Friday, June 26, 2020

Message Date - 20 Jun 2020

Daily Prophetic Word
June 13, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I am placing My divine protection around you. My angels have been sent to encircle you. Call upon them to carry out My Voice over your life. There are many unseen forces that happen every day all around you. No need is being left out of their orders towards you. I am not a God who is caught off guard or surprised at what is taking place in your life. Every decision you have made, I have known before the day that you walked through it. That does not mean I have approved of every decision you have made, but I am aware as to why you made each and every one. There is no mistake great enough to make Me turn from you, but you must decide not to let your decisions remove you from My favor and blessings. I gave you free will. Straying from the trail will put you in situations where the consequences will be great in your life. Obedience is better than sacrifice. My Hand will keep you from the snare of the enemy. I will illuminate the way so that you will see the destruction before you fall into it. Be wise.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 12, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Just as a prism reflects and refracts the Light, so too will I use you to shine My Light through. This process will not always look as you might expect, but it will be for My Glory and Honor. You are coming out! So let the Celebration begin. Do not hold back. You are going to hold what I have spoken over you. Release the mind of doubt and turn away from those that walk in unbelief in My Kingdom. Be willing to let go what does not serve you. I am wrapping up the final pieces. Keep moving forward even when life appears upside and backwards. I know the way and you are on Target. What would not manifest will come suddenly. Cast your net wide and far. You are about to catch what has eluded you. You will draw closer to what would not come under your authority. The Tide has Turned. Seasons have come and gone. Do not focus on the endless distraction, but on the One who holds the world in His hands.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 11, 2020

By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Understand that I have placed a treasure of gifts inside of you from the womb. It is through the Holy Spirit, that these gifts awaken through My Power and Might. Man toils trying to use his God given talents for his own purposes and in his own strength. Abandon yourself to Me and let Me have full access to My Treasure within you. Will you regret such a transaction? Did I not say that the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit was the manifestation of speaking in tongues? Did I tell you not to quench the Holy Spirit? Tongues is the gift for your spirit as it edifies You and builds you up from the inside out. Your spirit and My Spirit become one and aligned. What you pray manifests suddenly when you are aligned perfectly to My Will and Desires. Forsake your religious mind that would tell you otherwise and contrary to My Word. What you ask, seek, and knock for is what you will behold.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 10, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Many have lost their glow. Turned away from the path to My Son long ago. Will you come back today just like the Prodigal son? Yield your heart and mind, and I will use you for greater things than you can imagine. The Call and Destiny I spoke over your life can still come into reality. Will you keep trying My Patience like a wicked servant, or will you take your place beside My Throne? Destruction comes out of rebellion. I am requiring a decision today. Will you come or will you go? Will you run into My Arms with conviction? This Hour is why you were placed in this generation at this point in time. You are here to change this world for My Namesake. Now is your time! Place down all of your idols that keep you from My Fullness. Remove the blinders you had so willingly decided to wear. Walk uprightly to your latter days. Change is before you. Will you take to old or grab the new?”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 9, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “The Days of Hope gone lost are over with. I am revitalizing your purpose and passion. What you felt was never going to manifest will do exactly that, Appear suddenly before your footsteps. What is important to you is surely noticed by Me. I will not ignore your cries. I weave your heart into My Plans. I did not make you into a robot but instead My dearest friend. I desire the Best for all of your days and nights.On the horizon is a new tribe of people who will

walk life with you with encouragement, support, and wisdom. You have many vital assets that they will need as well. Do not close yourself off to the life I have designed for you. Be at ease with yourself and with others. The momentum that you have skipped a beat to is picking up. Soon it will take less time and effort to accomplish what you set out to do. Dig in and do not allow complacency to start. Your Days are getting Brighter and Joy is your portion!”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 8, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You are My Beloved. No longer are you a servant, but YOU are My Sons and Daughters with My DNA inside of you. Rise up this day, and take your rightful place next to Me at the Throne. I give you the authority to Rule and Reign with Me. I call you Co-Creators in what I am doing this very day. Do Not throw this precious gift on the ground!! Grab it and run with it.All will come to pass in My perfect timing. Pray with your spirit and nothing you utter will fall to the ground! I will perform My Word and My Promises over mankind. I will come through. Trust Me, Love Never Fails! Love those that I love. I desire that no one would perish. Reach out to the lost. Pray for change across all Nations! I desire for you to stand with Me and be carriers of My change! All have sinned equally and fallen short of My Glory. All are given the full right to come back into My Grace and Mercy.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 7, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Listen to My voice and pick up what I tell you to and place down what I tell you to. Not everyone can go where I will send you. Some people are only in your life for a season. I will place heavy discernment in your spirit about each circumstance. Seek Me in this area. I cannot steer you on the right path if you are looking at doors I have closed. Be open to My best and perfect will over your life. What you see that differs is a path that will lead to delays and dark alleys. Do not allow the process of Me shifting to damage you through anger or bitterness. You will wonder why things have fallen apart. I am with you. I will soothe your soul and mind. I have your needs on My heart. Release all that binds you up. I will remove all chains and bondage over your life. Choose not to walk back into the prison cell that I freed you from. You are a blessing, and I love you dearly!”

Daily Prophetic Word
June 6, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Ask Me for the Keys! You asked Me for the Key to your salvation, and you received assurance to be with Me forever. Many received another Key through Water Baptism. Do you know what Key I gave you? Many have thought this was just a religious ritual. Was it only symbolic to you of My death and resurrection? It was on this day that your DNA began to change to reflect My DNA. The Christ in you is the Hope of Glory. It is through the Cross and Resurrection that all of mankind can be restored back into full Glory.I do not wish My People to walk in a lack of knowledge. Understand that what I have written in My Word encompasses more than one aspect for your lives. There are great mysteries that I have hidden in My Word. I desire for all to discover what I have placed there. Have you asked Me to Baptize you with the Holy Spirit? Many believers already have the indwelling of this precious gift, but dumped it on the floor with ignorance. Rise up for Now is your time to be in the New!”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 5, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I am looking for New Lamp stands who will be carriers of My Fire and Glory. Ones who are willing to be tested, molded, and refined to My Standards and Pure Righteousness. I am searching over the whole world for such a people. Double minded, wishy washy thinking will not do. Many raise their hands and say, Yes me Lord, but quit at the first sign of difficulty. Where are My Chosen and Elect? Are you mere takers in My Kingdom or are you doers of My Word? I set you apart for a reason. You have been called for more. My Heart aches to fill you up with My Oil. An Oil that never runs dry. Have you allowed cracks to develop in your vessel? Come to Me for I will restore and fill yet again. Allow the process to overtake you until you are fully shining in My Image. People will not understand the journey that you are on. Keep your focus for the reward will surely arrive on time.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 4, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries

The Lord says, “I know that the world has told you to look at the glass as half empty. The world will convince you that the end is near and everything will only be getting worse from here on out. My dear sweet Children, please understand that My Hand moves by what moves you into prayer. When you pray for things to be restored, rebuilt, and to prosper once more, I will bring My hand down to break and destroy the schemes of the enemy. The power is in your hands. If All My people will pray, they will see Heaven move with swift and precise majesty that the whole world will witness. Do not sit in your slumber happy to be saved. No My Children, you are active participates in what I am doing on Earth every single day.Pray My Heart and Will. Ignore the thoughts of a religious minds that only want judgment over the earth. I have come to redeem mankind to a rightful place next to Me. If you think I want to destroy people, then you really don’t understand how much I Love My Whole Creation. I died on a cross to bring back My Perfect order and plan. The first Adam gave his birthright to the enemy. The Second Adam bought everything back with greater measure and blessing!”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 3, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I have you covered this very day under My umbrella of protection. There are no schemes of the enemy that I am unaware of. Come with Me so that I can show you what you need to know to avoid his snare. Access My resources over your life. Call down from Heaven all that you require. I will answer you. I will help you in everything. I am always speaking to you. Keep seeking Me and My voice will become clearer and clearer. What has come against you will not prevail. Find that I am asking you to hand over the Bitter Root that you have been watering. I see what happened against you and I will deal with this above and beyond what you are asking Me for. Do you trust that I have a better way than what you are currently doing? I know your heart and intentions. Let Me take the Reins. What was not understood will be made clear. You don’t belong here among the tombs of despair. Let the Winds Of Change surround you!”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 2, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “For I will raise up those in My Kingdom at the will and do of My Good Pleasure. I will tell you what My desires are for you. Come and Ask Me. I will hide nothing from you. I have had a specific plan for your life since the foundations of creation. You will be

amazed at how detailed that plan really is. Come sit with Me by the Brook, so I may fill your heart and mind with My Heart and Mind. Give Me your undivided attention, and I will reveal mysteries to you this very day. Drink My waters of revelatory wisdom and insight over your life today. Remain a flexible pawn piece in My Chess game. I will move you in directions that will make no logical sense to you. Know My Child, I already see the next move that will be played in this match, and I have indeed moved you to the correct location. Trust Me and Lean not on your own logic. I know what I am doing. Just walk with Me and you will see all that I desire to show you. Time is on your side.”
Daily Prophetic Word
June 1, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Remember that it is darkest before the dawn. I am not closing up shop with My plans for mankind. You will come into Better and Brighter days. You will find that Joy that Surpasses all Understanding. History has been dark before and the Light broke through and again I will do it again! Nothing is out of My Reach. Put your faith and trust in Me for I will not cease My pursuit in your behalf. You are not a failed project of Mine. You are My Beloved who I would do anything for including giving up My own life for. If you needed it, I would do it again. Stop the endless mindsets of trying to earn what I have already given you. Stop the Critical mind for I give no value to this way of being. Accept My Unconditional Love and Forgiveness! It is time to Rise Up and Take Ownership of the Land before you! The giants in the land are pea size. See through the deceptions and move forward!”
Daily Prophetic Word
May 31, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, My Majesty is a blanket over you this day. I will illuminate your path with the light of a 1000 candles. You have not come this far to quit. Get Up and take the Rod and Staff that I have provided you with. I have new lands for you to flourish and thrive in. No longer will you be allowed to stay in the familiar and comfortable. I will sift My People, and I will shake My People. I am searching among My Children to find those with a true and pure heart towards Me. Have you asked Me to call you, and when I called, you said Here I Am Lord? Did you fall asleep in the midst of Me Moving over the Earth? Are you running around with fear to the news reports that the sky is falling? By My very Breath over all of creation, the world still lives and

everything upon it. Who is in control over your life? I cannot be your Lord if you have placed something else in your hands and heart. I will give you whatever you need to complete and be successful in what I have called you to do. "
Daily Prophetic Word
May 30, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “You are not frozen in time, trapped to relive the past over and over. Release yourself, for I desire My Children to Be Free. Do Not let the enemy ensnare you up again! Put the flowers on the grave of the past for all of that is waste. Do not resurrect the dead in your mind lest it to become a merry-go-round in your life. You are to live in My Light so forsake the imitations near and far. I give you a daily gift, called the Present. Live in the Now, for in the Now, I will make all things new for you. I will restore and redeem you every day! I will heal you and renew your footsteps. I am fully aware you will stumble. Is My Grace not enough to cover you each day? Release your fears, shame, and condemnation to Me this day. Release all of your burdens for yourself, others, and My Kingdom work. The baggage you got comfortable carrying will only hold you back. Let Go!”
Saturday, June 13, 2020
My Children, you must prepare your hearts for a change that is just ahead for you. An increase in violence in the earth is coming very soon and its results will shock you. Many will become afraid as chaos enters into the minds of many wicked ones who disagree with a political situation. These wicked ones will be set on murder and the results will be very evil. They seek to eradicate. Pray for My protection. (Pray for God's protection over yourself and your loved ones)
Friday, June 12, 2020
Echoes Around the World
My children, you have entered a time of great sorrow as My hand of judgment rests on your nation of America. What will soon transpire in America will echo around the world, and all nations will feel her loss as well. America’s enemies are conspiring against her even now, and planning an attack. Leaders with only wickedness in their hearts conspire to take your White

