Saturday, January 13, 2018

Message Date - 13 Jan 2018

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord 13 Jan 2018
Daily Prophetic Word
January 13, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, “I have placed you on the side of this hill so that you will be able to hear My voice with full clarity and without strain. There are times in the day when My voice will be louder. Stop for a moment when you sense this happening. Do not continue on with your busy day. I want to share with you information that is vital to this time in your life. Close down all other frequencies and set your dial just on Me. What you put down will still be there in a moment. Do not see yourself at the end of your rope. Endings only provide opportunities for something grander than what was. It is time to step out onto the ledge for when you do, I will open a path that you did not even see before. Fear will hold you back and keep you from going into the unknown. I may not always give you a light to see your way. Walk by Faith for I will hold your hand no matter what. This is your time to walk into all that I have created you to do and be. Now is your breakthrough moment from everything that was holding you back. Keep your eyes on Me and you will watch great exploits happen all around. You are My Child and there is nothing I would not do for you. Hold Righteousness as your priority in all of your dealings. Cast aside that thoughts that are self-serving in bearing no healthy fruit. Can I trust you? Be a people who are trustworthy in daily dealings. Consider your options from a heavenly perspective. When the fog rolls in to lend confusion, ask Me to send My winds to clear the air once more. I am for you and not against you. Consider even the sparrow that I look after never leaving My gaze. You have not left My attention. I am watching over My word to see that it performs.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 12, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Love is My response to the world. I love you too much to leave you stuck where you are; either by your own doing or because of the actions of the enemy in your life. Christ died so that mankind could be restored unto Me. I love who you hate. I love them so much that I may even send you to bring them into My Kingdom. Look beyond what you feel, and see My Glory before you. If I create a way where there is no way, then know that I Am behind you being sent. Will you refuse Me and what I desire to do in your life? Let Me show you why I love them. Let Me show you why I desire to redeem them. You were once on the outside looking in. Somehow and someway, here you are right next to Me. Do you think it was an accident or a well laid out plan to get you into My Arms? I choose to use you not because you are perfect or have it all together. No in fact, everything you think disqualifies you is exactly what I will use. To say you have nothing to offer is an oxymoron. You have Christ and there is nothing else required. You have the Godhead to shape every aspect of your day. Do you think any servant of Mine thought they were prepared and ready to go? HA! I will make and break you into the right vessel for any and all things I will use you for. There is no part of this that is up to you except a willing and able heart and mind. Some I have been raising up in secret. You have been chomping at the bit ready to move when the door finally opens. You are not losing time. I created time. You are right where you are supposed to be. Forget the notion that if you made better choices in the past that you would be further down the path right now. I speed you up or slow you down just so that you arrive right on time regardless. Trust the process of the Potter’s Wheel. All must be made by the Master. I love you so, My Beloved. What you dislike about yourself, I have a different opinion about. Let Me have that aspect for I will turn it into your brightest attribute that the world will be blessed from. Do you believe I can do it? It is My pleasure to prove you worthy of all that I have. I see you in My perfection so embrace My Truth about you. No matter who says otherwise, I Am is behind you! I created you out of My Imagination. You are precious before My Sight!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 11, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Finding your prayers fallen to the ground? Many pray through their flesh and wonder why nothing changes. If you want prayers that move mountains, you must come to the mountain and commune with Me, spirit to Spirit. It is not that your prayers are not something I desire for you, it is more about your heart and mind when you speak. You must release the outcome to Me alone. For if this is the course I desire then it will be delivered back to you in due season. However, there are times when a new path must come into view. A heart released of the outcome will be able to accept road that is to be. You are not being denied. No quite the contrary. I see the whole picture, and I know what will transpire with each direction and option. I can see what is not available for you to see. Come up higher so that I may show you beyond what your natural eyes can comprehend. Not everything is for your good even when it looks desirable on the surface. I know the plans I have for you, as well as, for those you care about. I will come through even when you think it appears as a desert for a period of time.
I will align what needs to come together. Keep your hope alive even when the dark days come. It is always darkest before the dawn. I have not forgotten your petitions. All is set before Me. Let Me do the work that needs to be done. Trust that I have it all covered in the Palm of My Hands. Your prayers are not in vain. Set time in your day to come with all that is on your heart. Watch and see all that I do for your honor and favor. Your heart moves My Heart. What you care about enables My Hand to do the miraculous on your behalf. Never stop no matter what rises against you. Even when time slips through your fingers, I am faithful to bring about that prayer to those that you leave behind. Generational blessings are not forgotten blessings. They are great prayers that have gathered decades of interest and when they hit their target, many more lives will be changed for My Glory and Honor. Think beyond the needs of today, for tomorrow blessings are being stored up through what you do this very moment. You sow hearty seed in ways you have not paid attention to. I will repay your faithfulness. There are no limits set before you. I will come through!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 10, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, A feather floats gently back to Earth, landing just the same as it started. It may appear to land in a random place, but in reality, My winds guided it to that precise location. I want you to see yourself as that feather. You are not falling, you are merely gently floating to the exact spot that I desire you to find. There is no hard fall or crashing down, breaking you into pieces. Choose to see failures as a time to not give up, for it is in the not giving up that truly makes you a success and not a failure. There are times that I will not allow you to hit the target you set out for. Know that I have better targets for you to hit, and this one is a distraction. And If you did hit, you would be out of My divine will for your life. Do not be so hard on yourself. Even in your attempts without Me, I will still pull you back like an arrow and send you out. I may not send you where you thought, but I will make it worth the ride. Do not blame the wind for you missing. Check again, are you sure you missed at all? Where you are is where I will open the doors that are hidden behind the veil. You cannot hit a target that you didn’t see or know was there, but I can. I will not take My hands off of you. Make the decisions that are vying for your time, and I will open and close roads until you are at the right spot. Immaturity will lead you to believe that you are denied or that I am not for you. Look again. Ask Me, why here? Then I will come to you and speak mysteries that you have never even known to ponder. You are no small potato. How do you grow a potato? You take parts of or the whole potato and place it in the ground.
