Saturday, July 8, 2017

Message Date - 08 Jul 2017

***Prophetic Messages From The Lord 08 Jul 2017***

Kathy Mote
“It is time for My will to come alive with perfect timing in your life! You will be ablaze as you are given the perfection of My desire! What you consider breakthrough is merely perfect timing, and now that you are prepared, it is the perfect timing to fulfill My desire! Dreams from long ago will be revealed and ignited. They will leap to life as I send them all consuming fire! Angels have been dispatched and sent with gifts, lifestyle changes will be seen, dashed hopes will be rekindled, emotional prisons will be burned down in the fire of My life giving gift. You will look back and say, I thought I would never see this day! Dreams and visions laid on the altar that you thought had blown away will leap to life and dance with force and life before Me! This is what I say to you. In Me nothing is wasted, and every death you have endured for My name's sake will leap to life and bear fruit!”
“Although they had great purpose, your years of obscurity are over. Everyone deserves their time on the back side of the mountain, to learn to hear My voice, to come to terms with their calling, to overcome their fear, learn humility, be fitted with their mantel, and receive My anointing. Being separate from others is not the same as being alone. You are one but not the other. The validation you once sought from man is of no consequence, for you receive that in My presence. You have been called out from among them, and that is why you stand out, but it is now your time to shine. What was once your shameful rejection is now your strength and your comfort zone, filled with the rich and deeply resonating comfort of My fellowship. Did I not say the day would come when those who despised you would come to admire you? Did I not promise that your shame would be My glory as they praise Me because of you? And did I not say that those who once rejected you would greatly desire what I have given you? Like I once used them to hone you into the sharp blade that you are, I will now use that blade to pierce their heart, and they will yearn for My presence as they stand in yours. In the end all will hear My voice, and that has always been My purpose”
“What is the difference between prayer and conversation? You have known prayer. Now you will know conversation. Just as there is a difference between tinkling bells and clanging cymbals, there is a big difference between prayer and conversation. You have to speak the same language, there has to be understanding. It is a way of communion as well as communicating. Until now it has been one sided. I have brought you up to hear My voice, and I am excited! We will now commune and converse, and as we do I will show you the universe!”
Can you receive? Can you stand and receive, with your heart still in My hands, and not be moved, not run away with your blessing? I desire greatly to pour out favor on you, and like a waterfall, cause My blessings to overtake you. Will it shake you to know how much I desire to bless you? Will you still bow your knee, still honor Me, still respect My timing in all things? Will it rock you off your base, or tempt you to remove your heart from Me? Like the nine, will you walk away from Me? I am preparing you to receive, and like the crashing of the waves, I will splash upon you gifts and favor, beautiful blessings, and delightful treasures! And yet, even as you receive, you will still, deep in your heart, desire only Me.”
“We're going on an adventure! There is only one way to go, and everything is all set. Things are set in motion that you do not see yet. You are being prepared, but you find you are afraid. The Lord wants you to trust in His goodness, and be excited, not afraid. This is what He says. Have I ever harmed you, or left your side? Has there ever been a day when I left you high and dry? Do not hang onto the things in your life. They are a means to an end, and they are to fall behind you and I as we fly! Your circumstances are to be upgraded, and so there will be a great change in your life. For many years have I planned this for you, and I am grieved that you are crying. Shed your last tear, give Me your fear, trust in My goodness and begin to smile! You are going on an adventure, and it will be the thrill of a lifetime!”
“You will know I am with you at every turn, and in everything you face you will know I am there with you. I will turn your focus back to Me, and remove your grief for those who walked away. The reason you are hurt is that you feel you have been rejected. But as you give your heart to Me, you will know that I am gathering you to walk with Me unencumbered and in great freedom. I have ordered your steps. Do you think that I have not ordered theirs, as well? Life does not answer to you, it answers to Me. As you surrender this you will not see rejection, you will see protection, provision, order and blessing. There is great realigning happening now, and as I am shaking relationships, some will be strengthened, some will fall apart. Know it is My intention to make things right, and be comforted that I am Lord of all in your life.”

““If My Yoke is Easy then do not travail morning to morning claiming it is in My Name. I have called you to enjoy this life, a gift to you each day. I wove you with passions and desires to explore. Many speak what I have said is Good as if it is all evil before My sight. I want to hear your heart and what brings excited joy to your very being. You are in My Image and are these not aspects that I take part in as well?
