Being comfortable is not a calling. There are times that seeking counsel from others will only send you on the wrong track. Be cautious who you let speak into your life and discern the timing and seasons.

Ask Me and I will tell you. Even My greatest Mysteries are only hidden for a time. Everything hidden eventually comes to Light. See yourself walking to greater even when you cannot fathom it. I have water that once you could not walk on it, but soon you will be to a new place in Me and such things will no longer bring you fear and doubt. I am doing a new thing on the inside of you. And you will love how things unfold into the beginning of the New Year. The streets are paved with Gold and this is your portion this very day. Keep moving and you will discover what is for you to find.”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

Daily Prophetic Word
November 5, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, “I am turning your Light on even Brighter. There was a time that you could walk around in your day and go unnoticed, but this is about to change rapidly. I am sending those who believe they are outside of My kingdom right to you. Some will truly Be My Sons and Daughters and yet not think it is so, due to religious mindsets or negative words spoken over them. Others will have never walked through that Kingdom doorway yet, but their curiosity is about to explode with the desire for more in life.

You are the One I have been raising up for such a time as this. Are you excited yet? Many think I am winding down My efforts for Mankind, but this is merely a lie from the enemy’s camp. I am about to open the floodgates to the Greatest Kingdom Occupation never known before. Eyes will Open and Ears will Hear. The smoke screen and blindfolds are being removed by My Angels. Deceptions that have bound generations are being cut off. Evil rooted in their hearts and minds are finding My Healing and Restoration.

I can and will undo decades of wrong thinking and beliefs. Just let go to the process. You do not need to seek out who I have for you. Know that they will show up at the right moment for My Spirit to pour out over the situation. I am preparing the way for millions and millions. I am not finished yet with My plans for you or those around you. I can use you as you are. Did you not think that I have already prepared you in secret? Let go of the outcome. Leave that to Me.

You are My Precious Child. I love you deeply, and I am so proud of you. Do not count your mistakes while I am speaking to you. I am looking at your perfection through My Son. This is what matters at the end of your day. Be grateful and let your praises soar above the clouds. You will get through to the other side. I will take you step by step. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today I am preparing your miracle. Focus on Me and not on what you want to see become different. I have all of that in the Palm of My Hands. Better is yet to come!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