Your identity is whole in Me. It does not matter what others have felt or said about you. When I send you to a region, I will plant parts of or the wholeness of you, in that area for My Namesake. You are not merely planting a seed and walking away. No, you are a direct result and impact of what I will do for the people you touch. Do not allow your heart to go rotten in the seasons of challenge. The climate may change, but I am able to keep you growing healthy plants, even when others are withered and dying. You are not subject to anything out of My Glory. Do not let fear encapsulate your actions. I will watch and keep you always!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 9, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, There are decisions to be finally made that you have held off in doing. I can manage any choice you do make except the one you don’t actually make. Sitting on the fence is not helping your situation. You must move forward. Even if your steps are misguided, I will shift you at the next turn. Do not let fear keep you stuck in limbo. You may be waiting on Me, but in reality, I have been waiting on you to just simply decide and move. I know what you will eventually do, so let’s get this train moving again. I have so much that I desire to put into your possession. We need to leave from here. Soon the path will narrow and the choices will become clearer with fewer options. You have not gone outside of My Reach. I have heard your cries and seen your tears. I know what a struggle you have been under. I will bring brighter days to you, and you are nearer than you believe. What has been hidden is about to be revealed. It is time to look up and not count the loss anymore. I am replacing and repairing even in this hour all that you have been seeking. I understand what no one else could. Your heart is My first priority. You are going to come out better and stronger than you can imagine. Trust Me, and I will make a way where there was no way. It does not matter who is chanting in the background for your demise. I will not let harm come to you nor your enemy achieve victory over you. This moment is about to pass. New doors and opportunities are yours for the picking and taking. Let the past fade into the past. Where you are going will not reflect what you have been through. What once was will never be again. Shake it off. I will show you how. Your bags are packed and soon this land will be foreign to you. I have lands that will give you desires that you have only dreamed of. Your empty hands are about to be overflowing with My Goodness. It is time to dance and celebrate for the long season of trials is ending.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 8, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Do you see the Pharisees among you? Ones that think they understand My Word but at the heart, have no idea what My Spirit breathed over those pages. Look deep inside your own heart and mind for I am coming to My people with a sharp sword. I will put asunder those that are truly out of My Kingdom and continue to choose this way of life. I desire a people who are willing to be made into the likeness of My Son. If your reflection needs a makeover, come before Me with the openness required to shift you out of all deceptions. You cannot hang onto what is holding you back from My Truth and Light. I will challenge what does not belong in your thinking! I will bring those to you that will disrupt your viewpoint. I am not interested in a Bride that does business as usual. I have so much more than you could ever experience in this lifetime. Moses’ journey was vastly different from Daniel’s. I intend to give you a life of the miraculous specially carved out for you. I did not make you a carbon copy so what I do on your behalf will not always look the same as what I do for your brother or sister.
Rejoice for those around you. Be a blessing and not a curse. I can do the impossible if you will just believe. Leave your opinion on the floor for I will not shout over what you have formed as right and correct. My ways are higher! Rise up to where I Am. It is Now that you will arrive into the greatest awakening this generation will lay witness to. Enjoy your life and watch it bloom fully across your days and nights!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 7, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Gather all of your fears, worries, struggles, and less than perfect days. Now place them in the bucket. How big is your bucket? The size is only a tiny speck compared to what I Am able and willing to do for you. Reality should be only what I speak into your life. Spending time in a false image will keep you stuck. I know how your journey plays out. I desire you to wash away all of the false idols that you have around you, and also inside of you. Man builds a castle with false images about one's own self. Are you even really who you thought? My People have designed walls around what they believe they can do in this life. I say dream bigger. Does that larger dream bring fear or excitement? When you place that dream in My hands, I promise to refine it and send it straight to the target of My favor.
Release the mind that it hasn’t happened before, so it will not happen now. The past does not indicate anything other than direct moments for other things to have come to life. Today is your Now and Today is where your dream can be birthed into manifestation. Why not reach up for the highest level you desire, and watch Me send you even higher? Too many sit on the sideline and wonder why others receive My great and mighty gifts, and why not them too. I say, why not you too? I have not disqualified you. Ask Me! A life a regret will do you no good. Looking at others with envy will do you no good. Just because it seems like a mountain does not mean you will not enjoy the journey. There is nothing too heavy that you cannot learn or be equipped to do; either in the natural or supernaturally by My Hand. You see, you are Limitless as long as you decide that you are. That is your full reality in Me. Time is on the clock. I promise to not disappoint.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 6, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Feel the Shaking. What has come to your doorstep in evil is being cast into the abyss. Look Up for Your Savior is right before you. Those who wished your downfall will be tripped up by their own undoing. Keep your focus on what is good and righteous. You will not miss what I am doing in this hour. Just because the naysayers believe you are in the wrong does not make it so.
I will take you from Glory to Glory today and every day. You are not walking in less but rather walking towards My Best. What the sky looks like is not an indicator on the truth all around you. I will remove the blinders so that My Truth will be known. Let those dead in their works and deeds be cut away. I am looking for those with a true heart after My very own. Some prefer to be stuck in the old ways, but I say break free of traditions that speak no real life into your spirit. I have much greater to place into your heart and mind that will release you from that which is only dead ends. Speak life; Believe in life; and Expect My Life to take you through all that you face today and every day. I will not cast you aside for I chose you. Stick close for the road is about to turn to the left and then to the right sharply, but know that I have you in the Palm of My Hands. You will not lose your way or get off track. Things are picking up swiftly for the next 3-6 months. Assignments that seemed to not have a foreseeable end will suddenly come to a conclusion. You were not meant to stay in these chapters for longer than I intended. Keep your bags ready. We are changing scenery!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 5, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Forgive and forget these transgressions against you. As you learn to walk in the Light and Love, I will be able to use you even to bring your enemy before My presence. I will heal and restore what is broken. When you struggle to get past the wound, I will come to bring you the way out. Let Me dry those tears and show you just how special you are to Me. You hold the keys that the enemy is desperate to stop. Through your heart is his only weapon against you. Pay close attention to the reason beyond all reasons why you are experiencing verbal attacks. The emotions that are being stirred up are the ones you will need to master under your complete control and authority. Make no mistake that others will take notice of how you handle these situations. Let your testimony rise high in the heavens.