The Winds are changing direction and soon you will be pushed in a new direction. New Shores will you visit with new faces bringing fellowship. The Great Harvest is gaining momentum with a breaking force from Land to Sea. Let the Hope Arise for the enemy will soon be in a worldwide retreat. You were born to have the Victory. Do not be fooled into less than the Fullness that I handed you.
My people groan and moan as if they are on the losing side. You let your eyes deceive and your ears lead you astray. I know the beginning from the end. Everything is working according to the Plan. Release the one way thinking for My Thoughts are not your thoughts and My Ways are not your ways. Choose to wake up with anticipation of My Presence and you will find Me. End your day with expectation that I have seen you through and around anything that came.
Many walk on autopilot, not expecting a God who is Omnipresent. I am completely involved and there are no second class citizens. So I say again, LOOK FOR ME in your daily affairs. I will move on your every prayer. Never will I turn you away. Get your bags packed for we are about to take off to the next chapter. Close the book on what was and let your mind fill with wonderment about what is to be!”
““The captives rarely know the day of their release and yet that moment comes Suddenly with Thunder. Understand that in the times of losing all hope is when the enemy knows you are close to your breakthrough. See the fog and confusion for what it is, a mere distraction away from the truth of your situation.
There are prisons that you placed yourself in and ones that came to be because you were doing everything right. The truth does not change. I came to set the Captives Free and that is a promise that I will deliver upon. So look again, for the door is about to swing open. Is there any cage that can hold My Precious Sons and Daughters?
Do not miss what I am doing. Just as you saw Me send the Called and Chosen in My Word, to set the Captives Free, I am still sending those messengers even NOW. Many hear their words and shout ‘Stone them’ because you believe the lie that you are not lost to some deceptions. Many have lost their way because of strayed teachings from centuries back still being passed down. Many more see the freedom and cry to go back into bondage instead.
There are teachings that you have learned that you must unlearn. I have put My Plumbline in your midst, but their words are foreign to the ears far and near. Each man has gone on according to his own beliefs walking in the traditions of men. I am bringing order to the misguided Bride. Some will walk away from the faith because they will not accept correction. Your identity is in Me and not what is being torn away. The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. Be one who seeks Heaven as a Prize worthy to not let go of.”
““I brought you low so that you could soar high up. I pruned what was dead so that you would no longer be weighed down with the past regrets and disappointments. I healed your heart so that I could pour out My Love to a lost and dying world. It is time My Beloved. You finished your season of sifting and what remains is pure beauty.
Many have blamed you or turned away during these long years in the process. You were told conflicting messages about what I expected of you and still you arrived right on time. You have done well to release the misguided and ill-informed. You heard My voice even when those closest claimed you to be in error. I am so proud of you My Child.
I knew how you would finish these testings but even so, you have surprised Me. You stand today with Power and Zeal for My Kingdom that no one and nothing could knock out of your heart and mind. Even when the waves crashed hard to push you under, you gladly got back up and said bring me more. What was making room for your new anointings has enlarged because of your attitude and desire to endure for My Glory and Honor.
You are on a fast moving train where the next few months will go quickly and shift rapidly. Do not get settled in just yet for the final destination is not on the horizon but will be soon. You are going to love what is just beyond the bend. What you have placed in My Hand with full Hope and Faith is coming via special delivery that only I can do for you. I will bring you Joy so Unimaginable that you will know that you know that a Loving Father is indeed in Heaven and has heard even your silent cries! I Love You beyond the beyond!!”
 ““My Revival Trumpet has sounded over the Lands. My Restoration Shofar has been blown. Watch and See for the increased Angelic activity over My Creation. People to and fro notice the world changing rapidly over many decades, but think it means something that it does not. Forsake the logic of men and come sit by the Brook with Me for awhile.
It is My Glory to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. If you are Mine then where are you seeking your knowledge? I desire to have an intimate relationship with you so come! Will I not reveal what has been hidden when you ask, seek, and knock? Will you be willing to wait for My Answer or will you grow bored and walk away?
Many are operating out of the wrong spirit because they know not what spirit they are actually from. In that, they expect My hand and voice to do what I have not planned for mankind. You must know your times and seasons. Consider that the world is not where you think in My plans for humanity. From the Foundations have I written the Blueprint in detail. Before there was sin, I had the plan for Salvation sealed in the blueprint. I have left nothing out of the journey for I know the Beginning from the End.
