***Prophetic Messages From The Lord: 27 Sept 2016***
(Lana Vawser)
“Reach down from your heavens
and rescue me from this hell, and deliver me from these dark powers. My God, I
will sing you a brand-new song when you give me the victory! The harp inside my
heart will make music to you! I will sing of you, the One who gives victory to
kings – the One who rescues David, your loving servant from the fatal sword.” ~
Psalm 144:7, 9, 10 (The Passion Translation)
“Deliver us! Then our homes will be happy. Our sons will
grow up strong, sturdy men and our daughters with graceful beauty, royally
fashioned for a palace. Our barns will be filled to the brim, overflowing with
the fruits of our harvest. Our fields will be full of sheep and cattle, too many
to count, and our livestock will not miscarry their young. Our enemies will not
invade our land and there’ll be no breach in our walls. What bliss we
experience when these blessings fall! The people who love and serve our God
will be happy indeed!” ~ Psalm 144:12-15 (The Passion Translation)
I have been hearing over and
over in my spirit “Rise up and defend your walls again, as I roar deliverance
over you, blessing upon blessing is going to fall.”
As I pondered this word with the Lord, I saw many “hiding”
behind their walls. They had come to a place of no longer standing and guarding
and defending their walls with prayer and declaration but just trying to “run
and find cover”. I saw debris flying everywhere from the walls that were being
bombarded and broken by the enemy. Many had their hands covering their heads to
shield themselves from the rocks that were flying everywhere and they were
screaming “JESUS!!! Deliver us!”
I then heard the Lord calling out to His people
INDIVIDUALLY BY NAME. He would call them by name and call them back to the wall
but in order to do that, they had to “stand up” in the midst of the onslaught
to get back onto their walls. Such fear gripped them, “if I stand and come out
of hiding, I will be slaughtered.” But the safest place for these ones was not
hiding under their hands, and in “action” running in the opposite direction
from the enemy, but actually taking a stand, like David stood before Goliath.
The safest place was standing where the Lord was calling them to stand, and
even though it didn’t make sense that the Lord was asking them to stand up when
they had been so battered, and the onslaught so hard, it WAS the place of
There was a great ‘struggle’
happening in the hearts and souls of these ones as fear gripped. But those that
chose to stand and trust in the Lord and His strategy experienced a GREAT
DELIVERANCE of God. As they STOOD UP while debris and huge rocks flew
everywhere, such horrific onslaught, HE ROARED!!!! As He ROARED I saw a HUGE
Glory bubble surround these ones. Rocks were coming at them in every direction
and BOUNCING OFF the BUBBLE of His Glory surrounding them. As He ROARED I could
As they began to move towards
the wall again, with each step they were strengthened and healed, restored and
delivered. By the time they reached the walls, they were so strong in heart and
soul again, such deep refreshment, they began to DEFEND their walls with an
awakening to their authority in Jesus they had not had before.
As He roared and they defended
their walls again with the promises of Scripture and prophetic words over their
lives and prayer, it began to RAIN! It was raining BLESSINGS!!!! There was such
an ABUNDANCE of BLESSING and INCREASE into every area of their live. PROMOTION
was being released into EVERY AREA of their lives. Family, homes, finances,
health, discernment. NOTHING was left untouched by the blessing, resurrection
life and promotion of God.
Where there had been such deep despair and mourning the
Lord was releasing BLISS!!!!! JOY!!!!! JOY on the walls!!!! No longer would
they stand before their walls or in hiding WEEPING at the PLUNDERING of the
enemy of their walls, but they would LAUGH and REJOICE at the BLESSING,
They all stood together and
began to sing “Our enemies will not invade our land, and there’ll be no breach
in our walls” (Psalm 144:14)
The enemy began to flee in seven directions!!!!! He was
“The LORD will grant
that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will
come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.” ~ Deuteronomy 28:7
(flee before thee seven ways; be entirely routed, and flee some one way, and
some another, even every way they could take to make their escape. The phrase
is expressive of AN ENTIRE VICTORY and of a COMPLETE ROUT and dispersion of an
enemy. ~ Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible)
As He ROARED, I heard “NO
MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE!” This onslaught has been STOPPED and the ENEMY DEFEATED
and now you shall ENJOY the OVERFLOWING FRUITS OF HARVEST!!!! Death, delay and
a miscarriage of the promises of God will no longer be in your land as you
continue to RISE UP and DEFEND your walls, standing with HIM as HE ROARS this
deliverance over you! Where a spirit of death and foxes have continued to come
in and destroy, your land shall now be filled with LIFE and LIFE MORE
ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10) This is a crucial moment! NO MATTER what your eyes see,
continue to move forward in OBEDIENCE to His voice and leading!
The story of Elisha and his servant in the battle with the
nation of Aram attacking Israel has been BURNING on my heart.
