***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 19 Aug 2017***
Ellen““Feeling a bit stretched out right now? Just as I have moved your tent pegs in the natural, I have moved them within your spirit. What you could not contain or hold onto has changed. You have more capacity for My Overflow to increase to reach those that have yet to see My Presence as you have. This is a time in your life that I have longed for you to reach. Yes there will be shifting and pulling and new adventures that are foreign in your future. Enjoy the ride because these moments do not come around as often as the predictable. As you stretch out your hand, what is needed in the moment will materialize from your anointing. Trust that I have you. Faith is the most vital ingredient. Without that, your road will become marred with battles calling you to give up. I will not send you where you cannot conqueror for My Glory and Honor. Even today, you are being equipped with gifts that were just lying dormant below the surface. Aspects that you didn’t even know you could do, will rise in this hour. You do not need anything more than My Hand to guide you. I Am confident in you, so you should have no valid reason to fear what is to come. I know the way and everything is going to be okay. You will arrive as I have written in your song books. You are going to so love all that I do in and through you. Forever will you be changed and those you encounter as well.”
“What you possess, I have taken! You see, during your creation, I took from Myself and placed deep inside of you until, such a time as this. Now, I am removing that essence to ignite the elements which will begin a chain reaction. Once placed back into your earthen vessel will propel you into reaches that were not accessible before. Keys are raining all around you. I have given you leeway to choose which doors you would like to open next. You are co-creators with Me. I consider you a friend and never a slave. While you are saying, ‘Lord what will you have me do?’; I am asking what you would like to do? You will birth what I have chosen you to do and be. Just keep Me as your center focus and compass. You will arrive just as I have spoken over you. Do not lose your peace over the passing moments. I will correct your course should you stumble. Today is the day of unfathomable dreams being brought before Me. So dig deep and present your desires to My Altar. Many believe that it does not honor Me when you come with your own ideas. My Child, I own it all including what you are dreaming of right now. I knew who you were before your first breath. Did I not make you in My own image? It is time to put down the sacred cows of a religious mindset. I have called the working of your hands Good! You will plow, sow, reap, and enjoy what I will do in and through you. Why would I give you a desire that you would hate in reality? I gave you a life to enjoy in full abundance. Push down the voices that would speak against what I am already busy doing in your life. I have Unspeakable Joy with your Name on It!”
“A Time for Everything under Heaven and on the Earth. Those that are calling down Fire from Heaven are not operating in My Spirit. Remember this, what you see as unredeemable is exactly what I Am seeking after. I will not ask you for permission to give someone mercy or grace. I know who will come unto Me, and I will continue to show them My Face and not My Back. The creation story is much larger than the decades that you will spend upon the Earth. I decided to go forward even knowing what would come to be. I must find this all worth it, wouldn’t you agree? Decide that it is worth it to you to be fully vested in My Plans and Purposes still left to be fulfilled. I Am not listening to those screaming the end is here. Wear My Heart each and every day and your eyes will be open like never before. I choose to look at what could be in My Hands, and instead of what is not. Christ died to satisfy the debt. Does it seem likely that I Am still collecting on that debt then? Release yourself from self-righteousness. Everyone arrives at the same time. I Am not grading your performance against another. I Am Jehovah-Shammah ever present. Many seek High and Low, but fail to just Look for I Am here. I am not hiding in plain sight. Choose to walk with Eyes open. Blindness can be a preference to some. You are spinning in a whirlwind but this is a wonderful thing. For what remains will propel you into territories that were unobtainable with the baggage previously carried. You are My Promise to another’s prayers!”
“Many Represent My Heart, and Many Represent the Law. Is one to ignore the other? Did Christ not fulfill the Law and die for all of mankind out of Love? The Pharisee chased perfection in the law. Something that even they could not abide by in truth. Let My Love for all surge inside of you this day. Let My Spirit guide your words in action to demonstrate the Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. If you find this a struggle then remember that when you walk in the flesh this will be impossible, but in the spirit, you will thrive and succeed. See those around you not as they are but what I Am molding them into day by day. Just as you walk in Grace before Me, so do others. I will not ask perfection for this is not achievable. Instead in your weakness and imperfections are you made whole through Me. Let that sink in for a moment. Your weakness is your greatest strength. When you decrease, I will increase allowing you to go places that the human experience is purely limited from. You are born of spirit first not flesh. You possess so much more than what you have witnessed thus far. Staying stagnate does nothing for you in reality. It is merely a false state of comfortability that robs you of the fullness that I have died to give you. I Am on your Side! You are with Me and I Am with you! When you look behind you, I may be in front of you, and when you look forward, I may be your rearguard. But Look and you will find Me right there taking you to the next place in My Glory. The atmosphere has been turned up like a tornado right now. Do not breathe in worry from others around you. I Am merely removing what does not belong and clearing out debris blocking your way. You are Protected under My Wings forevermore!”