Many stopped looking for why I placed them for such a time as this because they are merely waiting to leave. NO! You have a purpose. You have a call. You have a destiny for I waste nothing including the reasons why you are here right now and not somewhere else. How can you find the Joy in what I am doing in your life if you are constantly pining to be somewhere else? It is time for My Bride to be fully vested and Hand in Hand for My Kingdom. I am here to bring these generations unto Myself! It is My Love for all people that is patient with My Creation hoping that none would perish!”
“You are My Burning One! Where once I spoke through a bush, but now I speak through My Sons and Daughters. Choose My ways and you will see the Unimaginable as waves in the Ocean. Heaven is closer in this Hour. Hear the Celebrations taking place in your honor. Let what is to be make room in the void of what is past.
I promised to give you Joy for your sorrows. Seasons come and Seasons leave. What I have for you is worth far more than all of the jewels of royalty. I will erase what was less than My Best in your days. I am near to the brokenhearted and I weep when you weep. What you sow in tears will you reap in a beautiful harvest.
Doors are closing all around you. This is for your good and not a detriment. Do not chase after what is behind you even when it was a blessing for a time. I have more for you and until you let go, I cannot fill your hands once more. Trust Me for I will not fail you. The stepping stones before your feet will safely take you through the Valley, over the Sea, through the Forest, and over the Highest Mountains.
As the Sun Sets over the Beauty of Yesterday, the Sun Rises In the Valley, over the Sea, through the Forest, and over the Highest of Mountains. Look with anticipation to the Grandest of Landscapes yet to be seen! For Behold I do a New Thing! Do not look for what I already did for I am not there. Let your Eyes fix upon what has never been becoming the Favor Multiplied and Multiplied again. Your Future is Bright and Endless in Possibilities.”
““Feel the shift in the atmosphere. You are walking up out of the fog and into full view of what I have laid up for you. What seemed far off is just moments away. The waiting is over! What was held up has been released. Your tent pegs have been strengthened and moved out to make room. Expect no longer life as it was for the New has begun.
You are Worthy of all that I have! Forsake the lies that I see one more worthy than another. I took you where you were, but I will not leave you as I found you. Like a Rocket ship will I take you higher and higher in record time. Time is in My Hands. Relax and enjoy the journey. Rejoice, for your days will unfold many surprises, big and small.
Be in tune with the frequencies and vibrations of this season. My Voice speaks in a multitude of ways. You must be on purpose with seeking the Kingdom. Mankind’s logic lives in accidents and coincidences, but not so for those with a Heavenly mindset. You remain an on purpose and deliberate creation on My Part. I overlooked nothing in any respect to your life.
What one does not war against will continue to pursue looking to devour. You are a warrior. Stand your ground! Keep your thoughts captive for the enemy plants seeds of discord and unrest that you must pull out of your life. I bring you peace in all things. Stay in alignment and steadiness will find your walk. Your latter days will be filled with Wonder and Splendor for you are Mine!”
 “No one forgets the Icing on the Cake. Find this day that you are receiving the Icing on what I have already given to you. Many have not even realized that they were given a precious gift because it came as a babe in a manger, but now that gift has grown and is bringing forth what it was created and designed to carry into the Earth Realm.
Like several Earthquakes in rapid succession will there be a shaking as this manifests with Great Thunder and Lightening. What I set into motion will not be undone. What I place upon My People will be until the end of the age. Movements of My Spirit begin and end but this will remain. My Chosen Vessels are ready to run with what I have instructed to completion.
I will pour My Glory in and through them in unprecedented ways. Be on the lookout for the unexpected, as the business as usual is about to be unseated. Too many are walking life on autopilot doing what others have done for decades thinking this is the answer in My Kingdom. ENOUGH! Do not be as the Israelites who died long before they reached the Promises. If I said it, I WILL DO IT!
What you believe in is what will make room in your life. My Power and Authority comes as Signs, Wonders, and Miracles. Believe and you will Receive. Ignore the naysayers for their hands will always be empty. Will you plow your own path or will you follow My Lead? I am not finished with you so with your next breath declare whom you shall serve. The Earth is being invaded in this hour. Step up and be counted! The Unimaginable is going to be common place for My Glory and Honor.”