A brief overview of the story…
Israel was being attacked time and time again by the nation of Aram. God would
tell Elisha what the plans of attack were drafted by the King of Aram and
Israel would win time and time again. When the King of Aram found out about
this, he sent out an army to go and capture him. So Elisha’s servant wakes up
in the morning and sees that they are completely surrounded by a huge army. So
Elisha’s servant goes to Elisha freaking out about the army surrounding them
and what does Elisha tell him in 2 Kings 6:16:17
“Don’t be afraid” Elisha told him “For there are more on
our side than on theirs! Then Elisha prayed “O Lord, open his eyes and let him
see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that
the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.”
As you continue to read on in
the story in verse 18 onwards Elisha prays that the Lord would make the enemy
army blind, and the Lord struck them with blindness and Elisha led them out of
the city and led them to Samaria. Once they entered Samaria, Elisha prayed for
the Lord to open their eyes, and He did and they all discovered they were in
Samaria. The King of Israel made a feast for them, fed them and sent them home
and verse 23 says “After that, the Armean raiders stayed away from the land of
The Lord has been showing me the level of opposition coming
against God’s people lately. Many feel like they are completely surrounded and
there have been relentless hits and now the army of opposition around them
feels bigger than ever and fear, discouragement and despair has come in.
Today I heard the Lord say: “My people ask Me to open your
eyes to see the angelic army on your side to assist you into victory.”
The enemy is telling many that they are alone and greater
is his army against you than the army of heaven with you.
As you ask Him to open your
eyes, you are going to SEE the magnitude of the invisible angelic army that has
been assigned to you from the Lord to assist you into victory. You are going to
see PAST the impossibility to the REALITY of what is happening in the Spirit..
and over your life.. it is VICTORY! You have MORE angelic hosts FOR YOU and ON
YOUR SIDE than what is coming against you.
The Lord spoke to me again, and He said that many of you
have been in what feels like “the battle of your life” and once you step into
this victory (which is going to be soon!) you will move into a level of insight
and partnering with the Lord in divine strategy to see a CONTINUAL MOMENTUM OF
VICTORY and many of the armies of hell that have continually come against you
to kill you, they are about to be sent away once and for all. As you walk in
the divine war-strategy of heaven, seeing the angelic armies that are FOR YOU
and ON YOUR SIDE, the VICTORY that has been decreed in the spirit over your
life and situation, a blindness and confusion will be sent upon the enemy as
you implement the strategy of heaven.
Where there are those around
you who have cursed you, the Lord is going to give you the victory and in the
“walking out the victory”, He is going to develop a greater heart in you to
“bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you”. (Luke 6:28)
Remember Ephesians 6:12 “For we are not fighting against
flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen
world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in
the heavenly places.”
What you are wrestling against
are territorial spirits, principalities, the enemy and his army, but God has
ALREADY DECREED your VICTORY and He is about to OPEN YOUR EYES TO SEE the army
Where there has been “the greatest battle of your life”,
you are now moving into “the greatest victory of your life”. Not only will the
victory flag of joy be lifted high, but your SPIRITUAL SIGHT is about to
increase SIGNIFICANTLY. You are being trained in greater insight, sensitivity
and partnering with the Lord in His “war-stragies” and you will step into a
“momentum of victory”.
Recently I heard the Lord say
“You are about to move into a divine restart with a new heart”. I saw the Lord
hitting a “RESTART” button and it was like a computer and was REBOOTING
Where there has been incredible assault against believers
and the “way forward” has been hindered, where hearts have really “copped a
beating” from the onslaught, the Lord is about to do a SOVEREIGN RESTART!!!!
Where many are crying out “what do I pray?”, “I don’t know
what else to do?”, “My heart can’t take anymore”, “How much longer?”, “what are
you doing Lord?”, “Where are you?” and confusion is swirling significantly I
felt the Lord wanted to encourage you, He is about to release a SOVEREIGN
Not only is He about to bring
about this RESTART with RESURRECTION POWER, everything will flow in greater
acceleration, power, increase and ease. The “viruses” that have tried to kill
you and kill what the Lord is doing through you are being removed. He is about
to really fight for you and come through for you.
Not only are you about to move into that divine restart
that will see greater acceleration, power, increase and ease come into your
life, you are moving into with a new heart.
I saw the Lord looking at the heart of many believers that
feel like they have lost or are losing their hope and trust. Their hearts are
being filled with weariness, despair and pain as they continue to see things in
the natural “get worse” and yet the Lord keeps speaking “hold on”. As He looked
at the hearts of these believers I saw Him weeping with them as they wept. His
comfort was strong, His love was healing, His eyes PIERCING WITH VISION.
I saw Him looking at them and
present with them in their pain, but His eyes PIERCING with the VISION of what
is ahead and what He’s about to do. He sees beyond the pain and what is being
set before them. The joy that is coming!