No good ever comes when your emotions lead you around like a bridled horse. These issues that you are under are mere smoke screens to keep your mind and will off of the areas that are really important. If you fall into every pitfall and snare from the enemy, you will lose the traction and ground you are meant to occupy. Areas of your life will scream and look like the most vital aspects to deal with, but are they really? Many storms go away all on their own just as quickly as they appeared on the horizon. They hate you because they have hated Me first. Even what is hidden is more visible than you realize. Brush off the negative words spoken for you are not defined by your enemies. I Am your Creator. What I say about you is the only truth you are to be in. For this is where I can use you; submitted and yielded to Me alone. Feelings are fickle. Just as the winds blew against you today, they will surely shift towards another tomorrow. Spend your energy on things that are everlasting for My Namesake. Do not get sucked into conflict that will do you no good in reality. For this too shall pass.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 4, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, I Am behind what is about to take place. Many will give credit to illegitimate forces. Come See an alignment within My Kingdom that will be like looking through a window and seeing Heaven instead of Earth. The Frequency and Vibrations will come into sync at specific moments. I did not send My Son so that My people would live in suspicion and conspiracy theories. You are letting the enemy rob your joy when you chronically look to be agitated with negative reports. I desire you to live a life that rests in My Hands knowing full well that I will respond to your prayers for your own life, as well as, the world. So pray for what you would like to see and then focus on what I have called you to do and be. Spend no more time dwelling on the spinning of the world, for before the foundations did I know what will be. I am not wringing My Hands not knowing what to do. Trust in Me for I will not fail. If you need help making a decision, I will speak to that issue according to My Will. You do not benefit from toiling over the problems that are out of your hands, and clearly in My Hands to deal with. Will I not come through like I always have? When you strive on your own, you give Me no room to show up and out on your behalf. Your faith suffers because you really don’t expect Me to answer your prayers. You are a mighty warrior even on days you feel like quitting. I am okay with your ups and downs. I know what your true potential is just like I saw Greatness in a little Shepard boy named David. You are the Apple of My Eye! Never walk away from that Identity! You will see all that I Promise so get up with anticipation and decide not to let the enemy rule over your days. What you give power to will have power over you.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 3, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Be captive in the Moment. Do not walk your days with sleepy eyes. I am writing new stories for you to partake in. Unlike those memories that bring you pain, these will bring healing to your heart and mind. Try Me for I Am your Father who heals even the most smallest of needs. I have not turned a blind eye to what happened even when you have not seen My answer yet. I will vindicate and I will restore. Let your righteousness flow before you as the road becomes easier this day. Let Me take those burdens for you are not called to carry what is Mine. Do not take up to your own means with those that seek to crush your spirit. I will take that as well. I gave you that soft heart and I desire to breathe My Spirit through your earthen vessel, so let Me have My way in your life.
Feel the Freshness in the Air. The Dew will provide the much needed renewal as the days of tired and weariness are disappearing. I go before you to make ready the Favor that was not of yesterday and not for the future. This is your NOW! Look to what I am up to in your needs for this season. Some promises will be fulfilled in a mere few weeks while others are still ready to be unwrapped down the road.
You will arrive as planned. Take the stress and worry off for I will not let you lose out this time around. Where once foolish youth got the best of you, today see that you are My Royalty ready to take a hold of your full inheritance. No longer like a prodigal, but now truly embracing who you are in Me. I have taken you from the foundations to this place. Let excitement fill your heart because I Am not finished. We take the land at Dawn!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 2, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Man may not approve of what I am doing in your life. Do not allow this to become a stumbling block for your steps are ordered by My Hand alone. This season will test your resolve to let the negative accusations fall to the ground. Look up for Your King is in the Midst. What arrows sent to harm will be turned against your adversary. Friends may shift their support, but I stick closer than a brother. Walk in Joy for even in this time, you will walk above the noise into Kingdom resources and purpose. What comes against will flee in My Name. Nothing will devour your momentum. Do not spend time in distractions and merry-go-round interactions. Your time is valuable so treat each day in this manner and you will find less wasted moments in areas that have no fruit. See yourself scaling the tallest of buildings and you will jump right over the obstacles that come to take you out. This is your year to RISE! When life tries to make you fall, Remember and Declare, You are RISING UP! The battlefield is truly only in your mind. Forget about the the natural eyes see, I have given you the keys to all that needs an open door to. Hear the past doors closing and My Love shining all around you. Your future is bright if only you choose to walk fully in the Knowing that I Am is for you. What is coming to an end will set you free of aspects that you didn’t even know was holding you down. I am bringing much clarity and surprises your way. Let the Celebration begin. You are right on Time for My Glory to flood your life.
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
January 1, 2018
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, Be One with My Spirit. The Shifting, Shaking, and Surrender has befallen your enemy. Take up your rightful place by My Side. Do not let your footing be compromised through doubt or fear. Your Inheritance is Now! The Victory has already been granted. Release the double-mind that plagues you at times. You are Surely Walking as My Beloved. Lions may roar, but By My Voice you will not be devoured. I protect who is Mine. Come lean on My Breastplate. I don’t expect perfection from you, but know that the sooner you come to My side, the sooner I will get involved in that matter. Learn and Grow, for in due season, you will be given a test that you already know how to overcome, if you pay attention to what is before you today. The tide comes in and goes out. Seasons change. Your situation is coming into My Alignment and Timing. Trust the Process for there are aspects unbeknown to you. I have you in the palm of My Hand. I will not fail you for I cannot fail. You are going to walk in My Fields of Gold. My blessings will chase you down in this New Year. Christ is in You and He is greater than what is in the world. Realize you are in a new place and dimension of My Glory. What happened yesterday does not have to define today, unless you let it consume you. I go before you to clear the path. Come to Me with your missteps. I will guide you through the maze of fiery darts. I am lifting you up this very day!
~Blessings MaryEllen Replenished Hope 