(Kathy Mote)
As you learn to see your life from the Lord's perspective, and accept the Lord's will, you learn to be truly grateful for what is in store for you in Him. His life is His gift to you, and it is a far greater life. Compared to the old and worn shoes you wore, He now places gold slippers on your feet. The things of your natural life were, at best, worn, and dull. Even if you don't know it, there was no real life in your life at all. The life He now gives you will fill you with joy, strength and hope. The things of your past had no life at all. So think about your blessings, and receive them by faith. Don't focus on the hurts or disappointments in a life with no life that you no longer have to face. This is what the Lord says. To the broken hearted I now speak, your heart is not at all broken once you give it to Me, it is mended, filled, rewoven by My love, and made whole, alive and complete. And as you face not only tomorrow, but all eternity, I will always be with you. And you will always be with Me.
You were called for such a time as this. You have said this, and heard this, and now you will know this! When I call you to do something you see as small, you think it's irrelevant, so there's no problem at all. But I say to you in My plan there is nothing small. Everything I have called you to do is important, and must be done! You do not measure My request by how much you are able to do. I have already enabled you to do what I ask of you! All I need is just one man, and I call you to stand with Me in agreement. I will show you your part of My grand plan. You WERE called to such time as this! Just wait and see what I do with your part in it! This is not a time where you can second guess, or measure your ability to obey Me in your own strength! As you step up to obey, you will stand in My strength. You will receive courage, comfort and peace straight from Me!
Don't be afraid to make a stand. Those that revile you for your beliefs will come to the light in you when they are in their torment to ask for help. Be prepared to offer them the truth in love, for that is the light you walk in as children of the Lord. Many are in darkness and complete ignorance. But that doesn't change right from wrong, or up from down. Make no mistake, the Kingdom of God is at hand.
The things that used to comfort you and give you ease will no longer satisfy you, but will leave you feeling empty. The things that used to satisfy and fulfill will no longer hold anything but disillusion for you. For your own good they have been removed. It isn't that I want to dissatisfy you. But I want to totally satisfy you. In the world you will not find what only I can give. To turn to Me for all your needs is not optional, it is mandatory for you to have peace.
A word for someone beautiful to Me. I have placed within you a collection of beautiful things. Finery, wealth, and stones of great beauty and value to Me. Everything in your life, and every thing you have faced put pressure on you, and made you shine brighter and deeper, like a stone of beautiful hue. You shine as you stand looking straight at Me with your heart and mind and eyes fixed on Me. Nothing else matters to you but Me. You have lost a perspective of caring for this life. So this is what I now say to you. I will give MY perspective to you! You are as you are because I have called you. It is my desire that you hear from the deep, and see My truth from My perspective, and that is why I have called you.
There are many who are just now finding their mates. Not husbands or wives, but mirror images in experience and faith. You were hidden from each other until now for a reason. In the process and your journey you have grown in strength. You no longer need comfort in the things that you need. You rely upon Me in everything you face. There is none in this earth who can satisfy but Me, and none you run to, for you look to Me, and Me only. Now that none can take your eyes from Me, I will now allow you to see your 'buddies in faith'. You will find each other and share your experience and strength. You will be encouraged and lightened, for that is the purpose, and to come together in agreement. You will share love and support, and lift each other to Me. You will speak a language only known by those of similar understanding and strength. Deep is calling unto deep. You will gather together for I am calling you to Me. Each of you will come straight to Me, side by side with your brethren, into the deep.0
Do not listen to the voice of the accuser. he will tell you that you are sick. he will tell you you are unworthy, and you are stuck where you have always been. he is the voice of unrighteousness, he lies and you do not listen to him. he is the voice that thunders like a tyrant, but My voice is calm, quiet and assured. With My blood has your salvation been purchased. With My stripes has your healing been assured. You will learn to discern My voice that agrees with My word! he would cast blame on you, and accuse you of being weak and sick. I have taken blame from you, and cast it into the sea! You are not lost and hopeless, you are redeemed and you belong to Me! I have set you right with the Father, and in My presence, you are whole and healed!
We all live within the parameters of our beliefs. I am going to rip the lid off of yours, and give you Mine, so you can see. You will leave your old life behind with its limited thinking. You will learn to live within My life, and my thinking. You will learn to leave the things that governed and limited you behind. You will cease your struggles as I open up your mind. You will see horizons far greater than you have ever thought of. You will not be shackled by untruths and man made beliefs as you were before. You will come with Me and step through an open door into a place of far horizons. Come with Me on a journey and be free from every limiting thought. I will show you how things work where I abide. I will reveal to you things never thought of. I will teach you to walk in the Heavens, for that is where you are going!
In your pride, you are as a rock at My feet. But as you lay down your pride, you are a jewel at my feet. One may leave a rock on the ground, but one does not leave jewels on the ground. They pick them up, and hold them high. They are given a place of honor and beholding. As you lay down your pride at My feet, the rock that it was becomes a jewel for Me. I pick you up, and behold a beautiful thing. My child, My love, you are one who honors Me.
Child, what is your hurry? You will come to Me beautifully and at peace, with strength and purity as I transform you before Me. You will be as I call you to be, and you will be as strong as an army. Don't be impatient with your present circumstance, but trust Me in it. In My presence you are called to be, and you will spend with Me eternity!