As He embraced them, I saw Him place His hand on their
hearts. He was releasing resurrection life into hearts, and as this
resurrection life flowed into their hearts, not only did it heal such death and
brokenness within, it was like there was an UPGRADE of heart to a completely
new one. Once the resurrection life had infused into these hearts, the hearts
looked completely new. Inside these hearts were such large jewels and I asked
the Lord what they were and He said “These are the jewels that have been found
and received in the battle and dark night. The scars I am turning into jewels.
This newness of heart was
seeing the scars turning into jewels. The revelation of the JEWELS of
REVELATION found in the DARK were becoming more and more the focus, rather than
the scars that were received in battle. These ones had been tested and tried in
the battle, they had been purified in the fire and the onslaught, but rather
than focus upon the “scars” received, the focus was shifting to the glorious
JEWELS of REVELATION of JESUS and His Word that were gleaned in the battle and
Dear hearts, if you are one of these ones who have been in
such an onslaught and battle, it feels like the battle of your life, and at
times you have felt like you won’t make it through, like you’re dying, like you
have given up hope and you just cannot believe anymore, I want to encourage
you, just wait for Him. You are about to receive a deep healing, a completely
new heart, an upgrade of sensitivity to Him. An increase passion. A heart that
is new and full of life again. You are going to hunger for Him like you never
have. You are going to encounter Him like you never have. You are going to
sense His leading like you never have and you are going to dream again like you
never have. The jewels of revelation will be released through you and many will
be set free, healed and delivered.
Recently I had an encounter
with the Lion of Judah. What an encounter! I saw Him in His power, in His
authority, in His strength and might. He was majestic and nothing could stand
against Him.
I saw Him standing on the roof of a house and He was poised
and focused looking out into the distance. The sense surrounded me that He was
“on guard”. What struck me besides His power and authority was how BIG He was.
He was the size of AT LEAST another house. If I was to climb up on His back I
would have been the size of an ant. Each one of His beautiful soft, yet strong
paws rested upon the four The next thing I heard was the sound of the enemy and
his army and they were flying towards this house. They were cackling and
snickering at their mischievous, hidden plans and assaults they were about to
release upon the households of God’s people.
They flew with great speed
towards God’s people and as the houses they were targeting were coming into
sight, they “put on the brakes”. They looked like cartoon characters who
zooming at a thousand miles an hour and suddenly had to “come to a stop”. They
were almost “skidding” through the air to be able to stop suddenly.. why?
Because they SAW HIM!!!
He opened His mouth and let out the loudest and most
powerful roar I have EVER heard. As He roared it was SO clear that NOTHING
could stand against Him and NOTHING could stop Him.
The enemy and his army turned around and began to fly in
the opposite direction. As they were “fleeing” I noticed that they had “their
tail between their legs” and they were yelping like dogs that had been hurt.
He continued to ROAR and ROAR
and He watched as they fled not taking His eyes off them. As His roar filled
the atmosphere I watched as LIGHT flooded out of His paws. As the light
exploded out of His paws, I watched this incredible light begin to create bars
all around this house. I watched as a CAGE OF LIGHT was being formed around
this house and it continued until the entire house was contained inside the
most GLORIOUS CAGE OF LIGHT. In the natural a cage would contain, but this cage
was full of LIGHT, FREEDOM and PEACE. His light exploded through the front door
and spread through the entire house, leaving no room or part of the house
untouched. He was bringing a cleansing, healing, restoration, vindication and
As I looked at this cage of light I heard a booming voice
that said Zechariah 9:12 over and over:
“Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I
declare that I will restore to you double.”
He is roaring over your home
and over your family and the enemy is FLEEING with his tail between his legs.
He is restoring HOPE to your home, you shall know HOPE in Jesus like you have
never known before. In His cage of light you shall know His safety and His
provision and increase. Divine heavenly alignment and government is entering
your home. You shall know the miracles and recompense of God.
There is an ARMY OF ANGELS standing guard around your home
in front of this cage of LIGHT and the Lion of Judah is on guard!
EVERYTHING that the enemy has attempted to take from you or
throw at you, I declare to you today that HE is restoring DOUBLE TO YOU!!!!!!!!
Daily Prophetic Word
September 23-27, 2016
By MaryEllen Martyn
The Father says, “If you want
to go higher In Me and reach unlimited heights, you will have to look at the
kind of people you tend to keep around you. There are many well meaning people
out there, but they do not desire more in My Kingdom. They are complacent and
content with just being ‘Sunday’ attenders and not much more. You will know who
they truly are when you begin to share what I Am doing in and through you. Ask
yourself, do they encourage or discourage your decisions in Me? Many will seem
like they are ones to build up others, but out of their mouth, you will hear
put downs and criticisms about everyone else walking out their higher calls.