“When you cross the river there is a temptation to look back at the water, imaging what could have happened as you walked through. My Child, do you perceive that dangers are truly dangers where I have sent you? Will I allow even one hair to be harmed? What can man do to you anyway? I will not send you into a losing battle. It is your faith, trust, and belief that carries you over with success. Some turn around the minute the battle fails to end when they expected. Not everything will receive a quick answer or victory. Think for a moment. When Opposition continues there must be something costly that is at stake. You have the ability to influence outcomes more than you realize. For those that are hungry, I will teach the great mysteries around spiritual and natural warfare. The two are more linked than has been known before. Man is not a bystander to what is taking place in the heavens, and you are at a time in history that will require more and more direct involvement. You are Co-Heirs to Rule and Reign with Me. We have much work to accomplish yet. I have said, do not Fear. Fear is operating in the wrong spirit. You are above such low-level mindsets. I commanded mankind to subdue the Earth. That authority has not left you. It is merely dormant in many because they are asleep, thinking they are more a victim of circumstances. Take hold of the truth. I have not changed My Mind about you. I plan to use you for amazing exploits. Forsake what would tell you otherwise.”
““You are important to Me not for what you can do, but what I will do for you. Even if you had nothing special about you, I would still woo your heart to Mine. Many think that I have not created them with anything unique or remarkable. This is surely what the enemy of your soul desires that you believe. Did I not take a mere shepherd boy and turn him into a King? Is there anything too hard for Me? I have just begun to unearth what I have placed inside your earthen vessel. When you fight against the plans I have, you will stop My Hand revealing what has been hidden. You are not a slave nor I, a Taskmaster. I Am looking for a willing heart, and I will not force you to become what you do not desire. Many decide before they have even asked Me what is inside to discover. Fear will tell you to stop and run. Will I not be with you and in you anywhere your feet may go? Elijah and Jonah had fear but that did not determine the outcome in the end. If nothing is hidden from Me, then I know what travels through your mind. Do I look concerned? I know what I am getting into and I still plan to take you to the reaches if you will allow Me. Many will tell you to say no. Will you let their fear be your guide as well? Are they the true voice of reason? You are walking in My Power, not your own and surely not your neighbors. This should be a cry of celebration that no matter where you start, I have amazing exploits in you for My Namesake. I will never leave you where you are, but it is up to you to choose where we will go next. My plans or your plans?”
“Not at the Beginning, not at the End; but in the Middle. Many want to start over; many want to have it all over with, but the place that I desire is in the Middle. You do not need to start over for I Am making a way even right now where you are. If you were at the end, there would be no need for the supernatural and miraculous to flood your world. I saved mankind in the Middle and even in the Middle of two sinners. I did not wait until the end of your life, and salvation was not expected when you are first born. I will turn the logic of men upside down. I have made the complicated simple, but My people insist on making up new interpretations to what I have already spoken. I Am by the Brook of your life waiting for you to come sit by the still small waters. I Am all about your Now for today shapes tomorrow. I will pour into you knowledge and revelation that could not come from any other source. Choose to turn off the voices of gloom and doom. I have taken care of mankind since the beginning and since we are in the Middle, I will continue to take care of mankind. I am not blind or ignorant of what you face. Again, I invite you to come sit by the Brook. You do not always need to be plugged into the world. Let Me show you the vastness of what I Am up to. If you will not ask, how will you receive? I have removed the giants in the land. Focus on the Power and Authority that you take with you all throughout the day. What you align with can increase or weaken your impact. You can only truly live in one house so decide whose Child you are in fullness. Close the gateways of your soul from those that look to kill, steal, and destroy. You were made out of My Glory and this is your portion always!”
“There are days that seem ordinary and Days that turn out to be Extraordinary. This is where you are right now. Walking into the Unprecedented in ways never imagined. Even when you felt you had a grasp of what I Am up to, you really have no clue in reality. I have shown you pictures but not the Movie yet, for in the making you are Becoming. From small brings forth the Massive. Just as an oak tree comes from a tiny acorn, so is this power manifesting before you this very day. The Roots are Deep and the Supply plentiful. Those that rose up against you are going to fall at your feet. I have given My Verdict in the Courtrooms of Heaven. You hold the victory. When the layers are peeled away, what was necessary will remain and spring you into New Levels. The process right now is chipping away what would break under the pressure. I Am streamlining and causing you to be far more efficient with what I have given you. Do not allow your mind to become cluttered and confused in this hour. I Am the One who is working and you are the One waiting on Me. You will Dance to a Rhythm that has changed. You expected the same song and dance, but never again will you revisit what was. Even My Angels are ministering to you in a new fashion. What you remember as predictable has been brought down. You will rise and flourish to what is for your Now. You are made for Greatness and you will not fall short!”
““You are on My pedestal! I Am setting you apart in this hour for recognition. There were times others took credit for what you had done. And other times you failed to be noticed by man, but I did not miss all that you had done. Find that promotion in the natural is not truly set by those above you. I Am one who puts you in the spotlight for consideration. Let go of bitterness from past moments where you were overlooked. I am making up to you with interest what was not placed in your hands months or years ago. I have kept good records and you will not walk away empty handed. Promotion can take on many different forms, but I say Promotion is upon you! My people are walking into a new era and age! Did you catch that? Many think the end of an age refers to only one time frame, but it does not. When you look through one narrow lens and frame of reference, you will miss the subtle shifts that I have done all across mankind. I Am the One who raises up a person or lowers a person. Before you struggles against what I Am doing, stop to remember that I am the one behind this change. It is perceived that to be lowered is a negative concept. Not so. There are times that I will take a person on a new path or just a time of rest in their life. Sometimes, it is time to hand over assignments for others to do what they are called to take up moment from moment. Stay in My Flow so that you do not misunderstand My Hand in your life. Be at ease for I will show you the reasons for adjustments in your course. You are the Apple of My Eye! I Am proud of you.”