“For I gave My life for My creation on the cross of Calvary once and for all to defeat the enemy. My sacrifice cancels all sin for every person who receives Me into their heart. If you have not received Me into your heart, wait no longer. Do so now. Awesome tragedy will befall your once great nation. Not one will be left unaffected. My sheep hear My voice and will be given directions as far as provisions and travel plans if necessary for them to move from their homes. I will not leave you to fend for yourselves, My children. You will be guided by My transformed soldiers and many angels. If you have Me in your heart, you will know right away if you are in the presence of the evil ones. You will know when you are in the presence of unbelieving souls and will be given clear instructions on how to approach every situation. I will not leave you alone. In some cases, you will be in the presence of angels, and they will be visible to you. At other times, they will remain invisible, but you will know that they are there leading and guiding you to safety. Some of you have been made aware of safe houses or goshens that have been set up by My servants ahead of time. These will act as outposts for my end-time army and will be safe gathering places for people who do not yet know who I am. These will be places of peace where the lost will be taught by My servants, and they will learn of Me and be taken care of so they will come to see me through the kind actions and love of My children. Your once great nation will never be the same again. And as much as it has become a land of such great sin, there will be many miracles, as My children share My love and plan of salvation with many lost souls. An army of new believers young and strong will arise to lead the charge of spreading My truth and defeating the schemes of the enemy. I’ve been sharing these warning messages with many messengers for several years now. I see many mockers and scoffers, because great tragedy has yet to come upon your nation. They’ve grown doubtful and are falling back into the wicked ways of the world. They will see when your nation begins to shake, and they will return to Me wholeheartedly. There will be millions who want and need the guidance of My soldiers and angels. Lost souls will only come to recognize My truth through the love and kindness of My end-time army. My children who are watching and waiting, do not grow weary, for you wait not in vain. You all have special assignments awaiting you, and you will see My grand plan begin to unfold very soon. I know that many come against you in doubt, but you must not give up your post. I know the human mind. Much time passing with nothing happening as some have predicted causes hearts to grow weary. Do not forget that My timing is not your timing, and My timing will be perfect. I know the plan of the enemy down to the smallest detail, as he does nothing without My knowledge. His darkness is enveloping your earth more and more each day, and at this point, only My Holy Spirit holds him at bay. He plots and schemes, but his plans will fail, for My victory is sealed eternally. The enemy will send his minions to blend in with people, and they will be as blight to My crop. Only My sheep and angels will recognize these and work to protect unbelieving children from their evil ways. As bad as things will become on your earth, there will be some who refuse to turn to Me. Without My protection, they will be subject to the devil and his minions and suffer greatly under his authority. My sheep, however, will be supernaturally protected. They will be working hard in harvesting the wheat in bringing in the lost sheep who are seeking Me. As the darkness increases, so will My light, as My transformed army will no longer be subject to the physical dimension of your earthly realm. They will have supernatural power to battle against the enemy and win many hearts to Me. Do not climb off your wall, My watchmen. With each passing day, you will see more and more chaos occurring across the expanse of your planet. Times of peace are over, even for your once great nation.”
“Time will seem to stand still, My Children. You will be under My protection during the coming three days of darkness. You will not feel pain during your transformation but a tingling sensation as your flesh changes into a harmonic spiritual being, bright and glowing; the original state in which I created mankind before his fall to evil flesh in The Garden of Eden. Those of you who have prepared your things – food and provisions, etc., these will be utilized by those who do not know Me, but that will come to know Me during the 40 days of chaos following the Rapture of My Church. The Raptures will take place very closely together. First the innocents, the children, and then My Bride. The children will include all who are child-like in their ability to understand things. I am the I AM, and I will be reconciling My creation unto Myself. I want none to perish, so I will have chosen warriors who are marked for My protection, spreading My truth to those who need to hear it. Many are not part of My Bride and will need to understand My Gospel of Mercy before being rescued. Some will lose their lives, knowing full well that they will be gaining eternity with their Father and Creator. The “others” will do all they can to convince those left behind to be led by the new world government. The lie that they perpetuate will convince many that I am a lie and that the mass disappearances can be explained away. This is where My warriors come in, going to those they knew in their new glorified bodies and convincing them to go to the pre-appointed and protected Goshens for safe-keeping. The goal of all that come to Me during this timeframe will be the same – remaining safe so that they can share My truth and at the same time warning others to stay away from the mark of the beast. My warrior angels and My saints will work together to lead many to safety, and in doing so, lead many souls home to Me. The events that will befall your earth will be indescribable in human terms. My children hear My voice, and though they will not be shown specifics, many can feel that these things are drawing near. They can feel it within their spirits; they sense the change in the spirit realm that will soon be impacting the earth. You will see and experience some of the things leading up to the three days of darkness – earthquakes, tidal waves, flooding, sink holes, volcanic eruptions, human tragedy, disease, pestilence – all the sum of cumulative darkness in this fallen world. The enemy will win many battles, but the war is already won! You, My children, receive peace in that knowledge, no matter what you see, no matter what occurs. Call My Name and do not fear.”