Every time you worry about something, you aren't receiving My blessing. Every time you scurry about, stressing and fretting, you aren't walking in My blessing. Stop. Breathe. Receive. I give you My blessing. If you trust Me with your future, trust me with your present.
To one who has given their career to Me, and think you could have been something more in the world, I promise you there is nothing lost in Me. To you who have honored Me in all your dealings, your life on this earth will be blessed, and multiplied! Of all the things you give to Me, I have lost not one thing! All your hopes and dreams will be returned to you as gifts because you have entrusted them to Me! I will send a shift in your circumstance, and you will stand in the midst of great blessings! Where once you had felt limited, there will now be an avalanche of opportunities, and to choose, you will have to think fast on your feet! Look up and smile, dear one, for upon you are the winds of change!
You will look for your infirmity and it will be gone. You will realize that as you stood in confidence and faith, it disappeared. You will be filled with joy at the release and the freedom you will feel. But when it comes, it will come as no surprise to you at all! I have built in you a faith filled soul. It will give you strength in the days to come. You have learned to trust Me, and know that I am faithful. You have waited a long time for this, and you have grown strong in your confidence in the process. I am true to My word, and it has always been yours. Waiting one day or a thousand years no longer makes any difference to you. For in your great faith, you have learned to abide as you stand on My word.
I have sent you, and it is truth that you speak. You do not speak for popularity, or praise, or accolades. You speak for Me. You belong to Me, you are sent by Me, and answer to Me. Do not worry about consequence or who hears what you speak. That is My business, and it is up to Me. Just know that I am pleased with your dedication to answer the call I placed on you to speak. Many upon many will hear the words that you speak. Your words are like dandelion seeds, for they have wings, and they will go where I please! So don't look around to watch who sees. You are My gentle trumpet, and you are as I have called you to be. You are very effective, and I am very well pleased!
There is nothing that I don't see. No hurt, no injustice, no disappointment that cuts deep. Throughout your life you will never see the things of this world be fair or sweet. Come to Me for eyes that see, ears that hear, and a heart that seeks wisely. There is One righteous Judge, and He is still on His seat. He hears the cries of the wronged, the broken and wounded. He has a heart for them, and answers swiftly. Do not look for Him in the hearts of men, for all of your judges are wounded, and broken themselves! Come to Me, and seek My judgement. I will gladly give it to all you who are wronged and broken. Come to Me, and I will send righteousness where you stand. To all those around you, you will be a bright beacon!
It is a beautiful thing, and precious to the Lord, when lain before Him is a broken heart. In all the ways to come to Him, it is most valued, for it is transparent, and yielded. As the box of alabaster was broken and all within it given to Him, so it is with your heart, for it is your most precious gift to give. It is all your dreams, and all you hope to be. It is all your worldly expectations, lain at His feet to honor Him. I will mend every broken one, and give to each comfort, strength and peace. Your tears are a stream of cleansing waters, and flow from a well deep inside you. It is, to Me, the sweetest thing, for it is in your brokenness that you yield. In giving your heart to Me, you crown Me King. You are My own, and I will bless, and heal.
What you think is a hardened heart is really a fearful heart. When it was your time to know and hear, to be in My presence, and feel Me near, you ran from Me, and closed your gate, and hid your face from Me in fear. You made of your heart your own garden, leaving the knowledge of Me hidden in a dark and small corner. Now it is your time, and you know it. For your heart burns within your bosom to hear My voice, and to know Me. I am only limited by your choice to control. I am not One to go where you don't want Me to go, but you are Mine, and you belong in My fold. I have sent warm winds to blow, and the glacier ice will melt and thaw. The waters will flow, and bring cleansing, healing, and a heart that is opened. I call you now to come forth. To open the gate of your no longer fearful heart. I will come in, and you will come out. We will meet each other on comfortable ground. You will feel you have finally come home. And it will be so, for I will bring you, My precious, My own!
A word for someone He calls His own. I will send you right into the devil's home. I will send you like a lightning shot right to the heart of where he operates to take back what he thinks is his. For a very long time he has had his fill of taking what is Mine and twisting it according to his own will. But I tell you now that there is nothing lost of the things that I have planned, and the things that I want I will surely have. I have made a mockery of him, though he doesn't yet know it. I will send the very thing he thought that he had ruined into his camp and in her obedience to Me she will be his undoing! She will be full of my light, and walk in My power. She will be pure of heart, and she will shine like a high tower! She will walk in authority. She will cast down his works and tell the captives they have been set free! She will not be moved by anything she sees. She will only speak the words I speak, and at the sound, the devils will flee! Where she walks she will walk in authority, for where she walks there I will also be!
This is what the Lord says. I belong to you just as you belong to Me. I was given for you, and you are given to Me. I keep what is given to Me, and am able to deliver you at the appointed time, whole and complete. I will present you to Him who gave you to Me. From now until that day I draw you to Me, and cleanse you of everything unclean. I lead you to the place where you can hear, and feel and see Me. I gentle you, and comfort your heart, and lead you to peace and healing. All My beloved will know my voice, and none will go without hearing Me. I will fill each one with confidence, and none will go about without guidance. Each precious one will know My will, and understand My role in their life and existence. Don't fret or worry that you are not as you should be. I am well able to present you as you should be. I am able to build My house until it is filled with Me.