“Are you feeling like opposing rubber bands are pulling you in two different directions? Forks in the Road offer options with different outcomes. Know that no matter which road is taken, your destination will eventually be the same. The road that is not a direct route is not necessarily the wrong road. Understand that what has been blocking you, has opened up a new door where the immediate will take on a new shape, but I will give you unending favor here just I would over there. I do not consider this a delay, but merely a chance to elevate you now in areas that were originally for your later. There are many positives to both paths. Release the mindset that one is the lesser or second best choice. I will make this other direction just as brilliant. You are not walking in lack but abundance. I will take care of what has come against you. I will not let anything keep you from the Promises I have spoken over you. They are yours! I will protect you from dangers that you could not even see or fathom. My Eye is always watching over you. Do not let your heart be troubled. You will not miss My Voice or Hand over this situation. Keep your head held high. I am so proud of You! No matter what, you would not quit or give up. This attitude is going to take you further than you will understand right now. Find that the enemy at your door has left. Defeat is in the air for him. You hold the power to crush the very dragon that intended to pound you into the ground. You are unstoppable, so choose to carry that Song and Chant wherever you may travel. When he hears your footsteps he will flee. Stand in this hour and push back against what has placed a target upon your soul. You are more than a Conqueror. You are My Royal Beloved who was made for this.”
“The Armory is Ready! It is time to trade in and trade up. It is time to practice, and in this training, you will become most proficient in what I have placed in your hands. What was used in the past will no longer be effective from this day forward. Allow the growth to launch you into roles of authority that you previously shied away from. You are Ready! The Changing of the Guard is a time of Celebration. Assignments completed faithfully and passed onto those refreshed to continue on faithfully. You are found worthy. My Trust is fully placed upon your shoulders. Do not allow the mind to doubt that I have Confidence and Power behind each one of your steps. If it were not so, I would not give this for you to run with. You are not starting from scratch. In fact, what has compounded from generation to generation moves with you. Feel the Fire that burns unable to be quenched. You are part of something much larger than what can be seen from horizon to horizon. You are stepping up into shoes that were too big but now will fit you perfectly. All of your resources have been made at your disposal. The ground is moving on its own in this hour. What used to take you weeks and months to cover will be done in a mere minutes or hours. You will need little effort to accomplish great feats. My Ruach Winds blow upon you like no other time before. You will be carried from mountain top to mountain top, skipping unnecessary terrain. Rejoice for what you have longed to see, is surely and indeed here!”
“My Mercies are New every morning. You have not failed. Get up for I Am still moving you from Glory to Glory. I Am not alarmed by your missteps nor what you could not complete perfectly. My Love fills the gap. You are Complete through Me and not what this world can offer you. The hustle and bustle will keep you trapped in things that are working against where you want to go in Me.
Find that I cut the cord of responsibility to things that you tethered yourself to thinking these were good in life. Even when you felt the burden coming from the expectations of others, I will be the One who says what stays or goes. It is time to feel light as a feather and walk on Air and not water. Let go of what is keeping you bound. You are made for more than the grind of life that gripped you. Dance for the Celebration is going on all around you in My Kingdom. Not seeing or feeling it yet? Take some quiet time to commune with Me. I will show you all that is happening just for your behalf. I have not left anything off of the table nor forgotten anything that you were in need of or also desired. I Am very much interested in the Desire’s of Your Heart as an important part in your life. The Well is overflowing so come in, the water is beautiful. I will wash My healing waters over your life. The grime of the world is being taken away and you will find that your garments are white once more. Healing is a lifetime of choice, but one that will allow your anointing’s to flow freely, as you go about your day. Be mindful of the soul maintenance and you will see life become prosperous the way I intended.”
Kathy Mote
“Healing, peace and provision are all expressions of My love for you. All you need is found in the Life I am teaching you to walk in.”
“Like a garden you will be watered, and like the floodplain you will receive the rains. Like desert lands are changed by the ocean, you will be transformed by Me. There will be no comparison to who you will become, and no equal to what you will soon see. Years ago I promised that you would be free, and have strength, and that is who I have been preparing you to be. Can you hear the rushing of great waters, and feel the refreshing of your coming peace. Can you perceive My power moving, for surely you will soon see! Rising within you is a surety of these things, for building within you is My great indwelling gift! You will soon say, only My hand could do all this!”
“You are entering a great and wonderful season of 'seeing', and you will be given revelation after revelation of My perspective. I will lead you in understanding with each step you take, and in one picture you will embrace a world of understanding. In your mind will be a simple image, but in that I will speak a thousand words.
“I will send My Word, and like a wildfire it will be carried on the dry winds. It will burn Its way through you and into the heart of every hearer, bringing to the altar the heart that drives every man.
“And in the great explosion that My Word will make, you will know that it is My power, and not your own, that speaks.”
“The things that made you weak are being removed. The things that made you stumble you will overcome. The things that broke your heart you will get over the need of. You will be filled with all that makes you strong, and you will rise to take My hand.”
“As you stand in My presence, stand your ground. As you believe and receive, be filled with confidence that I am Lord and My will be done. "On Earth as it is in Heaven" is happening now.”
“The longer you stand the stronger you become, until what you have asked for will be a mere pittance of what you will have. The stronger you are the more life you walk in and the more lifeless doubt you cast down, until you become mightier than you ever dreamed of. There is great purpose in what you stand for and believe, and faith to receive is only the beginning of what you are called to have. The immovable wall you think you are looking at is really an open door, and you will enter in.”