“My children seek not to hear words that tickle your ears and see things delightful to your senses. Do not be quick to open doors to spirits that are not of Me through your technology and the modern culture you reside in. The enemy has been very cunning in that as you have advanced in culture, science, technology, etc..,  he has also manipulated these things to use for his own purposes. You must learn to be harmless as doves, yet wise as serpents.  You are seeing the fulfillment of My Holy Word, as they are crying come here, go there, for in doing this you will find Messiah. I tell you... These are lies!! False doctrines and lying signs and wonders are manifesting everywhere just as My Word has warned. These things are happening now, they are upon you. And yet, the greatest deception of all time planned by the serpent has not yet been revealed. But already many of My own are falling away in great numbers, lured by the soul and the senses and not My Spirit. I have warned you to know Me, Your Shepherd and My Voice which is discerned in My Word, as I Am The Word!   But, in your lack of discipline to take the necessary steps to know Me as I Am, you have sought familiar and deceiving spirits to give you what you long for, to fill the void in your hearts, even though My truth states that only I can fulfill you!  In My great love for you, I have warned you in My mercy to ask to know Me and My heart. Where do you find My instructions to seek after an experience or chase after those claiming manifestations and wonders in order to find Me?  I AM the Word, I AM Life , I AM the Manna upon which you must feed, I AM the Bread of Life. If you are feeding upon those things that are mixing spirits with My Truth, you will only be led to destruction. It is through your obedience in the sufferings of this life that you will find Me. Does My Word not teach this? Yet, wolves in sheep's clothing proclaim a better way to finding Me. They encourage you to seek truth elsewhere, all based in experience and emotion, your soul nature, rather than teaching you that you will know Me by My Spirit. Spirit speaks to spirit, and scripture will always confirm and reveal more scripture. This is why I gave you My Word for instruction and wise counsel.  From the very beginning, Lucifer created his plan to counterfeit all that I Am and to deceive men into believing they could be wise, as I Am Wisdom.  The fallen ones brought knowledge that was forbidden for men to have, and therefore, corruption entered My creation. It would benefit you to have an understanding of how such deception was introduced by these enemies of My Kingdom, as they imparted hidden knowledge into all areas of your lives, such as medicine, science, plants and herbs, and their healings used in their sorceries, technology and advancements on a molecular level as well. Their schemes and their motives have been evil from the beginning. Now they have evolved your way of thinking, so that much of how you operate is accepted and embraced.  This was the foundation laid to then introduce a 'new way,' an awakening of the inner man as they call it, to find your 'higher selves' and your higher purposes and destinies. No longer is My Word and your private communion with Me enough. You are instructed to 'transcend this dimension' through means not ordained by Me. There are gateways and portals that have opened, but My people, not all is good, not all is of Me! Not all is profitable to you and will edify you, as only My pure Spirit and Truth will. The beast system strives to mimic unity and oneness by proposing peace through merging all religions, doctrines, and beliefs systems into one, BUT this is a lie! They will do this using the terrible propaganda and wicked lies that have been perpetrated throughout your entire history. These anti-christ spirits have been laying their false truths and strategizing for this time of now, so when they deliver their biggest deception, sadly, most of those who profess Me will not know My Spirit from My counterfeit. It is easy to recognize the obvious enemy, the one who is not disguised as light, who openly mocks and denies Me. But do you now recognize what has infiltrated literally every aspect of your lives and is disguised as being of Me? Do you know Me through My Word well enough to see how millions are now being 'caught up' in a wave of experiences and super-natural manifestations that do not bear witness of your Lord and Master, Yahushua Ha Mashiach crucified? Where is the reverence to a Holy and Righteous God in these groups and gatherings? Where is holiness, godliness and repentance preached? Where is humility and forsaking all and contriteness something to be embraced? Where is poverty spoken of as those close to My Heart, rather than prosperity and elevation? Do you even hear My name spoken of and glorified? Or,  do you hear, "I felt this, I saw that, I had this happen." Count how many times My name is mentioned, then how many times those professing to know Me refer to self. The truth will become apparent. Do I not teach that I will come to all that seek Me?  So, why do you look for Me through another? Mortify your flesh and your senses before it is too late!! Yes, this is My admonishment to you who are involved in these practices, for I would rather have My day of reckoning with you now, in order for you to know truth and repent, than to have you lured away from Me into this false illusion of Me and be caught in the snare the enemy has set for you. I wish you to cease your involvement with sorceries and witchcraft and the seduction of the familiar spirits NOW! Many of you need to awaken to this and repent of this, for this is idolatry, and I hate idolatry and the implications there of.  