Sunday, December 9, 2018

Message Date - 01 Dec 2018 (Transcript For YT Releasers)

I am sending many of you strong signs that it is time to let certain people go in your life. Not everyone is called to stay with you past this last season. You have felt My Spirit pushing you on. You have felt the unease and uncomfortable rise up when you interact with certain people. Let no one hinder your walk in this new season. Many people with great intentions will become a heavy burden and weight upon you in the new. The signs are all around, and you have already recognized some doors are supposed to be closed. This is not a time of mourning but of celebration! What was needed to be completed has been. You have grown much, and it is now time for you to come forth. You will see My Hand abruptly pull people out of your life that no longer serve My Purposes for you. Do not allow yourself to become wounded by this. I know what lies ahead, and I will bring new people to take you to the next level in Me. This is a time of great shifting and change in many areas for you.I am cauterizing old wounds, so that you can heal. The rains of refreshment will fall heavily on your soul and spirit as you yield to My Hand in your life right now. Pruning is necessary to produce this new harvest. Do not allow guilt to enter your thoughts. It is time for you to arise and walk freely into your New Year Replenished and Ready for all that I have. It is time for My Mighty Warriors to come forth. I have opened up the deep to spring forth the waters of cleansing. These refreshing waters will wash over My people to remove what is not sure footing in their life. I desire to remove the impurities in the precious metals and gems within your soul. Did you not know that I buried precious and invaluable treasure within you before you were even born. Many have become so wounded that these treasures have lost their brilliance and glory. I am calling what lies dormant and hidden within you to come forth now. Arise! For I have great and wondrous plans coming to the next chapter of your story. Be gentle with yourself for you are fearfully and wonderfully made by My very Hands. My winds are propelling you to My next level of Glory. Cast down the thoughts that the enemy is trying to fill your heart and mind with. The negative reports are just smoke screens to disguise all of the beauty I have designed in this moment of your life. My Majesty is falling all around you. Look up to Me, and your eyes will see what has been covered. The enemy wants you to think that there is nothing left but empty promises and constant despair. He wants you to throw down your hopes and dreams to give up the fight. You must fight against the tide that is trying to take you under. I will rescue you when you call upon Me. Choose to see that I have everything under control. You and I are co-creators. What you pray about, I will answer in the Earth realm. My Vine of Life is before you this day. I am bringing a new awareness and understanding to you about the purpose of past seasons, and how it plays a role in your future calling in Me. I have not wasted one moment of your life, even your missteps. I will bring order from chaos. I will bring beauty from ashes! You have traveled a rocky journey, but I am straightening and smoothing the path in this new day I have created for you.No longer will you stumble over something that you could not see. I will give you new eyes that will allow you to see in the spirit the pitfalls before you arrive to that spot. I will remove the blind curves that have caught you off guard in the past. When you get distracted by things that are not of Me, I will call you back to My ways. I desire a authentic relationship with you. You are not a servant, I have called you friend. I am sharing all that I have with you.I have taken you this far. Do you think I can take you even further if you remain fully focused on My leading? I will never send you down a dead end unless I am setting you up to see My Glory fully demonstrated over your life. There are surprises even in the most unlikely of spots. I will send you confirmations when you are unsure of the direction you are going. Be open to how I will speak to you in this season, as it will be different than prior seasons. I will rescue you from the hands that were too strong for you. I will pour out My love over you unceasing. There is nothing that I will allow to separate you from My Presence. I am always with you, and I have never left you! Call down what you need from My Throne. I will answer you with Yes and Amen! You are most precious and beloved. Do not allow the twisting and dismissing of My word to enter your heart. Do not believe the lie that My Word is not relevant to the current world you live in. My Word stands for all generations! Do not buy into the mindset that I am asking you to get comfortable with the world. I have called you to be set apart; holy and righteous. The enemy of your soul wants you to be blind and deaf, so that you come into agreement with whatever goes against My Word. You cannot live with a divided mind nor sit on the fence. That does not mean you have to treat sin with hatred or malice. You are not without sin yourself. You can speak the truth in Love as I have instructed you to. Love does not make cruel signs and stand on a corner. I Love the lost the same as the found. Do you not see? When you spread hate you create a motion where the lost may stay lost. You repel the very people that need Me the most. It is My job to heal the lost and set them free. My Spirit will speak to their heart and mind. You just need to be a safe vessel for Me to work through. I require willing vessels that will go into difficult and challenging territories for My Namesake. You must be ready to go into situations that are uncomfortable, for I did not call you to be comfortable in your callings.