House from inside this nation. I will not prevent them, as this is part of My judgment on this nation. When a nation turns from Me, preferring its own ways to Mine, I give it space to repent, but then I will give it to its own devices. Life as you have known it in America will never return as it was. It will change now and continue changing, and not in good ways, but My children have nothing to fear. I will guide you through all that comes.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Physical Persecution
My children, the time quickly approaches when the persecution you suffer will become physical as well as emotional. You must prepare yourselves to endure to the end, disregarding physical pain, as My enemy will do his utmost to convince you to give up and deny me. You have long known this day would come, and now it is upon you. Much of what you have watched for arrives in this time. I desire you would walk unafraid to proclaim My Name. Walk in boldness, My children, for I am with you every step. Soon, you will walk here with Me.
Many Perils
My children, perilous times are upon you, and they grow darker by the day. New dangers arrive and many more lurk in the shadows, unnoticed. In this time, the earth faces many perils at once. One peril will be upon you, and another arrives, almost unnoticed. This will cause chaos at times, but those who know Me need not be afraid. In this time, I shall call many of My people home, but many more will remain in the earth for a season. A sad time approaches as much death will abound in the earth and there will be great grief. Earthquakes, plagues and violence shall bring much loss of life in this time.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Not a Time of Peace
This will not be a time of peace as war is coming that will involve many nations. Much hunger will abound and grow worse, as famine arrives. I am refining My people and will soon call them home. Do not lose hope, My people – Have I not forewarned you this time was coming? Did you not truly believe? I will fulfill all of My Word.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
The Lord Told Us About What is Happening Now Ahead of Time
A great storm comes to the land of America, a storm that will bring much chaos, and much indecision in high places. America is on the brink of war, but its general is not ready. Fires will burn across America and much unrest shall abound. A people divided cannot stand, and the

enemies of America will seize that moment to invade. America will fall to the hands of her enemies because she has turned her back on Me, and no longer has My protection. Prepare yourselves, My people, for war is coming to America and other countries as well. The end is upon you for all of My Word shall be fulfilled in this generation. You shall see the rise of the Evil One, but you will be powerless to stop what must take place that I may bring you home to Me, and cleanse this land. Be strong, be courageous – stand strong on your faith in Me and do not turn from it, for this is the greatest danger. Fear not those who can kill the body, fear only the one who can kill both body and soul. Do not be afraid to profess My Name, for I am with you when you do this, and I will be very merciful to you.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Your Choice
Many of My children have asked how intense the end of all things will be for them. I tell you now it is up to you. If you will submit to My refining, your time will be shorter and easier. For those who resist My refining, you will be on earth as you are refined in the events that are coming. The longer you are on earth, the more intense it will become. It is not My desire you suffer in these events, but the fiery trials coming are designed to refine My people. It is your choice, My children. Choose wisely.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Time of the Haters
My children, a time of extreme persecution is coming in which you will be hated for My Name’s sake. The people who love the world will call you haters, but it is they who spew hate. They hate Me, and they hate all that resembles Me. The time of the haters is coming soon. You must have strong faith to not catapult to the enemy’s side in that time. Do not be discouraged when persecution comes but rejoice, for your heavenly reward is increased by their hate. I desire you would know what you believe, that you would truly be Mine and be ready to be called home to me at any time.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Not Me
My children, in times coming, you will face circumstances so terrible, you will think I have abandoned you. When these things happen, I desire you would remember who I am. Remember all the times I blessed you and remember I also warned you of this time that is like none before it. All the evil and wickedness in the world has been prepared for this time, that My holy Word may be fulfilled in its entirety. I have told you I will never leave or forsake you, and My Word is true in every respect. I am with you always. When times become difficult, remember it is your surroundings that changed, not Me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020
My Refining
This is the time of My refining. You are in the final phase before being called home. I desire you would be ready. I desire you would be prepared (to be called home). I desire you would lay aside every sin, that you not require difficult refining. Be assured, My children, I will refine those who require refining.
Monday, June 1, 2020
I Will have a Refined Bride
My precious children, all is not well in your world as you know. What you see now is a preview of the chaos and violence yet to come. If you heed My warnings and obey what I say, you will suffer very little, but if you go on as you have without obeying, the time you have left on the earth will be grievous indeed. Choose wisely. It is not My will that you suffer, but you live in the time of My Refining and I will have a refined Bride.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Look On Me
My children, you live in unsettling times and you will soon see war on every side as the final war begins. Do not fear. Fix your heart and fix your eyes on Me. Look not at the fearful sights coming. Look not at circumstances that terrify you. Look at Me. I am unchanging. I love you with an everlasting love that never wavers. When you look only on Me you will not fear. Do not allow your mind to think fearful thoughts, think on Me. Think on My Word. If you fix your mind on Me, you will have peace in even the most unsettling times.
Jun 13, 2020
Speak now son of man, speak to the downtrodden,speak to the afflicted. It is my words that lift up the hopeless. These are the days of enlightenment. The path has been cleared and the journey nears an end. I hear the cries of the oppressed. There voices have reached the heavens. I shall wipe away their tears for I am the God of justice. The oppressor shall be opressed. The judge

shall be judged. They shall be humbled for my word is a two edged sword and all shall bear witness to my glory.
May 31, 2020
Speak now,son of man,what have you seen ? I have seen the wealth of nations evaporate in the twinkling of my eye. I have told you,this would be . The calamity of nations has begun. My judgement is on the disobedient. Events shall move quickly. What I have told you, shall be. Scripture shall be fulfiled. I AM THE GOD OF ORDER I AM THE GOD OF JUSTICE I AM THE GOD OF JUDGEMENT What has been forgotten, shall be remembered. For my truth,shall not waver and my will,shall be done. My time draws near. Have you heeded my warnings ? LET US HARVEST THE FRUIT,FOR IT IS APOINTED TIME
Jun 10, 2020
The SERPENT of old remains on the prowl for souls. He is in your midst. His army of demons are ready they have already infiltrated your governments churches and businesses . Those with eyes can see and hear them. Do not be deceived. Many prominent people are HIS. Many government leaders are HIS. Do not be led astray by those speaking messages about changes being for the good of the people. They lie. Open your eyes to the TRUTH. I AM THE TRUTH. Prepare for war, not peace . Soon the BEAST WILL make his move. Are you ready? REMEMBER THESE WORDS , ORDER OUT OF CHAOS, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. REPENT NOW!
Jun 2, 2020
One plague after another , one disaster after another, one burning after another one earthquake after another. . You have provoked my anger and wrath. Still you will NOT REPENT for your wickedness and abominations . Soon there will be no more warnings no more Prophets, no more Messengers,no more dreams or visions. No more signs . Just a famine of my WORD. Silence in the heavens as JUDGMENTS continue to fall on the unrepentant. God will not be mocked.