They have opinions about everything and no one will question their right to
speak their mind. These types of people will slowly kill what I Am growing on
the inside of you, if you fall trap to to them. Shake off the dead weight and
do not look back. You can’t convince people to take a hold of all that I have
to give freely to all. Be watchful of your own steps instead.
You are a flower growing in My
Garden. I will water and feed you daily. You must be mindful of the weeds that
desire to be planted next to you. Check what goes on in your daily affairs and
how you deal with each one. Your character and integrity matter greatly to your
growth. You and I will work on your fleshly verses spirit responses. To Go
Higher, you must learn to master how you address even the simplest of matters.
People will bait you to do works out of your flesh, both good and bad. I have a
new level of revelation and wisdom for you to partake in. I will give you eyes
to see the motives of others with a new clarity. There are those that claim to
be Mine, who are not. There are others that do not claim to be Mine, but walk
in My Light none the less. Some believe they are worthy of My Inheritance, who
surely will not receive. And the others do not feel worthy to wash My Feet and
surely they will receive all that My Son has died to give them. I know the
hearts of all mankind. Let Me shine Light on what you cannot see in the
natural. The stepping stones that you travel on are making way for your new
anointing, and you will outgrow places that once fed and clothed you. Be ready
for the shift, for change is coming swiftly in this hour! Walking on water is
not the miracle. The destination of where this will take you is the miracle.
Don’t look down but look forward to the horizon. What do you see? This is the
surprise waiting for you. Your spiritual eyes will allow you to know that I Am
busy concerning all matters about you. Prayers are not pointless. Prayer is
your strongest weapon, and prayer will weaken any force that comes against you. Prayer aligns your heart and motives to that of
the Kingdom.
curse their own potential when they own in their heart and mind the poison from
the enemy. If I have not said it to you, why would you believe it? Are you so
easily fooled into thinking that I lie when I say that I Am for you and not
against you? The world will turn a cruel side to you, but I will stick closer
than a brother. Your actions will always demonstrate what you harbor in your
heart. A double minded person is one to avoid. I Am calling out your purity and
showing you a way to walk above those that even think that they are truly holy
and righteous.
Fitting in to
avoid sticking out will leave you chasing in circles. Those that boast are not
grounded in truth and deceive themselves. Focus on your own walk and do not
fall into the trap of comparing your life to others. New looking paint cannot
hold together a house on a sinking foundation. Not everyone will be happy and
encouraging even among your closest allies. Do not let this cause you to
stumble. I Am revealing the hearts of those around you, so that you will truly
know who is for you as well. Many hang around to steal and destroy. Find that
these people are suddenly walking away from you. Do not feel a need to
reconcile for this exiting is for your good.
your old armor breaking off of you this day. Many have felt unprotected lately
and have not known what to do about it. You are not defenseless, but you have
simply outgrown that level of protection. You can only wear what will fit you.
My angels are fitting you with a new level of protection that will take you
through the territories to come. Upgrade and stronger abilities will suddenly
be in your arsenal. You will be underestimated, as tasks will come easier and
be finished quicker in the coming months. Those who walk in My Spirit will come
along side to cheer you on, for My Finger is upon you. Wake up and plan your
day. Many walk through the day without a solid idea of what they desire or need
to accomplish. One day, they choose to wonder why the years have passed them
by. Without a vision My people will perish. You have this life to live, and it
can control you or you can take charge of it. If your days are getting away
from you, make a decision to change how you see the moments that you have. You may say, 'Lord Lord, I would like this for my
life', but you have done nothing with what I have given you. I know your
desires before you ask, and have already placed the necessary steps before you.
You can’t get to the end destination if you have not walked the steps.
you do today will build upon what is needed for tomorrow. You are learning
knowledge and gaining better skills. Think of all of the times you came across
a challenge that you found easier because of a past experience already
traveled. My Goodness is before you. Choose to see all that comes as an
opportunity for My Glory to be seen and known. It is in the difficult times
that I minister to you with intimacy, that often gets overlooked when things
are going well. The burdens that you choose to carry, I Am trying to lift off
of you. I cannot take what you will not give. I did not set your days out to be small or
insignificant. Dream big and just look to see what I will do in and through
you. Many have already decided that they are denied based on some preconceived
formula. Understand that I placed inside of you the desires of My Heart. When
you water what I have given you, you will see it manifest at the predetermined
point in time. I cannot deny what I have already designed specifically for you.