I am moving forward and paving the trail. Ground has not been lost like many have thought. Do you not think I have allowed certain things to happen so that I can pour out the greatest move of My Spirit ever witnessed by mankind? I know what I Am doing. When I was on the Earth, I walked with the unwanted and unloved in the world. You too are being called to leave your place of the familiar to be the Light in the World that I have called you to be. I want to release into your hands the full Father’s Blessing. There are reasons why I allow you to travel down certain roads and experiences. Do not look this gift as a negative in your life, even if others fail to recognize that I am setting you up for a major release of My Goodness from Heaven. They say hindsight is 20/20. I say, Be a People who does not need hindsight to realize that I Am in control of their life from start to finish. Decide to be grateful before you see the end, so that you can see in the spirit before your eyes see in the natural. I have you, and I Promise to never let you go. I will come through, and I will vindicate all of the causes that come against you. I didn’t overlook nor forget to take into account anything that you are counting on Me for each and every moment. For a miracle to occur at the right moment in your future, there must be a need first. In truth, you are never in lack, but you may still be waiting in anticipation. Come and Sit with Me, so that I can download My desires through this life. Many fail to reach the very best I created them to find. They will murmur and complain as they drop My Favor to the ground. I will carry you and guide you so that you never fail to see all that I laid down to recover for you through the Cross. The Beauty is all around you, and I will show you all that is stored up and ready to be released. Your Season of Change is upon you! My People are letting fear run and rule their day. I have not called you to live in fear. Fear has no place in My Kingdom or Economy. Do you believe all of the bad reports? I have promised to give you a life of Peace and Joy! Which life would you rather have each and every day? The choice is always up to you. I cannot give you what you will not accept in your heart and mind. There are many voices out there vying for your attention. Many voices will even attempt to speak for Me, but I did not send them. Listen to My Voice for I will speak directly to you with. I am not going to scream over the path of fear that you may choose to run down. How many times have all of the doom and gloom people been wrong, and yet My People are still swayed by the very next doom and gloom person who strolls on by. I have said this world will have trials and tribulations. I never said it should rock you outside of the boat. I Am the Beginning and the End. Nothing happens outside of My Will. Who can claim to know what only the Father knows? Do not base your choices from people who will tell you a future that only I can know. My people are cursing the very blessings I have given them. You are creating the thing that you have feared the most when you do this. Rise up and Stand, for I still have much work that needs to be done on this Earth for My Namesake. Stop complaining at ever little annoyance. If you want change, align with My Will and Voice. Be a flexible pawn in My game of chess. I will position you in the most key strategic places. Places where you will be used by Me to bring about the change that My People have prayed for. You can indeed speak yourself right out of the amazing life that I died to give you. Stop running after the fear, and run towards My Love and Grace over the world! I am moving the Chess Pieces of your life into complete position. You have wondered often if things would even come into order, but now is the time for you to reach the full advantage I have been setting you up for. Sometimes, you have to retreat and lose some ground in order to take the Hill. Remain flexible as I finish the loose ends over the next few weeks.Stand tall, for regardless of how things did or didn’t go, this was but a moment in your life. Now it is time to place the past down and move forward into new assignments. Glory surrounds you this very hour. My Goodness fills all of the empty space. Everything is going to be ok. My Hands will see to it. You are not out of My Grasp, nor beyond My ability to repair, fix, and replace all that is broken in your life. My love