May 24, 2020
“My judgments will come to every country to every nation to the entire earth to all those who take the Mark, to all those who remain proud and unrepentant. I said love your neighbor as yourself. Love is not murdering your babies and the sick and elderly. Only the righteous few will escape the wrath to come Only the worthy, only the righteous, only a few. I made man, I will destroy all I created to humble him and see him bow to My majesty and confessed with his mouth I am the only One true God. Prepare. I am will cause the thunder and lightning to wake you up.”
Jun 13, 2020
Today I weep. I AM the word who became flesh. I weep for those who have turned their back on me. I weep for those who refuse to humble themselves before me. I weep for those who call evil good and good evil. I weep for the wicked generation who do not know me and my ways. I weep for the innocents that have been slaughtered. I weep for those who will be killed for my name sake. IT IS WRITTEN, IT MUST BE FULFILLED. Just punishment comes upon the wicked swiftly. I love my children, return to me and LIVE. . My time does not wait for man. I have called many . I have chosen a few. Do not be weary and fall asleep. You must be sober minded and alert.Prepare for FIRE and brimstone as my JUDGEMENTS continue to fall on the wicked and unrepentant. Soon rivers of blood will flow through the lands. TODAY I WEEP.
Kathy Mote
1 The Lord said the only court in Heaven is His presence.
2 The Lord said, Everyone will come to know honor.
3 The Lord said, You will always surrender your weakness to me. That is what it was given to you for. That is its purpose. As you continually yield to My presence, I make you as I am that you would abide in Me.
4 The Lord said, You were designed to carry much beauty, My Beauty. Beauty that would smother anyone else. You were designed to carry the weight of My glory without taking any for

yourself. Your soul was made to endure in My presence, your heart made to meld with Mine. You were called to abide in such a time as this, a time that the world has never seen or ever will again. For in this time the world will see Me like I have never been seen before. You were made to show them, My Beauty, what I mean for all to know.
5 I hear the Lord say, It will not come near your dwelling.
6 The Lord said, What I have asked you to do is not thankless.
7 The Lord said, Wait until you see the enormity of what I have done. This is what you have been such a big a part of.
8 The Lord said, You will know the full impact of My love for you when you realize the full impact of My calling working in your life. That's how I taught you to stand. Everything you have gone through has brought you into My arms. Not very many have known Me as you have. Very few have come to stand where you stand.
9 The Lord said, My Word does not come back to Me void, cancelled, rejected, dismissed out of hand, having given up His ability to bring My will to pass. As sharp as a sword, He will separate your flesh from you. Many will fall by this, but My Beloved are brought to Me by it. So this is what I say to you. Call, and I will answer you. I am not far away, I am very near to you. The same Word Who brought you to Me will separate fear from you. Like a sword will He protect you, piercing the heart of all who come near you. Because of Him you will know how jealously I guard you. Child of Mine, My Word is My breath that gives Life to you.
10 The Lord said, You cannot perceive My promise of Life in your carnal mind. My Word cannot be governed, or managed, it is freedom and it is Mine to give. You cannot grasp its meaning in your mind, that's not how it works. Your mind just isn't big enough. Instead I made you to trust, that you would receive in grace, and be embraced in the bosom of the Giver of the promise of Life. By nature Life is meant to be lived. Every soul must take the leap of faith into My arms, where Life begins.
11 The Lord said, You will no longer feel you don't belong.
12 The Lord said, What you were made for, the time has come.
13 The Lord said, You belong to Me. You are with Me now. Do not grieve about anything.
14 The Lord said, You will be hated for My name's sake. You will be resented, for the righteousness of God provokes men to strife and envy. But you will be strong. You will run free. Nothing will encumber you or stumble your feet. You will be the image of My power and My will coming together to glorify Me, and as for My promise in you, nothing can stop it.
15 The Lord said, You will be hated for My name's sake. You will be resented, for the righteousness of God provokes men to strife and envy. But you will be strong. You will run free.

Nothing will encumber you or stumble your feet. You will be the image of My power and My will coming together to glorify Me, and as for My promise in you, nothing can stop it.
16 The Lord said, The former rains are not the latter rains which are to come. The things you have seen are not the things you will see. Do not look for them. The 'power of God' that you have imagined will not be compared to what is to come. I have sent a breaker anointing to your heart. Not at all what you have imagined. It broke you, your expectations and your thinking, not your circumstance. This was My great mercy, for this is what it takes. To stand among the candlesticks, you must burn, yourself. Have I not told you I would make My ministers a flame. But the fire that rages in the belly is now the fire that burns in your heart. This is for you to see My face, something you cannot do in your flesh.
17 The Lord said, Those who desire to walk in power will be dishonored, but those who honor Me will be honored.
18 The Lord said, Today I separate those who walk by My Spirit from those who walk in their flesh. Those who walk in My presence won't mind one bit.
19 The Lord said, Now you will begin to understand what mercy I have shown you, that you do not have a place among others. Your place is in Me.
20 The Lord said, You swim in troubled waters, My Beloved. To all who are sent this is His message. As there is looting and pillaging in the streets, there will be looting and pillaging among those who are in ministry. There will be a mad grab for power to rival what has ever been seen, and they will call it grabbing hold of the anointing. It will shake those whose hearts are pure down to their core. The sight of it will be shameful, and I will turn My face away from it.As for those who are sent, it will burn them down to see what I have given them being defiled, used and stolen. It will test their metal before all men. It will bring them deeper into the sanctuary of My heart, and that very act will completely sanctify them. They will lay their desire to minister on the altar. They will lay down the very reason they were chosen. They will say in their hearts, Not for men, but for God, to accomplish His purpose. That is how My Spirit will intercede for mankind through them as they separate themselves unto My purpose. This will be a trial by fire for every heart to come to Me and I will fight to win them. As for those who enter My presence to live, they will enter naked and I will clothe them. Their reward will be sweet beyond imagining. My presence will be powerful within them. And this is how I will vanquish the hearts of those who desire power. They will be made to see I AM He, and by fire they will come before Me.
21 The Lord said, I will not leave you as you are.
22 I don't know who this is for, but I hear the Lord say, Be 'not afraid'