“You will be given pearls of wisdom which will serve as keys to unlocking My Kingdom, and by them I will lead you to the peaceable ways of trust in My presence. In all that you are about to see, you will, My beloved, be content and well rested.”
“Among My Beloved are those that are feeling devastated by an apparent loss of personal identity and strength. You feel you have lost all power, that you will never get it back. This is true, you will have Mine, instead.”
“Instead of handling your problem, hand it over. Instead of giving up, give it into My safe keeping.
“You are not trusting what I am doing because you are going by your feelings. If you knew in your heart that I am good, then no matter what I do, you would trust Me. I want you to walk by faith, and to know you are safe because I love you.”
“Instead of handling your problem, hand it over. Instead of giving up, give it into My safe keeping.
“You are being changed into one who will fly with the strength of a hawk on the hunt. In your simple trust is a miraculous covenant, where your trust is an act of love, your obedience is a gift to the One you love, and My indwelling power is My response.”
“There is great purpose in not seeing what lies ahead, for in it you have been removed from your personal strength. As you rest in Me, I will give you My strength, for in exchange for your trust, I am building in you the faith to be great.”
“There is a level of anointing that will dwell within you, and selfless surrender is how it will come upon you. I do not send you in your own strength, nor with your own tools do I ask you to work. As an employer provides the tools of their trade so I will provide you with all that you need.”
“You are Mine.”
“You will be given everything you need, and you will rise up in the courage to do what you are called to do. Rest in your trust that I equip who I send.”
“I will take you through the labyrinth the
enemy sets before you and you will learn to find your way. You will listen to
Me and speak with authority as I guide you through each step. I will teach you
to walk straight into the enemy's camp and disturb the atmosphere he has there.
he will lose his fight against Me as you pierce the darkness carrying My great
“This is not the time to look back at what
has always been. This is the time to move forward and receive.”“This marks the day when Heaven comes to Earth. The beasts have had their time, and now it is My time. Seventy spans of time have passed, and all have taken the time they were given. Like seasons in the year, all have gathered their harvest, but now I will gather Mine. In the coming days every man will make a choice, My way or their own way, and I will make the choice simple. They will choose between Life and death, each man for himself. Signs and wonders will follow My Word, and all those who carry it! I will send My Word like a Light into the darkness and every man will be drawn to it. Each one will have to choose, for as they hear it will go to the very heart of them!”
“There are many voices, but you must choose to whom you will listen. You have been brought to the place where you must deny the voice of unbelief that has held you back from true freedom. What you see in this world is lifeless and fallen, governed by the ungovernable, usurped and taken by the lawless. What you have now is the quandary of who to believe. Your own eyes, or what I speak. Right now you are faced with win or lose, do or die, succeed or fail. Now is the time to choose life or death, there's no more wiggle room left. This is not a question of what you can do or how much you can take, this is a question of Who is Lord, and to choose you must make a leap of faith. Leap or leap are your current choices, for staying where you are is not an option. There is only One Lord, and it is Him you must choose, and as you do you will lose sight of all else that is not Lord of you. He does not conform to the world or follow the rules. He is Life busting out and power unlimited. You think of power as working from the outside in, but I will show you My power works from within. Life brings forth Life, and I want you to choose, for as you do Life will spring up within you.”
I am the God of covenant, so in your simple but powerful agreement, I will have My way. So be as I have raised you, and speak as I have sent you, and My Word will accomplish My will as only He can!”
“What you thought would be a difficult leap of faith in an impossible situation has now become the pleasant walk of faith and trust made easy. You cried out for a miracle, but what I have given you is far more, for I have paved the road to recovery. You will recover all that was threatened and lost, and rise as more than victorious, for forged in your heart is the love and trust of One who has conquered all, and I am faithful.”
“You see all those around you being blessed more than you, but I will remove this envy from you. Jealousy will be taken away, too, for I am about to pour out wonderful blessings on you! Blessings are not measured in gifts, but gifts will be given to you nonetheless. Blessings are also not measured in monetary things, but you will have more than you need! Your blessings are in your trust and faith, for as these fill your heart, I will be present and bless you in all things.”
“I will purify you until there is no fear left. I will sift your heart until there is only faith in it. I will sanctify you until there is nothing in the deep but you, and Me. I will draw you closer, and closer yet, until there is nothing but our embrace. I will be present and you will be filled. You will be consumed with the Life that is in Me until I am all that there is. It is then that you will be a pure vessel, and that is when I will be seen and heard in everything you think and feel, and in everything you say and do. There will be no shadow, only Light. There will be no death, only Life, and that is when the miracles will start!”
“I am teaching you to obey Me from the deepest place in your heart, for that is where My glory will be seen by all who see you, and that is where I will be felt.”
“Go where I send you, but come right back home. Speak when you are sent with a message, but if I do not send you, then hold your tongue. To be caught up in debate is not your portion.”
“Instead of being more difficult, your life is about to become far easier and more pleasant! The shaking and breaking in your life is heralding your freedom, but it is not an indication of difficulties to come. Instead of dread, you will experience the goodness of the Lord in your life, and you will be delighted!”
Glynda Lomax
“I am compensating My people now for
all you have lost for My Name’s sake. For those of you who have left home and
family, careers, and things dear to you in order to serve Me, I am restoring
greater than you had before. I know your battle has been hard. I know you still
carry grief in your soul. Your faithfulness to Me shall be rewarded. My people
shall never be ashamed who trust in Me. Watch now as I restore to you those
things you have released in order to serve Me.”