Daily Prophetic Word
December 31, 2017
By MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries
The Father says, My Spirit is on the move! What you have been in waiting for is lying in wait for you! Nothing is about to look the same shortly. What you cried out for in Breakthrough is coming swiftly by My Voice and Hand alone. You are My Precious and I will deliver you from calamity. Feel My Pruning Knife cut away what is rotting in your life. What is underneath may seem raw, but it is what will take you into the next season with Joy. You are carriers of My Glory. Do not look back lest Salt become in your eyes. Walk forward with full confidence that I Am is behind your very breath. Hold what is in your hands loosely. What I remove I will replace in greater portion and blessing. You are outgrowing those who are not in My Flow. You cannot take everyone with you, and many will refuse to go forth as you do. Do not take this as a wound for I am not absent in these affairs. I will heal up your brokenness and restore you to fullness. Find your sword lighter in this hour as tasks become easier to complete for the next few months.
I am finishing up some details that will allow you to go higher and deeper in this next season. The water is flowing in plenty. Be sure to partake daily in what I offer so freely. Be replenished in all areas, not just a few. Ask Boldly for I am not a God of little or few. Stubborn areas are shifting into a gold mine over the next 18 months. Watch and See that I am with you. Nothing is Impossible!

Kathy Mote
“I hear the Lord say, You who are waiting, you are not measuring the span of time, you are counting minutes. Time is in My hands, and I have control of what is in it! You do not make things happen in My plan, you roll with it! Trusting Me is the order of the day, and you will find it is not passive, it is aggressive receiving!”
In a vision I see a woman, walking in between two mountains. The road is smooth, not rocky, and the terrain blends from the mountains into the ground beneath her feet. As she walks, she is covered with a mantle that spans both mountains and connects her to them. The Lord said, I have covered you as you walk with Me, and I am the ground under your feet. You now walk in My anointing, and you flow through each step with Me. This is what happens when you care only for seeking Me. I take that as a Yes, and I take you up with Me”
“Someone, the Lord says this to you. Stop worrying about what is in front of you. Hold to My Word, which is Truth. The devil does not negotiate the terms of your release. That is between Me and you.”
“This is what the Lord said. I have placed My mantle over your shoulders. This will enable you to see the world around you and your place in it differently. It will change your perspective of what has been, and open your eyes to what is to come. You will find that your path has not changed, but that you now see where you are on it. You might take the time to stop and marvel at how seeing changes everything, but in having a changed perspective, you will want to keep moving toward Me.”
“The Lord is leading you to have radical faith today, because you have radical promises to receive. The Lord said, I want you to believe. I want you to receive. I want to build in you radical faith that you might walk with Me in the radical strength, radical peace, and radical blessings that are My desire to give.”
“The Lord said, I do not want them to cry out to Me for what they need, I want them to cry out to Me for relationship. In relationship is courtship, gift giving, and provision. What then will there be need of after that?”
” Someone, the Lord says this to you. You will soon see that I am only give. In all that I ask you to surrender, I only teach you to receive”
“I hear the Lord say, Tip of the iceberg. What you are waiting for and believing to receive is the tip of the iceberg, as you will soon see. There is more. So much more. More to see. More to receive. More in Me. More that you will be. More in store. More laid up in Heaven that will come down. More. Far more. I will wash the desert from your eyes. I will show you your far horizon. I will clear all poverty from your heart and mind. I will show you how to live. I will show you the 'more' that is in Me. I will give it to you and show you that you are Mine.”
“???This morning the Lord asked me if I wanted Him to tell me what I am waiting for in my future. I thought very long and hard about my answer. I said, No. I want the confident faith to receive it instead. His answer was, Well met! If I showed you your future you would not need faith, but it is faith that you need to receive it. Like Solomon you have answered with wisdom and to that I will add courage, another one of your gifts! And so I am waiting, and as I do, my heart is filled with love for Him and confidence in His love for me. I share this because I was told, Go tell them, that they would believe, and in believing that they would receive. I pray this would encourage someone right now, that in confidence you would have peace.”
This is what the Lord said. What I have called you to is the greater thing. Greater than raising the dead, greater than any healing. What I have called you to is being in Me. I have called you to the place of living and breathing and being in Me. What I see, you will see. What I think, you will think. What I say, you still say. What I say will come directly into being as you speak and agree. This is why in Me you are filled and complete. You are called to one accord with Me. You are surrendered and emptied and as you yield I fill all things. My word comes to pass, and in it is the end of all promised things.”
There is an excitement rising in me like a great tide that I cannot define and I certainly cannot contain. I hear the rushing of water, and I see a powerful wave, lifting us, carrying us, moving us forward as it frees us and takes us away. Coming to us, breaking through what has held us down is beautiful, delightful, freeing, refreshing, very powerful BREAKTHROUGH! This is what the Lord said. The thing that has held you down will be swept away in the coming season of release. You will be free of what has oppressed and held you back and a beautiful song of freedom will spring from your heart and ring from your lips! This is what you have been waiting for, the move of My powerful hand!”
 “I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, Speak, speak! Let My voice ring without hindrance, and without bridle! If My Prophets won't speak My Word, then I will raise up their children to speak, so I am heard!I see a great wave coming, to cleanse the voice of the Prophets. This wave brings them to their knees, that their hearts be turned to Him again. There is a great wave of repentance coming to those who see and hear, and out of this wave will come the pure voice of the Lord.
This is what the Lord said.
Trust. I will fill your heart with it as you receive My Word. Your thoughts will be filled with it as your heart is filled. Your belly will be filled with the goodness of My Word, and like sweet waters, it will flow through you and you will be refreshed. The time has come to trust in My goodness that My Word be fulfilled.”
“???For three years, the Lord has been teaching me submission to Him and to His will, and I have never been so free and powerfully blessed in His presence. This morning He put a small dagger in my hand with an ornate, jeweled handle, and His name etched into the hilt. Unbelievably sharp, but not very big. If this is to be my mode of negotiation, nothing will argue with it. I asked Him, I receive Your will as I submit to You...when do I use this?
He said, The violent take the Kingdom by force. For the first time I realized, that could also mean the devil stealing! He showed me how King David had to fight to live with His anointing. Interesting story. Crowned King, he submitted to Saul, but Saul rose up in his greed for power and persecuted David, who was then little more than a Shepherd boy sent to sing to him. Man's will against God's in which David fought to defend himself as He waited for God's deliverance. In this vision I watched the story like it was on a movie screen.
The Lord said again, the violent take the Kingdom. But this time as He spoke those words to me I heard more of their meaning. He was saying, The devil steals, but the living aggressively receive what is given to them. That is how I was saved, how I received the Holy Spirit, how I received the answer to every prayer I have ever prayed.. Aggression and submission are not a balancing act. The fight is against not believing, or allowing the enemy to steal. This was a lesson on spiritual warfare I will never forget.”
“This is what the Lord said. I will restore to you far more than was stolen, even though many gifts have already been given to you while overcoming the enemy's mischief. Nevertheless, there was great purpose served in your lessons, for before My eyes now stands my beautiful Anointed.
Even though you see this as being late in your life, you will soon know that is not the case. Your perspective is soon to change, for your life will be seen from a farther horizon in Me.
All the promises given to you will soon come to bear, for I am faithful, even when you did not understand what I meant.”
“I hear the Lord say, You will be transitioning out of the environment you are in as you will be moving on.”
“I hear the Lord say, You have endured much minimizing and rejection in this life but the scales are about to tip the other way as your calling is revealed. In all the rejection you have suffered, you have learned to value only the acknowledgement you receive from Me. From the world, accolades are something you will never desire to see, but oh, the vindication you do desire to see! It is not a matter of pride, as you may think. It is a deep and driving desire that I have placed within your heart to see justice served as the King of glory is respected and revered!”
“If you know the Lord's promises to you then you know His will. You may not be in on the timing, but you can wait in faith and confidence. There's no use in doubting or striving, and that includes complaining. Choosing to trust and be grateful are within your power to do! Always one to chomp at the bit, to be insecure in my own abilities, and to strive for perfection, I have had relatively little real peace. In this past season the Lord told me to wait on Him. I assumed it would build trust, but it has done so much more. I seem to be cured of self doubt, I rest in confidence in His ability to accomplish His will, I no longer question my own, and I am living, night and day, in the most delightful peace I have ever experienced! Recently He said to me, Will you be happy when you get your way? That stopped me in my tracks, because it is not my will I am waiting to receive! So the message in this message is to live in the palm of His hand, and by all means have fun doing it! The Lord said to me, This is your day of rest! Enjoy it, I want you to live!
Someone, the Lord says to you, You will never again think that I have withheld anything from you. Just wait until you see with your eyes what I am about to do. You will know in an instant why I took such care to prepare you. Your entire life has been as it had to be to prepare you.”
“This is what the Lord said. As you trust in My provision, poverty will run in the opposite direction. As you embrace My goodness, fear will run in the opposite direction. As you stand in My presence, My enemy will run in the opposite direction”