(Glynda Lomax)
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Release It
   Pray, trust and obey. This is what I desire of you.

   I desire prayer – that you would bring your requests to Me, instead of trying to solve everything on your own. I desire you would release the requests to Me and then obey what I lead you to do that I may bring your answers. My children, you have prayed to Me, but you are not trusting Me to answer.
   Release your request to Me and allow Me to show you My faithfulness now.
Proverbs 3:5-7
    5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

1 Peter 5:7
    7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Philippians 4:6
    6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Matthew 6:34
    34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Against My Design
   My children, the enemy desires to remove My Image from the earth. He has made assignments against My Image in every possible way that are coming to pass now. It is up to you to defeat these assignments in your life. I created male and female, I created woman as a help meet for man. I created all the world for you to enjoy, but he is attacking My design and attempting to change it.
   There are designs and inventions coming in the future that are against My design and against My Will and you must watch for them and avoid them, for they are very grievous to Me. Do not be a part of his plan of destruction.
NOTE:  I feel this is related to some kind of DNA change here, but I feel this is more than that – I think something evil is being born that will look like technology – something alien – to be injected into us??? I don’t know if it is alien to our bodies or straight up alien here. (This sounds crazy to even think, but that is what I am getting.)
The development of this is top secret, behind the scenes. I think it is something that in the end makes us controllable. This technology will come with a big happy promise like no more sickness, or no cancer, no aging, instant beauty or immortality or something like that, but it will cast those who take it into a type of hell on earth like nothing they have ever known.
The key here is it will be something that is against God’s original design in His Holy Word. This may be the mark. The mark may not be what we think, the mark may be a new technology that promises us goodness, but delivers evil into our veins.  Whatever this is, I feel strongly once you take it, you can’t ever undo it.
Watch for news of this “technology advance.” It promises eternal youth or beauty or wellness, something like that, and it will be very, very tempting because what it offers is something we will all want in that time. Those who do not take it will be considered inferior and “behind the times,” and those who have it vs. those who do not will be obvious. The devil means to use a LOT of peer pressure to sell us this one.
1 Peter 5:8    8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

2 Timothy 3:1-5    1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
    2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
    3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
    4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
    5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

1 Timothy 4:1
    1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Genesis 1:27
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:18

    18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Psalm 106:29

    29 Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.

Psalm 99:8-9

    8 Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.
    9 Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy.