23 The Lord said, Every one who ridiculed you because of My calling on your life, and everyone who witnessed you being humbled will witness you being lifted up. I will vindicate your heart. I will vindicate your life. I will prove every wagging tongue to be foolish who snickered at your obedience. I will lift you up as I restore your heart. I will return to you what you have given up. I will prove that I am faithful. I will make your life to be an example. Because you have given Me all I asked for, giving you all will be My answer.
24 The Lord said, Do not lament that you are few. You will be seen as the mightiest of all. As you hold to Me, I hold you.
25 The Lord said, I don't rule by common sense. I rule by My presence
26 The Lord said, What I say comes to pass. Even what sounds the most outrageous and impossible is set in motion as I have said. Wait for it, My Word comes back to Me declaring all I have purposed, even at last.
27 The Lord said, I am raising perfect children. Their hearts yearn for Me, and are full. They arise and come to Me perfectly, for perfect love dwells in them. They will not answer a voice strange to them, for I AM sure of them. I will gather My perfect children, for perfect love is raising them.
28 The Lord said, Do not wish for the days of your past, the best is yet to come.
29 The Lord said, Your enemies gather together, but not by Me. They won't get by Me as I protect you, either.
30 The Lord said, You are an open Bible, you who follow My voice. Your days are written in Heaven, upon the pages of My own heart. I follow you closely, I am your rear guard. I lead you to trust Me, that near the still waters you may rest. I renew your heart daily, that you might remain in My presence in good stead. Your days are written just as those you have read about, and each one has great purpose in My plan that your days be numbered in my book, and written on the palm of My hand. I wouldn't leave you alone in a distant land.
31 The Lord said, Always has evil been drawn to you, to try to snuff out the good, and always have I held you up, that you would endure. Deep in your heart, at the core of your strength was My heart imprinted on yours, that you would arise to prevail and overcome as the light you are filled with. Always has evil been drawn to you, so that evil will be made to see, that I will always have My way in you, and from you evil is made to flee.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Message Date - 29 May 2020

Daily Prophetic Word
May 29, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I love My creation, even the ones who have rejected Me. See people through My Eyes. I desire that all will come into My Glory. I desire that no one be left to the perils of hell. When you were in Heaven, at the beginning foundations, you loved and walked in the Light. The enemy has stolen this Glory from many. I have restored mankind through the complete work of the Cross. Look around. All of the people you see each day were with you at the beginning of all things. You loved these people with My Love, and I desire for you to find that love for all of My people again.I died for Love. I died for Mankind because I desire to be with you and them just the same. Do not look at someone through your natural eyes and see what sin the enemy has used to shaped them into. Look at them through My Eyes and what I desire to mold them into. You were once asleep and Now you are awake. Pray that all those who are still asleep become Now awake also. You have the power within you to reach the multitudes because you are My Temple.  Rise up, My Beloved!”
Daily Prophetic Word
May 28, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says,  “Let your heart be filled with Gladness. Did you hear? The Storm is Over! Although, there are still remnants of the effects, the Storm is Indeed Over! Gather your things for I am about to take you on a whole new journey. Are you excited? I have much to show you and much for your hands to experience. Stop looking for everything to feel finished from season to season. I will guide you as to what to keep and what to let go of. Many have called this a new chapter, but I say it is a whole New Book. Let Go of prior disappointments for this is no longer your portion and get ready for the New. I release to you the peace beyond all understanding. I release to you the Father’s First Born Blessing! You are entitled to all that I have, for you were bought and paid for by My very Life. My celebration is before you. Take off the days of sorrow for I have dried your tears. Choose to walk in Faith and not by Sight.”
Daily Prophetic Word
May 27, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I am righting wrongs done against you from even decades ago. What you have given up on, thinking this is just the way it will be, I am turning around. Expect reconciliation from unexpected places. I heard your cries and pleas. I will come through on what you have needed and deserve. Those that invalidated you unjustly will find I am your Rear Guard. I will leave those full of spoken words about you, speechless. Take on the Mindset that I will deal with what you hand over to Me. I desire that you rely on Me, so release what is not working. I will strengthen you and send you back out to lands of promise.  Let your Faith rise up higher than you believed you possessed, for I Am the Author and Finisher of your Faith. Nothing is impossible! Reach up higher and leave behind those that will not support you. I have a new tribe that will walk with you upon the foundation set today. Renew your mind and allow Me to show you what is to come.”
aily Prophetic Word
May 26, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Resolve yourself to give it to Me completely. I will take it all and guide you to green pastures with still and calm waters flowing in the midst. I gave you a life to enjoy with unspeakable joy. Why would you want to put that down and pick up even the smallest of burdens? Can I not meet all of your needs? I have promised to give you the Keys to My Kingdom. You are not servants. You are My Sons and Daughters. You are My dearest friends. My Voice blesses you this very day. Forgive Yourself! I am not holding anything against you despite what many would like you to believe. My Love has not changed concerning you. My Will has not become uncertain about your potential in Me. Plan A is still available so what are you waiting for? Your future is bright so forsake the voices that scream otherwise. I Am the Alpha and the Omega! I am not caught off guard with humanity. I died to save all so receive all from Me.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 25, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Flowers bloom, wither and die. Seasons change. Things begin and things cease. What is on the horizon is greater than what has fallen with the sunset. No man can know his future, but I Am the One who holds the future in the Palm of My Hand. By the Wind of My Spirit, you will be moved into calmer waters or into rougher seas. I am building you up and taking you to places that one day you will be strong enough to carry your full weight and anointing.
There is a purpose for everything under heaven. Nothing is wasted and all can be made beautiful through My will and power. Some times walking in My Will brings moments of discomfort. Other times, the path is easy to follow. What is a trial to one person may not be to another. Do not judge another’s experiences for you too will enter into a trial that may swallow you whole. Decide to gain wisdom in all things. Do not be foolish about your ability apart from Me. Without Me as your source, what you put your hands to will wither in due season.