for you extends even to the darkest of moments. I know what hurts you, and what brings you great joy. I will replace the pain for My Joy, which is beyond the mind’s comprehension. I am carrying you to the new destinations I have for you. I am refreshing your heart and mind. Restoration is falling upon your soul and spirit. You are being made ready by My Hands, and you will be a new person in many respects. I have cut away the old and useless parts that will not help you where you will be going. Rest, for soon you will be on the move in a fresh new journey for My Namesake. I am bringing back into your life an area that you once failed in. I desire for you to watch and see success at what once was such a stumbling block before. Through this experience, you will witness the open heaven of favor and blessing shine down on you, as you face something that once mastered you. Growth is part of your experience in life. Knowing that you can achieve and grow higher will only scratch the surface in discovery through this opportunity. I will use this to catapult you into new arenas that you would normally shy away from, due to thoughts of failing again. I want you to understand that I will catch you when you walk on that water. I will always be there to encourage you on into territories unknown. I will walk you step by step as you take My Hand. Do not let fear enter your heart and mind. Yes, the enemy will come against you, listing all of your character flaws and mistakes. I will come and heal your wounds. Reject the negative and embrace My Love for you. You are limitless because I Am limitless. Your portion is a beautiful life full of all that I desire for you to enjoy. Yesterday’s snare tripped you up. Your knees were skinned, but today I tell you that Glory is surrounding you. All of the benefits you would have had the first time around will be increased with interest for repayment from what was stolen from you. So prepare your worship and praise, for it is a sweet fragrance before My Throne. Tomorrow is a New Day. Just watch what I bring forth for you! You are in a time of increased angelic presence in your life. Take notice to the signs all around. There are subtle and more obvious indications. What did you briefly see that made you take a double take and wonder what that was? There is a whirlwind of activity happening, making the unseen suddenly manifest over you. Just as Jacob experienced angels ascending and descending, so too will you come into understanding My Nature and Goodness in your life. For what was ordered by My Voice must not return void. Empty your hands of all those useless items, and the striving efforts of mankind. I will place amazing gifts into your grasp. Even if you hoped and wished before with no results, I say, Ask Again!. Understand that when you ask with impure motives, I cannot give you what will end up being a destructive force in your life. I have already poured My cleansing waters over your heart and mind. Ask Again now, for My answer is Yes and Amen! My timing is perfect. Come into alignment with My Voice, and you will see great exploits explode over your life this season. I have an endless supply. Do you not see? What happened in the past is just that; in the past! Today is your priceless opportunity to place My Love and Forgiveness as a banner of power. Do not let the enemy of your soul resurrect what I have already dealt with on the Cross. All of your human frailty was completely answered long ago. I do not see the Cross when I look at you. I only see the Perfection of My Love for you.We are One! Do not let that slip your heart for one single moment. Rise Up.. We are Moving! Speak to your Mountain! I have given you the power over what comes against you. Where you lack in ability, I will fill in the gap. How many times have you had a problem resolved, and it suddenly vanished in one day without notice? You even had to start thinking to when you last knew the problem still existed. I have heard your prayers and seen your tears! My Voice has called to the deep within your spirit. I invite you to drink deep in My Waters. I desire to give you more revelatory knowledge, and give you new tools to walk this life out with. Where you are going will require an upgrade, for the way things used to be will no longer be the case. What used to work for you, may be ineffective now. I am moving the rudder to the other side to give you another perspective. See as I See!