Psalm 106:39

    39 Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Distractions and Destructions
   Distract, deploy, destruction. That is the enemy’s plan for you. He distracts with other events, with other things on your mind. He deploys what will bring destruction into your life, and when you receive it, he employs destruction and his plan succeeds.
   In this Age of Chaos, you must get very good at detecting the distractions he is sending. You must stop him before he deploys and brings destruction into your life, or you will be devoured. This is why you must keep your focus on Me.
   Practice focusing on Me and you will step into a closeness with Me like nothing you have ever known before. I am allowing My children who seek Me great intimacy with Me as they do this. This is a time of visitations and I am visiting some of you to impart gifts that you may serve in My Kingdom in these end times.
   If you cannot focus on Me, how can I employ you in My Kingdom in these end times?
1 Peter 5:8
·         8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
2 Timothy 3:1-5
·         1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

·         2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

·         3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
·         4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
·         5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

1 Timothy 4:1
·         1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Ephesians 4:27
·         27 Neither give place to the devil.

Isaiah 26:3
·         3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Monday, November 7, 2016
Not Business as Usual
The enemy has stepped up his attacks on My people, you must up your guard as well. You must be very diligent in these days.
   My children. Life is not “business as usual” now, because of the times you live in. The enemy’s plan to destroy you through deception is widespread and he is attempting to make it appear like Me, but it is not Me. Those who do not know Me will buy into his plan.
   You must seek to know Me through My Word to avoid being deceived, there is no other way.  
1 Peter 5:8
·         8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Ephesians 5:6
·         6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
Colossians 2:8
·         8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
1 John 3:7
·         7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
·         23 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:
·         24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.

Sunday, November 6, 2016
Close the Door
    My children, you were born into a time when sin abounds around you.
   Sin is so abundant in your world that it seems normal, but this should not be so in My children’s lives.
   Rare is the person who walks with Me in holiness, but this is My desire for you. My desire is that you would strive to remove all sin from your life and from your atmosphere, that I may protect you from the Evil One.
   The Evil One seeks to devour My people and unless they close the doors to sin, they make place for him to do so. Release the sin and be safe.
1 Peter 5:5-10
·         5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

·         6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

·         7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

·         8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

·         9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

·         10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Ephesians 4:27-30
·         27 Neither give place to the devil.
·         28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
·         29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
·         30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Romans 12:2
·         2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
1 Peter 1:14-16
·         14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
·         15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
·         16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Monitor Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are not what I desire they would be.
Monitor your thoughts today and let Me lead you to higher thoughts.
Your life will be greatly blessed and all you do will be improved if you will allow Me to do this work in you. Guard your hearts, My children.
Proverbs 4:20-24
    20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
    21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
    22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.
    23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
    24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

(Di Olivia)
Word from the Lord November 10, 2016
Personal Note: I had a video come across my path yesterday. While I was listening to it… things were being said that aligned with a message I received several months ago. I really was in awe to hear the things that were being expanded upon as I have heard no other speak of such things. This video also reminded me of the message where the Lord told me I was there, at the cross. That I was a friend to Him. I asked last night in prayer, who am I Lord? Who was I then? This morning in prayer, I again am asking for information regarding the deeper things.
My child, wonder not anymore who you are for I will tell you of all things, show you great mysteries in the heavens above. Your whispers unto Me in the night and this day, have been heard My dove. You are one of many that has returned to complete their missions upon this earth. The enemy thwarts and tries to deaden the force within My people… by and through various means. I shall say to you this day My love, that will happen no more.

Father’s love among the masses shall be seen and tasted for its goodness in the coming days. You shall see this and know that My hand has been upon this. You have offered unto your life, the presence of another. It shall be My dove. It shall be wondrous and full of glory. Be not afraid for it shall be wonderful. My love upon you shall be seen in many ways, many facets… like a sparkling gem shining in the sun. My love, do not be afraid, watch for My hand, grab ahold of it and let me take you to higher heights. The ways of the world will no longer be within you… within your mindset. There shall be a great change and you shall be carried through to the other side.

Hold fast My dove. Know that I am with you and I shall not let anything harm you in any way, form or fashion. My words are within you. My heart for all to see… and I shall encapsulate you from this point forward.

Love to you My dove,

End of message.