The time is completely passed for Me to speak words of comfort when it comes to these things My children.  Do not be deceived and do not be fooled! Do not be ignorant as to the times you are in beloved. Know what it is that you allow into your homes, your eyes, your ears. Know what it is that you have chosen to become a part of. This is your responsibility, and you will be held accountable. If your leaders, pastors, teachers are speaking words that do not completely line up with My Word, divorce yourselves! You cannot blindly follow practices and teachings that are not Mine, and then expect Me to endorse them. Test every spirit! This means that spirit must profess Me crucified, My shed blood for the redemption of sins, My resurrection as being the only one that offers entrance into My Father's Kingdom through My sacrifice and atonement for all sins. That spirit must proclaim that I alone AM Lord, Yahushua Ha Mashiach. There is no other way unto The Father but through Me! You are in incredibly dangerous times children, and I do not wish that any of you is caught unaware.  Heed those words. They are confirmed in scripture. You must know your enemy in order to understand the various ways he will lure you away. Study to show yourselves approved! It is only then that you will truly have truth within your hearts, and be prepared to stand for I tell you time is over. I come now as The Judge with My Holy Fire and will punish the inhabitants of the earth who walk in unrighteousness and willful sin. I implore you, pay very close attention to what has been spoken here.  There in is much to gain, but also, much to lose.
Yahushua Ha Mashiach”
“Listen to the voice of your wise Counselor My loves. Incline your ears to hear what My Spirit speaks to you. Come boldly to My Throne of grace with all praise, and giving Me the honor due Me. Make your hearts' desires and petitions known to Me as I hear each and every one of them. I am watching you closely and I will never let you out of My sight.  My arm of protection is now lifting. This is what you are experiencing now in your spirits. As I draw away from a wicked people that do not choose to walk in My ways, the earth grows darker still. Should I suddenly and instantly withdraw My hand, none would survive, but I am doing what I must do quickly as this is the appointed time for judgment. I have been preparing you for this time. Heed My counsel. There is nothing more important now than this. I will always provide My wisdom for those seeking Me and walking in obedience. See that you do not succumb to the spirits of anxiety, weariness, hopelessness and despair. As the earth plunges deeper into darkness and chaos ensues, you will sense this more and more in your spirits. Be not dismayed Beloved as I spoke of all of this beforehand, in order that you would not be shaken. The darkness brings with it a lower and lower frequency which could never resonate with those who carry My light. Light and dark cannot dwell in the same place at the same time. Therefore, as the frequency of the earth plunges, My children must rise higher and higher, further and further removed from its far-reaching grip. A shakedown in occurring, as you are literally being torn from this realm, transforming you into vessels through which My glory, light, and love shall pour through. This is the agitation and restlessness you are experiencing. Fear not My children, as I must do this, as My own must be completely separated from everything in its fallen nature and be perfectly aligned with all that is holy, righteous ad pure. Go back and read all I have taught you regarding what is happening now. I have not left you without instruction.  Come to Me in the inner chamber, the Holy of Holies, enter fully in and be consumed. You must do this now! I have begun the shaking and unless you remain grounded, you will become distressed at what I am doing and you will operate out of fear. This cannot be, as I have shown you a better way-My way. I have promised you My peace which transcends all understanding. My way is sure and you will remain calm amidst the chaos so others will be led to Me. Come to Me now and drink deeply as My well never runs dry. My Manna will nourish you and sustain you. Lean not to your own understanding as you see all prophesied things commencing, but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths. Take hold of My hands, look into My eyes of love for you and align your spirits with the heaven-lies and My Kingdom. In doing this, fear will not overtake you and you will not be taken unaware.  Remember, this reality is illusory. Your true reality and home is in the Spirit of your Father and Creator. All is passing away and only My Kingdom will remain. Take great care and diligence in doing all that is required to remove yourselves from the distractions and troubles of this life. Tune out ALL that is not of Me. Let go of all that has held you captive in this world and in the secret, quiet place, you will find Me. I am the voice which is your Great Shepherd, drawing you away now, so that you may abide under the shadow of My wings while I do what I must do. Come away quickly now My sons and My daughters, come to Me quickly!