Daily Prophetic Word
May 24, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Do not be jealous for what I am doing with your brothers and sisters. Support, encourage, and stand with them always! You do not know the process they have had to go through to be at this level in Me. Instead look to Me for your destiny and purpose. I will take you to My highest plan I spoke over your life at the very beginning. I have not written you off, and I can bring dead things back to life. Decided today what you will do.I Am a Loving and Patient God, but your time is finite on this planet. Do not waste one more second in wishy washy indecisiveness. How high you go is up to you. I have already made My desire known. I have called all to more than they could ever hope for or dream of. You must decide to walk in My Light Daily and eat of My fruit. I have to be your source and passionate pursuit. The more time you spend with Me, the more you will get out! I promise that you will reap a bountiful harvest that will far outweigh any earthly sacrifice. Peace I bring, and Peace I freely give to you! Come and sit with Me by the brook. I will teach you from My living waters.”

aily Prophetic Word
May 23, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Heaven is My Throne and Earth is My footstool. I have built My temple inside of you! Do you know what this means? Wherever you go, so goes My temple. Where My temple resides, is also where I Am. Open your eyes and ears to fully understand what is inside the earthen vessel. You have looked over here and over there, but what you are seeking is already inside of you. I have not gone anywhere or even left you for a moment. I left the ninety-nine for you. I am righting the wrongs and displaying My Glory all around you. Did you take for granted the demonstrations of My power to the point that you gave credit for your victories or blessings to another? You are not subject to luck. Luck is a fool’s game to explain away My Majesty over the Earth. You are not wandering around with mere chance working for you. I Am your Lord and Father. I am working on every aspect of your life from start to finish. Nothing is overlooked.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 22, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Even when the storm turns violent, I will protect and keep you. Do not Fear what I am in Control of. Nothing escapes My attention. Speak your Rights and Authority for the Christ in You will change the very ground you are standing on. You have access to your inheritance now. Come up higher so that you can learn to use what I have given you. You must take action to seize what is yours. See the water Calm just like clear glass. I am setting your feet upon the Mountain Top to gain My View and Perspective. Do not allow distractions to take your focus in this hour. You are moving on through this briar patch. What was sent to hurt you will fall to the ground. Walk with your head held high for I am well pleased with you! Time is speeding up and the hurdle before you will be no more. Keep your focus on where I am taking you and not what is vying to distract you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 21, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I chose YOU! I chose you at the very foundation of Creation coming into being. I fashioned every detail and uniqueness within you. I did not make one mistake. You are My Masterpiece and Highly prized. I did not redeem the angels. I did redeem you. I restored you to stand at My Right Hand side. Rise up to your true identity. Let the human labels upon you fall off. You are not who others believe. Allow Me to bring clarity to your mind. You are becoming in My Image so remove all other images. Man will tell you that we can be permanently separated. I am not looking at your mistakes, so come back into fullness. You do not have to wear the title of Prodigal. I am involved in everything you do each day. I am not off somewhere far away. You are always on My Heart and Mind. Let Me dance with you. Let Me share in your sorrows. Give it all to Me for I promised to Bring Joy to you and Heal you!”

aily Prophetic Word
May 20, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “There is nothing you face that I will not move on and deal with. Just ask Me for what you need. Ask Me for your heart’s desires. I write the path for you in sand. I add in what you ask Me for and take out things when I have something better in store. Follow My Voice and I will catch you when you stumble. Release the shame and condemnation of religious voices. My Spirit will convict but also comfort at the same time. Our relationship is between us. Be free to walk in full authenticity. You are called to nothing less. You are My Co-Creator in the journey set before you. You are a vital key in My Kingdom. I did not design you to be small or insignificant. You and I will go into the Promise Land together. Don’t give up and Don’t let Go of the Promises I spoke over your life. I will bring them to pass. Stand! My angels will strengthen you at your request. Keep walking forward. I have great things in reserved just for you!”

May 19, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “By My Grace and Mercy will man endure and survive the fires all around him. It is not of your own ability. I will sustain you always. I desire for My Royal Sons and Daughters to support and encourage all people. Be kind and understanding in all you do and say. Did I not say the Meek will inherit the earth? Stay humble and honorable in your intentions with people and activities. Many won’t receive you. Go to where you are welcome. Find that I am molding you through the very day before you. Watch and See how I turn even the biggest problem around for your benefit. You are not called to do it alone so invite Me into your circumstances with full faith and trust that I will do the Impossible before your eyes. Let Me breathe over your needs for My Angels were already dispatched. Your day of deliverance has arrived! What was stuck and immovable will be set free. Run into the New for doors are opening before you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 18, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “I will not cast you out of My House. The lies of the enemy circle around you. Take your sword and make him sorry he ever came near you. You know My Voice and you know the voice of the enemy. Stand for what is true and honorable. Do not make the mistakes of your ancestors. What you allow to consume you will overtake you as well. You must choose who you will follow each day. Do not be lulled into a slumber that you believe you are doing right before Me when you are not. Stand Now for the victory is upon you! In due season, My Promises will come to pass. Let your feet walk where I will lead them. You have nothing to fear. Did I not promise to go before you to prepare the way? I know what lies ahead, and what is hidden will be revealed. Everything will turn out ok. Continue to place your faith and trust in My arms. I have never failed you! Greater is before you, not behind you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 17, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Dance among the Roses. I Am the Rose of Sharon and the Beautiful fragrance is invading your circumstances today. Taste and See for My Goodness is chasing after you. I take delight in who I have designed you to be and through you, will the schemes of the enemy fall apart. Even if you find yourself in a lion’s den, no harm will come your way. If I say I am your protector then what have you to doubt?The world will tell you to fear and when that is enough, fear some more. I have not called you to such a belief system. I am over your days and your nights. What more do you need proof of? I will not lose track of where you are or where you should be. Listen carefully, for lies are far and wide vying for your attention and trust. What you entertain maybe your undoing. Be wise for I did not create you to be led around by this person or that person. Be diligent and rise up in this hour!”