Is Father’s love among the masses = the 7 spirits of God? The 4 winds that gather the elect? Infill them? We know the latter rain, is both the former and the latter merged together. In Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled them… filled their ‘house.’ Is the former house and the latter house being merged? The double anointing? The double power? See the message below from archives:

Word from the Lord September 14, 2016 2:30 am
Personal Note: The Lord awoke me at 2 am and impressed upon me to take communion. I am always overwhelmed at the debt that He paid for me as I can do nothing, have nothing and would not have a relationship with our Creator without this debt being paid. He did what no other could do and He did it willingly. I can move forward in my walk and path with our Father because of what He did. He has told me in the past, that we were on His mind that day. He has told me… He would do it again. My sins hung Him there. My faults harmed Him. He did nothing and took it all… for us. How can anyone ignore that? How is that even possible? I can only imagine the love He had in His eyes and emitting from His body for all. Someone had to be changed that day. They just had to be.

After communion, I entered into prayer and received this message.

My dove, it is time for Me to bring you home. There are many who will not partake of this endeavor for they are not yet ready in their hearts, in their minds, in their relationship with Me. You shall see many wonderful and different things being provided to you at this time. Answers to questions that many have had for such a long time. If you shall wonder what shall be, open the eyes of your heart and enter in to My abode, My sanctuary and allow Me to gather you unto Myself and instruct you from My being… for I shall fill those empty places made available for Me. Such infilling of power shall allow those instructed and guided by My hand, to walk forth and proclaim My goodness and glory upon the earth. This must happen My loves, for you know it shall bring great things to pass. My ways upon the earth and none other, for all to see and experience… preparing the way for My coming. Who shall know what I am about to do but My prophets, for I shall instruct them prior to doing so as instructed in Amos. Those prophets in the past and those of today, are merging together to instruct the world. One great powerhouse coming together for My glory and instruction. While others cannot be seen, great clouds of witnesses are among the masses at this time, instructing others along their way…helping to guide by My hand.
Wait upon Me My loves…rush not ahead proclaiming this or that, as matter of fact, when only pieces of the puzzle are given. Many facets of the plan are coming into being but I say this to you this day My loves, watch for hidden changes along the way. Amend your thoughts and workings amongst yourselves for not all is as it seems. I shall gather My elect for further instruction soon My children as known by many. From there things will unfold as planned by My Father in heaven. His great master plan has and will encompass all things and provide opportunity for all people in the coming days. Falter not My doves, stay steady within My ranks and abiding love for you this day, for I have many plans for you to complete and provide for others, forging the way forward and showing the way, helping others along their way. Truths will be made known, so falter not nor be dismayed for mysteries are being unveiled at this time.
My love for you My children is unending and everlasting, and I shall not falter in this regard: that I shall provide open arms to all those who receive Me…providing places safe harbor.
My loves, know this to be true: that I adore you with My entire being and wish to have you home with Me. My heart breaks for things your heart breaks for My child. Hold fast to Me for I shall let nothing harm you in any way. My love for you is enduring, real and above all measure. Keep Me near My love and I shall instruct/guide your very steps along the path.
End of message.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.…

Hosea 6:1-4 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away.

Isaiah 11:1-5 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; 3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

Word from the Lord November 8, 2016

Daughter welcome forth the new day that has arrived, for it is for you not against you. This day will be seen by many as a paramount day indeed.

My loves, stand tall as I call your name and bring you forth into the forefront for all to see. Many will say and wonder what has occurred? But My children, I say to you this day, that My hand is upon you, My love flowing through you.

Halt all things not of Me, lay them down My loves. Lay them down into the pit, the muck and the mire, where they belong for they do not suit you, nor Me… and I desire them to be gone. Hold fast My dear children for times are coming and you will see the day you have been well aware of, very soon. Hold fast to the truths that I have granted unto you, the visions and dreams bestowed and safety instruction from My lips.

Yours is the way of goodness in all things from this day forth. Falter not, stay straight within My paths provided for you. Lean not to the left nor to the right to ensure My protective covering is in place. Walk forth with great boldness now My loves for your time in Me has come.