“As events transpire and intensify
and your environment changes forever, you will occasionally be swept along with
the changes. Be vigilant to keep Me always in the forefront of your mind and
first in your thoughts, for you can survive none of what is coming without Me.
The great war you see play out before you is an ancient battle planned long
ago. For ages good and evil have watched each other waiting for this time when
all shall be revealed, when that victory long ago won shall play out. Keep Me
first, My children, in all you do, that you be not led astray nor deceived in
any way.”
“Pay attention to priorities now. Am
I still first in your heart and mind? Am I still Lord over every area of your
life? Be very diligent to keep Me first, that you do not require chastening.
Pay attention to what you spend your hours each day doing. Are these really
your priorities. If I come back in one hour, how will you answer Me for how you
spent your time today? My children, it is imperative you properly prioritize
every area of your life. The enemy is trying to get you off track and out of
focus. Do not let your priorities get skewed. Time is short. Keep your eyes on
“My children, you are entering an
age of great deception, a time when nothing shall be as it appears to be. There
will be a time of peace, then great destruction shall come, such as nothing you
ever imagined. You must prepare your minds for this time and know its purpose
in My Word. During this time, many false
Christs shall arise and deceive many of My people, but if you will walk closely
with Me, if you will refuse to let anything or anyone come before Me in your
life, you will know Me and not be deceived. Those who do not know Me will fall
quickly into these deceptions. The enemy plans to lead you off the righteous
path, and he has worked long and hard on his strategies to mislead you. You
must stay one step ahead of him, by being wise as serpents. Know your
weaknesses, know where you are lacking in knowledge, and correct it. Stand
strong, the race is almost done! To differentiate the false, you must know the
real. If you know Me, you will be safe, but you must really know Me.
Superficial knowledge will not protect from deception. You must walk with Me
each day. You must hold Me first in all you do. You must eliminate evil from
your life and serve only Me. Make yourself ready for what is coming. I have
told you what you must do.”
“So many of My people remain stuck
in relationships I never ordained. Relationships that keep them from realizing
their true potential in Me. Relationships that keep their walk stagnant. My
people, do you not know that relationships not of Me are doorways of
destruction? Do you not realize that anything not of Me is a doorway to the
enemy, an opening he can work through to bring destruction into your life? Many of you are laden with false guilt, a
false sense of responsibility for people or things I did not give you, and it
is producing death in your walk with Me. It has become a valley of dry bones,
where no life remains. Why do you struggle against the truth? The truth that I
cannot bless what is not of Me? Why do you try so hard to make something work
and refuse to see that it never will? My
people, I hear your prayers to Me, and I answer all those where you have faith
that are in line with My will. If I am not answering, you must ask yourself
why. You must inquire of your own soul (Note: your soul is your own mind, will
and emotions) whether what you are asking is of Me or not of Me. If I am not answering your prayer of faith,
you are asking amiss.”
“As persecution begins rising, My
people will be punished. You will be punished by the wicked, for existing. For
believing, for loving, for trying to make a difference. Satan is even now
sowing great hatred into the hearts of those who do not believe and it is
increasing every day. As their hatred grows, the ways they punish My people
will grow more intense, and eventually will be very violent. The wicked will
begin to replace those in governments and they will pass laws against you, My
people. They will eventually not only allow this persecution, they will
encourage it. I tell you these things that you may prepare your hearts for what
is to be. These things must come, that all is fulfilled and the end may arrive.
The end of all evil. The end of all wickedness in the earth. The end of the age
when the Ancient of Days shall see His Son glorified and revealed to all. When
all My children can come home and rest from their labors. Fear not the things
to come, My children, for already I have ordained your help. I have ordained
your comfort in these times. I have ordained ways and means for you where no
ways and means exist. You are not alone. You belong to Me.”
“My Children! My Loves! Expect the
unexpected now, My Children, and let nothing be a shock or surprise. Watch
things unfold from a protected perspective. Allow no man to take your focus
from Me. I AM the I AM, perfect in every way. My promises are unbreakable, and
My ways are unshakeable. While your faith in Me can be shaken, it will not be
removed. And faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Avoid
fruitless conversations and debates, My Loves, for these have no place in our
relationship. These disagreements are fueling anger and discord among My flock,
and these ploys set forth by the enemy are working. He's getting My children to
focus on his lies instead of My truth. Woe to those who play along with his
schemes. When the scales fall from their eyes, they will be blasted with My
truth and overwhelmed with their own sense of remorse. Their error will blind
them for now, but leave them alone, and do not fall into debate with them, as
you could be misled into error. Focus now on My finished work, My
Children. Focus on the fact that no matter how things progress, no matter how
these end time events unfold, I AM victorious, and My outcome is My perfection!
Rest in My perfection, My Children, and let no man steal My perfect peace from
you that passes all of your understanding. Do not be swept away by
fantastic teachings that are darkness masquerading as light. Woe to those who
say that they are Mine yet walk as wolves among My sheep. You will give an
account for every child of Mine you lead astray. My Children, always turn
your face towards Me, always find peace in My perfection. All that I have done
and will do is perfection in its sum. Though the journey may seem chaotic, your
final destination is My perfection. Our union is predestined reconciliation of
a Creator to His most coveted creation. Let no man convince you that you
are not cherished beyond your capability to comprehend. This is what the enemy
works so hard to do. He works to make My children think that I do not value
them. This is his number one goal. Do not fall for his lies, My Loves. I hold
each of your hearts in the palm of My hand. I treat each relationship as
uniquely as each child of Mine. Let not your hearts be troubled, My Children.