Too many of My people have become comfortable and complacent. They have stopped seeking more from Me. They are content without seeing My Glory all around them. They have put their trust and faith into their own control and reach. I say to you this day, that if you continue seeking the lower path, you will never reach My Very Best favor and abundance over your life! You have to fully step out in faith knowing that only I can fully satisfy you, and that only I can give you the breakthrough that you are in need of. I am asking more of you this very hour. Do not let your eyes grow dim or your ears stop hearing. I am coming as the Lion over all things for you. Place all of your everything into My Hands. Do this as an act of Faith and Belief in Me, and what I can do! Refuse to take any of it out of My Hands. I know what is best for you. I will not disappoint nor will I bore you with empty promises. You have asked Me to have full dominion over every and all situations. Now watch My Majesty come shining down from Heaven onto all for you!, Break out of the boring and predictable routines. Stretch yourself into doing something new and possibly outside of your comfort zone. I never intended for your life to be a stagnant or redundant daily ritual. Enjoy your life! Pick up new hobbies and interests. Meet new people, different from yourself.As you reach outside to incorporate new avenues in life, I will open new doors in which I will use you for blessing others, but also you will receive additional blessings from each encounter. You possess many great attributes that the world is looking for. Do you not see yet? You cannot out give Me. As you give of yourself, I will send others to give back unto you. Haven’t seen that happen yet? Guess what? I Am doing a New Thing in your life this very Hour. When I say ‘Go Out’ I fully intend to keep My Promises that I have spoken over you! You are under My Direction and Umbrella this go around. You are not merely doing things for your own gratification. When you go out as My Light, fully submissive to My Leading, things will be different, and you will experience the Open Heaven that I desire to show you. I will bring the ‘All Things Possible’ mentality to your heart and mind. You have thought that you could not reach the highest of highest mountains from which to sit under My Stars. You have watched others achieve such heights, but never felt qualified to see for yourself. I say to you, You are Qualified because I Am the One who makes someone Qualified. You only miss out because you do not believe. Trust Me Child, I will take you farther, deeper, and higher than you could ever imagine. Your life is just beginning in Me. There is so much more that I desire to show you, and do through you! I Am not finished with you yet. A boomerang was created to come back to the one in command of it. When I created mankind, I created a being that was in My image. Like attracts Like. As you desire the things of My Kingdom, you will walk a path towards the One you allow to be in command. You will enter into a peace and rest like none other. You will know that My Hands will always catch you as you return to Me each day. I will send you out for My Namesake, and you will be confident that I will never let you get out of My sight or reach. For a boomerang to work properly, it must be crafted by a Master. I have crafted every part of you to work perfectly for what I have called you to do and be. Never think that anything was wasted in My craftsmanship. Know that what I have done in your life has a specific purpose that will be revealed in your lifetime. My creation was designed to crave My presence, and seek Me out. Placing idols in My spot in your heart, will lead you astray. Nothing can share the same place as Me in your life. Whatever you place there will have the same power over your life that I Am supposed to have. Your internal compass will become confused, and you will no longer come back to My Hands. Decide to throw out anything that has power over your daily decisions. Forsake what keeps you distracted from My purposes in your life. My Hands are ready to catch you yet again. The Mantle of your Heart only has room for One God, the True and Living God. Abraham was even willing to place his child on the altar for My Namesake. Be a people who will follow My Voice even when it seems to be impossible and unthinkable. What did you learn today? I am always teaching and instructing you all throughout your day. I created each one of you with unique gifts and talents to help each other reach higher, deeper, and further in My ways. I raise up leaders to mentor those still coming up in My Kingdom. I will give you pieces personally that are to be given out to others. I will meet you where you are. As you gain confidence and expertise, I will use you to teach others coming up in the faith. This is the time that you will want to shift to hearing more and being instructed more by My Spirit, so that I can guide you as you guide others. You must learn what servant leadership is while you still have room to make mistakes. Remain teachable. Be humble to learn from the people that I send to you. Use the discernment that I freely offer from My throne room to know who is for you and who is against you. Not everyone will be someone I send into your life, even if they seem like the right fit. Not everyone will be for you to teach either. I will show you in all things. Go where you are sent by My Hand, and you will be doing the work of the Father. Release yourself of human expectations. Where I send you, may not look like you would think in your natural mind. Even failures may not be failures in My Economy. There are reasons for everything under Heaven. I am maturing you, as well as, growing the other person. You will have to walk and taste certain circumstances to develop readiness for the next level that I am moving you to. Do not judge a situation based on outcome alone. What did you learn today?  