aily Prophetic Word
May 16, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What others look to take away from you, I will bring back with great multiplication. Place down what is not working and take a hold of fresh revelation I am giving you in this hour. I will remind you of past moments, where you formed a flawed opinion, to expose the truth. Many are stuck in what they perceived, but I will set you free when you are open to the facts as they are. Opinions are made and broken just the same. My Light is revealing what is hidden. Acknowledge where you were wrong and learn so you can move into territories I will send you to. When you are unwilling to see that you still have growth in your day, you will remain unusable in My Hands. I am not bothered by your mistakes. It is rebellion and stubbornness that will cause you to miss your call and destiny. Remain yielded and you will reach My Highest Desire for your life. Stay Close so that you do not wander off.”

aily Prophetic Word
May 16, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What others look to take away from you, I will bring back with great multiplication. Place down what is not working and take a hold of fresh revelation I am giving you in this hour. I will remind you of past moments, where you formed a flawed opinion, to expose the truth. Many are stuck in what they perceived, but I will set you free when you are open to the facts as they are. Opinions are made and broken just the same. My Light is revealing what is hidden. Acknowledge where you were wrong and learn so you can move into territories I will send you to. When you are unwilling to see that you still have growth in your day, you will remain unusable in My Hands. I am not bothered by your mistakes. It is rebellion and stubbornness that will cause you to miss your call and destiny. Remain yielded and you will reach My Highest Desire for your life. Stay Close so that you do not wander off.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 15, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Forever is My Will and Good Pleasure to lavish My Love upon you. I created you to have a relationship with Me not as a servant, but as Sons and Daughters. Fix your gaze upon Me for I have what you are seeking. All other streams and fountains will run dry, but I have living water to refresh your soul and spirit. I am imparting New Revelation in this Hour. Keys and Strategies to move you out of areas that are stubborn to change. Find yourself today rebuking the negative thoughts in your mind that tear your soul down to nothing. I desire for you to live in the fullness of favor and blessings not as a dog looking for scraps. You were created for more and more is where I will take you. Come up here! Do not stay where you are. See in the spirit beyond your circumstances and situations to know that I have a beautiful plan for your life. I have not forgotten nor forsaken you. Cast those beliefs out of your life for good. The tombs of yesterday are fading and Behold I do a New Thing in the Glory before you.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 14, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “What won’t work for you, won’t work in you. Stretch your understanding. Many adopt habits and patterns that take them backwards and block spiritual growth. You can’t walk in My light and crave the way of the world. They do not sync up no matter how many lukewarm Christians try to make it One. You must decide every day to be sold out and on fire for My Kingdom. Living in a double minded existence leaves you open to the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy. He will offer you everything that you desire and hand you death in return. Rise up in this Hour. Shake off the shackles of lies. You are not a people without choices and decisions before you. Which kingdom will you serve? Your words and actions display the truth even to the unbeliever. Come back to My Living waters to be renewed daily. The world will try to dirty you up in the filth, but I have come to give you New Life and restore you back to an even better place than before the fall. Trust that I will take you from Glory to Glory. The road is changing. Do not miss the turn.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 13, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Do not rewrite the crime back upon your life board. I know exactly who you are. You are My Chosen and My Beloved. I am pruning what does not belong and bringing to the surface My Glory hidden beneath. You will walk different, and you will respond in fresh new ways. When you find yourself reverting to old ways, stop to remember that the old man has died and the new in Christ has arisen. You must choose daily to walk in your freedom. The enemy takes it for granted that you can be beaten through your past. Who do you believe? The One who died for your life has the Authority and Power, not the illegitimate voices crying for your attention. Each day surrendered to My Will, is a day that dances in My Goodness. What troubles your heart and mind is leaving. Do not look that way, for the Dawn brings the new light! You are indeed Becoming the image of My Son! Rest in the knowing that I am for you!”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 12, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “Grant yourself mercy! Your future is held up to the measure by which you hold yourself to the past. What you are angst about, have I not cast it as far as the East is from the West? If it is not worthy for Me to even remember, why should you bother to carry it around for one more second? Just as you have repented of your wrong doing’s against another, others have repented for what they have done unto you. Was not the Cross enough payment for a death sentence all deserved?No one goes through life without reaping what they sow; for good or evil. The Harvest is about to take place so come before Me and Wash your Sins of Wrong Sowing before Me. Do not look to your brother or sister to see what they are doing. This is between you and Me as this is your harvest to reap rewards or sorrows from. What you may accuse another of, be blameless before Me in your own works and deeds. I am not grading you on poor performance. I compare you to no one else. My scales of Justice are becoming balanced in this Hour.”

Daily Prophetic Word
May 11, 2020
By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries
The Lord says, “My Mighty answer, to all that afflicts you, is there where I will meet you. I am coming towards you this very day! I will not abandon you when you call. Together, we will walk out your destiny, and you will be amazed beyond your wildest dreams. Decide to ask for the High call and not the low call. I have created and designed you for greatness not marginally above average.Look at the Calendar and ask Me what I have left to open before the end of this year? Many are waiting for their Promised Land and Doors to Suddenly Open. Find the doors that are still linking you to the past and shut them for good this time. You don't live there anymore. I am coming in and through you to shift you out of the hands that were too strong for you and into the realms that All Things are Possible. Believe and what you hold onto will become a reality. The road less traveled has Gold within it. Tomorrow is changing rapidly.”

Glynda Lomax
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2020
   My children, do not leave undone what you can do today for My Kingdom. I have accelerated time again that I may bring you home more quickly. I do not desire you would suffer the things that are coming as My great wrath is poured out. My wrath is reserved for the wicked and unbelieving. It is reserved for those who worship the beast and take his mark. If you continue to procrastinate and leave these things undone, they will go undone for all eternity. How will you stand before Me thus? How will you give account for what you did not do? How will you answer when you ignored My Will?