“I am accelerating all things that I may bring you home to Me sooner, My children. You will feel this acceleration as it is happening. Many things will seem to happen all at once, and events you have only talked about in the past will begin to actually unfold before your very eyes. Your time on earth is short now. Be diligent to do good works, to show kindness, to give to others, to be about My work. Pray for those who know Me not, that they may join us in our heavenly home.”
“ Great resistance has come against My prophets and teachers in this hour. Attacks by your enemy have intensified and you will now be required to war at a whole new level in order to prevail against your enemy’s plans. Assignments have gone forth to remove My warriors from their posts, Apostles have been removed from their places. Evangelists are being sent away. The enemy will spare nothing to stop the work of My Kingdom. My people, look and discern what is happening around you. You must increase in wisdom regarding the ways of your enemy if you are to survive. He desires to stop your work, and he desires to stop you. Many devils have been sent against you for this reason. My people must be increasingly diligent and must walk in sharp discernment to recognize these attacks before it is too late.”
“Enemies are coming, bearing smiles and gifts. Did I not warn you about flattering lips? A trying time has come upon the Nation of America that shall echo around the world. As I withdraw My Hand from them (the people of America), their enemies will rush in. They shall be humbled and brought low, and their pride shall be no more. They shall beg for mercy, as others have before them (before their power). War comes to the shores of America. I have closed the eyes of those who worship this nation, that they do not see what comes for them, for I have commanded they worship only Me. Long have I called out to you, America, but you refused Me. You have refused My ways. You have refused My Word. You seek to eradicate Me, for you follow after another god. The god you follow is no god at all and shall not be able to save you when disaster comes. Then you will see the error of your ways, but it will be too late.”
“Events coming into your world are not all from Me. Though man often attributes damaging events to My power, that is not always the case. I have given man free will, and your adversary also has a will. Whenever an event is from Me, I will give you a sign between you and Me, for you to know it is from My Hand. If you look closely, you will see it, and be at peace.”

“My light reveals the evil in men's hearts. I have prepared you for this, for you bear witness to this truth. Gird thy loins for the battle intensifies. Your enemies shall be members of your own household. Brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughter. I have seen your tears and heard your cries of despair. Through your weakness you have found strength. I shall fortify you for what lies ahead. No power against you shall succeed. Lift up thy hands now and feel the breath of My spirit. For I am the way the truth and the life. The battle rages and the enemy looks for your weakness. This battle is for your soul. Speak My name and evil will flee, for it is I who holds the sword of justice. Press forward and stand tall, for you walk in the light and I am with you in all that you do.”
“All liars will go to the lake of fire this is the second death. I hear you I see your adulteries and fornication, HAVE YOU NOT READ. You point your finger at others. You are righteous in your own eyes. You condemn your brothers and sisters. You hold your head high as you walk . You justify your own poor behavior. You count the days waiting for your redemption. Do you know me? If you did you would be laying in the dirt begging forgiveness repenting for your sin not counting hours and days until you depart this world. YOU LIVE IN BONDAGE AND REFUSE TO CALL MY NAME TO BREAK THE CHAINS. YOU speak and act on your own authority. Many claiming to walk in the SPIRIT are liars. MY WORD IS ALIVE. A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS. DISCERN THE LIARS AMONG YOU. DO NOT FOLLOW THEM TO THE GRAVE AND THE PIT”
“To my children, I know where you live and I know where the throne of Satan is. Many now claim to be Jews and are not. They are a synagogue of Satan. I hear the blasphemy. Do not be deceived, you will suffer trials and tribulation. Many will be put in jail, remain silent. Your Father in heaven will give you the words to speak. Great changes are coming that will allow the adversary to be ruler. He is prepared to step forward as he works to bring peace. I will send my two witnesses to seal up prophecy”

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