Today, I say look down at your feet. What do you see? I have brought before you all of the promises, that I spoke over you personally, yet to manifest before your eyes. Look to the horizon, for one by one they are placed on your journey to come forth at the right day and time. I have left nothing off of the table. Even dreams you had thought you were disqualified for. I Am a God of mercy, grace, and renewal. The message of the Cross was about rebirth, and the passing of the less than mentality. I gave up everything just to open again the keys to My Kingdom for you. It does not matter what storm has come your way. Today, I am parting the clouds; calming the winds, and setting you at the highest vantage point, so that you can witness My Love poured out upon you. I will dry your tears, and make you forget all that went wrong in the past. I will strengthen you, and bring a new resilience to your being that will endure through to see My Goodness alone. I am coming in your night seasons to speak to your heart and mind in a fresh new way. I will impart to you My Zoe way of life and unspeakable joy. The shame and condemnation of the past will no longer grip your mind and soul. I say to you this day, Stand and be Counted. Write the vision! We are co-creators in your life story. Tell Me what your passionate about, and how you want to impact My Kingdom for My Namesake. Nothing is too silly of a dream. I can make a pebble turn into a mountain. Bring it all before Me, and watch what I do with your willing heart.4 You are My Beloved, and you carry My Word. You carry My desire and you will birth My will in this world. I provide for you more than you know. There is nothing in your life I have not already provided for. Your promise is for an appointed time, and as you wait, you will be renewed. The promises for your life are soon to bloom, and all your disheartened waiting won't even be a distant memory to you. The strength and faith that I built in you have honed you to a fine, sharp edge. Knowing you are a sharpened blade in My hands is a memory that you will always have. Do not wish for tomorrow. I am preparing you for tomorrow today.Not only will you become a powerful warrior, you will walk in great wisdom, for revelation of My Word is about to be poured out. I have set you in your place and there you will reside, for My Lordship over you is as a banner, shield and cover. I protect and enable you to stand in your place and over you My intentions are declared. I am bringing all the aspects of walking in resurrection power together in one heart. Child, warrior, Bride, servant. No gifts will work outside My presence. No promises will manifest that are not surrendered. I have been building in each of you what you need to stand. Strength and faith and humility all working together to keep you in your place before Me. In the coming days that is the only way you will stand. In My presence in confidence. Not one of My Beloved's feet will slip and no weakness will be found in them. I have given them a warrior's heart, and it will rise within them. They will follow their warrior's heart, walk in the Truth, and know the power of My will within them. It is with My Life, My love, My will and My power that I have filled them! They will rise to stand and rest to receive, knowing My Word is infallible! They will see what I see and that is how they will move forward! They are My Beloved children, citizens of My Kingdom, warriors, each and every one of them, and I have raised them! The desires of My heart will flow though My children and My will seen in their lives. On Earth as it is in Heaven will become the norm for them. My justice will mete freedom to every heart they pierce.. Regarding the witchcraft that has been sent to war against My children, My Beloved will finish what the enemy started. Greater freedom and stronger voice will they have than before the enemy's attempt to silence their roar., I will make My enemy look the fool, and those who have been led far away will feel foolish and return with gladness. My own will receive Me with great joy and with great joy will I embrace them. I'm going to take their banner down. I'm going to show them mighty things. I am calling into play My whistle blowers and My flame throwers. No longer will they merely watch on the wall. Their prayers will turn into declarations and shouts, and they will see that My heart is cried out. They will ignite a fire in this Earth that no one will forget as their voice is heard. I will bring justice to your house, and every one who has come against you will be trampled underfoot. Every demonic stronghold will be cast down. Every mocking injustice will be made to bow. Every deformity made right, every broken bone set straight. I will restore every hope you ever had and raise a high standard over your head. Your hopes were not in vain, your dreams not dashed. My precious child, through your trials a warrior you have become and this was My desire. In raising My high standard in your life, you will see My desire for you made perfect. My justice will flow through you. But first you must be comfortable with it. Do not fear the storm. I am coming in the storm., You do not have the ability to stop what I am doing in your life. Your weakness certainly does not stop Me. Every promise that appears to be going the wrong way in this season is Me removing from your heart what makes you weak. As your heart is perfected, you will be relieved, but as My child you can trust that I will always correct you to keep you from straying or being taken from Me. Do not be frustrated. You are merely being fine-tuned.