Cast down the lie that race or gender will inhibit you within My Sovereign
Plan. Religion will tell you that these aspects matter, but I do not!
with Me and let’s just see how far we will go together. The world can say that
you have no rights or voice, but I Am the One who will answer all that come
against you. The day of vindication will be ruled in My Courts. Just keep
walking and praising for in due season, even your strongest enemy will be
humbled. I settle all scores, even from those that scream the loudest that
their way is the right way. I will not abandon you. You will never find a
moment that you have to fend for yourself. You have the keys already. Time to
find the doors that they open. There is a Gold mine in your Heart. Do you
believe? Or has the negative words others labeled and claimed you as, stuck in
your mind? I have not asked anyone else their thoughts, opinions, or desires
for your life. I make My plans for you based solely on what I know is your
potential and what I have created you to do and be. No one has more authority
in your destiny than I do.
abandon the mine in search of other treasures and aspirations. Many find that a
thief has come in and taken what they turned away from. Hold Fast to this hour.
I Am doing a New Thing on the inside of you. The Old is passing away. You are
being transformed and brought into a place that is foreign, but one that you
are made for. What you thought about your life, even yesterday, is being
changed and shifted to expose what has been lying in wait all of this time.
What you have struggled with to come out, will now come out with ease. Do not underestimate small beginnings. There
will always be areas, on the inside of who you are, that are at different
levels of growth and maturity. When you fail to water those areas, you stay
stuck. When you let the weeds come in to crowd out the Light, you will stay
stuck. Be Diligent and on Purpose in your daily affairs. Pay attention as you
go about your day. Traps are set, but that does not mean you must fall into
them. Do not go through life asleep. The effort you put forth will yield a
plentiful harvest.
begin as something that would seem like garbage, but through the process, they
become the most cherished of gemstones. Many give up in the process, but I say
stay the course. When you view life as endless days of routines and troubles,
you will banish all that is truly happening for My Glory and Honor. I will
never leave you as I have found you. I have said that you will love how all of
this turns out. Trust the process and let Me have My way in your life. I will
give you meaning to what you travail through. Joy is the Portion that is
growing larger and larger, not sorrow. Are you feeling blown around in the wind
that others create? Just because someone disagrees about something in your life
does not mean they have the authority to speak into your life or that they are
correct. Take some time to go off and talk to Me about it. Do not let emotions
fill you with opinions either. I will share My Heart with you until all
confusion and doubt is gone. People may or may not have
good intentions regarding these matters, but I know the right steps beyond what
others do or do not see.
are forces that desire to keep you rattled and off balance. See through the
fog. You will have the upper hand and advantage point when you take your time
before you respond. No matter what the news report reveals or what the weather
report forecasts, none of that may find your doorstep. I Am here with you, and
I will not leave you. When you wander off to solve your own dilemmas, just remember
how you walked into this situation and how you desire to walk out of it. My
ways are Higher, but I will not force you out of what you have decided upon. I have given you many puzzle pieces to
mysteries that I Am unfolding. Many decide that the puzzle piece is worthless
and toss it. Others can’t make the pieces fit so they toss it. I say, look
again because right before your eyes, what was hidden is being revealed. Years
of deep questions and frustration are coming together in fullness. What made you
bang your fist in anger will come forth in Great Joy. Do not look behind for I
Am right here before you with the keys that you have sought and prayed for.
was is not coming back to you. Walk today in the Glory of My Presence for You
have Arrived, to a point in time, that you have once thought was a myth and
fairy tale. I Am indeed giving your life more meaning than you ever could have
imagined. I Am putting purpose to your suffering and giving you beauty for the
ashes. I Am healing your mind and your heart. Repayment and Compensation is
coming to you with increase. What seemed like a waste will be made over with
great value. You are one step closer and moments away from all that I have been
setting you up for. Hold out your Hands. You are so Loved and You are My
https://www.facebook.com/ReplenishedHope/?fref=ts(Kathy Mote)
23-27 Sep 2016
the depths of your despair, and your darkest moments you cried out for help. I
heard you then, and knew what you had need of. Step by step I have been making
you ready. Brick by brick I am making you into a beautiful building. Though
most days you did not understand, you chose to trust My gentle hands. Your
understanding was withheld, and as I did, in you great faith has been built.
For what does it profit a man to believe what he sees, and receive what he has?
I have given you the greatest of gifts. It is a deep and trusting relationship.
I given you healing deep in a sacred place, where your hurt was secret, and
hidden away. Not even you knew it was there, for you simply kept going, hurt
after hurt, year after year. But I knew the freedom I have called you to, and
the difference between it and you. You do not realize how the hurts and
disappointments crippled you, but today, I have given wings to you! I have given
you freedom, deep in your heart. It feels like a spring breeze in your
emotions. It is for you a fresh new start. It is yours to keep, and the hurt
will never come back. Don't cling to old hurts from the past. Don't look for
that same old path. I delight in seeing you receive this new freedom. It is My
gift to you and I desire for you to have it.
time is not over, it has just begun. Your life is not over, your days are in My
hands. And as you ponder the end of your days, My plan for you is just
beginning. You see, My sweet, My plan for you is great. There are many things
lain out before you, many paths you will take. Let go the things you consider
lost, and don't lament. Compared to My gifts for you, they are dry and pale.