For this sliver of what you call time will pass in an instant, and all that you
may have suffered will be thrown into the abyss, never to again be
remembered. For now, armor up, My Dear Ones, place My armor on. Seek
peace with all who you come into contact with, and do not climb into the mud
with them. Walk away in peace, and turn their hearts over to Me. I AM the only
One that can show a man the error in his ways. Hearts hardened by the enemy
were never meant to be cracked by men, but only by My Holy Spirit. Pursue
peace, My Loves. Contend for your faith, even if it be the size of a mustard
seed, and NEVER doubt My love for you, My Children. Never doubt My ways or how
far I will go in pursuit of even one single heart. You pursue a direct
relationship with Me. Pursue My truth through My Holy Spirit alone. No man need
come between your heart and My truth. You must beware of one that should try. I
love you, My Children. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach”
“My daughter, write My words for
those with ears to hear. My children, as My daughter has seen firsthand, there
will be more and more supernatural occurrences for My children and even for
those who have chosen to reject their true Creator. Super natural activity will
be ramping up, as new doors will be opened for both the enemy and My angels.
You must use discernment, My children. If your peace is removed from you,
assume immediately that you are witnessing something dark that might even be
masquerading as light. Remember all evil must flee upon hearing My name. These
demons have no choice but to flee, as I promised to always keep My children
safe and protected. The signs and wonders in your heavens occur as just this;
signs for those who are awake and watching. There are many who have received Me
into their hearts but still have no idea what time it is. They believe that
they will live out their days upon your earth and even some believe that their
grandchildren's grandchildren will still reside on your fallen Earth. My loves,
I see those of you who struggle to make your way in this darkened world of
yours. I never miss a tear that is said by one of My precious children, yet so
many do not grasp this truth. They believe that they are on their own, and this
breaks My heart. How I wish they would have faith in My promises and in My
presence, but they do not. They are unaware of My truths. They are unaware of
My supernatural love for them. This is the time now when they will see on full
display how far I will go to reach them. I want none of My creation to perish.
I want all to experience My love firsthand. Some may have to see some things
before they completely surrender to Me. Others will have to experience My
presence removing their fear for them to realize that I am all-powerful and
cannot be defeated. I will use the term "small-minded". Mostly, My
entire creation are small-minded, because they do not believe in My complete
power. They do not believe that I will manifest perfect outcomes any way that I
see fit. Fortunately I am not limited by the minds of men. Fortunately what
will be seen will be believed, but until these supernatural events begin, the
small minds remain just that, small. Do not limit Me, My children. Do not limit
who I will use or how I will use them. Do not limit My hearts for My creation,
and do not limit the countless ways in which I can and will bring My creation
to Myself. Be very careful when you label someone as false, for you could be
bringing condemnation upon your own head. Just because your mind is small and
limited in its understanding, do not cast the shadow of your doubt upon My
mighty ways. Be careful, My children, not to prejudge how I will bring about My
perfect outcomes, for My possibilities are limitless. I am not limited by man's
beliefs or understandings. The pride of men, their arrogance, cannot limit Me.
My supernatural presence abounds, but because of your pride and
small-mindedness, you prevent yourselves from experiencing it. I liken this to
a king with a glorious Kingdom, yet his children live outside of the kingdom
gates in filth and squalor as poor and sickly peasants receiving no comforts
from their father and being too prideful to receive their inheritance. I offer
My creation My kingdom, yet most reject this offer and My supernatural gifts
that come with it. This is a rejection of My truth, My children. It is a
rejection of Who I am. If My miracles are not manifesting in your life, examine
your own heart, and let Me out of the box that you placed Me in. Release Me
from your own limitations and expectations. I promise you that My outcome for
you is more than you could ever imagine. Walk through My kingdom gates, and
receive your inheritance, My children. Quit believing the lies of the enemy.
With My life, I purchased for you not only eternal life in Heaven but victory
over the enemy on your Earth. Honor Me now by receiving your inheritance. I
love you. My children. Yeshua Ha'Mashiac”
“Daughter, because My Son lives in you, and you
in My Son, you walk in the fullness of all that belonged to Him when He walked
this earth. You are One in Us, created in Our image, therefore, you must apply
the same responses to every situation, just as He did. He stills walks in this
realm, as He is ever present in the hearts of My people. Your position and your
responsibility is to awaken and receive the revelation, that Our authority is
your authority here.
Because My Son reigns in your hearts here, you reign in the physical realm, and have come here to exercise this Kingdom power and authority to a lost and dying world.
Tell My people, this great battle that is here can and will only be fought with My Spirit and the complete manifestation of all that I AM in and through your hearts here. The battle has already been won, as you know. It is simply for you to display the Great I AM here in this realm, by speaking and walking in My Truths. Since I AM the Word, and I AM enthroned upon your hearts, My Word is the Sword that pierces the hearts and souls of men, dividing asunder and convicting even unto the darkest of places. My Word is alive and My Word will never come back to Me void. I cannot stress the importance enough of having My scripture written upon your hearts and allowing these, My Truths to be the only response to all that comes your way. The answers to everything you encounter and to every soul I send to you can be found in My Holy Word. When spoken, My Holy Spirit is activated in performing the work He is designed to do.