This is the reason many fall. It is easier to aspire than to rest in Me and trust Me with your desires in life. What if you knew that My love for you is so great, that My desires for you far exceed your desires, and teaching you to trust Me is how I will accomplish them? What you lay down you will again pick up. What you trust Me with I will consider surrendered. What you surrender I will consider My own, and I will bless what is Mine with abundance and give it back to you. Do not cry about your situation any more. I never meant for you to blend in. You are far too beautiful for that. Who is excessive now? And at what cost? Is there such a thing as too much Life? It is time for signs and wonders to appear.  what you need to do is step up. My children, listen very carefully to what I am speaking to you. My Word speaks of the time when knowledge shall increase, and much revelation will be given concerning what has been written. That time is NOW. For those who have prepared and are walking in obedience to Me, I am revealing many, many things about what is about to happen on this earth. A great and mighty war rages in the heaven-lies, and it is now time for My army to engage as she was trained to do, for the darkness has come and satan's time is very short now.As I take unto Myself My first-fruits, they will be infused with all power and authority and be given abilities that have never been known until now. I have reserved them for such a time as this, and when I reveal them to the world, the world will be astonished at what has occurred, as what will happen has never been seen. Many will be purified and made white, but the wicked will not understand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, but he that is holy, let him be holy still. Through these, My translated ones, I will pour out My anointing, and they shall walk and not grow faint. They shall run and not be wearied. They will heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and manifest as I direct them to do. A wonder to behold, yes, as all I have reserved for this season is poured out upon them. They will hear with One heart, and they will be given supernatural peace amidst the utter chaos in the world. They will be as lamp-stands, and My presence through them on the earth will be undeniable. I will use them to minister to the desperate and the lost, and many will come to know Me by their example. I will use them for a very short time. Then, I will take them home, as the disobedient and the cold-hearted peoples of the world remain to endure the terror which will reign during the anti-christ system. Truly, I am at the door, yet so many refuse to believe. So be it. The end has come, and I will not delay. There will still be a choice for those who remain during the beast system, if they survive the calamities and judgments that are here, but those days will be grossly dark, and many, many will die for My name's sake. Are you really listening? Do you hear with your spirit what I am saying to you? The end is here. It is come, and so few have prepared. You will see now, before your very eyes that all I speak of is truth. These words will testify after this has all taken place, that I am faithful and I am true, and My Word will not return to Me void. Hearken to the words of your Creator. When all else is gone, I remain.  Men have always desired to know the time of My Return. Men have always desired to know all that would come in the end of the world, which is now upon you. Even now, many do not believe the time is upon them for the end of all things. Though they deny the time, the end does come, and it comes quickly. My Children, you are not where you believe you are in the timing of things, for the end is much closer than you believe. For this reason, you must prepare quickly for what is about to transpire. Many of those you love will be taken from the earth in these times. Comforts, too, will be taken, as all order leaves the earth. Man has chosen the way of chaos and so it shall be given him. You will not have long to wait, My Little Ones, for the time is already upon you. An event coming very soon will show you where you really are in this time. An attack is about to be released upon My People that is greater than anything this generation has faced thus far. This attack will test your faith. There is a shaking coming to the world that is unlike anything that has come before. It will shake some awake, it will help others to know what time they walk in. It will be a sign to My People of the lateness of the hour. Pay heed to it, for it is the beginning and another large event follows quickly on its heels. When you see these things happen, beware My Children, for events following will happen in such quick succession you will feel as though you cannot catch your breath. This is why I have told you to prepare, to be ready, to know what is coming. You will lose many you love and you must prepare for this. Are you prepared to walk alone if that is what I require? Choose you this day whom you will serve – the war starts now.   Tests have been set for you to choose which God you will serve. Your choice on these tests will set your course for your next season which is very elemental in what is coming. Choose carefully. Choose wisely, My Children, for you are choosing more than you know. When you choose your god, you are choosing not only who you will serve, but you are choosing who will provide for you in all that is coming. Choose well. If only My Children would listen and heed My Warnings. For those who do not heed My Warnings, there will be no way for them to return to Me. Peace, peace. Then sudden destruction. Be careful my children, the stories you believe in. be careful that you do not buy into the enemy’s deceptions, for they appear real. Remember he can transform into an angel of light. He can appear as light. Cling to My Holy Word.  