Glynda Lomax
Year of Intensities
I had been praying and asking the Lord about why so many intense events were taking place in our world – the Hurricane season, the California wildfires, the intense arctic temperatures over much of the U.S., and now the terrible flu spreading everywhere. What is going on, Lord? These can’t be coincidental. And He began to speak this word to me.  This will be a year of intensities, My children. As a woman in travail, every event will be more intense than the last. You will see more and more lives being taken with no notice. You are in the time of sorrows, and this will continue to intensify with each passing month.   My children, be sure your affairs are in order, as many of My people shall also be taken in these events. You will not have warning – it shall come upon you suddenly, for it rains on the just and on the unjust. All scripture shall be fulfilled in this time as the end is quickly approaching. You do not know the number of your days, so be ready at all times.   These events will become closer and closer together as the earth travails under the weight of so much sin, and then it shall end, and you will all be home with Me.   Be bold, be very courageous. Endure to the end, that you may be saved.
Matthew 24:3-9
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

The Price of War
   My children, a time of unimaginable grief approaches for you. There is no way to prepare you for this level of grief, when all you know shall be taken away. You can only draw near to Me for comfort, for no other comfort can be had in that time. In this time, death and destruction will reign. War will ravage your lands and it will become commonplace to encounter dead bodies in your streets, for there shall not be enough places, or enough living, to bury them all.   The price of war is always high, but the price of this war will be higher, for this war will destroy more than any war before it. It will take more lives, and destroy more cities than any war in the history of the earth.   Show the love you have for your families now for in this time, many of them shall be taken from you. Enjoy the comforts you have now, for soon they shall also be taken, and without warning. Your lives will change in the blink of an eye and you will be forced to adapt to conditions you never dreamt possible.   Remember I am your comfort. I am your help. I am your savior, and there is none other.
Revelation 6:1-10
6 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Prayer Times
I was in my kitchen cooking dinner Saturday evening, thinking about the fact that I had been praying for shorter times the last month or so than I usually do, when the Lord showed me that this was by the enemy’s design, and that the same thing was affecting all of God’s people lately.   My child, all My people are being tempted right now to shorten or abandon their normal prayer times. Many are discouraged by current news, and some have abandoned praying to Me altogether, convinced nothing will change if they pray.  This is the enemy’s work, to keep My people from praying because he knows I will answer them. My people are entering a time of great trials, and a time of much tribulation will soon follow this. They shall be altogether unprepared if they have been out of My Presence all of the time from now until then, and will not survive this. The time of the Great Tribulation is almost upon My people. This will be a terrible and perilous time when many shall be martyred for My Name’s Sake. This will be a time when it will seem the enemy has won, but he has already been defeated at the Cross on Calvary. I have told you in My Word that he shall prevail for a time. But only for a time. In this time shall many miracles be seen, that souls may be saved for My Kingdom. Many will still refuse to believe because of hardships and lawlessness.  Those who walk through this time and witness for Me shall receive special rewards in heaven not given to others, for it shall indeed be very trying.  My people, pray! Lift up many prayers now for yourselves and those you love. Lift up to Me prayers for those lost you do not know for I shall reward you for these prayers, for the time you spend praying for these lost souls. Watch. And pray, for it comes soon.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
17 Pray without ceasing.