End of message.

Define PARAMOUNT: more important than anything else; supreme.
"the interests of the child are of paramount importance"
synonyms: most important, of greatest/prime importance;

More: uppermost, supreme, chief, overriding, predominant, foremost, prime, primary, principal, highest, main, key, central, leading, major, top;

informal number-one: "the safety of the staff is paramount"

having supreme power.


Posted on November 6, 2016 

My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. Are you being distracted, My children? Are you listening to the voices and warnings and even teachings of mere men and treating them as Gospel? What and who are you giving heed to, My loves? My children, seek Me. Seek Me alone. I am always right here. When you ask, I will surely answer. Even if I answer you with an overwhelming peace, I will answer. Many of My children want answers to the question of “what is to come” so badly that they drool like hungry dogs. Yes, I did, indeed, create you with inherent curiosity, My children, but I also created you with the ability to quell this curiosity and push it down with faith in Me. Is your longing to know and understand the future taking you far away from a relationship with Me, My loves? So many of you are so distracted with the goings on in your world right now that you’ve left your faith at the door and are clamoring for action and answers. I wish for My children a faith that is not dependent on the predictions of the prophets. I wish for all of My children to be in such a relationship with Me that their faith is all that matters. A peace that is beyond anyone’s imagination fully exists, yet so many choose to ignore My peace. Many of the events that take place on your earth are random, part of the chaos that ensues a fallen world. Well, nothing is random to Me. It is random to your world. I challenge you, My children. Take a step back. Whatever your situation, rest in Me. Let My peace be your focus. Let the knowledge of Me be enough, for is there any difference in the future whether you know it beforehand or have no clue as to what is coming. Your preparedness should be in Me, not foreknowledge of what is to come. No matter what the future holds, My peace does not waver. My love for you is unchanging and eternal. Walk in that knowledge, My loves. Walk in My perfection. Do not let chaos affect your outlook. Have the complete knowledge that no matter what or how the future plays out, your eternal security is set. Walk in this My peace, My children. Do not clamor to know and understand the future. Have faith. I pursue you, My loves. Rest in that. Your hearts are held in My hand. You must own this comfort and let nothing steal it from you. The joy of My peace should pass all of your understanding. This peace I freely offer to you. Receive it now. I love you, My children.

(Swift Passage)
Message from the Lord    -    Received November 8th 2016 at 5:08am

My son, this is a moment of truth. This election will turn hearts to the ways of the wicked. I am sending my angels, they are in position to gather my elect from the four winds. Tell my people, this is it, my coming is now! Be prepared, I am separating the wheat from the tares through this election, the Great Babylon. Shalom my children.
Scriptures given with this message:
- " And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. " (Mark 13:27-37)
- " I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. " (Proverbs 1:26-33)

TRANSCRIPT* The deceiver and accuser of your sisters and brothers waits for his opportunity to lead you on the path to destruction. Sweet words and beautiful eyes hides a bitter and evil heart. Do not trust in deceptive words for as I am the Truth, the accuser is the liar turning my children to evil ways and wicked and perverse actions. Look at the evil around you, open your eyes, all is vanity. Come before me, kneel at my feet, I will reveal the true light, for all others are fake or are copies trying to lure you from what is righteous, seek wisdom and you will find it. The spirit says come. The destroyer will step out of the light and proclaim things in my name, he will say that he is ' the christ ' and your ' saviour ' that has been promised from the beginning; he will be accompanied by the false prophet, a man that will show you amazing signs and wonders, a man. Do not be convinced that his power comes from above for this man does not speak for me, I have not sent him to you, a tree is known by it's fruit.
The Destroyer will step out of the Light and proclaim things in my name He will say He is the Christ and your Savior that has been promised from the beginning He will be accompanied by the False Prophet .. A man that will show you amazing signs and wonders..A MAN Do not be convinced that his power comes from above for this Man does not speak for me I have not sent him to you A tree is known by it's fruit



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