According to Your Faith
I was walking my dogs – the Lord speaks to me often on those walks because my mind is very quiet, I am usually in prayer, and I’m very calm, so its easier to hear Him. So I was walking along asking Him what the radio show was for this week as the one I thought I was going to do didn’t work out. I didn’t have enough revelation on what I had wanted to teach about. (the Mark)  And He began to speak this word to me about restoration: My children, I have not forgotten those things the enemy has taken from you. Would a mighty King just stand and watch as his children are robbed? Nay, I have a plan to repay every evildoer who does not repent, and to restore to you better than you had before!   Ask Me now for those things you desire and believe Me to do them. According to your faith, it shall it be done unto you.

TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020
Wickedness in High Places
   My children, you have seen during this dress rehearsal how all you take for granted each day can quickly be taken away. Everything can change in a moment’s time and in this season, you will see at times it does. Evil powers and wickedness in high places have made plans to exterminate My people – all who believe on My Name. You will soon become aware of their plan. Though you will pray to Me to make this stop, I cannot, for it has been foretold in My holy Word and must be fulfilled that I may return and bring you home to Me. You know what you must do. Do not wait until the time has passed for you to do it. It will all change in one day.

FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2020
Look Back
   My children, I desire you would look back over the life you have lived – really look back. Have you lived your life according to My holy Word? Have you been kind? Have you loved well? Have you given generously to others? I desire you would make every effort now, while you still can, to fulfill all I have asked of you.

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020
Our Response
   I was reading the Word one day last week in 1 Samuel about David and Goliath when the Lord showed me that how David responded to Goliath was exactly how He desires we would respond in the coming war. That the answer David gave is the same one He wants us to give.

Your Faith in the Economy
   Many of My children have placed their faith in their economy, not in Me. Now, as you see your economy struggling, you are afraid.  I am the same yesterday, today and forever – place your faith in Me and I will carry you through all that is coming. I am well able to provide for you – did I not provide for My people Israel as they traveled through the wilderness where no provision was? Have I not given you many stories of My provision in My holy Word?  Why then do you fear?

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020
I Provide for My Own
   You will hear sounds and see sights in what is coming that will bring great fear if you allow them to.  Put your trust in Me, in My love for you, in My ability to protect you and provide for you, and it will seem less fearful. The times coming will bring great lack to some but it need not be so for you, for you are not of the world around you. You are Mine. And I provide for My own.

   Fear not. Only believe. 

MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020
Gird Up
   My children, I know you grieve for what is coming in your world. I do not desire you would allow your grief to distract you from finishing the work I have called you to. Do not, like Esau, throw away your birthright for a bowl of food when that time comes. Gird up your loins and run the race that has been set before you, as your time on earth is nearly done. I will soon return to get you and bring you home.

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2020
Cleanse the Idols
   Cleanse the idols from your hearts, My children. Cleanse your hearts now, that I am the only God you serve. In the times coming, many will forfeit their eternal souls and receive the mark of the beast as foretold in My holy Word. Many will receive the mark that they may feed their idols. Idols of husbands, of wives, of children and grandchildren. Do you yet love them more than Me? When that time comes and they cry to you for food, how will you choose? Cleanse your heart of all idols, My children, while there is yet time, for their will be no time then to consider your decision as there is now. I will be first in your heart. If I am not first, who is really your God?

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020
When Everything Descends into Chaos
    My children, the world around you is about to change forever. Many souls will be lost for all eternity in the battle that is coming to the earth. Chaos will rule. Terror will be everywhere, but you do not need to fear, only believe that I have a plan for you. I have a plan for how to protect you and provide for you until it is time for you to come home to Me. Your redemption is very near now. Finish the work I have called you to. Be ready.  Remember when everything around you descends into chaos, I am with you always.

My judgments will come to every country to every nation to the entire earth to all those who take the Mark, to all those who remain proud and unrepentant. I said love your neighbor as yourself. Love is not murdering your babies and the sick and elderly. Only the righteous few will escape the wrath to come Only the worthy, only the righteous, only a few. I made man, I will destroy all I created to humble him and see him bow to My majesty and confessed with his mouth I am the only One true God. Prepare. I am will cause the thunder and lightning to wake you up.”

May 23, 2020
They won't see it coming, They are too busy with worldly distractions. The adversary is sly. Have you separated yourselves. Right now the enemy the enemies plan your destruction, right now your enemies plan your destruction. Evil never sleeps. You are to keep your eyes and your focus on Me, I am. I am your Redeemer. Perilous times are upon you. The sheep and the goats are separated. The blind guides continue to lead many to fall in the ditch. They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far away. Do not go as the way of the heathen, repent now.

May 22, 2020
You did not seek after me but you  continued  with your lasvivious behavior . After all my calls and warnings  your heart remains closed and cold without natural affection . You laugh at my servants , Messengers  and Prophets following your own lust which leads to the path  of your own destruction.  A wicked people who will not hear or see the TRUTH before you.I will  leave  you you to your   own desires that is what you have asked of me . I AM your Father who loves you but you will not hear.  You give me no choice but to continue my JUDGEMENTS that have been spoken over the Earth

May 19, 2020
Your body is the temple of the Lord.  I am Cleansing My temple. Confess your sins one to another. Prepare my BRIDE!  A Glorious appointment awaits you! I am making ready all things I a am ready to appear in the clouds  What a GLORIOUS DAY!  It has been written !   You have been told and now it is SUDDENLY UPON YOU. Time is short.  THE EVIL ONES WORK LATE INTO THE NIGHT. No more tears no more weeping.  THE BEAST SYSTEM IS PREPARED.A time  is coming to the earth that has never been seen in the history of man. After the shout and the exodus those left behind will cry on their knees and beg for MERCY. When their eyes  Behold THE BEAST ,weeping and bashing of teeth. Wait a little while soon you will be with me in my Father's house!

May 16, 2020
I am the chalice of life. Holy is my name. I am the truth. I wear the robe of justice. Do you know me? This is the season of testing. What have you learned? Is your eyes now open  ? Do you know my ways? Where is your treasure stored? Have you drawn yourself closer to me ? These answers to these questions are found inside of the. Go forth today and examine thyself.