Mark 13:32-34
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.

Matthew 24:20-22
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Revelation 13:6-8
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Daniel 7:24-26
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

The Enemy’s Plan
    My children, the enemy has a specific plan for this time. He is attempting to turn your world into a free-for-all. He started many years ago when he began tearing at marriages and families. Now he continues to work through those who do not know Me, by attempting to remove all restraint, and all protests against sin. He plans to do this by working against My people and My holy Word. He plans to turn the world against you, My people. By causing others to see you as the ones filled with hate, he will turn the people of the world against you. He will attempt to rid the world of you entirely. These will be very perilous times for all of My children the world over. These things must be that My Word can be fulfilled and the wickedness of the world can come to an end. Be aware of his plan, My people, for it begins soon. It is already being planned behind the scenes of your world.
John 15:18-25
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.
23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

Matthew 24:8-10
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Will You Still Call Me Lord?
   Death comes behind the Wind of Change that approaches in the storms I have shown to you. Death comes in the form of war, and in the form of famine, and in the form of plagues, My children. A terrible plague approaches in the storm (Suddenly I felt short of breath, as if something filled my lungs) that will claim many lives. A time of great sorrows is upon you, America, though you know it not. Even My people who serve Me daily are not prepared for this end. Even My people who walk closely with Me are not prepared to see loved ones gasping and dying in front of them. Will you rail and shake your fist at Me then? Will you turn your heart away and refuse to believe any longer? What will you feel if you lose everything and everyone from your life? Will you still call Me Lord?   Will you, like My servant David, bow down and worship Me even when your prayers are not answered? 
2 Samuel 12:16-23
16 David therefore besought God for the child; and David fasted, and went in, and lay all night upon the earth.
17 And the elders of his house arose, and went to him, to raise him up from the earth: but he would not, neither did he eat bread with them.
18 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead: for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice: how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?
19 But when David saw that his servants whispered, David perceived that the child was dead: therefore David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.
20 Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.

Job 1:18-22
18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house:
19 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,
21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

The Wind of Change
   A new wind will soon sweep across America. This is a great howling wind of change, but the changes it brings will not be good ones.   This wind will sweep away the plenteousness from the land of America. It will sweep ease from this nation of sin. It will sweep most of the comforts away from you, that you may know that I am God, and I will be revered by all.   Those of My people who walk closely with Me shall be provided for in this time of need, but those who have continually rejected Me will not have enough.   The end is near, My children, and you are not ready. Seek My face for what I would have you to do in this time that I may prepare your heart for what is coming.
NOTE:  I heard a strong, haunting wind in my spirit and I saw a scene of emptiness, and desolation. The wind reminded me of a strong north wind in winter, only the scene I saw did not seem to be cold weather, but warm. It looked like the scenes I used to see in far West Texas where the land stretches out so far you think it will never end, with nothing in sight but desert. I saw dust blowing, and emptiness. No people. No animals, no vehicles in sight. Just a vast stretch of emptiness with dust blowing across a highway. I don’t know what this scene means. In my spirit, I saw that dark threatening storm cloud on the horizon again that reminded me of a tornadic storm, but this time I was shown it is not one storm, but three storms together. One storm is war. One storm is an unbelievable economic crash. The other storm is not yet fully revealed to me, but seems to be a plague or some kind of sickness that spreads rapidly.I see men in army type uniforms in desert colors (sand and pale army green) standing around discussing things. I heard the words “stench of rotting bodies, and not enough places to bury the dead,” but I don’t know what caused those deaths. I think the war came first and caused so many deaths we have no place to lay them all to rest. Then I see the economy problem. I see people in good homes, with nothing to eat. They have no money to buy anything. They try to sell their possessions, but no one has anything to buy with. I see shysters going about trying to scam people, telling them they have food, but they don’t. I see the end for these will be far worse – they get “the sickness,” as it is called. A plague or some type of illness that is very dreaded is spreading. People are locked in their houses out of fear. Those going about scamming others are some of the first to get it. It is very bad and kills quickly. It seems to have started in some kind of food or come from some type of food or that is the way it is spread. In the spirit, I see it has been spread deliberately, by an enemy. I see mothers going insane when their children die right before their eyes. I see men who have gone mad because they were wealthy before and now they have nothing. The people I see faring best in this are those who live close to the land – for lack of a better word, hillbilly types who are used to having little, and who know how to gather food and make their own medicine. In many, their violent natures take over at this point and robbing and killing becomes commonplace. Most can’t defend themselves, especially in their weakened conditions. I see that those who have tremendous faith still have food to eat, but it is a closely guarded secret. Locked in their homes at night, everyone gathers around the table. As they praise God, food appears on the plates before them and they eat their fill. This becomes a problem as they begin to really stand out in their healthy bodies among the starving around them, and they are attacked for it, as everyone else thinks they have food in their house that they are hiding from others, and lying about.
Leviticus 19:32
32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord.

Psalm 34:7
7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Psalm 115:11
11 Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: he is their help and their shield.

Isaiah 25:1
1 O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

Psalm 150:6
6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

A Call To Intimacy
   Beware, My people, for the intensity of the time you live in is increasing daily. When the events culminate to a certain point, it will increase suddenly, exponentially. When this happens, your choices will be very limited and many of My people will not survive.   I tell you these things that you may prepare by knowing Me more intimately than ever before. If you know Me intimately, I am able to help you in these times I tell you of. If you do not know Me this way, your faith will not sustain you in them, for they will be dire, indeed.  Plans have been made by those who are privileged, those who have power, and those with special advantages, to make changes according to their liking.
NOTE: I immediately thought of President Trump, and the many who hate him when He spoke that, but He did not say this has anything to do with him. Their plans will be carried out, because the time of the end is upon all flesh and all scriptures must be fulfilled, that My people can come home to be with Me here in heaven. The people making these plans are against Me. They are against My people, they are against My Word. They will usher in My enemy.
NOTE: I felt He was speaking of the AntiChrist here, but He did not say that. This group is made up of many peoples (nations) and they have long plotted to destroy this country because of its foundation in Me. Though many in this country no longer love My Name or serve Me, this country once stood for Me and My ways like no other.
NOTE: He sounded so sad when He said that, like a father who has lost his child. My children, you must get ready for what is coming. Becoming close to Me, walking in intimacy with Me, is not an overnight process. If you do not begin, you will not arrive. You will not have enough time to do this if you do not begin now. This year will bring many changes for My people, and many opportunities for those who do evil against them. See that you have no part in oppressing My people. See that you take no part in siding with what is wrong. See that you worship only Me, for the end is at hand, and those who do not will suffer a terrible end.Podcast with more detail about coming events, and what the Lord showed me about 2018:
Psalm 91:1-6
1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

“Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Video for this message found here:
or on Youtube - Behold I Come Do or Die - your way or Mine?
Message received Dec. 21, 2017
It is I daughter, your Master and your King, He who has formed you, molded you and fashioned you to be emptied and made into a vessel through which I continue to pour out My Heart to My people.
The battle intensifies, and as the seals of Revelation are fulfilled before your very eyes, you will understand that the world is on the brink of war. Now that the gates of hell are opened, you will see more and more manifestations of the demonic and men's hearts will fail them at the things coming upon this earth. Terror will begin to reign in regions and not only in the smaller locations as the spirits of darkness are fed by the increasing lawlessness of men's hearts in the lands.
As I give men over to the wicked desires of their hearts, all consuming spirits will overtake them and it will appear that all is lost. As I speak these words to you, the evil plots and  schemes meant to destroy My people are being unleashed. The time of great darkness has begun, and there will be great lamentation in the whole earth. Men will tremble at what will befall the nations as war and famine and pestilence overtake the lands. My Word is being fulfilled, it will never come back void, and you will see all that has been written as you are in the generation of My return.
As your Commander and your Captain My army, I say to you now, in a moments notice that you know not, you will hear My cry to come forth! I have positioned you and trained you in My truth, and you can not falter. My call to each of you individually will be distinguishable and without doubt. You will know My voice above all others  for you will know the voice of your Shepherd and King calling you to arms. This is why I have asked you to be as sober minded and focused as you can, removing all distractions now in order that I may give you your personal instructions and counsel. For you see, as chaos and destruction and fear become more and more prevalent, you will only know My peace and My love, as We operate as One heart in overcoming the powers of darkness. There will be false miracles and signs and wonders all around you as the beast system strives to deceive the masses, but My truth in and through you has already prevailed.
I too, will give many signs and wonders through My remnant army and this will help save the souls of multitudes whose hearts have waxed cold. Together, We will bring many, many of the lost back into the fold, even through the darkest of times.
Ask Me daily to ensure your armor is tightly fastened and continue to immerse yourselves in My River of Life and be fed. I am about to do something you would not believe unless I told you it would be so. Reinforce all you have been taught. Be disciplined and maintain a steadfast and unmovable posture as the great day of the Lord is at hand. Hold fast My men and women of valor, for all you have experienced in your journeys with Me has led up to this moment of now.
As My shout goes forth to you, there will not be time to finish what I have asked of you previously. This is of the utmost importance that you understand. Heed My words this day and all will be well with you. To you My men of belief who have been riding the fence and not fully committing yourselves to Me, I have a word for you. Where are you My Kingdom men?? It has been given unto you to be the spiritual authority if you have families and children in your care; if I have not already separated you out for My purposes.  The situations with each of you personally are vastly unique and designed by your Creator and I know what your circumstances are, and am leading you. However, many of you men that reside in family situations are not walking in My spiritual authority over your wives and children. You are not leading those in your care, whoever they may be, in My ways. I see everything you do and I listen to all your conversations. You either speak life or speak death. I see where you travel and the places you frequent when you think no one else does. I watch you day and night and I am aware when you operate from your flesh and not your spirits. I hear how you avoid speaking of Me in the public arenas and workplaces for fear of isolation and embarrassment. Do you not know that if you do not confess Me before men, I will not confess you before My Father? You profess Me with your lips in the small and comfortable groups with fellow believers, but fail to acknowledge Me to a dying world. You must repent and immediately change direction or you will not stand with all that is upon you. I have placed My Spirit in your hearts and you know you have been chosen. Stop compromising and playing games and wake up. The world needs My Kingdom men like never before. This is a stern warning to those of you in these positions, who have not taken Me seriously enough and have been slacking in discipline and in your walks with Me. I do not care for your lip service to Me and you will be accountable for spiritually neglecting those I have placed under your care. In this I ask you again, rise to the occasion and stop wasting time as you have been told that time is no more. Put on your armor daily and take responsibility for all I have given you and walk in the purposes I have ordained for you on this earth  You who are reading this now know who you are and will be convicted instantly in your spirits as you read and hear these words. This is not the day to choose to ignore My warnings to you to step up to your positions and Kingdom roles.
I am pouring out My Spirit as never before so fear not to draw close to Me, and I will hear you and I will answer you.
The battalions of hell are coming for you My people, but astonishment will seize the nations as the Kingdom of Heaven is manifested on the earth. The testimony of Me is the spirit of prophecy. Tell all I send to you of Me! My love through you will transform hearts. Hear Me this day! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars and My voice thunders through the very fiber of all created things!