Great, great evil is upon you, and there is only one response that can save you. Proclaim My scriptures boldly; speak My Truths; allow My River of Life to proceed out from your bellies as it flows directly from My Throne.
My Word and My promises are the only Truths that exist in all things ever created, therefore, it is only these Truths that will stand at this end of this age. Great manifestations will be the result of all those walking in obedience to My will and My commandments. Examine your hearts each day to ensure you are walking in My ways, so your lives reflect your Father and Creator.
You must not hold anger or bitterness, unforgiveness, lust or envy in your hearts at any time. Pray that I will pour out the full measure of all that I AM, and the full measure of faith that has been purposed for you, as you draw closer to the fulfillment of all things. Your steps are ordered and you never walk this path alone. I AM the Father of Lights and the Giver of all good things to My children. I never withhold all that I AM from those that I love and who love Me and keep My ways.
He that dwells in the secret place of the The Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You will say of Me, "He is My Refuge and My Fortress, in You alone will I trust. Your truth will be My Shield and Buckler. I will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day. Because the Father of all creation dwells within me, and I have Him as my Habitation, no evil will befall me."
Just as I poured out My Spirit and great strength to My Son in the Garden to prepare Him for the most difficult time in His journey on earth, so also shall I not do the same for you as you are One in My Son? I will pour out from the storehouses of Heaven, blessing upon blessing, fruit that will be multiplied, strength for the battle, faith that moves mountains, unsurpassable peace and joy from My Heart, and a powerful anointing that will remain with you until you join Me for all eternity.
Rejoice this day, as you see evil closing in, as this means the culmination of all things is upon you, and sooner than you would imagine, I will bring you home.
Rejoice also in that you are the chosen generation that will bring in the last harvest before I send My Son back to triumph as the Lion of Judah, and all men shall know that the Great I AM lives forever, and there is no One like Me, nor will there ever be.
My loves, do not be weary, for I AM pouring out! I AM pouring out upon you in great measure and with the fullness of all I AM! Prepare to receive all of Me! My love for you has no bounds.
Beloved ones, I care so for each one of you. You are My priests and My kings, because you have embraced My Son in your hearts. Soon you will see how great My love is for you. Be strong My loves, have courage. The Great I AM lives in you.
Because My Son reigns in your hearts here, you reign in the physical realm, and have come here to exercise this Kingdom power and authority to a lost and dying world.
Tell My people, this great battle that is here can and will only be fought with My Spirit and the complete manifestation of all that I AM in and through your hearts here. The battle has already been won, as you know. It is simply for you to display the Great I AM here in this realm, by speaking and walking in My Truths. Since I AM the Word, and I AM enthroned upon your hearts, My Word is the Sword that pierces the hearts and souls of men, dividing asunder and convicting even unto the darkest of places. My Word is alive and My Word will never come back to Me void. I cannot stress the importance enough of having My scripture written upon your hearts and allowing these, My Truths to be the only response to all that comes your way. The answers to everything you encounter and to every soul I send to you can be found in My Holy Word. When spoken, My Holy Spirit is activated in performing the work He is designed to do.
Great, great evil is upon you, and there is only one response that can save you. Proclaim My scriptures boldly; speak My Truths; allow My River of Life to proceed out from your bellies as it flows directly from My Throne.
My Word and My promises are the only Truths that exist in all things ever created, therefore, it is only these Truths that will stand at this end of this age. Great manifestations will be the result of all those walking in obedience to My will and My commandments. Examine your hearts each day to ensure you are walking in My ways, so your lives reflect your Father and Creator.
You must not hold anger or bitterness, unforgiveness, lust or envy in your hearts at any time. Pray that I will pour out the full measure of all that I AM, and the full measure of faith that has been purposed for you, as you draw closer to the fulfillment of all things. Your steps are ordered and you never walk this path alone. I AM the Father of Lights and the Giver of all good things to My children. I never withhold all that I AM from those that I love and who love Me and keep My ways.
He that dwells in the secret place of the The Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You will say of Me, "He is My Refuge and My Fortress, in You alone will I trust. Your truth will be My Shield and Buckler. I will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day. Because the Father of all creation dwells within me, and I have Him as my Habitation, no evil will befall me."
Just as I poured out My Spirit and great strength to My Son in the Garden to prepare Him for the most difficult time in His journey on earth, so also shall I not do the same for you as you are One in My Son? I will pour out from the storehouses of Heaven, blessing upon blessing, fruit that will be multiplied, strength for the battle, faith that moves mountains, unsurpassable peace and joy from My Heart, and a powerful anointing that will remain with you until you join Me for all eternity.
Rejoice this day, as you see evil closing in, as this means the culmination of all things is upon you, and sooner than you would imagine, I will bring you home.
Rejoice also in that you are the chosen generation that will bring in the last harvest before I send My Son back to triumph as the Lion of Judah, and all men shall know that the Great I AM lives forever, and there is no One like Me, nor will there ever be.
My loves, do not be weary, for I AM pouring out! I AM pouring out upon you in great measure and with the fullness of all I AM! Prepare to receive all of Me! My love for you has no bounds.
Beloved ones, I care so for each one of you. You are My priests and My kings, because you have embraced My Son in your hearts. Soon you will see how great My love is for you. Be strong My loves, have courage. The Great I AM lives in you.