You have lost not one thing in following Me. You have been called to Me, and
now you will be sent. You know in your heart you will come home to Me, but what
you don't know is that I now come to you! There are glorious moments ahead for
you. Moments you wouldn't have dreamed would come true. I have been generous
with the blessings given to you. Your greatest years are now upon you. The time
has come to lay all worry aside, and not pick it up again. Let the rivers of
cleansing wash it away, and joy bubble up from within! Let the rivers of
gladness now flow where waters were once bitter and stagnant. Let the joy of
the Lord be heard in the praise on the lips of His children! Let the beloved
sing of freedom now, instead of despair and heartache! This is the dawning day
of the Lord, and He sings over you with gladness!
is the day of His strong arm, and He comes to you with deliverance! You are the
child that I take delight in. You don't know it yet, because you have known
only rejection. This is what I say to you, I have always taken delight in you.
The enemy has been very jealous of you, and that is why he has pummeled you.
From this day forward I promise you, I will make it up to you! There will no
unclean thing come to you, for My angels will take charge of you. There will be
a deep well opened up for you, and cool refreshing will be poured upon you. I
will see to it that you understand, that there be nothing left of the hurt you
leave behind. You are the child I take delight in, for in all your pain, you
have been shaped by My own hand. Everything you do, you do for Me. Everything
you do is seen by Me. Everything in your life should be between you and Me. You
are in deep and intimate relationship with Me, and everything you do is given
to Me. No matter the cost, it is for Me. I will erase your pain, and make it as
if it had never been. I will relieve you of your burdens as if taking a package
from your hands. Long have you carried this burden, and long have you wept
before Me in frustration. I am not blind to your suffering, and I am not deaf
to your prayers. I looked forward to delivering you, and your time of delivery
is here. Never again will I hear your sweet voice cry out to Me in despair.
am a good Father. I will take your burden and replace it with joy and freedom. The
weight of your feet is too great for your legs! I will make straight your way,
as if it were paved. I will lighten the weight you carry and give you strength!
I will put back the bounce in your step! I am so pleased that you refused to
give up! I will now double your portion, for one who is faithful has double
reward! Consider it done! Consider it finished! Consider it from Me, and
consider it a gift! There is no toil, no dusty road that you have to travel and
walk alone! This is your inheritance, and it is already given! Consider it
yours, for in Me it is finished! There is something that taunts you and rebels
against your faith. There has been a struggle, but there doesn't have to be.
You have gained much ground, although you don't yet see. But now is the time
for your victory! Speak with authority, and it will flee! Tell it to step down,
tell it to leave. Make a decree, and shout it out! This is a simple matter of
choice, so stand your ground!
things that stand against you have no right! Make a joyful noise, for by My
stripes, you are healed and made right! The tests you have been through have
had specific objective: they are training, and in wisdom you will receive them
as My gift. They are for your growth, and to facilitate your promotion. They
are your road to come higher, learn the truth, and give you strength to learn
My ways, which are higher. You have learned to trust, to lay down your desires,
to wait for My Word, and prize My ways above yours. You said, less of me, more
of You, Lord, and because you did, your understanding will be unlimited, your
vision uninhibited. The way to My heart is to lay down your pride, to set aside
your life, to desire My desire. The deeper the bow, the higher you come. You
have been generously promoted, and soon you will know it! You have within you
rare beauty. It is My gift to you for the hardships you have endured. Your
beauty is really for Me to see, for the beauty I see in you is that you are
yielded to Me. I see none fairer than one so sweet, one who trusts and belongs
to Me.
is something that you asked of Me. I now ask you, will you believe, and
receive? The things of torment and worry have no place in the hearts and minds
of My children, and has been taken away. It is your choice to leave this worry
at My feet and turn away receiving with joy your freedom. I invite you, say I
am Lord, and not these things. You have waited on Me, and in answer I have
increased your faith. It is a powerful force that now rises within you. Agree and
receive. To you who can hear Me, get ready to soar. You hear Me and obey Me
without hesitation. When I move, you move, and together we flow. I am taking
you deeper, and together we will soar! There is nothing that will be withheld
from you. As I speak, you will speak, and I will back you. There will be
seamless flow through Me to you. There will be one fluid current through Me and
you. I have already draped over you your new mantle. It is like a coat that
slipped into you. You don't wear it, it's on the inside of you. This is
something long promised to you. It has been My will all along to give this to
you. Many months have I been teaching and training you. Many difficult lessons
have you learned, and I am pleased with you. This is the life I have called you
to. Not the ruined mess the devil has forced upon you.