There is no going back for those who choose this way, the way of the beautiful illusion. If they choose the illusion over Me, I shall give them over to it. Some of My Children have been waiting long years for recompense. Others have wronged you – you have suffered much and had much taken from you. Some of you thought I had turned a blind eye, but I never turn a blind eye where anything concerning one of My Children happens. Watch now as I bring recompense in many of your lives. Some of you have stopped believing Me to do this, it has been so long. You have forgotten, but I have not. Some of you have said you will receive rewards in heaven for what happened. But some of you I am bringing recompense to now, while you are still in the earth that you may know and testify that My Word is true and I am the God who repays. I am the God who rewards those who live for Me and do My Will in spite of the sacrifices they make. I am the God who sees you, who sees your secret pain, who knows your longing, and has seen your losses. They have not gone unnoticed, I have waited for the best time for your ultimate recompense. That time is now. My children why do you fret? Why do you cry in secret?. When I made you I made you from my LOVE. Where is your faith? Do you trust me ? Do you believe my written WORDS and PROMISES.? When I left I told you I was going away to prepare a place for you and I would return for you. My promise is eternal life with me. I have always been with you . You will always be with me for all ETERNITY. You see the signs about You know this is the season of my RETURN. Turn off your technology. Spend time with me now. Events will proceed as planned since the foundation. Do not fear what you are seeing. It must be. YOU ARE MY GLORIOUS KINGDOM. YOU ARE MY LOVE. Man has been looking and searching for the KINGDOM. IT IS YOU !  Speak now son of man speak to the weary speak to the restless speak to the obedient. I bear witness to your good works. The path of righteousness is narrow for many begin the journey but few finish it. Speak now son of man speak of what you see. I see the vineyard overflowing with its fruit.. You see well son of man. This is the season of the harvest. They wait for the latter rain for my appointed time draws close. While the storm clouds gather it is the wise man who realizes that events must proceed in an order known only to me for my time is perfect and my will shall be done. Do you not feel the breathe of my spirit for it is I who offer everlasting life. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the alpha and omega. I am the eternal light. The heavens pay homage to my glory. I have not forgotten my promises to the house of David.  I speak to those who listen. I guide those who ask for direction. I lift up those who are humble. My time draws near. I came like a lamb but shall return as a lion. The signs of my return are all around you. I hear your prayers but you ask but do you give? Do you help your neighbor? Do you offer to me the first fruits of your labor. It is I who have given your bounty. Have you forgotten this? Just as I gave so i can take away. My judgment comes quickly will you be found worthy? Speak, let my children know chaos, confusion, darkness and tribulation is upon them.  Evil is  flourishing. Only true repentance can stop it. Your families are under attack . Your nations are under attack. Your earth is under attack. Hearts have grown cold. Darkness abounds. Soon you will see things that have not been seen by man since the BEGINNING. Who is worthy to escape ? My promises will  be kept by me. I AM. Many do not know my promises they have not read my WORDS. How can you ask for my favor when you don't know, me or seek after me or want to know me. My commandment s and statutes have been discarded by men but not by me I AM.   When I see you fall on your knees and humble yourself,  I will hear you. When the nations and KINGS of earth humble themselves before me and REPENT AND RETURN to The CREATOR I AM,  I will hear them. Until This happens judgements will continue to strike  one after another. Tribulation and persecution will continue and worsen. War , invaders and enemies already inside the nations are  waiting for their orders to attack. You are reaping what you have shown ,personally and nationally. The entire earth will be at war. Families are  under Spiritual attack because your own children don't know me. You didn't teach them. They don't know correction. This is the last generation...VIPERS.  My heart cries  out. I AM grieved by what I see, abomination after abomination, it  never ends.   I Know I must END IT.! REPENT!  REPENT!  REPENT! You must speak this now. TIME is coming to an end. My words and my truth must reach all people. Many remain asleep. Many will perish.They see with their eyes yet they remain blind. They hear with their ears yet they are deaf. Stand on the ROOFTOP and PROCLAIM MY RETURN!! MY RETURN FOR YOU IS AT HAND !!. When you see mother, father, husband and wife betray their own .flesh and cause them to be put to death before your eyes.... When you see families arrested and taken to camps ... when you see your cities burning one by one without explanation .. when you see strangers taking control of your nation and your government. ... when many just sit back and watch evil ruling and do nothing. my time is here. It has already begun .When you see these things happening I AM COMING.FOR MY CALLED AND CHOSEN. BE READY!

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