Barbara & Dan
“I whisper My words into your ear. Destiny
beckons for its time in the sun. My arrow of truth shall pierce the one with a
black heart. Truth wears the robe of humility and stands besides thee. Look
inside, for there rests your conviction. Is your house in order? Has your words
matched your deeds? Have you been a friend to the friendless? Have you done for
others, what you ask from Me? Now is the time to open your eyes and you shall
see. I am the Author of time, I am its Master. Events proceed in an order known
only to Me. Time weighs heavily on the unbelievers. Their words as well as
their deeds, seal their own fate. For a tree is known by its fruit. Do you know
Me? I know you. My eyes see all. Shall I not reward obedience? Shall your
patience not be found wanting? I have spoken to you. Are you listening? I have
sent you the signs of what is forthcoming. Have you not seen them? You shall
soar on eagles wings and speak the unspeakable. You shall bear witness to the
evil that surrounds you and speak My will. For this is your destiny. For
another shall not follow. What began in darkness, shall end in My Light.”
“My eyes of Glory look down upon
thee. It is the Breath of Life that speaks to you this day. I who am the light,
shall speak of the darkness. Evil trembles with the sound of My voice. This is
the time of trials. Those that walk in the light, see this truth. Who shall
drink from the cup of righteousness? Shall you sup with Me? The Heavens pay
hommage to its Maker, who is I. I shall invigorate the weary and lift up the
hopeless. These are the days of twilight. The Lion of Judah roars. The son of
perdition carries with him the sword of injustice. His hands shall be soaked in
the blood of the martyrs of faith. He is the pacifier. He is the curse of
nations. Have you not heard him speak? Many a generation has awaited patiently
for him to be revealed. His actions speak his name and your spirit reveals this
truth. Now is the time for the Book of Knowledge to be opened. For it shall
reveal much.”
“Abra, prophecy to the man of sin. I
know who you are. I created the garden, you defiled it. Now I see you cause my
children to bow down and worship you in another attempt to be God. You treat
your women and children like cattle. When I created women as a help mate. You
will rise to power and command more death and fighting. I see you in your
secret chamber and I see your hidden sexual perversion. You can't hide from me.
I AM. I see you as the serpent and the two horned goat. My children, those
having their eye's opened will know who you are and flee from your commands.
Listen to these words beast. Your time is limited. Your destruction will be cut
off at the appointed time. Many will be removed, many will suffer under your
rule. Children you must be prepared. Read and share my gospel. This is the
sword. Put on your armor. Do not slumber now”
“Your religious man, the man called
pope, this man is exalted and is called Holy. He has hidden many things in his
heart. He covets power. He will show you where his power comes from with lying
words, and marvelous signs and wonders. He sits in the dark now and he puts
together his plan. Look into his eyes; the eyes of deceit. The eyes of deceit
have been prophesied about by my messengers and prophets. How can so much evil
be contained? Abberra, many sheep follow this man, bowing and worshiping idols.
They must turn away and repent. The door will be opened; I am will step in.
Only those with a pure heart can stand against such evil for this man carries
the name false prophet.”
“ Daughter,
speak this warning and tell the people what I have shown you. The Restrainer
will be taken away. The man of sin will be revealed for who he really is, the
Beast. Mr. Obama will return in his new position as ruler. The streets will be
filled with violence, civil unrest and war. The weak will be murdered, unable
to defend themselves. Children will murder parents for what they have and take
it from them. Your militia will be unable to keep order or gain control. There
will be riots and fires. There will be no safe place. The unbelievers will rise
to power. Behold, I come quickly. Barbara, you have seen well and understood.
This is the tribulation coming upon the whole earth. Many will be killed for My
Name’s sake.”
“Daughter of My Heart, write these
words. It is with a heavy heart that I speak to you this day, as the masses
have not heeded My warnings of repentance, and My words through My prophets and
messengers have mostly fallen on deaf ears.
I have told them many times, truth
has always been available to all who seek it, yet so many are more than content
to sit in idleness and complacency, living their lives with an apathetic
attitude towards anything good, righteous, or holy.
Does My Word not teach that you must
be born-again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? You must be broken and
surrendered, giving Me everything, and finding no fulfillment in this earthly
life. You must turn to Me for all the answers you seek, the One and only
Shepherd and Wise Counselor, and not the myriad of voices and suggestions that
scream to you from every angle each and every day. The battle for your soul has
already been won IF YOU CHOOSE ME! Choose life over death.
Daughter, you were given a rare
opportunity to experience what the heart condition will be very, very soon for
all those who have not studied to show themselves approved, and have not taken
Me seriously, or do not accept My existence whatsoever. The path has been lit
and I walk with each and every soul who gives their lives to Me. Those who have
hesitated or walked in the opposite direction of truth will know a harsh and
severe consequence to their decisions.
I have given you this spiritual
experience in order that more hearts will open and more ears will hear what I
am saying before this moment when all suddenly changes does indeed arrive. I
assure you, the hour is very late, My words will come to pass and nothing I
have spoken will come back to Me void.
Know My Word above all else as I am
the Word. My Word is alive, powerful, and is the only way to know truth from
deception. I have offered you a way through the storms that are now here.
Accept My offer, freely given, paid in full with My Life's blood.
You who are now born-again or come
to be born-again before this happens will be used mightily for a short time to
bring My love and My light to the desperate who will choose to procrastinate in
accepting what I have spoken.
These words I speak are true and
they should convict you. Watch and see if I did not tell you it would be so
when all is shaken in a moment.