As My children learn to flow in My leading,
they will speak what I speak, and agree with Me. Through them I will flow, and
glide, and in them My power will abide. And as they learn to abide in Me, faith
will grow, relationship will deepen. As I move in their hearts, so they will
accept what I say, and agree with Me. They will begin to flow through life, not
just follow, but flow and glide. This is the day they will learn to fly, learn
to flow, learn to glide. I move in mysterious ways, and they must abandon old
and structured thinking. I will fill them full of life, and I will guide them!
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009466272463&hc_ref=SEARCH(Glynda Linkous)
23-27 Sep 2016
people, there are dangers from other worlds you know not of. My people are
unaware of dangers that lurk in the darkness around them, and these dangers are
coming to the earth. Find your refuge in Me, children, for there is no power on
earth not of Me that can defeat these powers that are coming. Only those found
in Me will survive. I have anointed you. I have placed in each of My Servants
an anointing of old. Look for what I have given you and you will find it. Are
you anointed as an Abraham? A Joseph? A Deborah? Elijah? My anointing reveals part of what I have
called each of you to do.
I feel the Lord is saying each of His Servants has a touch of the anointing of
someone in the Bible, and if we search – look at the works each of them did, He
will identify which one He has given us.
I desire you would be a people of honor and integrity. I
desire you would show forth My ways in all you do. Do things as I would do
them. I desire that when people would hear your name, they would think
honorable. Few of My people truly walk in integrity in this day and this
grieves My heart greatly. Be not as the Pharisees, as whitewashed tombs, clean
on the outside and dead on the inside. Be as Joseph was, as Daniel – having
excellent spirits and walking in integrity no matter the circumstance. Oh My
people, I desire you would examine your hearts and your lives and live by a
much higher standard than you do now. I desire you would avoid even the
appearance of evil. How can I bless you
if you do not honor Me?
Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put
away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in
Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the
Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the
Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the
That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the
righteous. 21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall
remain in it.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited
sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead
men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 28 Even so ye also outwardly appear
righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an
excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole
2 And
the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house
of his master the Egyptian. 3 And his master saw that the Lord was with him,
and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. 4 And Joseph
found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his
it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off
thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed
because of the anointing.
For I
long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye
may be established;
Hebrews 1:2 “2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;”
Hebrews 11:3 “3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
Sep 2016
"My son, the trials and testings of many will abolish.
Tell My people, all those causing strife and discord, will be left to suffer My
Fathers’ wrath. My son, this is it, the time has come. Many need to repent of
their wrongdoings, and apologize to others NOW.
This is a stern warning to ALL. Stop this immediately and forgive and
forget. The enemy is dividing My children, and many are falling for the
schemes. This saddens Me. This channel is My channel, and many will be held
accountable for their actions. Stop, I
raging, and those of you who do not repent of your wrongdoings, will suffer
harshly. This is your final warning. I’m done with the wicked of this world,
and My Father’s going to send me. I’m mortified. This is utter nonsense, and
I’m very angered and displeased. Warning: this is it, to stop the wickedness
toward others, and repent. Tell My people, many are waiting with great anticipation of
My appearing. Tell My people the Great Gathering is at hand.
Tell them that knowing
in the Spirit is what My Holy Spirit does to prepare My people for that
glorious day. My son, remember when I gave you the message about the ships on
the waters? (Yes, Father, I did.) Tell them this event, the wall of water that
many of my true watchmen have prophesied is at the door. This event will be
triggered by an asteroid hit and catch many off guard. Tell My people, do not
fear what is going to take place. I'm coming for you when these events happen.
Tell My people this is it. Prophecies will happen as My Father sees fit."
Matthew 5:22 KJV: But I say unto you,
That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of
the judgement: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger
of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell
fire. Matthew 7 KJV: [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what
judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall
be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy
brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [4] Or
how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye;
and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the
beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote
out of thy brother's eye. [6] Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,
neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their
feet, and turn again and rend you. [7] Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: [8] For every one
that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it
shall be opened. [9] Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread,
will he give him a stone? [10] Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
[11] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,
how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them
that ask him? [12] Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do
to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. [13] Enter
ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that
leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: [14] Because
strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few
there be that find it. [15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in
sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall know
them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17]
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth
forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth
good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [20] Wherefore by their fruits
ye shall know them. [21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which
is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name
done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew
you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [24] Therefore whosoever heareth
these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built
his house upon a rock: [25] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and
the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded
upon a rock. [26] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth
them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the
sand: [27] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. [28] And it
came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at
his doctrine: [29] For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the
& Dan)
Sep 2016
A Storm is brewing. Many mighty men will perish because of
lack of knowledge. When I called them, they turned away and they followed after
their own lusts. They will try to run and hide from me but they will not be
able to hide. Pray now that you are worthy to withstand the storms great fury
and find protection under my wing. Quiet yourselves, now...Listen! As I speak
to the wind, as I speak to the waves, as I speak to the trees, my instructions
are carried over the earth from nation to nation, a still small voice to be
heard by my Children only. The instructions to LIVE and to find a place of
peace within and comfort for what their eyes shall see. Hearken! You have been called from the beginning to speak of
the end. Evil has tried to slay the Lion of Truth. Your footsteps have been
marked to speak this Truth.