Luke 21:26King James Version (KJV)
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Matthew 24:12
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Romans 1:24
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Psalm 81:12
12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

Luke 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Isaiah 55:11
11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

John 10:27
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

1 Peter 5:8-9
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

2 Thessalonians 2:9
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Acts 14:3
3 Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

Acts 13:41
41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

Proverbs 18:21
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Isaiah 29:13
13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men

Matthew 10:32
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Psalm 91:15
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

Revelation 19:10
10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Thursday, January 4, 2018
Vision received Dec. 28, 2017
I was out in the country, a great distance from populated areas with a medium sized group of people. All my family was there, along with some familiar people from the town I live in, and some I did not recognize at all.
I suddenly realized that Yahushua was in this place with us, and He was talking individually with people. I was frantic to get to Him, and ran to where I knew in my spirit He was. He was talking with a young man in a room sitting at a table. I stood just outside of the door which was open, not wanting to interrupt, but desperately wanting my turn with Father! Yahushua was light-hearted and smiling, laughing and at ease talking with this young man. I could hear His voice as He was talking and was so curious as to what He would talk about with me.
When He was done, He stood up and came out the door towards me. I thought I would explode from the excitement of not only seeing Him so closely, but now having the opportunity to hug Him! It has been my heart's desire since, well, forever for me! As He saw me, He smiled and closed His eyes and sighed "aahh," as I lunged for Him, and He wrapped me up very tightly. I literally felt myself melting into Him, and I knew Our hearts were One and Our spirits were merged. He held me for the longest time, and everything else in the world simply evaporated and ceased to exist, all in an instant. He gently stroked my head and softly whispered, "You know it's going to be alright." The peace and sense of security was indescribable. I was home, and I knew the unconditional, eternal love from my King and Messiah. Finally, after several long minutes that I didn't want to ever end, He released me and asked me to walk back outside with Him because He had things to show me. We walked back to the hill where I originally found myself at the beginning of the vision, and He pointed to the ground in front of us and said, "Watch this." Just then, the ground opened up and became a very large pool of sorts, beautiful, shimmering, pure as crystal and what is most closely described in our terms as a 'royal bluish metallic liquid' undulating back and forth. There aren't words to describe the texture or characteristics other than supernatural and unlike anything of this world. He then said, "get in" and He dove into the water Himself. As He came up, He was laughing and then told me to follow. I went in and instantly felt the weight of my body as well as all the cares of this world suddenly disappear, and I was flooded with a peace and sense of security and love once again that is not like anything I've ever experienced here in this world. I was full of joy, light and energized, strengthened and more alert in my mind than ever before.
Yahushua gave me the understanding in my spirit that this was not my complete transformation, but rather the outpouring of strength that is coming very soon to His remnant people to prepare us for what is upon us, before He brings us home. The others I was with were coming now and everyone started to immerse themselves in this pool of living water. He then got out of the water, completely dry, and asked me to do the same as He pointed towards the sky. He said to me, "Now, watch this." There were very disturbing sounds like groaning and gates creaking and metal bending under the earth, and the earth started shaking.  At the same time, I heard a distressing sound in the atmosphere, most closely resembling an explosion of sorts, but nothing like what we know as a conventional weapon here. The atmosphere was 'morphing' and it somehow seemed as if the elements were melting or fusing and the thought instantly came to me that this was some type of nuclear event, although I am not certain exactly what this was. Then black smoke filled the air, as I saw fire and the smoke filling the entire sky around us, very, very quickly turning the day into almost night. Yahushua gave me the understanding again, without the need for words, but through my heart, that the immersion in the pool was His gift to His people who are His Bride to prepare us for what we will experience for a short time before we are completely transformed and brought home. He allowed me to know that we will experience destructive events, and He also told me that many, many people will die. I sensed His sadness at how many, and how unprepared they will be when they die, because they did not heed His warnings to prepare, nor did they accept Him as their Messiah. Those that are His, however, will be protected under the shelter of His wings, and He will be walking through this with us. The events I'm told will happen extremely quickly, as He has spoken and prepared us for in many other messages. I then wanted to ask Him if this event He had just showed me was the event that brings about the three days of darkness, and He shook His head, no. This was a separate event, and this one He showed me was the first to occur. The arrival of a planetary body bringing about the darkness is a separate event/judgment. He told me again, as He has in the past, that during these three days of darkness when the planetary body arrives, the Bride will experience the complete transformation, and those who have been ordained to stay and minister for a short time will do so after this transformation. His Bride then comes home to the Kingdom, as His wrath will be poured out upon the earth. His last words to me were, "All these things are here, upon you, but I am also here with you always and will carry you through it all."
End of dream.
As with anything, please take this to Father and pray for discernment, revelation and interpretation.
*Note* Please check back in as I am working on posting another message with video that I received December 21, 2017.

“You are Carriers of the Mysteries of my Kingdom
December 20, 2018
Prophetic word
My people, come up higher.  It is my desire that you learn of me. I will reveal myself to you.  Do not be disturbed by the things of this world without seeking to see me.  I will show you things from my point of view. All these things must come to pass but my plans will be fulfilled. Righteousness will come like the spring rain.  All things will be made new. Come into my presence so that you may clearly see.  I will never leave you unaware.  I desire to show you great things.  Revelation you will have if you spend time alone with me. Great will be your peace and your joy.  It is my delight to show you the mysteries of my kingdom. All knowledge and wisdom come through me. This world is full of foolishness, but through my word and in my presence, you shall be made wise. Soon many will seek wisdom that can only come from above.  You are the carries of my presence, you are the carriers of my glory.  Through you my wisdom will flow. Many will come to drink from the living water than flows from you. Come into my presence and be filled.  I am the river of life”

“TRANSCRIPT: “Speak now Daniel. Speak of the fallacy of man. He sows the seeds of his own destruction. He refuses to acknowledge Me, and calls himself a god. Does he not know that I have given him this knowledge? Where there is arrogance there shall be humility. For I am the God of justice. Speak now son of man, speak what I have revealed to you.” ( I, Daniel reply): “I have seen the stars falling from the sky. They are so numerous I cannot count them.” (The Lord continues): “Even then, men shall look for an explanation for this. He refuses to accept My authority over him. The destroyer shall be destroyed. You shall bear witness to the folly of nations. I shall strike down man’s war machines, for his wickedness knows no bounds. Just as in the days of Noah, you shall be mocked for speaking these truths. The clouds gather, for soon the rain shall begin. Will you remain obedient and follow Me?”

“The truth shall not be held hostage. I have empowered you to speak this truth. My word is alive and finds those that seek it. It has no boundaries. I have called thee to do my good works and you have listened. Lift up thy hands to the heavens, can you not feel my Spirit. I have empowered you to speak my will. Those who know Me will see that what you speak, is Holy. I am with you in all that you do. Soon you shall sup with me and drink from the chalice of eternal life”

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