I have surrounded
thee with My angels for no harm shall come to My messenger. You have been
warned that this would be. Your life is not your own. You served My purpose.
You have been chosen to speak of My will. Another shall not follow. Time has
measured men's actions and found most wanting. Satan curses you for he has been
unable to stop you.You bear witness to My glory. The time of darkness is upon
thee. You shall not broken for I shall fortify thee for the battle ahead. The
pride of nations shall be humbled. Let those who hear the Truth speak the
Truth. The halls of justice awaits My final judgement. Who will be found worthy
in My eyes? "
Sep 2016
My children do not be discouraged by the works of the
wicked. They think I do not see their wickedness. I see! They think they can
outwit the one who created them. They mistake my mercy for weakness. They
believe many lies taught by demons. They laugh and sneer at holy things. They
hold no value for life. They hold no value for truth and righteousness. They
will eat the fruit of their wickedness. All will see their guilt and shame.
They will see the mighty hand of their creator. Their evil deeds will not go
unpunished. Their evil plots will come to nothing in the end. So do not be
discouraged. The one whom you serve is in full control. At the appointed time
they will meet with my mighty hand. There will be no escape for those who love
injustice. My terrible hand will be against them. Where will they hide? They
will not escape my fury. My kingdom comes. I will rule with an iron rod. Those
who love justice and righteousness will rule with me. Take delight in my ways.
Stand firm. Be transformed. My might army rises. Who can stand against it. My
kingdom comes, my will shall be done. Shine as lights in this world. Hold your
ground and advance. I am with you.
Timothy 1:16-17, But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the
worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example
for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King
eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and
ever. Amen.
1 Corinthians 8:6, But to us there is but one God,
the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom are all things, and we by him.
Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives
unto the death.
Matthew 24:22, And except those days should be
shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days
shall be shortened.
Daniel 7:25, And he shall speak great words against
the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change
times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times
and the dividing of time.
This Message is from the GREAT I AM! Ruler over all
peoples, nations, tongues, and I AM SOVEREIGN!
I AM Merciful and I AM Compassionate.
I AM sending My Scribe to compose this critical Message. I AM serving you a reminder, Barack Hussein
Obama; I AM has given you your boundaries.
You shall not step a toe past them.
You know WHO I AM! I have
complete and utter control over your father the devil, and I have complete and
utter control over you. Barack, do you
think you can honestly contest with ME?
The ONE WHO created this very universe in and out of time existing? Your fate, which is eternal, is set to MY
SEAL, MY WORD, which is MY SON YESHUA, WHO loves you Barack, for you are God’s
Very Creation. But you are of satan, the
father of lies and a murderer. You know
you will not be able to do as you please with MY CHILDREN! Let FATHER OF ALL THINGS, beings, demons,
entities, all things great, all things small, Creator of the evil and the good;
I shall remind you, that I, GOD ETERNAL will thwart some of your underhanded
and vicious plans towards those who belong to MY SON YESHUA! MY SAINTS will
cling to MY SON, no matter what you may do to them! MY SON defeated your lying and putrid father
and all the army with him! DO NOT FORGET
OF LIFE more abundantly could take your life forever, you are aware of this;
before your appointed time in MY LAKE OF FIRE!
You won’t have very long to be unleashed, and I will keep you on a very
short time constraint; for MY WORD says I will shorten the days for the sake of
MY ELECT! You shall break the backs of
your constituents; yes, you shall, for you are MY FIERY JUDGMENT against a
world who has forgotten WHO I AM! But
you and your father satan hath not forgotten, and you fear MY NAME JEHOVAH
YAHWEH! You shall not enjoy this time
Barack; for you will feel MY GREAT DISPLEASURE AND JUDGMENT UPON YOU! Your time of unraveling has begun! It is allowed, for MY WRATH will not be
quenched until all is fulfilled.
Remember Barack, MY SON YESHUA; for you cower at HIS VERY NAME!!!
THE GREAT I AM has given you your boundaries! I AM has spoken to you, son of perdition; the
lawless one written of in MY WORD to wear out the Saints for just a little
WORD : Open & closed doors, seasons & assignments.
never introduced US
May Dwell, Examine Your Heart to Discover Sins
Need MORE prayers! Sanctify Your Sorrows
Power of Communion Well Received
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25th Sept 2016: Solving the Riddle of Ezekiel's Wheel with Frank Carlisle
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